Tag: NY

  • P’nut and Fred: A Cautionary Tail

    P’nut and Fred: A Cautionary Tail

    Most of you have heard about P’nut the squirrel and Fred the raccoon by now.

    For those who haven’t, 7 years ago, Mark and Daniela Longo rescued a baby squirrel after they witnessed its mother get run over by a car in New York City. They took the squirrel to their rural Pine City home. Since then, the squirrel, named P’nut, has become an internet sensation, gaining thousands of followers across social media.

    Wednesday, officers from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Chemung county health officials raided the Longo’s home and seized P’nut and Fred the raccoon. By Friday, they had euthanized both animals. The reasoning, at least as far as I’m concerned, for the euthanization was more than a bit suspect; they wanted to test for rabies.

    I am a bit torn by this one. NY has some fairly strict laws regarding the keeping of ‘wild’ and exotic animals as pets. Since January of 2005, the state has prohibited the possession of wild and exotic animals as pets. Unless you are a Zoo, wildlife rehabber or a research facility, you cannot legally possess a wild or exotic animal in the state. § 11-0512 of the NY Consolidated environmental laws spells it all out.

    That said, these people had P’nut for 7 years, and now, all of a sudden, it’s a problem? The speed between seizure and euthanization also bugs me. The claim is that P’nut bit someone involved in the seizure, hence the need for rabies testing. The issue with that is a simple one: squirrels rarely, and I mean vanishingly rarely, get rabies. Had Fred the raccoon bit someone, I could see the urgency, ‘coons are a known vector for rabies.

  • Delays and confusion as New York rolls out background checks on ammo sales

    Delays and confusion as New York rolls out background checks on ammo sales

    AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

    Cam Edwards | Bearing Arms

    New York’s latest anti-gun measure is now officially in effect. The state’s mandate imposing background checks on all retail sales of ammunition began to be enforced on Wednesday, and there are already signs that the new law isn’t working as seamlessly as promised. In fact, retailers across the state are reporting long delays and a lack of information on the part of the New York State Police, which is now in charge of running the checks through the NICS system.

    In the hours leading up to the change, gun store owners were still trying to figure out the process to run the checks, according to reporter Derek Heid with Buffalo television station WKBW.

    “No dealer in New York has been contacted by the state about how it will work,” said Dean Adamski, Owner, DD’s Ranch in Alden.

    New York State Police shared a statement to WKBW about the confusion:

    “We anticipate the New York State Police will start conducting background checks on Ammunition sales starting 09/13/23. New York State Firearm Dealers, FFL’s, and Ammunition sellers, can register online at https://NYSNICS.ny.gov [nysnics.ny.gov]. Operations specialists are currently assisting with the registration process and can be reached at 1-877-NYSNICS (697-6427). Ammunition background checks will cost $2.50, which will be used to fund the NYS NICS unit and background check system.”

    The two gun shop owners I spoke to tell me they’ve done all the things laid out in this statement, but still feel like they have been left in the dark.

    “I’ve received a couple emails from the FBI saying you have to sign up with the New York State Police. We made an account there, but there’s really no information,” Adamski said.

    12 hours before its required, Adamski shared that he doesn’t even know what will be asked on the background check.

    As a result, stores like his will be unable to sell ammunition without any new information on how to complete the required background checks.

    Meanwhile, retailers who’ve managed to navigate the maze of red tape required to sell ammunition going forward are reporting problems of their own.

    “They’re putting excess burden on systems that are already working,” Jeff Benty, CEO of Just Holster It Firearms and Training Center in Elma told News 4. “That communication [between the shop and FBI] is severed off and we have to pass through the state, so basically the state has used their government authority to inject themselves in the middle and now charge customers a toll fee.”

    … Benty says he did not receive information to train his staff on the new system until Tuesday afternoon and he is afraid the new law may drive customers away.

    “We had several checks today, firearms went no problem, but we had many people delayed on the ammunition check, which once they walk out the door, they may come back or they may not,” Benty explained. “You’re going to see more people being more conservative about not going out, not buying a new firearm, or if they do buy ammunition, it is going to be intermittent.”

    Justin DiPasquale had to visit two gun stores to get what he needed. He says the ammunition check was new and required an email address, social security number and other personal details.

    “Luckily for me, it came back in like under a minute. There was a gentleman that was there for an hour and a half. Filled out all of his stuff before I even got up there and his was still processing,” DiPasquale explained. “It was just a lot of steps. At the end of the day, I guess it’s good, but it was really inconvenient.”

    I wonder if he’d still think the new system was all right if he’d been the one waiting at least 90 minutes to be approved. As the owner of DD’s Ranch found out, even FFLs are finding themselves stuck in limbo when putting themselves through a background check.

    Adamski ran a background check through the new system today on himself, who holds two federal firearms licenses and four state licenses.

    “I was delayed to purchase ammo. So is it gonna cause delays? I’m gonna assume it is.”

