Tag: IRS

  • Joe Biden Answers the Question His Comms Team Won’t, …

    Joe Biden Answers the Question His Comms Team Won’t, …

    Joe Biden Answers the Question His Comms Team Won’t, Starts Shouting at Reporters Over WhatsApp Message

    Joe Biden was confronted by reporters on Wednesday about whether he was in the room while his son shook down a Chinese official. Surprisingly (or not given Biden’s typically public persona), the president was willing to answer the question his own comms team has been painfully avoiding.

    As RedState previously reported, a WhatsApp message revealed by an IRS Whistleblower (whose testimony has now been partially confirmed by The New York Times) showing Hunter Biden threatening a Chinese official by saying that he was “sitting here with my father.” The president’s troubled son would go on to reiterate that threat, claiming that “the man sitting next to me” will exact vengeance if he isn’t paid and that “I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

    HUNTER BIDEN: I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father

    After being read and pressed on the message by reporters, White House comms leads Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby refused to answer questions about it. Instead, they repeatedly cited a White House Counsel statement that hedged on whether Biden had ever discussed his son’s business dealings, instead saying they weren’t “in business” together.

    Biden has no filter, though, and on Wednesday, he not only fielded a question about the WhatsApp message, but he started shouting at reporters in response.


    That’s an unequivocal denial, and unfortunately, it may be enough if the only evidence is the message itself. There’s no chance Hunter Biden flips on his father, especially after garnering a sweetheart deal regarding his tax and gun crimes (among other possible crimes which weren’t charged at all). That leaves the excuse that this was just a drug-addicted son mouthing off viable, though I don’t personally believe it. Of course, the fact that there’s another message in which Hunter Biden mentions the “Bidens” being in partnership with the Chinese is also notable.

    Regardless, these denials make no sense. What exactly was the “commitment” to “the Chairman” mentioned by Hunter Biden in the first message? What is the “partnership” with the “Bidens” mentioned in the second message? As I’ve said before, the biggest elephant in the room is what Hunter Biden would have had to offer that was worth millions of dollars without his father being involved. The answer is pretty clearly nothing. In short, the allegation that Hunter Biden was flying solo doesn’t begin to add up.

    Lastly, while Biden may be want to hide behind his denial about the WhatsApp message, he can’t hide from where the money went. That is still the key piece of evidence that House investigators have to finish tracking down. The web of shell companies that the Bidens operated makes that a time-consuming affair, with the mere existence of those companies raising serious red flags. Something went on here, and the American people deserve answers.
    Source: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/06/28/joe-biden-answers-the-question-his-comms-team-wont-starts-shouting-at-reporters-over-whatsapp-message-n768471

    New York Times Confirms IRS Whistleblower Claims About US Attorney David Weiss Saying Main Justice Blocked Joe and Hunter Biden Investigation

    June 27, 2023

    At the heart of the IRS whistleblower statements, is a meeting that took place on October 7, 2022, where U.S. Attorney David Weiss told six witnesses that he was not able to pursue a full case against Hunter Biden due to Dept of Justice roadblocks.

    Notes and a contemporaneous email in regard to the explosive meeting were taken by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who then testified to Congress and delivered the evidence which contradicts the statements by Attorney General Merrick Garland and Deputy AG Lisa Monaco.  Shapley’s lawyers documented some of the participants from the meeting on behalf of their client, as they refute the claims of Main Justice (Garland & Monaco):

    Today, buried 21 paragraphs deep in their own reporting, the New York Times now confirms the content of the meeting and the statement by USAO David Weiss.

    [New York Times] – […] in mid-2022, Mr. Weiss reached out to the top federal prosecutor in Washington, Matthew Graves, to ask his office to pursue charges and was rebuffed, according to Mr. Shapley’s testimony.

    A similar request to prosecutors in the Central District of California, which includes Los Angeles, was also rejected, Mr. Shapley testified. A second former I.R.S. official, who has not been identified, told House Republicans the same story. That episode was confirmed independently to The New York Times by a person with knowledge of the situation.

