Tag: Kamala Harris

  • Shades of Someone

    Shades of Someone

    There is a video of Kamala Harris giving a speech kicking around the innerwebz today. The first time I saw it, there was a certain familiarity but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Take a look and tell me what it reminds you of:


    At first I thought it might be familiar because it is the same speech she’s been giving for the past few weeks.


    But that wasn’t it. After watching it a few more times, it came to me. She looked, sounded and moved like a certain Bavarian Corporal.

    I mean, she’s wearing the same color jacket, has very similar gestures and delivers her lines with a similar cadence and emphasis. I was not the only one who recognized the similarity.


    And she has the nerve to call Trump Hitler. . .

  • Hit Me Baby One More Time

    Hit Me Baby One More Time

    A few days ago I wrote about the Los Angeles Times forgoing a Presidential endorsement this year. Well, they aren’t the only major lefty rag to do so.

    The Washington Post has decided not to endorse any candidate for President this year. It is unclear if this decision came from Jeff Bezos, who owns the paper or from the Publisher Will Lewis. Lewis released a statement earlier today that reads in part:

    The Washington Post will not be making an endorsement of a presidential candidate in this election. Nor in any future presidential election. We are returning to our roots of not endorsing presidential candidates….”


    The meltdown by the left has been glorious. Take this one from Karen Attiah, a columnist for the paper:


    And this one from the writer who claimed there was a far-right militia hunting FEMA people in North Carolina:


    Several other WaPo writers and editors have similar posts on X and other social media sites. Then there are the responses from ‘regular’ lefties, those unconnected with the Washington Post. Seems Olberman is having a normal one:


    Here’s dumbass Obama-bro Ben Rhodes take. Fair warning, It’s as dumb as you’d expect:


    I should note that Kagan is married to Victoria Nuland, who was hips deep in Ukraine under Obama.


    I’m not sure that these high profile endorsements mean anything when it comes to electoral politics. They do not really sway voters all that much, especially now in the era of highly partisan media outlets. That said, the fact that WaPo has declined to endorse Kamala is a big-ish deal, bigger than the LA Times snub.

  • It Was A Trainwreck

    It Was A Trainwreck

    For those who don’t know, Kamala Harris did a live-to-tape interview with Bret Baier of Fox News today. That is, the interview was pre-recorded but broadcast in it’s entirety without edits or breaks.

    To say it didn’t go all that well would be a major understatement. From the start, Harris tried to spin her usual word salad and Bret was not having it. The very first question was about the border and the Biden/Harris policies that have lead to unchecked illegal immigration:


    Continuing on the immigration issue, Baier brought up Jocelyn Nungaray, Laken Riley, and Rachel Morin. Harris then brought up Trump and deflected from her and Joe’s policies at the border.


    The fact that she refused to offer an apology to those families was a bad look for Harris.

    The next clip I’m going to share was actually tweeted out by the Harris HQ account. They seemed to think this was a win.


    The simple fact is, nearly 80% of the country thinks we’re headed in the wrong direction. Currently, as in right now, 80%. Not some wish-casting, time travelling 80% from 3 1/2 years ago.

    Then there’s this one, where Kamala tries the same stuff she got away with in all her other ‘interviews’. Needless to say, it didn’t work here.


    The last clip I’m going to share from the interview is probably the line that causes the Harris campaign staff the most heartburn.


    Yah Kammie, you DO have to take responsibility for what your administration did.

    And we’ll close with these two clips, which aired after the interview. in the first, Baier explains that Harris showed up 15 minutes late and in the second he explains they wanted to wrap earlier than agreed.


    I don’t think there’s any way you could spin this as a win for Harris. She appeared unprepared, unable to answer the simplest question, and probably worst of all, angry and thin-skinned.

    Election Day is less than three weeks away. Try to get someone you know who doesn’t usually vote to go vote. There needs to be a major effort to make the outcome too big to steal.

  • Who Is Kamala Harris

    Who Is Kamala Harris

    Who Is Kamala Harris?

    Matthew ContinettiSeptember 2024 Issue Commentary.org

    On July 30, Kamala Harris released the first TV ad of her presidential campaign. The 60-second spot, titled “Fearless,” leans heavily on biography. The narrator begins with Harris’s career as a prosecutor, when she locked up “murderers and abusers.” There’s a mention of her tenure as California state attorney general and her fight against “the big banks.” Harris’s years as vice president, we are told, have been spent controlling the price of insulin. We hear a quote from one of her recent speeches. “This campaign,” Harris says, “is about who we fight for.”

