Tag: Malarkey

  • Malarkey- SOTU Style

    Malarkey- SOTU Style

    The State Of Malarkey​

    Big Science Guy
    Liz Harrington: “The fact they can all decide to take their masks off today shows what a farce it was”
    Clay Travis: “You told us eight weeks ago we were entering a winter of death and demanded that every person who didn’t get vaccinated lose their jobs. You made kids wear masks in schools. All of it was anti-science and designed specifically to divide us.”
    Big Unity Guy
    1782: “Whenever Biden talks about healing, unity, and the soul of the nation, I think about how he calls Americans who don’t vote Democrat racist every chance he gets.”
    Americanophile: “They’ve called us racists, white supremacists, fascists, Russian assets, traitors, insurrectionists, disease spreaders, etc. But it’s now primetime in an election year, they’re in charge of Congress & the White House, so it’s time for their  ‘unity agenda.’ 🙄”
    Commies Eat Cake: “When there’s a Democrat in the WH Democrat always say: ‘We need to Unite, quit causing division’
    “When there’s a Republican in the WH Democrats always say: ‘You’re all racist traitors’
    “You can’t expect unity when all you do is sow division. Not how that works.”
    Babylon Bee: “Man Who Called Half The Country Racists All Year Calls For Unity” 
    Big Law & Order Guy
    Matt Walsh: “Amazing. Every Democrat applauds funding the police after spending two years trying to defund them.”
    RNC: “Democrats claim they don’t support Defunding the Police. Here is 7 minutes of Democrats saying, ‘DEFUND THE POLICE!’” 
    Big Border Security Guy
    Joe Concha: “Biden: ‘We need to fix the border and immigration system.’ We’ve now reached ludicrous speed.”
    David Limbaugh: “OK, he gets the audacity award talking about immigration. That beats it all.”
    Big Malarkey Guy
    Robby Starbuck: “Joe Biden #SOTU speech:
    • FUND the police
    • Support veterans
    • SECURE our border
    • Learn to live with COVID
    • Prioritize Made in America
    Democrats in reality:
    • DEFUNDED police
    • Fired unvaxxed troops
    • Left our border OPEN
    • Forced COVID mandates
    • BFF’s with China”

    I am so glad I did not cause myself great frustration by listening to him tell his lies!

  • Malarkey-  Emojis

    Malarkey- Emojis

    I Get So Emoj-tional, Baby

    NPR Outpaces Babylon Bee 
    NPR (being totally serious): “Some white people may choose 👍 because it feels neutral — but some academics argue opting out of 👍🏻signals a lack of awareness about white privilege, akin to society associating whiteness with being raceless.”

    Rebel News: “In an article written by not one, but three separate authors, the piece on publicly-funded NPR argues that your failure to use the right colour emoji in text messages could make you a racist.”

    Twitchy: “Since the tech companies are behind emoji, they’ve been at the forefront of woke. They added different skin colors. They added families with same-sex parents. They added a pregnant man. But if you’re one of those white people who uses the default yellow thumbs-up sign, academics say you might be signaling a lack of awareness about white privilege.”

    “Government-funded clickbait.”

    Lauren Chen: “Measuring ‘privilege’ through emoji usage is the most privileged thing I’ve ever heard of”
    Miranda Devine: “Defund NPR… NPR ignored Hunter Biden but sent three reporters to investigate how the ‘thumbs-up’ emoji is racist” 

    The Reviews Are In
    Bowtie Guy: “This is a good emoji for @NPR🖕🏾
    Tired of hearing the opinions of ‘academics.’”
    Krystal: “Those who wrote this really only need one emoji 🤡”
    JC: “Emoji for NPR 💩”
    Laura: “please. i’m begging you. shut the fuck up”

    Mixed Virtue Signals
    Townhall: “”NPR itself has not been careful about its evidently problematic use of emojis”
    “✌🏻 rosanna arquette“: “I am white but I always choose a Black emoji🙏🏿 because black has always been beautiful to me since I was a child and I honor Black human beings.”
    Donna: “By ‘always’ she means since yesterday’s NPR emoji tweet.”

    Okay, I am now joining the defund NPR movement.
    They have been a waste of taxpayer money for quite a while; however, this is beyond idiotic!