    While Mr. Weiss had the authority to pursue leads that led to jurisdictions other than his own in Delaware, the department’s practices dictated that he secure the approval and cooperation of the U.S. attorneys in those districts before proceeding.

    […] U.S. Attorney Weiss stated that he subsequently asked for special counsel authority from Main D.O.J. at that time and was denied that authority,” he added.

    Mr. Weiss, he said, was then told “to follow D.O.J.’s process.”

    Mr. Shapley did not say if Mr. Weiss told him who had turned down his request to appoint a special counsel, a decision that can only be made by an attorney general under department regulations.

    After Mr. Garland last week denied Mr. Shapley’s account, Mr. Shapley’s lawyer, Mr. Lytle, issued a statement naming six F.B.I. and I.R.S. agents who he said witnessed the exchange, which Mr. Shapley also recorded in a contemporaneous email. (more)

    The IRS whistleblower, Mr. Gary Shapley, is also talking to CBS News.   WATCH:

    Posted: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/06/27/new-york-times-confirms-irs-whistleblower-claims-about-us-attorney-david-weiss-saying-main-justice-blocked-joe-and-hunter-biden-investigation/

    An Observation or Opinion….offered by Joe Biden himself?

  • The IRS Is Growing By…

    The IRS Is Growing By…

    The IRS Is Growing By Numbers And Ammunition

    Sarah Lee for Red State August 10, 2022 4:43 PM ET

    Following the passage of the rather hilariously named Inflation Reduction Act — passed by Senate Democrats with a never-to-be-forgotten tie-breaking yay from VP Harris herself — pundits paying attention told us the news: the new legislation would increase the workforce at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by something like 92%. In plain terms, the Biden administration wants to hire 86,852 new IRS employees.

    It’s not wise, but it is possible. And that is what 50 Senate Democrats, along with tiebreaking Vice President Kamala Harris, did when they passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which gives roughly $80 billion to the IRS between now and 2031. (The name, “Inflation Reduction Act,” was a ruse to convince gullible voters that Democrats are actually doing something about inflation. The bill itself is made up of expensive climate measures, plus prescription drug provisions, tax increases, and the initiative to increase IRS enforcement.)

    For context, a helpful Twitter account gave us an idea of just what that kind of manpower — all dedicated to making sure the federal government gets the money they say you owe them — looks like. Prepare to have your eyes opened…it’ll be uncomfortable.

    That’s a helluva an image. And just in time for football season. Especially when considering that IRS agents housed in the criminal division can be armed. And in a job posting (that has been weirdly deleted but lives on because the internet is forever), the agency is playing up the gun thing. Strange emphasis at a time when the party of gun control holds the levers of power, no?

    The backdrop of this new crime fighting force (what else would you call it?) is news that in 2022, over the course of 4 months, the IRS paid more for ammunition than it had generally spent over the course of entire years under previous administrations.

    On July 1, Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced the “Disarm the IRS Act,” which would prohibit the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from acquiring ammunition.

    Between March 1 and June 1, 2022, the criminal division of the IRS ordered $696,000 in ammunition, the IRS told VERIFY in an email.

    The order was for the IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) division, which is a federal law enforcement agency that conducts criminal investigations including tax violations, money laundering, cyber crimes, and organized crime involving drugs and gangs. There are more than 2,000 sworn special agents in the division.

    “Many of these cases are typically worked in conjunction with other state and federal law enforcement agencies. IRS-CI special agents have been carrying firearms throughout the more than 100-year history of the agency, and have found themselves dealing with some of the most dangerous criminals,” an IRS spokesperson told VERIFY.

    And of course it’s wise to believe, despite protestations from the White House press conference podium, that all this firepower is intended for more than just keeping the small number of ultra-wealthy paying their “fair share.”