    The commercial is noteworthy for what it excludes. It leaves out Harris’s four years in the U.S. Senate, when she compiled a voting record that put her in the same company as the far-left Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The ad doesn’t mention her calamitous run for president in 2020, when she called for the abolition of private health insurance, the decriminalization of border crossings, and the passage of the economy-crushing Green New Deal, then dropped out two months before Iowa. The name of the man for whom Harris has served as vice president also goes unuttered in the television spot, but that’s understandable: At this writing, according to Real Clear Politics, President Biden has an average job approval rating of 41 percent.

    “Fearless,” then, is a giant step in Kamala Harris’s ongoing redefinition, her miraculous transformation from political liability to electoral juggernaut. As I write, it’s 10 days since Joe Biden left the presidential race, and in that brief time she has tried to change her positions, drop the baggage, and pretend that she’s never met this Biden guy. It’s clear that Harris wants to be perceived, in her latest guise, as a Democrat who is tough on crime, and a populist eager to take on Wall Street and Big Pharma. She wants to go forward, not back, toward freedom, not fear, and blah blah blah. The ad skims across a surface of generalities. Harris never says whom, exactly, she fights for. She never says what, concretely, she would do as president.

    But her actions provide clues. In her first week, Harris not only racked up endorsements and cash. She also made decisions that tell us more about her politics and her instincts than any slickly produced TV spot. Whether the subject is Israel or the Supreme Court, Harris has aligned with forces in the Democratic Party pushing a left-wing agenda. Like Biden, she masks radical change behind a genial, moderate smile. Unlike Biden, she has no discernible physical or mental infirmities and can read a teleprompter without struggle. That makes her more competitive with Donald Trump—and more dangerous.

    When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress on July 24, for example, Vice President Harris was nowhere to be seen. She and roughly half of the Democrats serving in Congress skipped Netanyahu’s speech, in protest or in fear of the consequences of associating with Israel amid rising anti-Semitism in their party. Harris chose instead to visit Indianapolis, where she addressed the Grand Boulé of Zeta Phi Beta, a historically black sorority. While there, she praised Joe Biden and called him, presumably with a straight face, a “leader with bold vision.” She cast the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 as “extreme.” Above all, she basked in the adoration of the crowd. “So let us continue to fight with optimism, with faith, and with hope,” Harris said. “Because when we fight, we win.”

    If only she had the same attitude toward Israel’s fight against Hamas, Hezbollah, and the terror masters in Tehran. The next afternoon in Washington, Harris greeted Netanyahu by saying, like a teacher to an unruly student, “We have a lot to talk about.” When the talk was over, Harris appeared alone before the cameras. “Israel has a right to defend itself,” she said, “and how it does so matters.” The formulation was odd. Israel’s right to self-defense should be self-evident. And the second half of the sentence implies that Israel’s response to the October 7, 2023, atrocities has not met her unspecified standards.

    Still, Harris said she supported Israel. She read aloud the names of the five Americans that Hamas holds captive. That was good. The rest of her remarks, not so much. She suggested that Netanyahu, not Hamas, is responsible for the devastation in Gaza, and she adopted the pro-Hamas framing of massive, indiscriminate civilian casualties and widespread “food insecurity.” She suggested that Netanyahu, not Hamas, is the real obstacle to a hostage deal and proclaimed that the “war in Gaza is not a binary issue.”

    In fact, there is no more binary issue in the world today than a democratic nation retaliating against a genocidal terrorist organization that rapes and murders innocents, hides behind hospitals and schools, and burrows underground. Harris’s reluctance to adopt the moral clarity of her Democratic colleagues Senator John Fetterman and Representative Richie Torres, and her bathetic equivalence of “anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and hate of any kind,” ought seriously to disturb supporters of Israel—and of America.

    A few days later, President Biden took to the op-ed page of the Washington Post to announce his planned renovation of the U.S. Constitution. Angered by recent Supreme Court decisions on abortion and presidential immunity—while saying nothing of the numerous cases on which the Court agrees unanimously—and triggered by a flurry of spurious charges of ethical impropriety against two conservative justices, Biden proposed several drastic countermeasures.

