Tag: Military Recruitment

  • A 43% Drop in White…

    A 43% Drop in White…

    A 43% Drop in White Recruits Caused the Army’s ‘Recruitment Crisis’

    The real military recruitment crisis is DEI discrimination against white people.

    January 16, 2024 by Daniel Greenfield for Frontpage Magazine 

    The military recruitment crisis that has crippled our defense capabilities has been talked to death by generals, politicians and pundits who have blamed everything from rising minimum wages to obesity to Gen Z culture for the problem. They have raised enlistment bonuses to unprecedented levels, spent fortunes on ad campaigns that feature lesbian weddings and doubled down on DEI as the answer to the crisis. And yet the crisis has grown worse.

    That’s because recruitment was a self-inflicted problem caused by a woke racist military.

    Between 2018 and 2023, white Army recruits, once the mainstay, fell from a bare majority of 56% to a minority at 44%.

    This was not an unintended effect, but policy.

    “We are an Army that wants to look like America,” Maj. Gen. Kevin Vereen, the first black head of Army Recruiting Command, had proclaimed.

    Gen. Gary Brito, the first black head of Army Training and Doctrine Command under whose purview recruiting falls, and the former deputy Army chief of staff for personnel, had boasted of Army “listening sessions” on racism, diversity and inclusion in order to maximize diversity.

    Military brass had been tasked with creating a military that “looked more like America” and as a result the number of white Army recruits declined year by year and fell 43% from 44,042 in 2018 to 25,070 in 2023.

    Black, Hispanic and other minority recruits became a majority, but there weren’t any more of them than there had been before. Minorities were joining the Army at the same rate as they had before, but with fewer white recruits they had become a majority by default.

    Pushing white men away with DEI struggle sessions, affirmative action quotas and mandatory pronoun training was supposed to open the door for minorities who were being ‘blocked’ by the ‘whiteness’ of the military from joining up and serving, but the minorities aren’t showing up.

    Equity had created a recruitment crisis with a majority-minority enlistment population that looked good on paper, but without the white recruits, the Army experienced a shortfall of 10,000 recruits. Rather than growing the Army, the emphasis on DEI had shrunk it instead.

    Army Secretary Christine Wormuth urged “strategically deploying recruiters to communities across the country based on demographics, ethnicity, race, and gender.”

    40% of military recruits come out of the South, 44% come from rural areas and the Army instead began recruiting in “underrepresented cities” like Baltimore, Minneapolis, and New York City.

    Wormuth, who got her start as a Clinton intern, complained that, “today more than 80% of recruits come from military families. There is a risk of developing a warrior caste when only 1% of the population serves in the military.” But without the “warrior caste”, no one serves.

    Woke military leaders turned their backs on the white rural men from military families who represented their recruitment base and instead began chasing minority recruits in NYC.

    A Quinnipiac poll from 2022 found that if America were invaded, 70% of men, 40% of women, 57% of white men, 61% of Hispanics and 38% of black people would stay and fight. Military recruitment has been retooled to focus on those least likely to want to fight for America.

    West Point was turning away even very well qualified white candidates while its Director of Admissions admitted that “every qualified African-American applicant were offered admission into West Point, yet the class composition goal was still lacking.” The goal was the United States Military Academy’s intensive quota system meant to cut 20% of white officers from the mix.

    The Academy has been sued by qualified white candidates, including a high school student with a 4.2 GPA, three family members currently serving in the military and a grandfather who fought in the Army on D-Day, who were kept out because their skin color was not diverse enough.

    Beyond the Army, this was a problem that was taking place across the entire military.

    The Senate recently voted to confirm Charles Q. Brown Jr. as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. While serving as Air Force Chief of Staff, Brown had endorsed a 43% quota for white male officers at a time when 86% of pilots are white men. That’s how you get recruitment shortages.

    As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Brown is in a position to deepen the military’s systemic racism.

    The recruitment crisis was a case of the woke military leadership getting almost exactly what they wanted. White men, locked out of career tracks, forced into implicit bias and pronoun training, have opted out. Military families are telling their kids not to serve and ending the “warrior caste” that Army Secretary Christine Wormuth was worried about. And with Army recruiters focusing on Baltimore and New York City, instead of the rural South, potential recruits are left behind. But the woke military is struggling and failing to find the woke recruits it wanted.

    It was always the rural white men who were going to be the likeliest to fight and die for America.

    “We’ve never offered $50,000 to join the Army,”  Maj. Gen. Kevin Vereen, head of U.S. Army Recruiting Command, had said. You can’t pay anyone enough to hold the line on the battlefield.

    The Army turned away those who would serve for love of their country and can’t seem to find enough of those diverse Gen Z’ers with multiple pronouns who will serve for money.

    The leaders who have made these decisions have blamed the crisis on everything except their policies. They claim that obesity, the job market, opioids and even an “underfunded public school system” are the reasons that recruits aren’t showing up. The real reason is racism.

    Their racism.

    The recruitment crisis consists of the missing white men who aren’t showing up for duty.

