Tag: Outdoors

  • Choose Wisely

    Choose Wisely

    In the on-going series about my experiences teaching firearms stuff, we’re going to take a look at ammo choices. I’m not talking about calibers, that’s a different discussion for a different day. What we’re going to look at are different types of projectiles for a variety of use cases.

    There are a wide variety of bullets available to the shooter today that will fit whatever role you want them for. Let’s take a look at the different types of projectiles available for most shooters.

    We can break down the types into several general categories, full metal jacket, jacketed and semi-jacketed hollow points, cast lead and mono-metal, non-lead projectiles. The last are typically hollow points, but not always.

    Non-lead bullets are required for hunting on many western federally owned lands and in some states, namely Commiefornia. My home state, NY, is requiring non-lead projectiles for big game, deer and bear, on state owned lands starting next hunting season.

    I bring up this topic because a recent student told me he only used FMJ bullets in his carry piece, a little pocket .380. That sparked a class discussion of bullet choice and use cases for the variety of bullets that are available.

    While I consider .380 as being less than optimal for carry, but as I said above that’s a discussion for another day, when loaded with the proper bullet, it can be an effective self defense round. Are FMJs that choice? No. Are FMJs a good choice for carry in any other caliber? Again, the answer is likely no (there may be a few exceptions, but those exceptions are rare and caliber specific).

    But KITDAFBS, the military uses full metal jacket bullets, surely they’re good enough for self-defense you might say. (Yes, that was the rejoinder for the student.) Well, no. The military use of FMJ ammo dates back to the 1st Geneva convention, which banned any other type of projectile in warfare.

    That begs the question, what bullet is best for my intended task? Well, like most things, the task defines the tools. You wouldn’t try to tighten a bolt with a hammer now would you? So, what’s the best task for each bullet type? We’ll take a look at the construction and best use case for each type.

    Full Metal Jacket Projectiles

    If you served in the military, this is the type of projectile you fired. The US military uses FMJ almost exclusively in small arms ammo. There are some very specific exceptions; some of the MP/SP/USAF SF use hollow points in their duty pistols and there are .50 BMG loads other than FMJ. Even tracers are FMJ constructed bullets, they just have a hollow base to contain the tracer compound.

    The construction of these projectiles is fairly simple. A copper alloy jacket surrounds a core, usually lead. FMJ bullets are relatively inexpensive to manufacture because of the simple construction. That makes the ammunition considerably less expensive than hollow points of the same caliber. There is a variation of the FMJ called the TMJ, or Total Metal Jacket. The core is completely surrounded by the jacket in that type.

    So, when and where is the FMJ best used? The answer to that is pretty simple: at the range.

    The lack of terminal expansion is one of the major reasons for that. A 5.56 FMJ makes a .224″ diameter hole going in and out. They do not expand on impact, and the permanent wound channel is bullet diameter plus a tiny fraction.

    Cost is another factor. A box of 50 9mm FMJ around here costs about $15 give or take, meanwhile a box of 25 9mm hollow points starts at about $20 and goes up from there depending on the name on the box.

    There is an exception (when isn’t there an exception?) to not using FMJ bullets for anything but the range, and that is furbearer hunting. An FMJ leaves two little neat holes in the hide, while a traditional hunting bullet will leave one small hole and one really big one.

    Expanding Handgun Projectiles

    There are a wide variety of expanding handgun bullets available. These fall into one of three major categories; jacketed hollow points, soft points and semi-jacketed soft points. Of the three, you are most likely to find JHP rounds at your local ammo supplier. Soft points and semi-jacketed rounds are older types and usually only found in revolver calibers.

    Various 9mm projectiles after firing into 10% ballistics gel.

    All three types expand on impact, creating a larger-than-caliber permanent wound channel. They also transfer more energy into the target and create a much larger temporary wound channel. The energy dump and larger wound channels equate to ‘stopping power’.

    Your editor carries a Glock 43x with 124 gr Gold Dots from Speer, but there are a lot of other good choices. The Speer rounds work well in my gun and point of impact/aim are the same as the 124 gr FMJ I practice with.

    I am not going to go into any of the specialized pistol target rounds like the wad-cutter here. Just know that they have their place, and that’s at the range. I am also going to avoid the ‘screwdriver’ type rounds. I’m talking about the ARX from Inceptor and the clones. I haven’t seen enough data about them to have formed an opinion, and frankly, the lack of data makes me wonder about the utility of that particular projectile. YMMV. . .