    He unveiled a new “No One Is Above the Law” amendment to the Constitution, which would overrule the Court’s decision in Trump v.United States and “make clear that there is no immunity for crimes a former president committed while in office” (details to follow). He proposed a system of Supreme Court term limits in which a president “would appoint a justice every two years to spend 18 years in active service on the Supreme Court.” And he demanded “a binding code of conduct” for the Supreme Court.

    The reforms are the most daring assault on the separation of powers and judicial independence since the Court-packing scheme of 1937. Finally, Biden has something in common with FDR.

    His ideas are hypocritical—note that only at the end of Biden’s 50-year career does he embrace term limits, and then for someone else. His ideas are also unconstitutional, unworkable, and, with a GOP-controlled House of Representatives, dead on arrival. Biden’s Court proposal isn’t high-minded or considered or realistic or connected to the rule of law. It’s a payoff to the left wing of his party. It’s a bid to mobilize the Democratic base this November.

    Vice President Harris signed on immediately. The Biden scheme, she said in a statement, would “restore confidence in the Court, strengthen our democracy, and ensure no one is above the law.” On the contrary: Biden’s refurbished Court would be more politicized than before, more partisan, and more riven by accusations of corruption. And Biden’s fantasy immunity amendment would make it more likely that former presidents would face bankruptcy or jail for contentious decisions made in the crucible of high office.

    When you shift your gaze from Harris’s “Fearless” ad and the wall-to-wall positive media coverage of her campaign rollout and look at Harris’s treatment of Netanyahu and her reckless approach to the Supreme Court, a more accurate picture of her begins to emerge. A Harris presidency would be as incompetent and as unpleasant as Joe Biden’s, but even, if you can imagine, farther to the left.

    Who is Kamala Harris? She’s afraid we might find out.

    Photo: AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

  • Flashback:  VP Harris’ response to migrant crisis borders on the absurd

    Flashback: VP Harris’ response to migrant crisis borders on the absurd

    VP Harris’ response to migrant crisis borders on the absurd: Devine

    It’s humiliating for the president that almost three weeks since he appointed Kamala Harris as his border point woman, she still hasn’t visited the disaster zone, come up with a plan or held a press conference on the migrant crisis. 

    Instead, she’s visited a water treatment plant in California and a bakery in Chicago, where the press pool reported on her sweet tooth last week. 

    “Her favorite is German chocolate, and [she] gets that for her birthday each year, and her staff had pre-ordered a slice for her. The bakery’s specialty is caramel cake, and she said she was looking forward to that too.” 

    Riveting stuff. 

    Meantime, the self-inflicted humanitarian tragedy at the southern border has spiraled out of control, opinion polls are heading south, the Biden appointee in charge has abruptly resigned, El Salvador’s president has refused to meet the visiting US envoy, and the VP is defying her boss and staying far away from the stinking mess to protect her reputation. 

    But while the pair play “pass the parcel,” the vacuum of leadership is only fueling a humanitarian catastrophe. 

    President Biden knew when he appointed Harris to manage the crisis on March 24 that it was a poison chalice, which gives you a hint of the growing wariness in a relationship where the VP is referred to by insiders as “The Heiress” and Biden is regarded as incapable of serving a full term. 

    The White House announced at the time that Harris would “lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle … in stemming the migration to our southern border.” 

    But, when asked when she planned to go to the border, Harris responded with hysterical laughter. “Not today,” she chortled. 

    “The vice president is not doing the border,” her spokeswoman Symone Sanders told reporters two days later. 

    Instead, Harris would be addressing the “root causes” of the surge in migration. To that end, she’s made two phone calls to regional leaders. 

    But the only root cause that matters is to restore Trump-era border protection measures that Biden unwound by executive decree: Restore the “Remain in Mexico” policy for asylum seekers, restart deportation of criminal aliens, finish the border wall and stop making children bait for cartels. 

    Biden has tried to claim the border surge is just a seasonal uptick, but numbers are soaring exponentially. Last month alone, 19,000 children were recorded crossing the border, double the previous month. The government reportedly anticipates more than 35,000 migrant children will need to be cared for by June. 

    Instead, Harris would be addressing the “root causes” of the surge in migration. To that end, she’s made two phone calls to regional leaders. 