  • Malarkey-Name Game

    Malarkey-Name Game

    Everyone Not Far-Left Must Be Far-Right!

    Paul Joseph Watson: “At this point, ‘right-wing’ has basically just become a pejorative used by the regime to mean ‘anti-regime.’”
    Glenn Greenwald: “Only the US corporate media could take the person in this video, Joe Rogan, and claim he’s a far-right figure. It happens in part because most of Rogan’s critics never watch his show, but also because the media purposely lies and uses ‘far-right’ to malign everyone they dislike.”
    Greenwald: “The media moronically calls Rogan ‘right-wing’ because this is their only strategy for combatting the explosive growth of independent media taking their audience. If they can convince people that everyone independent of them is ‘far-right,’ at least liberals will be captive.”
    Greenwald: “That became the strategy of failing corporate media when Trump came along. They branded themselves liberal #Resistance and became captive to the DNC. Now, they have independent and heterodox platforms thriving and taking their audience, and all they can do is yell: ‘far-right!’”

    Branding Russell

    Matt Taibbi headline: “Conversation With Russell Brand, Who Isn’t ‘Right Wing’; Talking media, politics, censorship and other topics with the brilliant, irreverent, and increasingly influential British comic”
    Greenwald: “Here’s the life-long leftist Russell Brand similarly reacting to now being regularly branded ‘right-wing’ by an embittered media all because he’s a critic of corporate media and is thriving on independent platforms like Rumble and his own show.” 
    Greenwald: “Reacting to why the media now brands him ‘right-wing’ as his independent shows explode in growth, Russell Brand explains who really are the people who have abandoned corporate media and now rely on independent media. This is what scares the shit out of them and why they malign it “

    Glossary Growing

    Media Research Center: “The leftist media call anything they disagree with ‘misinformation.’”

    Arctuniol: “They can’t explain it is why, rather than have to explain it, they call it misinformation or racist. Then try to cancel you. That is the leftist playbook.”

    Seth Dillon: “A racist is a person Democrats don’t like. Misinformation is an opinion Democrats don’t like. Inclusivity is the exclusion of people and opinions Democrats don’t like.”

    James Lindsay: “Every Woke word conceals an agenda, and that agenda is Communism.”

    First, and continuing, was the over use of the term ’racist’. We can, now, add ’right wing’. Next up will be ’freedom’. There have already been some hints it is on the future pejorative list.

  • Malarkey- Pivot

    Malarkey- Pivot

    All of the sudden COVID ’science’ has, apparently changed. mask edicts and other rules are changing. Hmmm, science or November Democratic bloodbath?

    Pivot Underway

    Side Effects May Include Extreme Fatigue, Sudden Activism, Political Awakenings…  
    Bari Weiss: “Meet the moms who are are so fed up with our politics that they are actually running themselves. Or suing school boards. Or fundraising. Or organizing. ‘I was a very liberal Democrat. Now, my vote is up for grabs to whoever puts kids first.’”

    Biden’s Bind
    Josh Kraushaar headline: “Biden is blowing his COVID moment”
    “When it comes to the pandemic, President Biden is leading from behind. His administration’s inability to appreciate the widespread political frustrations over indefinite COVID regulations—mask mandates for children in school, in particular—is costing the president any potential goodwill he would otherwise receive in the wake of the Omicron variant’s rapid retreat.”
    “The political challenge for the Biden administration is that the one political faction still calling for continued regulations—progressive Democrats—makes up a sizable chunk of its base.”
    “The hostility among liberal jurisdictions against Youngkin’s decision to allow parents to choose whether their kids wear masks in schools is a telltale example of tribal instincts overtaking the science. When Youngkin took the lead, it generated mass Democratic outrage. Several weeks later, liberal governors are making similar moves, without any comparable pushback from school districts (though they’re still deferring to the local jurisdictions on masking).”
    “The rhetorical shift comes as national polling underscores growing American frustrations about the lagging return to normalcy, particularly as Omicron retreats.”
    “For Democrats desperately looking for a way to run ahead of a struggling Biden in the midterms …What seems to be holding them back at this point in the pandemic, as has been the case with other issues throughout Biden’s first year in office, is the party’s activist class. Now would be a good time to cut bait.”

