Tag: Maria Bartiromo

  • Maria Bartiromo Attempts Cleanup Saying, “Democracy Is Messy”

    Maria Bartiromo Attempts Cleanup Saying, “Democracy Is Messy”

    Maria Bartiromo Attempts Cleanup Saying, “Democracy Is Messy” – Matt Gaetz Has Hit a Nerve

    Yesterday, Maria Bartiromo was very visibly entrenched in her effort to defend House Speaker Kevin McCarthy from the criticism of Representative Matt Gaetz.  During the combative interview, Ms. Bartiromo showed a transparent agenda to support the professionally Republican GOPe perspective.

    Today, following a considerable amount of backlash, and eyes-wide-open to the motives and intents of Bartiromo, she attempts cleanup by repeating the phrase, “democracy is messy” as a justification for her support of McCarthy Inc. The video of her effort today is below; however, before getting to that cleanup effort, let me just explain why Gaetz is majority correct on the bigger picture.

    The House Government Weaponization Committee is a complete sham – a ruse, a sound stage of actors and political performers who have no intention on actually exposing the government weaponization.   Gaetz focused on the failures of the House Oversight Committee (chaff and countermeasures committee) and gave examples of how they never subpoenaed Hunter Biden as one clear indicator of their intent. I have written about this extensively {GO DEEP}, and the Oversight committee’s lack of action is not even close to a surprise, regardless of whether McCarthy and Bartiromo want to keep pretending.

    The bigger let down is found in the lack of action by the Govt Weaponization Committee.  Let me explain how simple this is to see using an example I shared with former congressman Devin Nunes.   Sometimes litmus tests really are good for this purpose. The problem we have is accepting the reality of what they mean.

    Back in February 2019, around the time when Bill Barr came into the picture, everyone was excited about the potential for accountability. An honest investigation that would reveal and expose the corrupt nature of the DC system, so that a public would be aware, accountability would be metered, and a total restructuring of the corrupt systems could take place.  I was not one of those people.

    I accept the visibility of corruption through the prism of simple questions.  Everyone knew Robert Mueller was installed as a tool to cover up the preexisting corruption and simultaneously keep Trump under attack.  No one in Washington DC did not know this.  Everyone knew.  Despite that non-pretending admission and reality, not a single person ever said the Mueller probe was a farce.  Not a single congressional member ever dared say Robert Mueller was part of the corrupt system.

    Instead, every single DC participant, politician and Trump appointee, said Robert Mueller was an “honorable man.”  He wasn’t, and they all knew that.

    You cannot be an honorable man with the intent of delivering a corrupt and fraudulent outcome.  These two things are not compatible.  Yet, they all collectively pushed that bullshit opinion for two+ years, including Bill Barr.

    Once you understand the dynamic inside that simple and honest Robert Mueller litmus test, a litmus test this is still very valid to this day, then you realize the scale of the corruption we are talking about.  It’s either active, passive or willfully blind corruption; but regardless of variety it’s all still corruption.

    There seems to be a willful blindness on the part of the American people, a chosen refusal to acknowledge the implications of the unAmerican and unConstititional behaviors, actions and outcomes we are being served on a daily basis.

    It can no longer be presumed to be a matter of, “I can’t see what’s happening”, because a whole lot of normal Americans really are clean and articulate.

    I can’t see it”,  just doesn’t cut it.

    NONSENSE!  Most people can see it.  Most are just choosing to reconcile the irreconcilable, because it is more comforting to ignore the truth of it.  Just be honest.  For many people avoidance has become a survival mechanism.

    It’s more along the lines of, “I see what’s happening, but it’s scary and complicated and confusing, and if I admit that I see it, I will become responsible in a way that I am not if I keep pretending I can’t see it or hear it or maybe I don’t understand it.”

    Kevin McCarthy’s Lucy has unlimited footballs.

    Admit it or keep pretending.

    The choices are ours.

    Personally, I will not pretend.

    If we all stop pretending, eventually the DC house of cards collapses.

    So that sets the cornerstone.  Now, let’s move forward almost 4 years.  [DEEP BREATH]  Now we have the House Select Committee to Investigate the Weaponization of Government.  They’ve had some hearings on Twitter Files, they’ve had some hearings on other ancillary matters, but absolutely nothing has come from it.

    Before outlining the simple ‘how do I know this is futile’, the nerve that Matt Gaetz touches so necessarily, let me first be brutally honest.

    Jim Jordan is corrupt.

    Jordan is corrupt; not in a way of lying, cheating or stealing, but rather corrupt in the same familiar manner that generates all of the frustration we feel. Corrupt in the sense of satiating the masses while being disingenuous in the extreme of creating ZERO accountability.

    Speaker Kevin McCarthy uses Jim Jordan for exactly this institutional preservation purpose, and Jordan knows it…. and willingly goes along with it…. and willingly plays the role of “anger manager” on behalf of his leadership.

    The “how” is simple.  If the Govt Weaponization Committee was not futile, or created simply to satiate a mass of angry conservative/MAGA voters, they would be taking simple actions to expose the issues.