    But the only root cause that matters is to restore Trump-era border protection measures that Biden unwound by executive decree: Restore the “Remain in Mexico” policy for asylum seekers, restart deportation of criminal aliens, finish the border wall and stop making children bait for cartels. 

    Biden has tried to claim the border surge is just a seasonal uptick, but numbers are soaring exponentially. Last month alone, 19,000 children were recorded crossing the border, double the previous month. The government reportedly anticipates more than 35,000 migrant children will need to be cared for by June. 

    This is Biden’s Operation Warp Speed: How to ruin a country in 100 days. 

    So desperate is the administration that government employees quietly are being offered four months’ paid leave from their jobs to help care for migrant children in shelters at the border, reports the New York Times. 

    But the White House won’t even acknowledge there is a problem.

    On Friday, press secretary Jen Psaki spent more than double the time talking about the Ukrainian border than America’s southern border: 262 words versus 94. 

    “The reason for accepting these children is that we feel it is not the humane step to send these kids back on their treacherous journey,” she said, as if the atrocities being committed in our name are compassionate. 

    Later that afternoon, the White House issued a statement that Roberta Jacobsen, the White House coordinator for the southern border, had resigned. 

    She must be the only person in the administration with a conscience.

    The Biden family biz? Nepotism

    As Hunter Biden has his reputation laundered by a fawning media, his abandoned laptop reveals the extent of entitlement and privilege long enjoyed by President Biden’s family and vigorously exploited by his crack-loving son
    Continued: https://nypost.com/2021/04/11/vp-harris-response-to-migrant-crisis-is-absurd-devine/

    Comment: This article is from April 11 and some journalist’s like Miranda Devine with the New York Post are not prepared to drink or deliver the Biden Administration’s koolaid. And although it is April 27; it would appear there are no updates or changes from two weeks ago.

  • Venting – Contagious Gaffe or Dark Winter?

    Venting – Contagious Gaffe or Dark Winter?

    Initially, when Joe Biden stated during a a campaign speech on September 20, in Philadelphia that 200 million Americans had died, probably by the end of his speech from the COVID-19 and it was all Donald Trump’s fault. Everyone scoffed and laughed and said “poor Joe, he really is loosing it”…..as, we all recalled only months earlier on June 25, during a campaign event in Pennsylvania, Joe had stated the following:

    “People don’t have a job, people don’t know where to go, they don’t know what to do,” he said. “Now we have over 120 million dead from COVID.”

    Then, along came Kamala Harris and during one of her campaign stops in Charlotte, North Carolina on October 19, she too stated 220 million Americans had died. Same script writer? Up’d Joe’s bid from 200 to 220? Or is she just as cray cray as her running mate?


    Then, we come to the final debate, this past Thursday, October 22 between former VP Joe Biden and President Donald Trump held at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. At which time, Joe Biden states not once, but twice “it’s going to be a dark winter. Ok, now the alarm bells are ringing for me. Why not?…. a cold winter, a long winter, or a heavy snow fall winter….no, no no…..it’s a dark winter.

    So a quick look using any other search engine but Google, gives me this return…….

    Operations Dark Winter (per Wiki)
    Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted from June 22–23, 2001.[1][2][3] It was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread smallpox attack on the United States. Tara O’Toole and Thomas Inglesby of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (CCBS) / Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and Randy Larsen and Mark DeMier of Analytic Services were the principal designers, authors, and controllers of the Dark Winter project.

    Dark Winter’s simulated scenario involved an initial localized smallpox attack on Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with additional smallpox attack cases in Georgia and Pennsylvania. The simulation was then designed to spiral out of control. This would create a contingency in which the National Security Council struggles to determine both the origin of the attack as well as deal with containing the spreading virus. By not being able to keep pace with the disease’s rate of spread, a new catastrophic contingency emerges in which massive civilian casualties would overwhelm America’s emergency response capabilities.

    The disastrous contingencies that would result in the massive loss of civilian life were used to exploit the weaknesses of the U.S. health care infrastructure and its inability to handle such a threat. The contingencies were also meant to address the widespread panic that would emerge and which would result in mass social breakdown and mob violence. Exploits would also include the many difficulties that the media would face when providing American citizens with the necessary information regarding safety procedures.

    Would anyone care to ask me how excited I am, about the potential of this crazy, creepy, senile C’mon man having access to the nuclear button in our NEAR future or his sidekick the sleezy, breezy de Ville.