    Does Polling Count As Science?
    NYT: “After conducting focus groups, [NJ Gov.] ‘Mr. Murphy’s advisers were struck by the findings: Across the board, voters shared frustrations over public health measures, a sense of pessimism about the future and a deep desire to return to some sense of normalcy.’” 

    Ashe Short: “Literally nothing has changed, scientifically, since your camp was calling Glenn Youngkin a monster for lifting mask mandates just a few weeks ago. But I’m guessing some polling came in.”

    Free Beacon: “WATCH: GOP’s Youngkin Was Villain for Lifting Mask Mandate. Dem Phil Murphy a Hero for Doing the Same.” 

    Mary Katharine Ham: “It’s been a big couple of days for ‘changing science.’”

    David Harsanyi: “The science has a weird way of changing when the polling does.”

    Justin Spiro: “Perhaps Democrats are finally realizing that their poll numbers are not as ‘resilient’ as the kids they’ve been neglecting for 2 years.”

    Revisionism Ahead
    Nathan Brand: “Rather than following the science, Democrats played politics with livelihoods, children, and small businesses. These Democrat elites don’t care about the irreversible harm they’ve done.”
    Richard Grenell: “Always remember, Democrats masked your children in schools for years. They will soon pretend they didn’t.”
    Harsanyi: “By next week, Jen Psaki will be telling us that Biden and the teachers unions spearheaded the national movement ending mask mandates.”

  • Malarkey-Deplorables


    Disenfranchising Deplorables To

    Defend Democracy

    ‘Deplorables’ are very frightening individuals!! They refuse to go along with the socialist take over of the country. Since they seem to keep getting elected…well, see for yourself.

    Self-Serving Snob Supremacy 
    Nathanael Blake headline: “Why America’s Ruling Class Is So Incompetent”
    “But the superlative merits of our ruling class are less obvious to the rest of us. Thus, hardly a day goes by without The New York Times, Washington Post, and other legacy media outlets warning that some villain or other — Donald Trump, Fox News, Facebook misinformation, the Senate, the Supreme Court, even local leaders and parents — is a Threat to Our Democracy! By democracy, they mostly mean the wishes of the ruling class.
    “Conflating the regime with democracy has its benefits: it allows elites to dismiss the opposition as illegitimate, even when the opposition has majority support (e.g., voter ID laws). This, along with elite belief in their own superiority (moral as well as meritocratic), justifies the regime. And it justifies them in wielding their enormous cultural and economic power, as well as political power when they have it, to punish and exclude dissenters.”
    “This combination of arrogance, incompetence, and malice undermines the legitimacy of elite power. A prudent ruling class would be self-aware enough to realize this vulnerability. It would be wise for them to be less culturally aggressive, economically greedy, and politically domineering, but our elites lack the coherence and self-restraint to do so.”
    “Elites are inevitable; their legitimacy and continuity is not. Ours lack the virtue and wisdom needed for good governance and leadership. Instead of expertise, they offer incompetence, malice, and herd-like conformity to self-serving ideological fads. Hopefully, political defeat and cultural failure will force a reckoning.”

    Nothing Says Democracy Like Winning By DQ, Default
    Dem Lawyer/Fixer/Dirty Trickster Marc Elias: “My prediction for 2022: Before the midterm election, we will have a serious discussion about whether individual Republican House Members are disqualified by Section 3 of the 14th Amendment from serving in Congress. We may even see litigation.”

    Sen. Hawley reax: “Democrats want a one-party state — now they’re finally being honest about it”

    “‘You talk about an assault on democracy for this Democrat[ic] Party to try and tell the American people that conservatives and Republicans cannot be on the ballot,’ Hawley told [FOX host Lawrence] Jones. ‘It really does show what they want. They want a one-party state. That’s what they want, and they want to silence anybody who disagrees with them.’”

  • Malarkey-Education


    On and off for two years, children have been relegated to ‘Zoom’ education.
    They have been locked down from participating in usual interpersonal activities in school and outside school.
    It is the teacher’s unions who have foisted this horror on children, and the media has gone along with it.
    With the rise of child mental health issues and suicides, they now are changing their position. Of course, to hear their reports …well…see for your self their malarkey.

