Today’s issue of Malarkey deals with the innocence of children, or more truthfully the insidious work to see to it there is no innocence for children.
The Left’s War on Innocence |

Molestation Malarkey The Washington Post, which claims to care about scary things happening in darkness, ran an op-ed this week entitled: “Yes, kink belongs at Pride. And I want my kids to see it.’ Oilfield Rando nailed it: “WaPo’s advocating ‘kink for kids’ today, but please, normies, go on thinking right wingers like me are the extremists you need to worry about.” Rando knows that — to the elite media — the most radical leftist is still less scary than any garden variety Republican. What’s Next? –Children’s books promoting wokeness, antiracism, feminism, environmentalism, and activism? Done. -Well, how about a children’s book about abortion? Also exists. Don’t tell me — Dr. Seuss got a gig at Planned Parenthood to redeem himself after cancelation?! -What actually is next is libs and their media demonizing us as paranoid prudes for wondering if normalizing pedophilia is really what’s next. End of The Innocence The Left is clearly going all-in on early brainwashing. There is no such thing as too soon, too much, or age-inappropriate these days. May God bless and protect our little ones. |
Not only do we have this filth, the Commiefornia Gay Men’s Choir sang a song with the phrase; “We are coming for your children.” It, now, turns out that may be more accurate than originally thought, as there are a preponderance of members who are pedophiles.