    The military doesn’t have a recruitment crisis: it has a systemic racism crisis. Reversing the recruitment crisis requires getting rid of DEI. Woke military leaders have claimed that they need DEI to prepare for the diverse recruits of tomorrow, but the diverse recruits aren’t coming.

    The U.S. Army signed a $4 billion marketing contract with Omnicom, one of whose subsidiaries worked on the Biden campaign, to market the military. It could tear up that contract, save the money and restore the traditions of honor, colorblind service and integrity that made it strong.

    Ending woke systemic racism in the military will also end the recruitment crisis.

  • Unfit to Serve? Obesity…

    Unfit to Serve? Obesity…

    Unfit to Serve? Obesity Epidemic Creating Recruitment Woes, National Security Risk – Biden’s DEI Policies Don’t Help

     By Warner Todd Huston  for western journal.com

    The U.S. military has faced a number of problems recently in recruiting new soldiers, especially in a nation with an increasing obesity problem among its young people. But President Joe Biden’s obsession with pushing woke ideology on recruits instead of teaching them to fight is not helping matters at all.

    The U.S. Army, for instance, has launched a new program called the Future Soldier Preparatory Course to which recruits who are too overweight to join the service right away are sent for 90 days to lose enough weight to be sent to basic training, according to Military.com.

    Would be soldiers who are sent to the training center at Fort Jackson in South Carolina are given temporary status as an official recruit pending the successful outcome of their 90-day pre-induction training period.

    The site noted that 278 of the most recent class of 989 basic training graduates came from the Future Soldier Preparatory Course.

    The pre-basic training program is not just for overweight recruits. It also has an academic department for recruits who failed the entrance exam in math or other academic fields. In this department, possible recruits are given tutoring to help them bring their academic scores up high enough to pass the Army’s written test, called the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB.

    The situation with recruiting is so bad that even the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention teamed up to put out an infographic entitled “Unfit to Serve, Obesity and Physical Inactivity Are Impacting National Security.”

    “Just over 1 in 3 young adults aged 17-24 is too heavy to serve in our military,” the CDC said.

    Unfortunately, these services the Pentagon is offering seem to be necessary since so many students are emerging from high school seriously overweight and without basic skills in math, science, English, and writing.

    The Pentagon reported that 77 percent of Americans of recruitment age do not qualify for military service. They attribute the shortfalls to drug use, obesity, and mental or physical health issues.

    The Army, Navy and Air Force are all projected to miss recruiting goalsfor 2023, according to Military.com. So, the woke Pentagon has been left desperately trying to find ways to fill their swiftly depleting ranks.

    Indeed, as far as the ASVAB goes, the Pentagon has already taken steps to dumb down the test and is even now allowing calculators to be used on the test’s math portion.

    The ASVAB had remained largely unchanged since its introduction in 1968 until more recent times when it was called “racist” for having bias towards white people, according to the Army Times.

    The Pentagon has also begun lowering fitness requirements to get more recruits through the door, the Military Times reported in March of last year. And even more changes to make the requirements came earlier this year, the Army Times added.

    Still, despite the grater societal problems with America’s youth, many are also pointing to the highly woke atmosphere that Joe Biden’s Pentagon is forcing on the U.S. military.

    Many critics are pointing to the Pentagon’s absurd diversity policies for chasing away recruits, Military.com reported in March.

    Conservatives are urging the Pentagon to ditch its woke DEI policies and get back to teaching soldiers how to fight wars.

    GOP Rep. Mike Waltz of Florida, for one, said that the woke policies are hurting the military and added, “these initiatives have taken a real toll on our military and its perception amongst the public.”

    Waltz headed a panel along with the Heritage Foundation that found that the Pentagon’s “sweeping embrace of diversity, equity, and inclusion” policies are undermining the services.

    Many others have also chimed in to criticize the Pentagon for going woke.

    In March 2022, Retired Col. Mitchell Swan, who is a Republican candidate for Georgia’s 10th Congressional District, blasted Biden’s military policies for making this country weaker.

    “The biggest European land war since World War II, and where is our military focused? Gender dysphoria and woke training. This is insane,” Swan said in a campaign video.

    In June, Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado also slammed Biden’s military after the Air Force took to social media to celebrate “pride” month. Rep. Boebert was alarmed that the artwork made it look as if an airman was saluting the LGBT flag.

    June is #PrideMonth! The Department of the Air Force proudly recognizes and celebrates generations of LGBTQI+ service members and their contributions to our #AirForce & #SpaceForcepic.twitter.com/lQi9lH5sdr

    — U.S. Air Force (@usairforce) June 7, 2023

    “We salute one flag and one flag only in the United States of America. It isn’t the ‘Pride’ flag,” Boebert tweeted.

    We salute one flag and one flag only in the United States of America.

    It isn’t the “Pride” flag. https://t.co/LnxCdf1fpK

    — Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) June 8, 2023

    The woke foolishness is coming from the top, as well. Last year, Biden even claimed he intended to wokeize the military’s vehicles by making them “climate friendly.”

