Tag: New York

  • The End of an Era

    The End of an Era

    RemArms, the parent company of Remington firearms, has announced they are ceasing production at their Illion, New York factory. The closure, scheduled for 4 March 2024, will bring an end to a 195 year history of firearms production in that sleepy little Mohawk valley town. Approximately 270 employees will be affected by the closure.

    The company was founded by Eliphalet Remington (1793–1861) in 1816 after he decided he could make a better firearm than he could buy. In 1828 he moved into the factory in Illion. That facility is the same one that is closing next March.

    Eliphalet Remington

    In 1888, the Remington family sold the ownership of E. Remington & Sons to new owners, Marcellus Hartley and Partners. This consisted of Hartley and Graham of New York, New York, a major sporting goods chain that also owned the Union Metallic Cartridge Company in Bridgeport and the Winchester Repeating Arms Company of New Haven, both in Connecticut. At this time, the company formally changed its name to the Remington Arms Company.

    DuPont purchased Remington during the Great Depression and owned the company up until the 1993 sale to  Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, a private equity firm, for $300 million. Under DuPont’s ownership, Remington introduced some of their most iconic firearms, the 870 and 1100 shotguns and the model 700 rifle. They also opened a new ammunition factory in Lonoke Arkansas.

    Top to bottom, 870, 700, V3

    CD&R then sold the company to Cerebus Capital in 2007. The company had been in dire financial straits then, they did not record a profit from 2003 to 2005. Both CD&R and Cerebus managed to saddle Remington with unsustainable levels of debt.

    The first of two bankruptcies was filed in 2018. It was during this period of time the company was involved in a suit due to the Sandy Hook shootings. The restructuring wouldn’t help, they filed again in 2020. This time though, the company was broken up. The Remington ammuntion name and Lonoke factory were sold to Vista Outdoors. The other brands under the Remington umbrella like Marlin and AAC went to other established gun manufacturers.

    Being in Upstate NY, this editor has followed the news out of Illion pretty closely and if you were to ask me what caused this closure I’d tell you it was a combination of several factors. First, years of mismanagement weakened the company to the point it couldn’t sustain multiple factory locations. Second, the laws in this state make it difficult to run a firearms related business here. Third, the union, the United Mine Workers, dug their heels in about some things after the bankruptcy sale. The final factor is the factory itself. The layout, while state of the art in 1828, is not conducive to modern manufacturing processes.

  • Two Largest Democrat States Lose Trillions as Mega Corporations Flee Disastrous Policies, Head South

    Two Largest Democrat States Lose Trillions as Mega Corporations Flee Disastrous Policies, Head South

    Mike Miller | RedState

    In a recent RedState article, I included a prophetic line from a 70s rock classic: “Tax the rich, feed the poor, til there are no rich no more.” Arguably, California and New York have more eagerly and stubbornly followed that disastrous utopian advice than any other state in the Union. 

    As a result, the largest two Democrat-run states are getting exactly what they paid for.

    Correction: Exactly what their fed-up taxpayers have paid for.

    So how bad is it? Let’s put it this way: New York and California have each lost more than $1 trillion in managed assets as financial firms and Big Tech firms have fled to Texas, Florida, and other southern states. Moreover, the exodus continues. 

    What did Einstein tell us? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity? Yeah, that. 

    A Bloomberg analysis of the corporate filing of more than 17,000 firms conducted since the end of 2019 found bleak results for both states.

    From the start of 2020 through the end of March 2023, more than 370 investment companies – managing about $2.7 trillion in assets – moved their headquarters to a new state, according to Bloomberg. 

    The overwhelming majority of the migration was from high-tax states in the Northeast and on the West Coast and into lower-tax states like Florida and Texas, which boast no income tax. 

    The departure of companies like Elliott Management, AllianceBernstein and Charles Schwab has drained the two states of thousands of high-paying jobs, further burdening city and state finances by sapping tax revenue. 

    Commercial property markets have also buckled under the weight of the sudden exit of the finance industry, at the same time they are struggling to find new tenants amid the surge in remote work. 

    But, hey — no biggie, right? 

    I mean, what could be more important than run-away violent crime, homelessness, hopeless drug addiction, revolving-door jail cells, and ridiculous woke policies? 

    Besides, as socialist lunatics like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders endlessly babble on, evil corporations don’t pay their “fair share,” anyway. So, good riddance! Don’t let the door hit you! 


