Popular blue surgical…

This in from the UK Daily Mail. Popular blue surgical face masks do NOT stop people…

Folks Singing Hymns – Not Looting…..Arrested

Folks Singing Hymns – Not Looting – During Protest in Idaho Against City and State Mask…

“Shut it down”

“I would shut it down; I would listen to the scientists,” Biden told ABC News alongside his new…

Can you hear me now ya bastards!

Woman pees on floor of Verizon store after refusing to wear mask By Yaron Steinbuch July 20,…

Really?… I do not care. Really.

I am sure everyone has seen that SOCIALIST sign, and it is the SHEEP who make…

Are you a Wal-martian?

first and foremost I speak 3 languages Ojibwe English SARCASM I have absofuckinglutely nothing nice to…

Creepy yet Accurate

Yesterday I went to town lookin like this it worked out rather well, social distancing wasn’t…