Tag: Nature

  • Canadian tourist bitten by camel while visiting Jerusalem

    Canadian tourist bitten by camel while visiting Jerusalem

    Illustrative: A camel rests with Jerusalem’s Old City in the backdrop on April 5, 2015. (Nati Shohat/Flash90)

    31-year-old tells medics she was walking with a group of foreigners in Old City when camel approached and bit her, causing what ended up as minor injuries


    A camel trotted up to a group of tourists in Jerusalem’s Old City on Friday and took a bite out of one of the visitors’ legs.

    Magen David Adom medics were dispatched to the scene on the Mount of Olives and provided first-aid treatment to the 31-year-old Canadian national who was doing well and able to share what had taken place.

    She was then taken to Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center for further treatment, though doctors deemed her injuries to be minor.

    Friday’s camel-related incident was far less serious than one that took place last year when a 65-year-old man was killed after his car collided with a camel on Road 358 between the town of Lakia and Kibbutz Lahav in southern Israel.

    In 2018, the State of Israel passed a law that stipulates that camels are to be tagged with an under-the-skin digital ID chip, similar to dogs, and their owners held criminally responsible if their animals are involved in road accidents.

    Original Here

    You might be wondering why this article got posted here. It is just a dog-bites-man kind of story. Well, it gave your editor flashbacks to his time in Iraq. He was the victim of an unprovoked camel attack. Since that day he cannot go anywhere near any camelid without wanting to turn it into kebabs.

  • Decompress for a moment

    Decompress for a moment

    Having sewed a couple of hides ass backwards I took a walk, bout 400 yards worth, which is good for the attitude, until I get here

    now while you decompress from the daily onslaught afforded by the crazies

    just listen

    While you are enjoying the break of peaceful waters

    I have regained attitude

    I know when beavers have started in with their destruction

    let me tell you of yooper beavers

    to which burn loot murder want no part of

    see that image above

    A hungry beaver decided to eat through a utility pole as a yummy snack

    The crew was able to quickly replace the damaged pole, which usually takes about 3-4 hours.

    does blm even know what a beaver looks like?


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  • How many worlds are there?

    How many worlds are there?

    I’ve narrowed it down to just two, with footnotes

    sub catagories if you prefer

    couple of examples

    if one hunts and fishes, chances are that bunch won’t be found in the world of say High fashion

    was a nice night to sleep outside, not because I was forced to, because I wanted to

    I did miss the sunrise this am

    the sights an sounds of the city

    I don’t miss that at all

    yet there are people who prefer the hustle an bustle of such places


  • Déjà vu while sitting on the porch…

    Déjà vu while sitting on the porch…

    …minding my own damn business

    0500 – Already been up for awhile, sometimes sleep don’t come easy

    it happens

    sitting on porch, it’s mostly dark, but not black

    black is different

    starlight doesn’t break through the canopy

    sayin to no one in particular, fucking bugs

    something was crawling my back,

    squished that bastard between me an the house

    meanwhile my ears were surrounded by no see um bugs,

    got to a point I drank my coffee waitin for sun, the wonderful sunlight

    doesn’t mean life gets any better, just means you can see better

    weren’t expecting that were ya

    what did the day have in store for me?

    digging out a stump, a spade shovel didn’t work so well, so to the truck I went and got out the tried an true entrenching tool

    got like 88 degrees, muggy, and the fucking bugs found me again, only these were human bugs

    there was kids like 16/17 of age next door watchin me kinda, I could hear some of what they was talking about

    i’ll put it this way

    they are Young and Dumb and full of (finish the sentence)

    hint : it rhymes

    When I brought out the 23 inch self oil Jonsered chainsaw

    that’s when they really backed up, mind you they are in the drive of the house next door

    all that time I was in that hole, not once did they ask me if they could help out

    got home just in time for lightning over the lake, an rain.

    so what I do? grabbed a vernors an went outside. stood in the rain

    sayin to no one in particular

    fuck it

    heard stories of the rock apes, never did see one

  • Quiz: Science & Nature

    Quiz: Science & Nature

    Welcome to our very first MVAP developed quiz.

    I have been taking it easy on you up to this point, so be prepared for some challenges

    Today’ quiz is a grab bag of science and nature related questions

    Are you smarter than the average geek?

    Take the quiz below and share your results!

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