    Elites’ Election Year Education Epiphany 

    Pivot Underway
    David Leonhardt NYT headline: “No Way To Grow Up; For the past two years, Americans have accepted more harm to children in exchange for less harm to adults.”

    “American children are starting 2022 in crisis. I’m not sure that many people fully grasp the depth of it.”

    David Axelrod: “The Chicago Teachers Union is about to vote to walk out rather than return to classrooms amid Omicron surge. I hope every teacher reads this column. What our kids have suffered thru long absences from classrooms already has had a devastating impact.”

    FOX headline: “MSNBC panel pummels ‘failure’ of remote learning, asks why ‘conventional wisdom’ took so long to agree”

    Townhall: “Fauci Says Its ‘Safe Enough’ for Schools to Reopen While Teachers Unions Push for School Closures”

    Psaki: “We want schools to be open, the President wants them to be open…”

    Not Buying It
    Matt Walsh reply: “We do grasp the depth of it. We’ve been saying this for two years but people like you ignored us and now you’re pretending this was some kind of epiphany you had on your own.”

    “Millions of parents across the country have expressed frustration and despair throughout the pandemic at remote learning and its harm on their children. Last year, media outlets like the New York Times and Politico framed the debate over school reopening in partisan terms, accusing Republicans of pouncing on it as a political wedge issue.”

    Common Sense Aggregate: “No crap, some have been saying this for a year but were branded as terrorist. This will most likely be my 1 issue vote in ’22. D’s and unions must be held accountable”

    If parents vote this as their main issue, it is very likely the potential landslide is larger then can be imagined.

  • Malarkey- January 6th

    Malarkey- January 6th

    Why They’re Really Obsessed With 

    John Daniel Davidson headline: “Corporate Media’s Jan. 6 Anniversary Coverage Is All About Silencing Republicans”
    “Corporate media’s coverage of the Jan 6 anniversary this week will have one simple & unified message: all Republicans are insurrectionists, the GOP is the enemy of the people, and to preserve American democracy only Democrats can win elections.”
    “But the nonsense here serves a purpose. If the Jan. 6 riot can be conflated with perfectly valid GOP-led efforts to shore up state election rules, then perhaps those efforts can be wholly undermined, regardless of what voters in red states want.”
    Sean Davis: “Elections are only legitimate when Democrats win. Elections when Republicans win are illegitimate.” 
    Byron York: “In new poll, 58% of Republicans say Biden was not legitimately elected. GOP undermining democracy! But in Fall 2017, same pollster, 67% of Democrats said Trump was not legitimately elected. What was that?” 
    Mollie Hemingway: “”Do you remember 24/7 commentary bemoaning the refusal of Democrats to accept the election of Trump as legitimate? Neither do I.”

    They have zero policies that are supported by the majority of citizens, be they Democrat or Republican.
    They believe they know better than the citizens.
    They are power hungry maniacs.

  • Malarkey-Censorship


    According to Mark Zuckerberg, FakeBook does not censor ‘conservatives’. We know this for the lie it is. The latest follows.

    Left: Playing To Win By Default

    Sen. Blackburn: “Facebook has permanently locked the account of a publisher that published books on Justice Barrett and President Reagan. They want to erase conservative ideas and control your speech.” 

    Jonathan Turley: “After Democrats demanded that companies use enlightened algorithms to protect citizens from their dangerous curiosities, Facebook decided to dispense with such pretenses and just ban a conservative publisher”

    Eli Lake: “This is 21st century censorship. Facebook has succumbed to another mob of illiberal nonsense people.” 

    Right: Belatedly Learning Squeaky Wheel Lesson

    Bethany Mandel: “Thread: My new children’s book publishing company, @HeroesOfLiberty, was dealt a real blow going into the New Year, when we were banned by Facebook. We’re a new literary start-up that publishes quality illustrated biographies of great Americans.” 


    FOX Business scoop: “Facebook reverses course after ‘permanently’ locking account of conservative children’s book publisher
    “Heroes of Liberty has published books about Amy Coney Barrett, Ronald Reagan and Thomas Sowell
    “Meta, the company that owns Facebook, has reinstated the ads account of the conservative children’s book publisher, Heroes of Liberty, after it previously told the publisher that its account had been ‘permanently disabled.’
    “Facebook originally said that Heroes of Liberty – which has published books about Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, former President Ronald Reagan and author Thomas Sowell – violated the company’s rules against ‘Low Quality or Disruptive Content.’ Facebook originally locked the ads account on Dec. 23, and after Heroes of Liberty appealed the ruling, the company permanently disabled the account.”