    Have a nice day, sheeple !!!

    VOTE REPUBLICAN EVERYONE – PLEASE !! (asking for a friend from the north)

  • Harris and Newsome Visit Fire, Homeowners Unhappy

    Harris and Newsome Visit Fire, Homeowners Unhappy

    Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris and California governor Gavin Newsome visited fire stricken Fresno county this week for a photo op.

    While in the town of Auberry, the walked through the ashes of someone’s home. Turns out the homeowners family isn’t real happy the pair used the remains of their home as a political prop.

    Trampas Patten, the son of the homeowner took to Facebook to air his grievances.

    For the friends of mine that don’t recognize the fireplace in the background, that is what is left of my parents house! What has me really frustrated right now is the fact that these two politicians used my parents loss for a photo opportunity to push their political agenda! Political party wouldn’t have made a difference in this moment. Decent human beings that have character and class, wouldn’t air someone else’s misfortune on national television! Think about this when you go to the polls in a few weeks to vote. Look at this picture closely, imagine it is what is left of your hard work, hopes, dreams, place of sanctuary. Do you want this kind of leadership, using you and your loss for political gain?!

    For the record, my parents haven’t even been let back in yet themselves, to sort through what is left of their lives, but these two felt the need to go traipsing around my parents property without permission. I guess those property taxes my parents pay allow politicians to do this! Private property doesn’t exist in California anymore!


    Trampas’ sister Bailee weighed in as well;

    Dear Governor Newsom you don’t know me but I’m one of your CA citizens. That truck you are standing by is my dads work truck. He has had that thing for as long as I can remember. That land with all the rubble your standing next too, that’s my house I grew up in. You never got my parents permission to go on our property, nor did you ask if we needed help. What you did do is take my families loss and parade it all over social media and news networks to push your agenda.
    That agenda can wait, right now you should be caring about the families of this state. Thankfully this community is #mountainstrong and we will thrive.


    Of course Newsome and Harris couldn’t help but politicize the event. Both tried to place the blame for the fires on climate change. Newsome posted the following on twitter.

  • A Misstatement? Or Did She Tell the Truth?

    A Misstatement? Or Did She Tell the Truth?

    At a virtual roundtable with business owners in Arizona, Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris either had a huge flub, or, she let the cat out of the bag.

    “As part of our Build Back Better agenda, we will need to make sure you have a president in the White House who actually sees you, who understands your needs, who understands the dignity of your work, and who has your back,” Harris said. “A Harris administration together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States…”



    Really, it’s just a matter of time. Joe is visibly slipping more and more every day. He can’t get through a friendly interview without a teleprompter and every time he tries to go off script, he produces some sort of unintelligible word salad.

  • Harris to Blake: I’m Proud of You

    Harris to Blake: I’m Proud of You

    Sen. Kamala Harris campaigned in Milwaukee on Monday, and met with Jacob Blake and his family. She met with Blake and his family and said she was proud of him.


    Blake, 29, was shot several times last week by police officers after he broke into a woman’s home, refused to follow the police orders and attempted to get into his vehicle either to retrieve a weapon or flee.

    Blake had a warrant out for his arrest after he had assaulted the woman on May 3. He was forbidden from going to the Kenosha home of his alleged victim from the previous incident, and police were dispatched Sunday following a 911 call saying he was there.

    I don’t see anything to be proud of senator Harris.

  • What’s in a name?

    What’s in a name?

    So. There seems to be a new tool in the Marxist Shame Shed . . . mispronouncing names.

    In case ya missed the news, this past July 28 there was a rather tense House Judiciary Committee hearing about the “protests” destroying our nations cities, and the use of federal law enforcement agencies to control same. During the hearing, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) interrupted Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) after Lesko asked AG Barr, “Mr. Attorney General, is that your understanding of what happened here? Do you agree with Ms. Jayapal that there was no takeover, it was jus . . . “

    BUZZ!!! Bad, bad White Supremacist Lesko!

    Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the first American of Indian descent to serve in the House of Representatives, interrupted Lesko mid-sentence to forcefully state, “JYE-ah-paul. If you’re going to say my name, please say it right. It’s JYE-ah-paul.” Jayapal has been serving citizens of the State of Washington since 2017. Her congressional district, the 7th, includes Seattle.

