Friday Fun

Phil says Hi! It’s Friyay! Welcome to our weekly journey into faffery and frolic. Starting out,…

Friday Fun

Hi there! Welcome to Friday Fun, your one stop source for everything unserious. As usual, we…

Friday Fun

It’s time for your weekly journey into the Amusant and sublime, Friday fun. This week we…

Friday Fun

After a short hiatus, Friday Fun returns. It’s your weekly foray into faffery and frolic here…

Friday Fun Christmas Edition

Christmas is Monday, so I hope you have all your shopping done. If not, you have…

Friday Fun

Welcome to our weekly trip to the lighter side of life, Friday Fun. Kicking off the…

Friday Fun

Welcome to MVAP’s weekly foray into the ridiculous and sublime, Friday Fun. As usual, we start…

Friday Fun

Friday Fun

Welcome to our weekly excursion into the absurd and sublime, Friday Fun. I’d like to make…

Friday Fun

Welcome to our weekly foray into the ridiculous and sublime, Friday fun. As has become tradition,…