    After all, the ACTUAL federal police force isn’t doing so well after making the overzealous decision to raid a former President’s home in what looks like a frighteningly political move. And, should the GOP regain power in November, the FBI — unless they come us with a really compelling reason unconnected to what looks like Democrat leadership intimidation tactics — may find themselves scattered to the wind.

    Are Democrats laying the groundwork to replace a too-corrupted FBI with a newly armed IRS? As always with politics, Americans will have to wait and see. There’s little else to be done at the current moment. But the question, while we’re waiting for the real answer is: would you put it past them? Most Americans, watching events play out over the last few years, wouldn’t either.

    Frankly, it is very questionable as to which is worse; an army of armed IRS agents or the politicalized FBI.

  • Biden Budget Plan Provision Would Let IRS …

    Biden Budget Plan Provision Would Let IRS …

    Biden Budget Plan Provision Would Let IRS Look Into Virtually Everyone’s Bank Account

    People didn’t put up enough of a fight when the Democrats tried to grab President Donald Trump’s private tax information. They were trying to do that for a fishing expedition, not based upon any specific action of wrongdoing. When his information was improperly leaked, nobody seemed to care enough to prosecute that, either.

    The problem is when you go down that slippery slope, it starts to get more slippery pretty fast.

    Now, the Biden team wants not just to look into Trump’s account, but into the accounts of virtually every American, as well.

    As part of their budget plan, they want to empower the IRS to be able to look into the account of any American with at least $600 in inflow/or outflow in the year, imposing a requirement on the banks to report such information, which is pretty much any adult.

    From WFAA:

    Financial institutions would be responsible for reporting your withdrawals and deposits – breaking down physical cash, transactions with a foreign account and transfers to and from another account with the same owner. This would apply to all business and personal accounts with at least $600 in it.

    According to the testimony, the purpose of this plan would be to “…improve tax administration and provide the IRS with a blueprint to address various facets of the tax gap.”

    The plan however has been met with major criticism. Arkansas Congressman Steve Womack joined other lawmakers in writing a letter expressing their concern with the data collection proposal saying, “The requirements of this proposal would impose significant compliance costs on our banks, credit unions, and related financial institutions, but also infringe on the privacy of millions of Americans.”

    Listen as Joe Biden tries to explain it.

    So, he just wants to know what’s going into and out of the accounts of the “super wealthy.” Not because there’s any evidence of wrongdoing or a warrant, but just because he thinks he wants to do it. Forget about the Fourth Amendment — the government is entitled to people’s private information because they’re “wealthy.” Oh, and now, the “super wealthy” apparently includes anyone who has at least $600 going into or out of their account in a year.

    Now, it’s one thing to ask for account information, when you have probable cause. It’s quite another when the banks are reporting the information on everyone without cause to the government. As we’ve seen in the past under the Obama-Biden administration, there were all kinds of questions about the IRS being used politically against people of the other party. Like many Obama scandals, folks who should have been prosecuted for doing that never were.

    So what prevents that from happening again, if the IRS now would have the private bank records of virtually every American? Just one more reason that Biden’s budget plan is an unimaginable power grab for the Democrats.
    September 19, 2021 – Nick Arama – https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/09/19/biden-budget-plan-provision-would-let-irs-look-into-virtually-everyones-bank-account-n445176

    Comment/Opinion: In order to implement their New World Order, they don’t simply need control of the guns; they also require control of the “cash”. You may care to do a bit of reading on “bail-ins”

    The Cyprus Bank ‘Bail-In’ Is Another Crony Bankster Scam
    A new strategy has been unveiled around the world, with the first test run in Cyprus. Despite early denials, the “bail-in” strategy for insolvent banks has already become official policy throughout Europe and internationally as well.