    Lesko acknowledged the rude interruption, carefully articulating “JYE-ah-paul,” before getting back to the business that was at hand – interviewing the invited witness, Attorney General William Barr.

    Which now brings us to last night and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA.) Harris was born in the US of A out of an Indian mother, by a Jamaican father (if a Stanford University professor can be called a man, that is) and was announced as Joe Biden’s pick for Vice President. Her first name ain’t standard ‘Merican. So, it gets mispronounced by standard ‘Mericans.

    SIDENOTE: I embrace ‘Merican as apostrophes designate a missing letter, not a misspelled rest of the word
    . . . no offense to my fellow ‘Muricans and ‘Murikans out there.

    A Democratic political consultant what goes by the name, Richard Goodstein, appeared on the Tucker Carlson show last night. As the two chit chatted about Joe Biden’s new VP pick, Tucker continually mispronounced Ms. Harris’ name the way most of us mispronounce her name – kah-MAH-lah. The way her mother actually intended the name to be pronounced is, KAH-mah-lah.

    Goodstein felt as though Carlson needed to be schooled in public, apparently. “Tucker, can I just say one thing?”

    Carlson, “Of course.”

    Goodstein, “Because this will serve you and your fellow hosts on Fox. Her name is pronounced ‘comma’ — like the pronunciation mark — ‘la.’ Comma-la.”

    “I think out of respect for someone who’s going to be on the national ticket, pronouncing her name right is kind of a bare minimum,” Goodstein replied when Tucker tossed out a jaunty, “So what?” in response to the tacky, public correction. (Currently resisting the urge to now refer to her as, “ComeOnY’all” just to cheeze the Left.)

    I awoke today wondering how Kamala Harris is feeling about a white man defending her name virtue. I’ve not ever seen her, personally, correct somebody who mispronounced her name. Lack of eyewitness testimony on my part does not mean it hasn’t happened, of course. Does Kamala Harris not care how people say her name or does she have the decency to correct those who misspeak unintentionally in more private environs than a television broadcast? Or . . . is Mispronunciation Shaming a new method of Ivory Tower judgement dispensation being adopted by the “woke” members of our increasingly fascist society?

    The answer is a toss up, considering how tolerance for others and basic manners seem to run counter to the Progressive/Social Justice Democrat/Marxist mien. Gently correcting an error in private seems de passe in today’s, “ME! ME! ME!” world. As I pondered our degrading civilisation, wondering how Jayapal may have found disrupting a public hearing to try and embarrass Rep. Lesko in any way appropriate behaviour (particularly when presenting her supposed belief in propriety and respect,) NBC News enlightened me:

    “Experts said mispronouncing a name can be a form of racial microaggression.

    Rita Kohli, a race and ethnicity scholar at the University of California, Riverside, said last month that mispronouncing names is part of moving through a diverse, multilingual world. Pronouncing a name correctly the first time can be difficult without the proper tools, but mispronunciations and Anglicization of names can suggest that the dominant culture is superior and that assimilation is the best option, she said.

    Catherine Ceniza Choy, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of California, Berkeley, said last month that names are crucial to a person’s individual, family and ethnic identity. She said the simple act of learning people’s names acknowledges their history and presence.”


    Oh. OK, then. Mispronouncing the name of a person who is not of the same cultural or ethnic descent as one’s self is now an act of open disregard for others and supremacism. White U.S. of Americans are so racist, they don’t even give a hoot about trying to properly pronounce names that originally contained characters not found in the modern English alphabet. The proper pronunciation burden lays on the majority . . . to KNOW . . . to be SENSITIVE enough to seek out a lofty height from which to toss our unworthy selves when we mispronounce somebody’s name. There seems to be no onus at all on people who know their name is other than mainstream to politely correct a person if they’ve been called, “Jake” instead of “Jay-Kay,” as Mom meant for it to be pronounced. (I missed the lil accent on the ‘E’ as well, because it’s not there, don’t feel bad.)

    Arrogant, dismissive and bigoted people drowning in oceans full of White Privilege are not interested in properly enunciating unfamiliar monikers. Mispronunciation errors are a manifestation of disrespectful racial supremacy, nothing else. At all. That logic helps to explain why my friend Augustine from Nigeria still pronounces my name with long vowels instead of short. Huh. There must be loopholes.