Shana Chappell, Grieving Mother of Marine Kareem Nikoui Killed in Kabul, …

Shana Chappell, Grieving Mother of Marine Kareem Nikoui Killed in Kabul, Has Facebook and Instagram Accounts…

Centcom Responds to Reports of Biden Authorized U.S. Drone Strike Near Kabul

Centcom Responds to Reports of Biden Authorized U.S. Drone Strike Near Kabul Airport Killing Innocents Including…

Suicide Bombing At Kabul Airport

Featured image: The Abbey gate of HKIA just before the bombing. At 0841 EDT, 1711 local…

Nothing Says ‘Highly Organized’ Like Two Congressmen Visiting Kabul

Nothing Says ‘Highly Organized’ Like Two Congressmen Visiting Kabul and No One Telling the White House…

U.S. Embassy in Kabul Sends Out Thousands of Blank VISA Documents

U.S. Embassy in Kabul Sends Out Thousands of Blank VISA Documents Which Are Easy to Falsify…