Tag: Michigan

  • Massive Blow to the FBI After Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Verdict Drops

    Massive Blow to the FBI After Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Verdict Drops

    Bonchie | RedState

    AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

    If you’ve followed the saga of the supposed plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, you’ve been privy to a variety of twists and turns over the last year or so. Those include the high probability that the FBI orchestrated the entire thing to entrap people and reinforce a politicized narrative, i.e. that the “right” is a domestic terror threat to Democrats. That fit right into what was being pushed prior to the 2020 election.

    Sure enough, several different pieces of evidence emerged showing that FBI agents, including one who ended up being arrested for physically abusing his wife, were central to organizing and goading vulnerable, disturbed men to go along with the plot. Why did that happen? Again, it sure feels like politics was at the center of everything.

    Now, we’ve got the verdicts in the trial of two of the men charged over the ordeal, and they represent a massive blow to the FBI’s credibility.

     Jurors on Friday acquitted two men of conspiring to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, and said they were deadlocked on charges against two others, in a significant defeat for federal prosecutors in one of the highest-profile domestic terrorism cases in decades.

    The jury of six men and six women found Brandon Caserta and Daniel Harris not guilty of all charges against them, and did not reach any verdicts on the charges against Barry Croft and Adam Fox. All four of the men had been accused of plotting to snatch Ms. Whitmer, a Democrat, from her vacation home in 2020.

    As the verdicts were read, federal prosecutors and F.B.I. agents sat in silence while Mr. Harris and Mr. Caserta hugged their lawyers.

    “Obviously we’re disappointed in the outcome,” Andrew Birge, the United States attorney for the Western District of Michigan, said outside the courthouse. He added: “We still believe in the jury system, and really, there’s not too much more I can say at this time. I appreciate the time the jury put in. They listened to a lot of evidence, deliberated quite a bit.”

    The jury also hung regarding the charges against two other men, which means this is pretty much a clean sweep of failure for the government’s case. How did this happen? Well, as the above links to prior RedState reporting show, there was a lot of evidence of FBI misconduct, from how everything started to the informants who were used to build the prosecutions. Further, the totality of the evidence against the men charged boiled down to some less than proper rhetoric, mostly over text messages. Apparently, the jury was not impressed by how all this went down, and it’s good to see that the legal system can still sometimes smell a rat when there is clearly one present.

    In the end, it appears that there was never any serious attempt to kidnap and kill Whitmer. Rather, some men of less than solid repute were herded and groomed to be part of a plot that never would have taken place without the FBI’s involvement. That’s not how any of this is supposed to work. Domestic terrorism plots are not supposed to be invented by the government in order to support the political narratives of a single party. Yet, that’s exactly what it seems happened here.

    And don’t kid yourself — none of this happened right before the 2020 election by accident. There’s no doubt in my mind the FBI and DOJ wanted Donald Trump to lose, and what better way to help that along than to make it seem as if his supporters were domestic terrorists?

    The FBI and DOJ continue to see their credibility collapse, and it’s well deserved.

    Original Here

  • Why Did Whitmer Give a Secret Taxpayer-Funded Payout …

    Why Did Whitmer Give a Secret Taxpayer-Funded Payout …

    Why Did Whitmer Give a Secret Taxpayer-Funded Payout to Resigning Health Director Amid Her Own Nursing Home Scandal?

    There’s something shady going on in Michigan involving its Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the exiting state health department director Robert Gordon, who received hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer dollars for a reason the public hasn’t been made aware of yet.

    According to The Detroit News, Whitmer’s administration paid Gordon the pile of cash in a deal that required silence from both parties:

    Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration agreed to pay former state health department director Robert Gordon $155,506 in a separation deal that also required the two sides to maintain confidentiality about the circumstances that led to his abrupt departure.

    The agreement is the clearest evidence yet that the split between Gordon, a central figure in the state’s response to COVID-19, and Whitmer was not amicable, and it shows the Democratic administration used taxpayer funds to ease his departure.

    On Feb. 22, one month after Gordon resigned without explanation, he and Mark Totten, Whitmer’s chief lawyer, signed the four-page agreement. The state agreed to pay Gordon a total that represents nine months of salary and health benefits, and he released the state from any potential legal claims.