    It’s not just mega corporations that are exiting New York and California in record numbers; their citizens are also fleeing in droves for better climes — and I don’t just mean the weather — as well. 

    According to a Bank of America analyst:

    We constructed near real-time estimates of domestic migration flows and found that pandemic migration trends are not reversing,” the analysis said. Since the first quarter of 2023, the data “suggests that cities that saw a large influx of people during the pandemic have still been growing faster than other cities in recent quarters.

    Out-of-control San Francisco experienced a one percent drop in population in just the first quarter of 2023, and more than a three percent drop from 2020 to 2022. Likewise, New York City lost roughly one percent of its population in early 2023 and three percent in the two prior years.

    One would think a Big City Democrat with a modicum of intelligence would see the writing — or the graffiti, as it were — on the wall and think, “Wait a minute… we need to take an objective look at the impact of our insane policies and make some serious changes.” 

    Welp, one would be wrong to think that.

    Take Chicago, for example. As we reported earlier in August, gang shootings have increased — even on the Northside — to the point where a community group recently emailed a newsletter featuring a desperate plea — dubbed “The People’s Ordinance” — asking gang members not to fire guns or commit shootings between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

    Who’d a thunk that Chicago voters, who kicked prior Mayor Lori Lightfoot to the curb, would turn around and elect Brandon Johnson, of all people, who is proving to be at least as disastrous as was Lightfoot, and likely worse in the long run? 

    The Bottom Line

    Comedian George Carlin warned: “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”

    The whole Democrat thing makes me wonder if, somewhere, Albert Einstein and George Carlin are enjoying a couple of beers while shaking their heads. Or maybe, having a good “We told you so” laugh. 

    Original Here

  • Cuomo Feeling The Heat

    Cuomo Feeling The Heat

    Most of you know this editor resides in the People’s Republic of New York. And most of you know at least something about Il Duce, Andy Cuomo and his (mis)handling of the WuFlu in the Empire state. What you may not know about is the fact that the ‘Love Gov’ is embroiled in a series of scandals at the moment.

    You could be excused for not knowing based on the MSM coverage, or lack thereof, of everything plaguing Andy at the moment.

    First up, and I covered some of it here, is the fact that the US attorney’s office and the FBI have opened a criminal investigation into his handling of nursing homes during the pandemic. The investigation was prompted by the admission of one of Cuomo’s aides that he reported incorrect numbers of deaths to avoid a federal investigation. As of this writing there is little new to report on that front.

    Former Cuomo aide Lindsey Boylan

    What is new is a raft of bullying and sexual harrasment charges leveled against him in recent days. Former aide Lindsey Boylan penned an op-ed for Medium detailing her treatment at the hands of Cuomo. According to Boylan, who worked as Chief of Staff of the Empire State Development agency, said Cuomo kissed her on the mouth in his office without permission, made sexual innuendos and once asked her to play “strip poker.”

    New York State Senator Alessandra Biaggi is one of the NY lawmakers speaking out about the sex scandal the ‘Love Gov’ finds himself in. Biaggi said she supports Boylan and said that she too witnessed “inappropriate” behavior when she worked for the administration.


    This ongoing saga, Boylan first made her accusations in the beginning of December, has gotten scant coverage in the media. Until yesterday, there had been ZERO coverage of the story on any network not named Fox. CNN, the broadcast home of Andy’s brother Fredo hasn’t yet mentioned the scandal, while the other networks have at least mentioned it in passing.

    So what are Andy and his inner circle saying about this? Predictably, they’re in full CYA mode. Cuomo’s top aide, Rich Azzopardi has been on the attack, trying to tamp down the raging fires surrounding Cuomo. Unfortunately (at least for him) he’s pissing on an oilfield fire.


    Is it time for Cuomo to go? Some new polling out seems to show that a majority of New Yorkers want a new governor. A new Marist poll shows a “majority of poll respondents also said it was time for the state to have a new governor, as Cuomo gears up for the prospect of seeking a fourth term in 2022. Some 38 percent of adults in the survey said he deserved to be re-elected, while 57 percent said it was time to elect someone else.”

    Unfortunately for everyone not living in the Five Boroughs and Westchester county, whoever eventually replaces him is going to be at least a left-leaning if not worse.

  • “Who Cares Where They Died? They Died!”

    “Who Cares Where They Died? They Died!”

    The headline above is a direct quote from New York governor Andrew Cuomo. It was in response to a question bout his nursing home policy that forced nursing homes to take covid patients regardless of whether or not those facilities could segregate or care for those patients.


