Tag: Joe Manchin

  • Joe Manchin May Be About to Get His Revenge on Democrats Who Betrayed Him

    Joe Manchin May Be About to Get His Revenge on Democrats Who Betrayed Him

    AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

    Bonchie | RedState

    Sen. Joe Manchin’s decision to provide the deciding vote on the farcically-named Inflation Reduction Act has proved fateful. Once a unicorn within the Democratic Party, enjoying broad Republican support in his state of West Virginia, Manchin threw all that goodwill away in a misguided attempt to play the hero.

    According to reports at the time, left-wing Sen. Chris Coons convinced his colleague that he could “hit a homer in the ninth inning” and pacify the radicals who had been attacking him all year. The results were predictable.

    Promises made to Manchin by his own party members on permitting reform weren’t honored while the White House once again waged war on the coal industry. Meanwhile, the far-left gave Manchin no quarter, continuing to publicly oppose his attempts at bipartisanship at every turn.

    By April, things had gotten so bad that the senator started signaling that he no longer even supported the Inflation Reduction Act. Then there were the little jabs, such as Joe Biden mocking Manchin during a speech in June and calling him a “friend,” a political death sentence in the deep red state the senator hails from.

    Perhaps some revenge is on the table, though?

    Senator Joe Manchin is headed to New Hampshire next week for an event with No Labels as the group looks to run a third-party candidate in next year’s presidential election and frantic Democrats are trying to stop it out of fears it could siphon off votes from Joe Biden to hand Donald Trump a victory.

    Manchin, a former honorary co-chair of the group, will be the headliner of the gathering along with former Republican Governor of Utah Jon Huntsman at the townhall meeting, which will take place Monday, July 17th, at Saint Anselm’s College in Manchester, No Labels told DailyMail.com.

    Democrats have been spooked by the effort from No Labels, an organization that promotes centrist, bi-partisan policies and politics, to give Americans another option on the 2024 presidential ballot.

    No Labels is a centrist group led by former Republican Jon Huntsman (who you may recall from the 2012 race) that has been wooing Manchin for the better part of a year in an attempt to get him to run as their third-party candidate. This isn’t some fly-by-night organization, either. They’ve got real resources and donors, and Democrats are terrified of what it could mean for 2024.

    What should be more concerning for the far-left is that Manchin has nothing to lose. It looks increasingly unlikely that he’ll run for re-election to the US Senate, given Jim Justice’s entry into the race as a heavy favorite. Presidential campaigns are lucrative on multiple levels. Why wouldn’t Manchin want to jet around the country, presenting himself as the moderate alternative to the two-party system?

    Obviously, he wouldn’t win. But if Manchin takes even 2-3 percent of the vote, it could heavily affect who wins the presidential race. I actually suspect he could do better than that, given his name recognition and the statistical unpopularity of the two current front-runners. The people who would vote for Manchin are likely to be center-left independents who wouldn’t vote Republican anyway, and that’s what has Democrats so thoroughly spooked.

    Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not back on Manchin’s side by any means. I think he sold his political career down the river by betraying Republicans who had trusted his word. But if Manchin is going to wave the white flag in West Virginia, as he should given the odds, perhaps he can be useful. I’m all for him sticking it to Biden in 2024 for how he was treated.

    Original Here

  • Manchin Shows How Bereft of Sense Biden Is Right Before SOTU

    Manchin Shows How Bereft of Sense Biden Is Right Before SOTU

    By Nick Arama | RedState

    What’s astounding about Joe Biden and some of the Democrats is that they are still refusing to acknowledge how his bad policies have led to this situation with Russia invading Ukraine. Perhaps more importantly for our own country, he fails to understand how these bad policies have put us in a box and made us more dependent not just on foreign oil but on Russian oil specifically.

    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said it in a nutshell, “Joe Biden becoming president is the best thing to happen to Vladimir Putin.” He helped Russia get their Nord Stream 2 pipeline completed and he cut our energy production ability into the bargain, two things that Russia couldn’t want more. Meanwhile, our buying of Russian oil increased under Joe Biden, with us still reportedly buying 595,000 barrels a day, even now, after they’ve invaded.

    So what did the administration say in response to this? Are they planning to do anything to change that? Nope.

    As we reported before, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki indicated they weren’t planning on making any changes to increase American production and she reiterated that over the past couple of days on ABC “This Week” on Sunday and then on Fox. She just says that we should reduce our need for oil.

    Now, you wouldn’t want sanctions to affect Americans more than Russians, but she’s not saying they’re going to make any effort at all to move away from Russian oil and produce more of our own. That’s madness, especially given the stark reality of what that oil dependence can lead to.