    Adamski says they have received no information from the state and have only received emails via the FBI, who claims they will now be required to use the state’s system. Adamski has concerns with the questions they are asking in the new background check. He describes it as being “very, very invasive.”

    “People are not going to be happy with the type of questions that they’re asking for, they’re asking for aliases and occupation, your address. You cannot do a background check unless you give them your email address and phone number. I mean, they’re compiling all this information for what? I don’t understand. I mean, it can’t be good.”

    More expensive, more invasive, and more time-consuming… just the way Gov. Kathy Hochul wants it. The new background check requirements aren’t likely to thwart any criminals from obtaining guns or ammunition on the black market. In fact, I’d say the biggest impact we’re going to see will be the loss in sales in gun shops near the borders of New York’s neighbors, with gun owners choosing to drive into Vermont or Pennsylvania rather than bend the knee to Hochul’s latest edict. And as Jeff Benty says, some would-be gun owners may be dissuaded from exercising their right to keep and bear arms entirely, not only as a result of the ammunition background checks but the continued infringement on their right to bear arms through the nearly endless list of “gun-free zones” established by Hochul and New York lawmakers in the wake of the Bruen decision. This new mandate is anything but reasonable or common sense. Instead, it’s yet another attempt to chill the exercise of a fundamental civil right… and so far it appears to be having its intended effect.

    Original Here

    As most of you know, your Editor is a resident of the People’s Republic of New York. I spent most of the morning yesterday visiting several of my local shops just to see what was going to happen. As mentioned above, there was very little if any guidance about the new system from the state.

    One of the requirements not mentioned above is the fact that the ammo check requires recording the brand, caliber, quantity, number of boxes and lot number of any ammo purchased. It seems that case lot purchases, like flats of trap ammo, need to be broken and sold/checked as individual boxes.

    From everything I can find, it looks like NY is building a database on gun and ammo purchases. Unlike NICS, which has to be purged regularly, the NYS system will be keeping records of all purchases.

  • More upstate NY counties declare a migrant state of emergency

    More upstate NY counties declare a migrant state of emergency

    AP Photo/Seth Wenig

    JAZZ SHAW | HotAir

    We recently learned that New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ plan to ship busloads of illegal migrants to rural upstate counties resulted in the leaders of Orange and Rockland Counties declaring states of emergency to stop the plan. On Thursday, three more counties (Dutchess, Sullivan, and Greene) followed suit. County executives once again blamed the emergency on failed federal immigration policies and New York City’s mismanagement of the migrant situation. They declared that their smaller counties do not have sufficient empty rooms to suddenly begin housing that many people, nor are there adequate resources to feed them and provide other types of care. In short, New York City declared itself a sanctuary city so this is their problem, not that of the suburbs and rural areas. (Hudson Valley Post)

    A State of Emergency has been declared in a number of more counties in the Hudson Valley…

    On Thursday, Dutchess, Sullivan and Greene counties all declared a State of Emergency as asylum seekers continue to arrive in New York City.

    “We do not have the physical rooms or supporting capacity to house an influx of asylum seekers,” Greene County officials said.

    Greene County officials also equated the transfer of New York City’s responsibilities as a sanctuary city to rural counties to “human trafficking.” That’s technically a very accurate description.

    In addition to not having enough free rooms, county officials pointed out that they don’t have police forces the size of the NYPD. They simply don’t have the sort of law enforcement manpower needed to keep tabs on that many illegal migrants and respond to the increased levels of crime that inevitably follow their arrival.

    But what else is there to be done? The Governor has recently been suggesting that she might start putting up migrants on State University of New York campuses. But how is that supposed to work? The schools use those campuses year-round and they’re packed with students. Are you seriously going to start dumping hundreds of unvetted illegal border crossers in their midst? And who will pay to feed them on campus? Oh, wait. Nevermind. Forget I asked. We already know the answer. It will be the taxpayers.

    Kathy Hochul and Eric Adams keep talking about this situation as if it’s “temporary.” But guess what. These migrants believe it’s permanent, thanks to all of Joe Biden’s policies and proclamations. They don’t have any intention of leaving. So perhaps we can offer an alternative suggestion. These people are in the country illegally because most of them never took the legal steps required to enter. If you’re able to round them up and load them onto buses and planes so easily, how about you start sending all of those buses and planes back to Mexico? When did it become the “new normal” to just stare at hundreds of illegal aliens and look for hotel rooms for them rather than calling ICE?

    Adams and other New York Democrats are creating multiple states of emergency this month, but they’re probably creating something else as well. Fox News has been conducting some very interesting interviews in New York lately with registered Democrats and lefty independents. And a lot of them have long since grown sick of all of this and are talking about voting for Republicans, many for the first time in their lives. Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

    Original Here

    Your editor lives in upstate NY, Onondaga county to be more exact, north of Syracuse. Onondaga county and several others in the area have all declared states-of-emergency over this. The Onondaga county exec banned hotel, motels and other places of temporary accommodation from housing illegals shipped north from NYC. Unfortunately, the issue is not just confined to illegals from the southern border, there are hundreds crossing the NY/Ontario border in northern NY.