    SIMPLE ACTIONS – Like holding depositions and questioning people we know are Deep State actors who construct the weaponized processes.  Holding depositions to ask very simple and pragmatic questions of people like Mary McCord, John Carlin, ICIG Michael Atkinson, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Tashina Guahar, or any member of the Robert Mueller special counsel like Andrew Weissmann, Brandon Van Grack, Aaron Zebly, Jeannie Rhee, etc.  Or Mark Elias, Glenn Simpson, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, or even former SSCI Security Director James Wolfe.

    The House Govt Weaponization committee could issue subpoenas to anyone and everyone who was a participant in all of the previously known corrupt endeavors, questioned them with very specific questions about all of the known activity that stemmed from within those corrupt practices…. and then simply PUBLISH THE TRANSCRIPTS.

    Imagine the newsworthy discussion, even if it was ignored by mainstream media, as a result of each deposition transcript being released every 48 hours providing a detailed and documented, under oath, attestation to the activity that took place and is still taking place.  Imagine the scale of sunlight that simple process would provide.  Imagine the tremors in DC as each participant showed up to deliver their statements under oath.

    This is not a complicated process, but they want us to pretend it is.

    When Matt Gaetz articulated the simple process of putting each appropriations bill on the floor for a funding vote, it too is not a complicated process.  However, the Kevin McCarthy’s, Jim Jordan’s and Maria Bartiromo’s would like us to pretend that it is.

    I do not know if Matt Gaetz is the worthy Ty Cobb of Republican politics or not, but I do know he is currently one of the only people that is not pretending.  That elevates him in my view.   Oh sure, he’ll probably acquiesce to the pressures and sell out just like the rest of them, but right now – in his best form – Matt Gaetz has dropped the pretense, and that has sent the machinery of the DC Republican system into fits of apoplexy.  Good.

    I’m at the point of frustration with this nonsense where apoplexy, anger and visible ‘losing their shit’ makes me smile.

    Once you see the strings on the marionettes, you can never return to that moment in the performance when you did not see them.

    Here’s Bartiromo trying to hide the strings…


    Posted: September 25, 2023 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/09/25/maria-bartiromo-attempts-cleanup-saying-democracy-is-messy-matt-gaetz-has-hit-a-nerve/#more-251201

    Narrative Combat: Maria Bartiromo -vs- Matt Gaetz

    It was only a matter of time before we see why Rupert Murdoch kept Council on Foreign Relations member Maria Bartiromo on staff.  Today Ms. Bartiromo showed her GOPe bona fides with a full-throated defense of Kevin McCarthy and the effort to fund government by continuing resolution.

    As the combative interview takes place, pay *CLOSE* attention to the glimpses of Ms. Bartiromo’s ¹phone that appear in her screen shot.  I will bet you a donut Kevin McCarthy was texting her in real time with instructions on what to say to Matt Gaetz.  WATCH:

    Posted: September 24, 2023 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/09/24/narrative-combat-maria-bartiromo-vs-matt-gaetz/

  • Liz Cheney is Positioning to Support the Deep State

    Liz Cheney is Positioning to Support the Deep State

    Newt Gingrich is Exactly Right, Liz Cheney is Positioning to Support the Deep State With an Independent Run for Office…

    May 9, 2021 | 

    Newt Gingrich gave an interview to Maria Bartiromo Sunday morning that is worth reviewing in total.  However, for this moment I want to key-in on a specific conversation topic at the 09:30 point of the video below.

    Note: Between the time this article was prepared (May 9) and today (May 12) Maria Bartiroma’s interview was removed from the internet.

    The former Speaker is exactly correct.  Cheney is pre-positioning herself to run against the potential for a 2024 Trump re-election bid.  The objective here is transparently obvious.  Liz Cheney is the 2024 version of former 2016 candidate Evan McMullin.   Both Cheney and McMullin come from the same origin within the intelligence apparatus.  Let me be very clear about something…. The Intelligence Community are the deep state operatives who control government.

    At the 30,000 foot level, the U.S. Intelligence Community, known as the “IC” are the people and institutions behind the entire operation of the United States government.  There are no longer three branches of government.  All branches (executive, legislative and judicial) now defer to the IC.  {Go Deep Here}

    The IC network, including their ability to reach into all systems, networks, institutions and agencies for surveillance, contains all of the elements of control over all other institutions.  Former CIA operative Evan McMullin, running for president in 2016, was part of this system effort.  It is now crystal clear that Liz Cheney, daughter to former Def Sec. Dick Cheney, is operating on behalf of this same system effort. THAT is the connective tissue.

    Understand Modern DC HERE

    The way we defeat all of the issues which we face on a daily basis is to first understand who the enemy is, what the allies can/cannot do to assist us, and what functional issues exist in the battle.

    When you realize the Intelligence Community is now in total control over government; when you realize there are no checks and balances within this system; when you realize the three branches of U.S. government have been deconstructed; only then can you honestly start to formulate solutions.

    One of the IC biggest weapons is also their weakness.  They operate in the shadows…. their systems rely on leverage, blackmail, and fear… they count on people not knowing how the levers are pulled.  Expose the problem to the larger American electorate and the IC is weakened.

    Comment: Definition of – Shadow Boxing is a form of physical exercise or training in which you move your hands and feet as if you are boxing someone. OR If you describe what two people or groups are doing as shadow boxing, you mean that they seem to be taking action against each other but in fact are not serious about the dispute. As of this posting – Liz Cheney has been ousted from her Caucus leadership position.