Tag: LA Times

  • Ouch, That’s Gonna Leave A Mark

    Ouch, That’s Gonna Leave A Mark

    In the I didn’t see that coming column, the Los Angeles Times has decided it was not going to make a Presidential endorsement for the first time since 2008 when it endorsed then-senator Barry Obama.

    The LA Times, an ultra-leftwing rag and the largest paper in California declined to endorse Kamala Harris for President. This decision is said to have been made by the Times’ owner, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, a doctor who made his fortune in the healthcare industry.


    Combine this lack of an endorsement with several acts of real journalism over the past few days and weeks and it spells real trouble for the Harris campaign.

    As a reminder, there are only 14 days left to vote/until election day. Hie thee to thine polling places and cast thine ballots. And drag a friend/neighbor/acquaintance with you.