    Why Gordon stepped down on January 22 a mere eight hours after he signed an epidemic order to lift the suspension on indoor dining is still a mystery as both parties refuse to say. Financial payouts between government officials that include non-disparagement clauses and legal protections aren’t new, but this one, in particular, seems a bit suspicious given the situation Whitmer finds herself in.

    As of this writing, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is embroiled in his own scandal revolving around some 15,000 dead due to his decision to put elderly New Yorkers in unsecured nursing homes. Democrats are currently making sexual harassment claims against Cuomo the center of the story, seemingly as a distraction. Making everyone pay attention to sexual harassment claims would allow them to contain the much larger issue of the thousands dead because if that’s focused on Cuomo then people will start asking about Whitmer as well, seeing as how she’s guilty of doing the exact same thing.

    It’s unclear if any of these payments for secretive reasons have anything to do with the fact that Whitmer is also guilty of putting healthy elderly Michiganders in unsecured nursing homes, resulting in 34 percent of Michigan’s COVID-19 deaths taking places in these nursing homes. What’s more, Michigan’s Attorney General made it clear that he will not be investigating Whitmer’s part in the debacle.

    Between the lack of investigation, secretive payouts, and a large percentage of elderly dead Michiganders in nursing homes due to policies that mimicked New York’s, it’s clear that something is being hidden. Cuomo was guilty of hiding the number of people his policies actually killed in order to protect his reputation. The question is, is Whitmer doing the same?
    https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2021/03/02/why-did-whitmer-give-a-secret-taxpayer-funded-payout-to-resigning-health-director-amid-her-own-nursing-home-scandal-n335675 By Brandon Morse | Mar 02, 2021 10:00 AM ET

    Comment: Also, Speaker Pelosi appears to be attempting to redirect everyone’s attention away from the deaths in these Senior’s facilities led by Democratic governor’s – why?

  • Up and Down Day In Michigan

    Up and Down Day In Michigan

    Earlier today, three Republican state representatives in Michigan introduced an impeachment resolution against governor Gretchen Whitmer. Reps. Beau LaFave, Matt Maddock, and Daire Rendon put forth the resolution, stating that Whitmer had gone well and beyond their constitutional authority during the pandemic.

    Whereas, In responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Gretchen E. Whitmer has acted in conflict with her constitutional duties as Governor. She has exceeded her constitutional authority, violated the constitutional rights of the people of Michigan, issued orders that are not in the best interests of the people of this state, and used the Pandemic as an opportunity to reward political allies. These actions are a matter of public record, primarily in the form of executive orders and the enforcement thereof; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives, That Gretchen E. Whitmer, Governor of the state of Michigan, is impeached for corrupt conduct in office and for crimes and misdemeanors.

    However, House Speaker Lee Chatfield, a Republican, has made it clear the impeachment will not advance in the House while he is the Speaker.

    “It’s no secret that I have disagreed with this governor. I have debated a lot with this governor. I have many differences with how the governor has handled COVID. We have a time and place to deal with differences — that’s at the ballot box. The voters of the state of Michigan will have a chance to choose in 2022,” Chatfield said in a statement, “Republicans are not the party of people who impeach just because they disagree with someone. We just saw that in Washington. We’re not going to do that in the state of Michigan. With the facts that we have, the impeachment resolution is not going to get a vote on the House floor. It’s not the right way to deal with this situation or this disagreement.”

  • Election Voting Systems by County – PA, MI, WI

    Election Voting Systems by County – PA, MI, WI

    The main post image showing the entire United States displays election methods used by counties in 1980.
    The three state maps in the post show what election voting technology and hardware companies service the counties of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, currently.

    Just some maps that show what voting systems are used in counties of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Still working on other states, and other numbers, and will put those up when they’re ready. This is black and white data, no opinion or shading – sources noted.

    As you will see, not every county within a state or commonwealth uses the same voting system. Even within counties, townships and cities can use different election technologies and systems. Examining a voting system’s integrity cannot be done by looking at a state or commonwealth, in totum. For example, the Pennsylvania counties most in dispute regarding vote “glitches”, Allegheny and Philadelphia, use Election Systems and Software (ES&S) which is not, Dominion Voting Systems, technically. Sydney Powell stresses this is a software issue and that machines coming from vendors other than Dominion are also running dirty software.