  • Judge Rules…..Clinton Foundation Can Proceed

    Judge Rules…..Clinton Foundation Can Proceed

    Federal Judge Rules Whistleblower Case Against Clinton Foundation Can Proceed

    A federal judge on Oct. 8 ruled that a whistleblower complaint against the Clinton Foundation can proceed, saying that the IRS “abused its discretion” in attempting to dismiss allegations of wrongdoing by the nonprofit organization.

    U.S. Tax Court Judge David Gustafson last week found that the complaint, brought by whistleblowers Lawrence Doyle—a corporate tax compliance expert, and John Moynihan—a former Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) official, “provided ‘specific credible documentation’ supporting their allegations” that the Clinton Foundation potentially evaded paying taxes on millions if not billions of dollars.

    The judge struck down the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) request for a summary motion. He said that its Whistleblower Office (WBO) was wrong in denying the whistleblowers’ claims based on an email from the agency’s Criminal Investigation (CI) office that said the complaint was closed.

    The record “fails to support the WBO’s conclusion that CI had not proceeded with any action based on petitioners’ information. Accordingly, we deny the motion on the grounds that the WBO abused its discretion in reaching its conclusion, because not all of its factual determinations underlying that conclusion are supported by that record,” Gustafson wrote.

    Gustafson also said that based on evidence, he had reason to believe that the FBI was involved in an IRS investigation. He cited information contained within IRS records that had until now been kept secret from the public, in which Doyle and Moynihan discuss their contacts with law enforcement officials.

    Epoch Times Photo
    Lawrence Doyle (L) and John Moynihan testify before the House Subcommittee on Government Operations on Dec. 13, 2018. (Screenshot/NTD)

    “The FBI in [redacted] has thanked us profusely and praised our report excessively. As one individual close to the investigation commented to me, ‘you and your colleagues have saved numerous federal agents thousands of hours of work,’” the judge quoted in his ruling.

    The two financial investigators said they first submitted their complaints that they believe show the nonprofit, founded by Bill and Hillary Clinton, evaded taxes, to the IRS office in Ogden, Utah, in August 2017. They told a House subcommittee on government operations in December 2018 that they had submitted thousands of documents to the IRS.

    Doyle and Moynihan looked at the foundation’s tax returns, other publicly available data, and interviewed several foundation employees. They tried to match what was being spent on charitable giving and how much was set aside for things such as travel, salaries, and administration expenses.

    Among other things, they found that about 60 percent of the foundation’s income was spent on things like salaries, travel, and grants. Moynihan said he believed a good charity would only spend about 15 percent on such things.

    Rather than a charity, Doyle and Moynihan called the foundation a “closely held partnership.”

    Further, they said they reviewed some emails that showed the Clintons had been approved to accept funds for Bill Clinton’s presidential library but were in talks with potential donors about health programs that weren’t part of the library’s mission, according to the articles of incorporation.

    Epoch Times Photo
    Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton in Las Vegas on Feb. 19, 2016. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

    Based on their research, Doyle and Moynihan believe the Clintons owe taxes on between $400 million and $2.5 billion; if the IRS finds that the foundation isn’t a charity, its donors might also be liable for taxes owed on their contributions. They also said that, while not looking for this specifically, they did find instances of “pay-to-play” behavior between the donors, the foundation, and Hillary Clinton’s position as secretary of state, which she held from 2009 to 2013.

    Based on an interview with a former employee, they said Bill Clinton regularly “mixed and matched, on an ongoing basis, his business with that of the foundation.”

    In the whistleblowers’ latest filing, they have requested court permission to take a deposition from Jimmy Corley, the chief of accounting compliance for Arkansas. According to Just the News, the request has been sealed by the court.

    The Epoch Times reached out to Corley for comment, but didn’t immediately hear back.
    BY ISABEL VAN BRUGEN October 14, 2020 Updated: October 14, 2020

    Comment: I intend to push just as hard for the Clinton crimes & their International cohorts to be brought to justice & reported; as it relates to human trafficking. Quite frankly – I’m maxed on the “pretty” people.