  • ‘Extinction Level Event’ Looms as the New York Redistricting Map Forces High Profile Democrats to Face Each Other In Primaries

    ‘Extinction Level Event’ Looms as the New York Redistricting Map Forces High Profile Democrats to Face Each Other In Primaries

    AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite


    Redistricting continues to provide an endless source of schadenfreude for conservatives and Republicans as a raw attempt at a power grab by Democrats has blown up state by state. In Florida, a gutless state legislature was forced by Governor Ron DeSantis to take action (Ron DeSantis and the Constitution Score a Big Win Over the Activist Left and Rule by Random Judge), boosting the number of solidly Republican seats from 11 to 17. Kansas turned the only seat held by a Democrat from a D+4 district to an R+3. But the most excitement has been caused in New York, where a bare-knuckle gerrymander by the Democrats has blown up.

    The original proposal by New York Democrats created a map with 19 Democrat seats, 4 GOP seats, and 3 “competitive” seats. However, the state court struck it down and, barring a deus ex machina event at tomorrow’s hearing, imposed a map of 16 Democrats, 5 Republicans, and 5 competitive seats. My colleague Bonchie has covered the details in Court-Ordered New York Redistricting Map Is Lights out for Democrats.

    As a result of the new map, a probably fatal blow has been dealt to the political careers of several Democrats. The New York Times says Democrats view this map as an “extinction-level event.” The most amusing aspect of the new map is the number of big-name Democrats pitted against one another.

    Both Hakeem Jeffries and Yvette Clark suddenly find themselves living in the same congressional district. Fortunately, there is an open seat in a newly created, heavily Democratic district nearby that I’m sure one of them will take. Carolyn  Maloney and Fat Jerry Nadler also live in the same district. They seem bound for a primary fight. Popcorn, gotta buy popcorn.

    The real fun starts with the saga of Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair Sean Patrick Maloney and freshman Democrat Mondaire Jones in the court’s version of NY-17. Maloney had represented an even R vs. D district, and Jones won in a D+17 district. Now both find themselves living in a D+7 district. There is an open D+2 seat nearby, but Moloney has decided to challenge Jones in a primary. He didn’t merely decide; he announced his decision on Twitter before talking to Jones.


    Jones hasn’t made his decision public yet, but he has three options. He can bow out of the race; he can accept the challenge and take on a member of the Democrat hierarchy, or he can challenge freshman colleague Jamal Bowman in a D+40 district. To make matters even more amusing, Maloney is White. Jones and Bowman are both Black, gay, and progressive.

    It wouldn’t be a day ending in “y” unless somebody got called racist.


    On the merits, though, Maloney acts like a little b**ch and not a leader. There is an open D+2 seat nearby that he could easily win. The rational explanation is that he’s tired of the grind of campaigning ins a competitive district every year. There is also the tingling of his survival instinct. Running in a competitive seat would not be a big deal in an ordinary year. But 2022 looks to be anything but a normal election year. He’s particularly leery of running in a D+2 district in what is shaping up to be a wave year. He’s a member of the establishment, and he thinks he deserves a safe seat.

    I don’t really care who wins this battle so long as it causes injuries, hard feelings, and long-standing grudges and refusals to work together.

    Original Here

  • Riots in Rochester

    Riots in Rochester

    Riots broke out in Rochester NY last night in the wake of video of the death of Daniel Prude that was released earlier this week.

    This one hits close to home for this editor, Rochester is about 60 miles to the west of me.

    Prude, who was high in PCP and having a psychotic break, died after an encounter with the police back in March. His brother, Joe, called police concerned for his brother’s safety. He said that he called authorities the previous evening and that his brother was hospitalized briefly but started acting out when he was released from a hospital after only about three hours.

    On the body camera video released Thursday, Joe Prude says he fears that his brother might hurt himself or get hit by a train on tracks near his house. Daniel Prude was taking PCP, according to his brother, and had been kicked off a train earlier that day in Buffalo.

    He was found naked and raving in the middle of a Rochester street by police who attempted to take him into custody. Prude was reportedly spitting at officers, so they placed a spit hood over his head. At some point he became non-responsive and was taken to a local hospital. He died in the hospital 7 days later.

    His family released bodycam footage of the encounter after the coroner’s report was issued last week. Monroe County Medical Examiner Nadia Granger concluded that Prude died from “complications of asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint,” according to an autopsy case summary provided by the family’s lawyer. She cited “acute phencyclidine intoxication,” or the effects of PCP, as a contributing factor.

    Since the release of the video this week there have been growing protests in Rochester. Last night was the first time they turned violent however.


    Unlike previous protests, this one moved into residential neighborhoods.


    Here they storm some restaurants, smashing things and threatening patrons.


    RPD declares an illegal assembly and attempts to disperse the crowds.


    All told, 11 people were arrested, three for felonies, and three cops sustained minor injuries.