    It has long been suspected that Cuomo has been undercounting covid deaths related to nursing homes. The state Health department changed the way nursing home deaths were recorded shortly after the governor issued his infamous order. A recent investigation by NY Attorney General Leticia James found the deaths have been understated by 50% or more. Instead of 8,711 deaths, the number could actually be 13,000 or higher. James all but said that was due in part to the state changing the way deaths were calculated.

    Cuomo, true to form, spent a press conference trying to blame everyone but himself.


    Janice Dean, Fox chief meteorologist, who lost both of her in-laws to Covid in nursing homes, wasn’t having any of Andy’s bullsh*t.

  • Good News – It’s Over

    Good News – It’s Over

    Poof – just like magic, soon all the Democrat run states & cities that have had your best COVID interests at heart are opened for business and just in time for the Biden inauguration.

    And here is a start to that wondrous event….


    Yes, the timing is suspect. However, for those who have suffered through this last year of lockdowns, or lost your job, or been evicted from your apartment, or suffered mentally and physically. Please, never forget and think carefully about 2020 come the 2022 midterm elections and then once again come 2024. Yet, I am still grateful that it is over.

    And they will all point that their recent decision or change in direction; is due to a January 5, 2020 report delivered from Stanford, as to their explanation for the reversal of the lock downs; which shows they were of no benefit. Meanwhile, thousands of medical professionals were silenced in the interim and lives lost, for no other reason than the lock down. And maybe a page from history would have been a better choice of reference.

    However, Just remember those who are much kinder and wiser, did what was right. Shannon Harshbarger, post commander, American Legion Post 16 donated not one, but both his Stimulus checks to the local food bank.

    These last year has been difficult at times, but never the less 2020 is in the rear-view mirror.

  • Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade

    Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade

    The parade runs from 9:00 a.m. ET to noon, after and will air everywhere at 9:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, November 26 


    Macy’s department store celebrated its 162nd anniversary in 2020. The store staged its first Thanksgiving Day parade in 1924. That year it was called the Macy’s Christmas Parade, and it followed a route from 145th Street and Convent Avenue to the Macy’s store at 34th Street and Broadway. Three floats (pulled by horses), four bands and zoo animals from the Central Park Zoo — camels, donkeys, elephants and goats — starred in the parade. Santa Claus was last in the lineup, a tradition that continues to this day.

    The parade took shape during the Roaring Twenties, a time of prosperity and pleasure. It was staged by Macy’s employees, many of whom emigrated to America from Europe and longed to stage a celebration similar to the ones in their countries.

    In 1927, the gigantic balloons that are now the signature element of the parade made their first appearance with the help of helium. The balloons replaced the zoo animals that were frightening to some children, and the first balloons included cartoon characters like Felix the Cat.

    At the conclusion of the parade, the giant balloons were released into the air. In 1928, Macy’s began offering a $100 reward for any returned balloons, which were affixed with return address labels [source: McCarthy]. In 1931, pilot Col. Clarence E. Chamberlain snagged a balloon with his airplane’s wing, leading to a ban on retrieval by airplanes the following year. But after the 1932 parade, another pilot attempted to capture a balloon and nearly crashed, leading Macy’s to discontinue releasing the balloons at the parade’s end [source: McCarthy].

    In 1934, celebrities became an important element of the parade, with singer-actor Eddie Cantor joining the event that year. The Mickey Mouse helium balloon was also introduced to paradegoers.

    From 1942 to 1944, the parade was canceled because of the shortage of helium and rubber during World War II. Those three years are the only time the celebration has been called off [source: Macy’s]. When the parade returned in 1945, it was broadcast on television for the first time and was bigger than earlier versions.

    Every year, the Macy’s team behind the parade works to outdo the previous year’s event. This evolution has meant bigger balloons, more floats, better materials and new technologies, all resulting in the flashy spectacle that rolls through the streets of New York today.

    In 2020, Macy’s celebrates its 94th parade with 26 floats, 18 giant helium character balloons, 16 performers and nine street performances [source: Macy’s]. In 2020, Macy’s is not marching down the streets of Manhattan and is instead concentrating its efforts on showing off all the balloons, floats and performances right by its flagship store at 34th Street while incorporating safety measures like social distancing for participants. They’re also encouraging people to watch the event on TV.

