Things we Love to hate
What happened in Skokie
was a test on the 1st Admendment
how so?
” while I highly disagree with what’s being said, I’ll defend your right to say it”
That’s what Skokie was all about
Freedom of Speech
you still believe in that ideal?
a picture from this past summer’s pantifa’s view’s on Free Speech

Andy NGO has a new book out

Powell’s Books@Powells·19hThis book will not be placed on our shelves. We will not promote it. That said, it will remain in our online catalog. We carry a lot of books we find abhorrent, as well as those that we treasure.
Replying to @Powellswhy do you even want it in your online catalog? why do you want to funnel money and attention toward a fascist murder accomplice?
Ironically, Powell’s still sells over 60+ version of Mein Kampf on their website.
You know, an actual nazi book.
First they came for the Conservative
then they came for the Christian
While reading about the book
Father Martin Niemöller’s words were front & center
A song about PEACEFUL Protest
with a video concerning everything
but Peaceful before the 2016 election
Extermination of 80 million + ?
Uncle Joe is smiling