  • Malarkey-Biden Administration

    Malarkey-Biden Administration

    According to the media, Biden has a scandal free administration. 🤔😲🙄🙄🙄🙄

    Custom-Made Reality

    onathan Turley headline: “‘A Scandal Free Biden Administration’: The Media Celebrates a Year of Free From Political Scandal and Press Scrutiny
    “With the conclusion of the first year of the Biden Administration, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain sought to end on a high, or at least higher, note by retweeting a column saying that 2021 was not ‘all bad.’ It was like bragging that a first date told you that the evening could have been worse. However, what really stood out in the column by Albert Hunt was the key rationale: the first year was ‘scandal free.’ Calling 2021 ‘scandal free’ is not merely an example of blinkered commentary, it is an exercise of willful blindness.”
    “There is ample reason for the White House and many in the media to celebrate the lack of scandals in the Biden Administration because it was a collective effort.”
    “If there is no coverage, there is no scandal. That is certainly an accomplishment worth noting, but hardly worth celebrating.”

    How They Get There

    Christine Rosen headline: “The hypocrisy of media censors’ claim to be against misinformation”
    “There is a new scourge befouling the media landscape, one that our self-appointed mandarins have declared themselves eager to combat: misinformation.”
    “It is true that misinformation has taken on greater significance thanks to the scale and speed of the social-media platforms that spread it. But the new sanctimony about misinformation should be leavened with some healthy skepticism about the movement’s ­major actors.”
    “As Bernstein noted, in some sense ‘the disinformation project is simply an unofficial partnership between Big Tech, corporate media, elite universities, and cash-rich foundations.’ The crusade against misinformation is an approximate mirror image of Donald Trump’s war against ‘fake news.’”
    “Control of information is control of one of the most valuable commodities in the developed world: people’s attention. And people want their confirmation biases affirmed. But scholars and commissioners studying misinformation also suffer from confirmation bias. Contra the proposals made by panels and commissions on misinformation, the most radical thing we could do right now isn’t to give more power to elites or the federal government to control information.” 

    There is a meme for the media.

  • Malarkey- Elon Musk

    Malarkey- Elon Musk

    Shortly ago, Elon Musk sat down for an interview with the BabylonBee.
    Today’s malarkey is based upon some tidbits from that interview.

    Musk Must Bust Malarkey
    Unmuzzled News headline: “Elon Musk just destroyed ‘wokecaine’ peddlers with this massive truth bomb”
    “Elon Musk doesn’t follow the leftist groupthink that most tech titans do.”
    “Sick of it, Musk turned his sights on wokeness in a recent interview with the Babylon Bee.”
    “Musk said wokeness is ‘arguably one of the biggest threats to modern civilization.’
    “‘Wokeness wants to make comedy illegal, which is not cool,’ he said.
    “‘Trying to shut down (Dave) Chappelle, come on man, that’s crazy. Do we want a humorless society that is simply rife with condemnation and hate basically?’ he continued.
    “‘At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary and hateful. It basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue,’ he added.
    “Musk then went on to say that Saturday Night Live ‘had become a kind of a moral lecture of why we’re bad human beings instead of comedy.’”
    “While Musk is standing up against wokeness, Silicon Valley giants like Google and Facebook are going all in on wokeness with training on nonsense like critical race theory for their employees.
    “With Musk increasingly speaking out against the Left’s insanity, he’ll continue to make the socialists seethe.” 
    David Hookstead reax: “As I’ve said before, with every single person who joins the anti-woke and anti-cancel culture movement, the closer we get to winning the war.”

    Abigail Shrier piece: “You don’t have to be a troll to find yourself in the center of controversy. You need only be two things: effective and unwilling to back down.” 
    Nathanael Blake headline: “It’s Time To Defund The Speech Police”
    Lee Smith: “If you’re wondering how the left became pro-police state, pro-big tech censorship, pro-racism then you’ve come to The Turn.”
    New Discourses headline: “The Values of a Post-Woke World”

    Thé interview can be condensed into a meme.