Tag: Mike Schmidt

  • Multnomah County DA’s Body Count Rises

    Multnomah County DA’s Body Count Rises

    I wrote about the one of the major failings of Multnomah County prosecutor Mike Schmidt yesterday. Today I bring you a related story.

    Michael Forest Reinoehl is suspected of killing Trump supporter and Patriot Prayer member Aaron Danielson. The shooting happened in the wake of a pro-Trump rally in Portland as Danielson was walking home Saturday night.


    Like the case of Phillip Lawrence Nelson who was charged with double stabbing murder of Cassy Leaton and Najaf “Nate” Hobbs, Reinoehl had charges pending in Multnomah county and was released.

    He was arrested on July 5 for resisting arrest, interfering with police and illegal gun possession, records show. The Portland police bureau posted a photo of officers handcuffing Reinoehl with a gun splayed out on the ground.


    Those aren’t the only recent charges Reinoehl faces. He was charged with DUI, illegal gun possession and reckless endangerment after being stopped going 111 mph on an Oregon highway. Local media reports indicate Reinoehl had his 11 year old daughter in the car with him at the time of the stop.

    Like Cassie and Nate, Aaron Danielson would be alive if Mike Schmidt did his job. His policies have led directly to another death. I am not an Oregonian, and do not know the laws in that state, however at the very least he needs to be recalled. I wonder how many more people need to be murdered because of his policies.

  • Two Dead Because Portland DA Refused Prosecution

    Two Dead Because Portland DA Refused Prosecution

    Accused double murderer Phillip Lawrence Nelson

    Normally, I wouldn’t cover what appears to be a run of the mill murder in any city. This one, however, is a bit different.

    Portland police have charged Phillip Lawrence Nelson in the double stabbing murder of Cassy Leaton, 22, and Najaf “Nate” Hobbs, 39 in Northeast Portland in June.

    Now here’s the newsworthy part, the week before, Nelson had been arrested for interfering with a police officer during one of the riots. He was released the next day and charges were dropped.

    Multnomah county prosecutor Mike Schmidt has blood in his hands. Plain and simple. Had he done the job he was elected to do, Cassie and Nate would still be alive. Instead, he declined to prosecute a homeless drifter who was involved in the riots.

    Admittedly, IANAL, but the families of Cassie and Nate should sue.