  • “F*ck Cuomo and DeBlasio”

    “F*ck Cuomo and DeBlasio”

    That’s what a street mural painted in Brooklyn said. The mural went up around 1 a.m. Saturday on North 15th Street between Wythe Avenue and Banker Street in Williamsburg, according to the New York Post.


    “It was a big hit. The crowds cheered, even the cops chuckled.” said one attendee.

    The city DOT arrived around 10pm to cover up the mural. “They told the partygoers it came from up top and they were told the sign said ‘F–k the police,’” the attendee told the Post.

  • Invasive Snakehead Caught in Upper Delaware

    Invasive Snakehead Caught in Upper Delaware

    Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Non-Game Fisheries Biologist Doug Fischer holds a northern snakehead collected from the Conowingo Pool in the lower Susquehanna River. A picture of the fish caught in the Upper Delaware River was not available.

    A northern snakehead was recently caught in the Upper Delaware River near Callicoon, NY. The invasive fish, native to Southeast Asia, are listed federally as “injurious wildlife.” Given the right conditions, this fish can prey on and compete with other fish, upsetting the natural balance of local ecosystems.

    The Upper Delaware is known as one of the premier trout waters on the east coast.

    “Any snakehead caught should be killed immediately and not released back into the water,” said Basil Seggos, commissioner of the NYSDEC (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation).

    In the event an angler catches a northern snakehead, DEC advises anglers to:

    • Not release it back to the water;
    • Kill the fish immediately;
    • If possible, take pictures of the fish, including close-ups of its mouth, fins, and tail;
    • Freeze it whole in case DEC needs to verify identification or collect tissue samples. Carcasses missing fillets can still be used by the DEC;
    • Note where it was caught (water body, landmarks or GPS coordinates);
    • Report the catch to the regional NYS DEC fisheries office, DEC’s Invasive Species Bureau at isinfo@dec.ny.gov or (518) 402-9425, or submit a report through iMapinvasives.

    In New York State, snakeheads have been found in two ponds in Queens in 2005, and were eradicated from Ridgebury Lake in Orange County in 2008. DEC is currently sampling the location where the fish was located to determine if the population is widespread. DEC is also collaborating with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and National Park Service to monitor these invasive fish.

    Snakehead closely resemble the native bowfin. The two are easily distinguished by the length of the anal fin, the bowfin having a much shorter one.

  • The View from Here

    The View from Here

    Today’s featured image is of Oneida lake at sunset, taken from Verona Beach state park.

    I have to wonder what is going on with the Trump campaign. Every poll I’ve seen shows Trump trailing Plugs by a considerable margin. My take? The campaign lacks a coherent direction. For every positive step forward, there seems to be a step or two backwards. For historical perspective, this was the position his campaign found itself in 2016. What happened to change it? He brought in Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway to run everything. Perhaps it’s time for a shake up.

    Heres a quick update on the Bonhomme Richard, direct from the Navy:


    You can find our previous coverage here and here.

    Obama apparatchik Valerie Jarrett weighed in on the WuFlu debate.


    I hate to sound ableist, but that’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard. New York had 33,000 (and counting) covid19 deaths, more than 6,000 in nursing homes and seeded the rest of the goddamned country. In what world is that to be praised? Then again, Jarrett thought the Iranians would abide by the JCPOA.

    Speaking of Iran, they seem to be experiencing some accidents of late. The latest happening yesterday at liquid gas plant in the Kavian Fariman industrial zone, south of the city of Masshad. This comes on the heels of explosions at a pair of suspected nuclear sites.

    I’d like to take a minute and thank the team here at milvetsandpatriots.com for all their hard work and dedication. Paul Evancoe, White Knight Leo, AuntiE, Mr Wizard, Walt Mow, Chance, and most of all my partner in crime Rogue Unicorn. Without all of you, this place wouldn’t be what it is. Join me in a big round of applause and a hearty Huzzah!

    The bigmouth er, Senator from Hawaii is at it again. Mazie Hirono, in a televised interview, called Trump supporters white supremacists.


    I, for one, have had it up to here with politicians saying shite like that, and not getting called on it. I suppose representing a state where there’s zero chance of being voted out has its perks. . . .

    Tomorrow is the Alabama GOP Senate run-off. It pits former Alabama senator and Attorney General Jeff I have to recuse myself Sessions and former Auburn head coach Tommy Tuberville. Tuberville led Sessions by 13,000 votes in the regular primary, but Alabama rules state a run-off is necessary. Whoever wins is expected to beat Doug Jones , the Dem who beat Roy Moore for Sessions old seat.

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