Tag: Larry Nasar

  • Rank and Vile Followup, FBI Director Chris Wray Says He’s Sorry…

    Rank and Vile Followup, FBI Director Chris Wray Says He’s Sorry…

    Rank and Vile Followup, FBI Director Chris Wray Says He’s Sorry For The FBI Systemic Corruption That Led to Sexual Abuse of Gymnast Victims

    CTH had originally reported on this stunning story back in June [SEE HERE].  After previously refusing to fire the FBI agents involved in the case, today FBI Director Chris Wray finally said he fired the main FBI agent, Michael Langeman, responsible for facilitating the abuse of young female gymnasts.  During his testimony before congress Wray stated: “I want to begin by saying to the brave women who testified this morning … I’m deeply and profoundly sorry to each and every one of you.”  {link}

    BACKSTORY – An absolutely damning Inspector General investigation released in June, reflected horrific FBI conduct in the rape and sexual assault of U.S. Gymnasts revealing how FBI agents facilitated Larry Nassar’s sex crimes by taking no action despite numerous witness statements to them.

    Worse yet, the FBI never reported the sexual assaults to local law enforcement… and to top it off, the FBI agents lied during the investigation of their conduct, and the DOJ under AG Bill Barr refused to prosecute the FBI liars.

    The entire IG report [Must Read pdf Here] reveals layer-upon-layer of FBI wrongdoing, misconduct and false statements in an effort to cover-up their activity when the internal investigation of their conduct began. This report is a total condemnation of the FBI rank and file. It really is quite stunning.

    IG Report Excerpt – […] “The OIG found that, despite the extraordinarily serious nature of the allegations and the possibility that Nassar’s conduct could be continuing, senior officials in the FBI Indianapolis Field Office failed to respond to the Nassar allegations with the utmost seriousness and urgency that they deserved and required, made numerous and fundamental errors when they did respond to them, and violated multiple FBI policies.

    The Indianapolis Field Office did not undertake any investigative activity until September 2nd, five weeks after the meeting with USA Gymnastics—when they telephonically interviewed one of the three athletes. Further, FBI Indianapolis never interviewed the other two gymnasts who they were told were available to meet with FBI investigators.

    This absence of any serious investigative activity was compounded when the Indianapolis Field Office did not transfer the matter to the FBI office (the Lansing Resident Agency), where venue most likely would have existed had evidence been developed to support the potential federal crimes being considered, even though the Indianapolis office had been advised to do so by the USAO and had told USA Gymnastics that the transfer had occurred.

    Additionally, the Indianapolis office did not notify state or local authorities of the sexual assault allegations even though it questioned whether there was federal jurisdiction to pursue them. As a result, the Lansing Resident Agency did not learn of the Nassar allegations until over a year after they were first reported to the FBI and then learned of them only from the MSUPD.

    Moreover, the FBI conducted no investigative activity in the matter for more than 8 months following the September 2015 interview. During that period of time, as alleged and detailed in numerous civil complaints, Nassar’s sexual assaults continued.” (read full report)

    Do not overlook this part:

    The FBI originally responded to the IG report with this statement:

    FBI Response to IG – “As the Inspector General made clear in today’s report, this should not have happened. The FBI will never lose sight of the harm that Nassar’s abuse caused. The actions and inactions of certain FBI employees described in the report are inexcusable and a discredit to this organization. The FBI has taken affirmative steps to ensure and has confirmed that those responsible for the misconduct and breach of trust no longer work FBI matters.

    Prior to today, the FBI initiated improvements to make sure that serious allegations, such as these, are promptly shared with our law enforcement partners and within the FBI. As a continuation of these efforts, the FBI is fully committed to implementing all of the recommendations made by the Inspector General.

    We will take all necessary steps to ensure that the failures of the employees outlined in the report do not happen again.” (link)
    September 15, 2021 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/09/15/rank-and-vile-followup-fbi-director-chris-wray-says-hes-sorry-for-the-fbi-systemic-corruption-that-led-to-sexual-abuse-of-gymnast-victims/


    “Worse yet, the FBI never reported the sexual assaults to local law enforcement… and to top it off, the FBI agents lied during the investigation of their conduct, and the DOJ under AG Bill Barr refused to prosecute the FBI liars.”
    Very bad day at the office for the clean-up & cover-up, crew.

    As for the victims “sorry” should suffice /s