    – Clear Ballot Group Inc
    – Dominion Voting Systems
    – Election Systems and Software
    – Hart InterCivic Inc
    – Premier Election Solutions **
    – Sequoia Voting Systems *
    – Unisyn Voting Solutions
    – Vote-PAD

    * SEQUOIA VOTING SYSTEMS: Sequoia is based out of California and was owned by Smartmatic (please see NOTE below) until 2010 when they went bankrupt. Dominion Voting Systems acquired Sequoia in 2010.

    ** PREMIER ELECTION SOLUTIONS: Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold Election Systems, Inc or DESI) was a subsidiary of Diebold until 2009 when Premier was purchased by Election Systems and Software (ES&S). Dominion Voting Systems purchased all of Premier’s primary assets from ES&S in 2010.

    NOTE: Smartmatic, aka Smartatic Corp or Smartmatic International, is a company created in 1997 by three Venezuelans, Antonio Mugica, Alfredo Jose Anzola and Roger Pinate while working for Panagroup Corp – claims have been made that Smartmatic elections system technology was created to rig elections, period. The system has been used all over the world. Until 2018, when Smartmatic ceased doing business with Venezuala (they are privately funded, incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in Florida,) their election system was the major vendor for fourteen Venezuelan general elections. They do not have a sterling reputation when it comes to honesty and integrity. Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell have said a Madrid, Spain-based company, Indra Sistemas, is a subsidiary of Smartmatic and the actual owner of Dominion Voting Systems. They also say Smartmatic software is running in Dominion and other company’s election systems machines; Dominion claims their machines use their proprietary software, only.

    Color Coded County Maps of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin:

    Map above created by: University of Pittsburgh – Institue for Cyber, Law, Policy and Security

    Map above created by Michigan Office of the Secretary of State – Please ignore the red lettering

    Map above created by Yours Truly using data from: Wisconsin Approved Voting Systems
  • 6 Arrested in Plot to Kidnap MI Gov Whitmer

    6 Arrested in Plot to Kidnap MI Gov Whitmer

    The FBI has arrested and charged at least six men in connection with a plot to kidnap and possibly murder Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

    Barry Croft, Adam Fox, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta were all charged with conspiring to kidnap Whitmer.

    According to the court record, 15 militia members from “several states,” including two from Michigan, met in Dublin, Ohio on June 6 to discuss taking “violent action against multiple state governments that they believe are violating the U.S. Constitution.” The court filing also alleges the conspirators twice conducted surveillance at Whitmer’s vacation home and discussed kidnapping her to a remote location in Wisconsin to stand “trial” for treason prior to the Nov. 3 election.

    “Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor,” an FBI agent wrote in an affidavit. “The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.”

  • Don’t change the land, Let the land change you

    First some comments just so we are all on the same page

    the following quotes are from others who viewed the video

    I moved from a large city, with my parents, to the UP when I was a junior in high school. At first, like you, I couldn’t think of anything but how soon I could leave. After about a year, I couldn’t think of anywhere I would rather be. What you are speaking of, in relation to the ‘Southern hospitality’ is simply different cultures. In the North, people may not speak to strangers often, but when they do, they very much mean what they say. Some yoopers completely hate the idea of outsiders coming in and disrupting their way of life. They have that ‘King of the Forest’ mentality, and nothing you say or do will convince them otherwise. I have found that these types are fewer than the folks who do to the cultural difference, just need the ‘chance’ to warm up to their new neighbors. I am almost 60 now and couldn’t think of anywhere else I would rather live. Even with the terrible winters. You just adapt and move on.

    Lived in U.P. 2003-2013, best and worst years of my life. Beautiful place, yoopers are quite the cast of characters though.

    thankfully a lot of people cannot adapt to slow life and giving away all their fancy cell towers and receptions and other things. but the trade off is a better raised family, men grow up to be men, less city influence. which means more room for people who want a new life. did i mention less radiation and if you got the acres, lots of crops. healthy crops.

    figuring about 7 people per mile is about average, maybe I should use the word tolerable instead

    I found this transplant’s view interesting, and true

    For me. The UP is great for visiting. Beautiful country. Just couldn’t live there