    But now, while the White House is still refusing delivery on reality and is going to try to spin some kind of tale to the American public tonight about how wonderful everything is, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) — the sane Democrat — isn’t buying it. Manchin is calling for Biden to ban all Russian crude oil imports.

    “It makes no sense at all for the United States to be buying millions of barrels of Russian oil and other petroleum products while Russia attacks the free and sovereign nation of Ukraine,” the West Virginia senator tweeted on Tuesday. [….]

    Russia provided more oil to the U.S. than any other country except Canada last year, U.S. Energy Information Administration data showed. In total, the U.S. imported nearly 3 billion barrels of oil, or roughly 670,000 barrels per day, from Russia in 2021.

    Manchin, who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee said that this dependence posed a national security threat and he called for increasing domestic production.

    “The entire world is watching as Vladimir Putin uses energy as a weapon in an attempt to extort and coerce our European allies,” Manchin said in a statement Monday. “While Americans decry what is happening in Ukraine, the United States continues to allow the import of more than half a million barrels per day of crude oil and other petroleum products from Russia during this time of war.

    “This makes no sense at all and represents a clear and present danger to our nation’s energy security,” he said. “If there was ever a time to be energy independent, it is now.”

    Of course, that makes a lot of sense. Manchin says he wants to hear a plan from Biden to deal with inflation and deal with these issues. That should be the message that Biden delivers. But chances that Joe Biden will listen to Manchin’s sense? No chance at all. As we previously noted, they’re still talking with Russia about things like climate change and not cutting that off. Priorities.

    Biden should listen to Manchin, but of course, he won’t. He is completely in the pocket of the left which means he will do this country in if it means bowing to their climate narrative. You may hear a tip of the hat to how he cares about prices going up for Americans — yet he will do nothing to make it stop or move us back to the independence that we had under President Donald Trump.

    Original Here

  • Manchin May Have Just Dealt Fatal Blow to …

    Manchin May Have Just Dealt Fatal Blow to …

    Manchin May Have Just Dealt Fatal Blow to Biden’s Dreams for Build Back Better

    Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is talking about the new CBO score that came in on Friday on the Build Back Better bill and he’s not at all happy.

    While the Biden team has been falsely pitching that the bill was going to be fully paid for, the CBO revealed the true costs if the social programs they were planning became permanent. The way they’re trying to hide the true cost of the bill is only putting in the cost of the programs for a couple of years. The CBO score revealed the true cost if the programs were kept. It would cost nearly $5 trillion and add $3 trillion to the nation’s debt if it remains in effect through 2031.

    As we reported, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was furious at the CBO for being honest, calling the report “fake,” saying they weren’t scoring on the real bill. But then Fox’s Peter Doocy asked her if it’s “fake,” which programs did Biden intend to cut in the future if she’s saying it’s not real and she refused to say. She was caught and had no answer to an excellent question. She also couldn’t get around the fact that Biden has praised the CBO in the past as the “gold standard” for assessing such bills.

    Manchin obviously wasn’t taken in by the posturing from the White House. He called the newest numbers “very sobering.”

    “Inflation is real. It’s not transitory. It’s alarming. It’s going up, not down. And I think that should be something we’re concerned about. And geopolitical fallout,” Manchin, D-W.Va., said, referencing Russia’s buildup of troops on Ukraine’s border.

    Manchin said he was “very concerned.”


    In a key warning sign, Manchin told CNN the bill should not rely on temporary spending that lawmakers will face pressure to extend. “I don’t think that’s a fair evaluation of saying we are going to spend X amount of dollars but then we are going to have to depend on coming back and finding more money … I’m concerned about paying down debt too,” he said.

    Manchin made it very clear he doesn’t think there’s any rush to try to come to an agreement.

    Manchin had a conversation with Joe Biden about the numbers and inflation yesterday. On Monday evening, after he met with Biden, he was asked if he thought that the bill could be passed this year and he didn’t sound encouraging for it, saying “anything is possible.” But he said the bill should be “within the limits of what we can afford.” Manchin also said the CBO was “non-partisan” and “they’re going to give us the facts whether we like it or not” and “you might as well look at the whole ball of wax if you will.”

    Manchin’s big thing right down the line has been the cost and now he’s facing the truth that the $1.75 trillion number they were pitching him is just a smokescreen to hide the real future costs. He’s not buying the White House argument here, and he’s looking at the real costs. It’s very clear that he’s putting the brakes on this and while he’s not outright walking away, he’s not seeing it getting done with the numbers the way they are anytime soon and it surely doesn’t sound like it’s meeting Biden’s dreams of before Christmas if anything at all gets passed. They keep trying to slip this by him but he’s just not going for it.
    December 14, 2021 By: Nick Arama https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/12/14/manchin-may-have-just-dealt-fatal-blow-to-bidens-dreams-for-build-back-better-n491010