Tag: never again

  • Behind the lines

    Behind the lines

    Marco Rubio Introduces National Gun Grab

    The Senate bill, named the Terror Intelligence Improvement Act, was reentered last week in hopes of exploiting the hysteria surrounding the January 6th Capitol protests. The law intends to violate the civil liberties of American citizens who are not charged or convicted of a crime if somebody is deemed politically dangerous.

    On February 2, 2021, Marco Rubio introduced a bill that would strip any individual of their Second Amendment rights simply for being “investigated” for acts of domestic terrorism.

    David Codrea of AmmoLand observed that “Rubio tried this before in 2016 as a “‘kinder, gentler’ alternative to a bill being pushed by then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.” Rubio’s move is in line with the Republican belief that by offering compromise or constructive Republican alternative proposals (C.R.A.P), they will satisfy the Left.

    The mention of red flag laws should seem eerily familiar.

    Another such opportunist is the Dan Crenshaw.  He also seeks to severely limit gun rights even further than they already have been over the last 100 years.  He also slammed down calls to contest the election in 2020, despite massive irregularities, saying Trump supporters were merely doing “mental gymnastics”

    This man is a pernicious opportunist who douses anti-Americans like Liz Cheney with praise while slamming

    pro-Constitution Marjorie Taylor Greene.

    A purity test for the military

    LEO’s kneeling with blm

    If gun grabbing starts

    it’ll start in blue states

    I find myself chuckling , McCoy came to mind

    “I choose the danger!

    hell of a time to ask…”

    Can you see me now… no?

    Amagine that

    Psalm 144:1

    In Deo Speramus

  • Nice deflection

    Notice how the conversation has changed from VOTER FRAUD to MAGA troublemakers

    with President Trump being the ringleader …. ahuuh and right…

    I see the liz cheney has opened her piehole in favor of Impeachment of President Trump

    That woman is a Goshdamn embrarrassment to the flag along with the other mouth-breathers

    I know who and exactly what you are

    want proof Liz?

    Lone Pine, California is a conservative-leaning town near the Nevada border.
    In the last election, 51.9% voted for the Republican Party, and 38.6% voted Democrat.

    So there was really no rush by liberal state officials to collect the ballots for the 2020 election.

    In fact, there is still a ballot drop box on the sidewalk near city hall.

    it’s still there over two months after the election

    Democrats like ballot boxes because they can stuff them full of ballots when they need to.
    And they can leave other ballot boxes on the street in conservative districts when they want to

    with the APPROVAL of the

    Washington Generals

    who still get paid for being on the floor

    Extra stuff:

    I must be getting soft

    this morning I let loose a rabbit from a live trap

    get outta here ya furball

    I should do a rant sometime

    Rants are where one makes another feel like 2 cents waitin on change

    nip that niceness in the bud