Tag: Liz Cheney

  • House Refers Dizzy Lizzie For Prosecution

    House Refers Dizzy Lizzie For Prosecution

    The House Oversight committee released its interim report on all things J6 and it’s not good news for Liz Cheney.

    Among other things, including the fact that the whole incident could have been prevented, the report said Cheney tampered with witnesses. Witness tampering is a felony and can carry a sentence of up to 10 years in federal prison.

    The report specifically mentioned Cassidy Hutchinson, the former aide to Mark Meadows. Cheney repeatedly had communications with Hutchinson via an encrypted app while the investigation was in full swing. You probably remember that Hutchinson was the one who testified that Trump tried to grab the wheel of the Beast while the riot was going on.

    “The Federal Bureau of Investigation must also investigate Representative Cheney for violating 18 U.S.C. 1622, which prohibits any person from procuring another person to commit perjury,” the report said. ”Based on the evidence obtained by this Subcommittee, Hutchinson committed perjury when she lied under oath to the Select Committee.”

  • Liz Cheney is Positioning to Support the Deep State

    Liz Cheney is Positioning to Support the Deep State

    Newt Gingrich is Exactly Right, Liz Cheney is Positioning to Support the Deep State With an Independent Run for Office…

    May 9, 2021 | 

    Newt Gingrich gave an interview to Maria Bartiromo Sunday morning that is worth reviewing in total.  However, for this moment I want to key-in on a specific conversation topic at the 09:30 point of the video below.

    Note: Between the time this article was prepared (May 9) and today (May 12) Maria Bartiroma’s interview was removed from the internet.

    The former Speaker is exactly correct.  Cheney is pre-positioning herself to run against the potential for a 2024 Trump re-election bid.  The objective here is transparently obvious.  Liz Cheney is the 2024 version of former 2016 candidate Evan McMullin.   Both Cheney and McMullin come from the same origin within the intelligence apparatus.  Let me be very clear about something…. The Intelligence Community are the deep state operatives who control government.

    At the 30,000 foot level, the U.S. Intelligence Community, known as the “IC” are the people and institutions behind the entire operation of the United States government.  There are no longer three branches of government.  All branches (executive, legislative and judicial) now defer to the IC.  {Go Deep Here}

    The IC network, including their ability to reach into all systems, networks, institutions and agencies for surveillance, contains all of the elements of control over all other institutions.  Former CIA operative Evan McMullin, running for president in 2016, was part of this system effort.  It is now crystal clear that Liz Cheney, daughter to former Def Sec. Dick Cheney, is operating on behalf of this same system effort. THAT is the connective tissue.

    Understand Modern DC HERE

    The way we defeat all of the issues which we face on a daily basis is to first understand who the enemy is, what the allies can/cannot do to assist us, and what functional issues exist in the battle.

    When you realize the Intelligence Community is now in total control over government; when you realize there are no checks and balances within this system; when you realize the three branches of U.S. government have been deconstructed; only then can you honestly start to formulate solutions.

    One of the IC biggest weapons is also their weakness.  They operate in the shadows…. their systems rely on leverage, blackmail, and fear… they count on people not knowing how the levers are pulled.  Expose the problem to the larger American electorate and the IC is weakened.

    Comment: Definition of – Shadow Boxing is a form of physical exercise or training in which you move your hands and feet as if you are boxing someone. OR If you describe what two people or groups are doing as shadow boxing, you mean that they seem to be taking action against each other but in fact are not serious about the dispute. As of this posting – Liz Cheney has been ousted from her Caucus leadership position.