    BIDEN: “EVERY vehicle in the United States military, every vehicle, is going to be climate friendly.” pic.twitter.com/0fcnMKoOf0

    — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 22, 2022

    Granted, it is easy to see why the Pentagon is constantly dumbing down the tests and requirements for new recruits. But it is just as clear that the Pentagon is even more interested in categorizing soldiers by gender and sexual orientation and less interested in skills such as health, education and proficiency in math — the latter of which is needed in all high-tech jobs.

    Biden’s military is failing our country in a number of ways. The solution might just be to refocus on military training and stop trying to be a left-wing social experiment.

  • Democrats Used the Military

    Democrats Used the Military

    Democrats Used the Military for Social Experiments

    Gary Anderson for Spectator.org

    Veterans no longer want their kids to enlist. Here’s why.

    Lately, military-age males have stayed away from the military in droves. General officers and senior civilians in the Pentagon blame a and decades of video games for creating a generation of young men not mentally and physically qualified to serve — and there is certainly some truth to that.

    But if senior Pentagon officials want to get to the bottom of the Biden-era recruiting dip, they should look in the mirror and at the picture of the sitting president on the wall of virtually every office in the five-sided wind tunnel in Arlington, Virginia. 

    They have created a military culture across the services in which few red-blooded American males want to participate. Many — uniformed and otherwise — claim that their manpower policies are not that much different than those of the Trump administration. They fail to recognize, however, that the difference lies in leadership style and tone.

    Since the 1960s, Democratic administrations have engaged in a series of social experiments, and nearly all have been disastrous or have resulted in a degradation of military readiness. Perhaps the most egregious of these was the infamous Project 100,000 during the Johnson administration. 

    Lyndon B. Johnson had a problem during the Vietnam War: There were high unemployment numbers, particularly among young ghetto dwellers, and not enough qualified draftees were being inducted to support his Vietnam adventure. At the advice of Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, Johnson directed the DOD to ignore the intelligence grading scores on military aptitude entrance tests to gain at least 100,000 new recruits. Thus, Project 100,000 was born. 

    In the military, these recruits became known as McNamara’s Morons. The project sent thousands of unqualified draftees — many Black — to Vietnam, where they died in droves. It eased the unemployment and recruiting problems, but at a terrible price. Many of these angry draftees turned to drugs and racial conflict because they realized that they were pawns in a political game.

    Fast forward to 2023. The Biden administration is obsessed with diversity, equity, inclusion,  and “firsts” — particularly among underserviced minorities and fringe groups, like LGBTQ+.  If the Navy could find a pregnant, non-binary whale, I would not be surprised if they made an admiral out of it. 

    Traditionally, a large proportion of military recruits have had parents who served. This is especially true of kids who grew up in a service environment: My son was one of them. Two decades ago, I enthusiastically cheered him on when he enlisted after 9/11. I would not do so today — and I am apparently not alone. According to the Washington Post, many other veterans are not encouraging their kids and grandkids to serve. Some actively discourage their kids from joining, fearing “woke” indoctrination.

    While I would not actively discourage one of my grandchildren from service, if asked, I would point out some serious questions I have regarding the present senior leadership of the military.

    Questioning Today’s Pentagon

    First, would you trust your life to a senior military leadership that would put you at risk after being told to put political concerns over sound tactics? 

    This is exactly what happened with the Afghan evacuation in 2021. The military leadership of the nation most likely knew that the secure Bagram air base was a better embarkation point than the vulnerable Kabul Airport. This was a choice made by craven State Department officials for purely political reasons. No senior military officer objected or threatened to resign over this clearly idiotic mission order. To date, no one in the military chain of command has been held accountable, and many are still on active duty. 

    Second, would you enjoy having your superiors — whether forced or enthusiastic — indoctrinate you to embrace behavior that directly contradicts the values that your parents and grandparents have tried to instill in you?

    Third, do you want to be led by senior military leaders who ascended to their positions by being racial or gender “firsts” or who sacrifice the concept of military honor for political expediency?

    I would encourage you to look at our current overweight secretary of defense — a former general — and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and tell me if that is where you want to be 30 years from now.

    I sincerely hope that there will be a wave of military reform that will make it possible for me to again encourage my grandchildren and neighbors’ kids to consider a stint in the military or a military career. But I do not see it happening soon. Serious military reform has historically come in the wake of defeat.

    Abraham Lincoln went through four generals during the Civil War before he found in Ulysses S. Grant one capable of defeating Robert E. Lee. George Marshall had to ruthlessly purge senior army leadership following early debacles during World War II. The U.S. Army and Marine Corps undertook innovative reforms following our humiliating loss in Vietnam. None of these reforms were accomplished before military incompetence, and political tinkering did serious damage and caused needless casualties.

    Joe Biden has the military he wants, but not the one America needs. Our senior Pentagon leaders are unquestioningly obedient and politically correct, but they have also shown themselves to be inept at the strategic and operational levels of war. I do not want any of my family or friends serving under them in a future debacle.

    Gary Anderson is a retired Marine Corps colonel. He lectures on alternative analysis at the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs.

    I keep repeating myself by saying China will not have to use a single weapon to defeat us. The powers that be are seeing to that.