    There is another relatively common kind of pistol ammo available: Hard cast lead. For the most part, hard cast bullets are used in hunting scenarios where deep, and I mean deep, penetration is desirable. That kind of ammo is generally used for game like bears and elk, critters with large, heavy bone structures that would break a jacketed bullet apart on impact. The hard cast lead rounds tend to expand little and drive through heavy bone without much trouble. Hard cast lead can also be found in rifle calibers, and the use case is much the same: deep penetration through heavy bone.

    Expanding Rifle Projectiles

    There are a wide variety of expanding rifle bullets out there. We can break them out into one of three basic construction categories: cup-and-core, partition and mono-metal solids. The cup-and-core bullets are the simplest and most common rifle bullets. As the name suggests, they are a cup of copper alloy filled with a core of lead.

    They come in several tip styles, soft point, like above, hollow point or ‘protected point’ also known as Ballistic tip. They may also have some sort of ‘locking’ mechanism that either bonds the core to the cup or mechanically attaches the two. This is done to help prevent jacket separation, which is when the core and cup separate under impact. That can reduce penetration and increase the chance of a mere wound instead of a fatal shot.

    The cup-and-core bullet is a good choice for game like deer, caribou and pronghorn in the appropriate calibers. Those animals are not particularly tough animals and don’t take a lot to harvest them cleanly.

    I’m going to take a second here to discuss a sub-type of cup-and-core projectiles: Frangibles. Designed to break up on contact with a hard surface, frangible bullets are used for predator/furbearer hunting. There are a couple of brands out there that market frangible rifle ammo for home defense. The idea is that you can use your rifle without worrying about accidentally shooting a neighbor. If you use a rifle for that purpose, I think the frangible rounds are a decent idea, especially if you live in a densely populated area.

    Nosler Partition

    Partition bullets are constructed differently. They have an ‘H’ shaped copper alloy jacket with spaces above and below the partition for core material. Again, they come in several tip styles, either soft point(pictured above), hollow point or protected point.

    Typically used for heavier game animals like bear, moose and elk, this style of projectile holds together better when they hit heavy bone.

    Mono-metal solids are just that, a solid chunk of metal in the shape of a bullet. Barnes, the best known maker of this kind of projectile, uses a copper alloy, but some other manufacturers use bronze. This type of projectile only comes in two flavors; hollow point or protected point.

    Barnes TTSX

    Because of the changes in laws around the country, I think you will be seeing more and more mono-metal solids in hunting calibers at your local supplier. I will admit my first experiences with copper solids left me feeling a bit underwhelmed, the terminal performance of this type of projectile has come a long way. I have personally harvested several deer and a black bear with copper solids, and they performed well.

    I’m sure I’ve missed some of the specialized bullets, there are a lot of manufacturers and bullet types out there. If I missed your favorite, I’m sorry, I don’t know everything and be sure to drop it in the comments.

  • Mount St. Helens Erupts

    Mount St. Helens Erupts

    Featured image: Before and after images of Mount St. Helens

    43 years ago today, May 18th, the volcano under Mount St. Helens erupted for the first time in 100 years. It was the deadliest volcanic event in the lower 48 states. The eruption and ensuing pyroclastic flow caused 57 deaths and more than $3 billion (1980 dollars) in damage.

    Located in Skamania county Washington, 52 miles northeast of Portland, she had a pre-eruption height of 9,677 ft above sea level. The eruption and subsequent earthquake and landslide reduced that to 8,363 ft.

    The first hints the volcano was about to erupt started on 20 March with a 4.2 magnitude earthquake. By the end of April, the north side of the mountain had started to bulge. On May 18, a second earthquake, of magnitude 5.1, triggered a massive collapse of the north face of the mountain. It was the largest known debris avalanche in recorded history. The magma in St. Helens burst forth into a large-scale pyroclastic flow that flattened vegetation and buildings over an area of 230 square miles.

    The collapse of the northern flank of St. Helens mixed with ice, snow, and water to create volcanic mudflows. The mud flowed many miles down the Toutle and Cowlitz Rivers, destroying bridges and lumber camps. A total of 3,900,000 cubic yards of material was transported 17 miles (27 km) south into the Columbia River by the mudflows.


    For more than nine hours, a vigorous plume of ash erupted, eventually reaching 12 to 16 miles above sea level. The plume moved eastward at an average speed of 60 miles per hour with ash reaching Idaho by noon. Ashes from the eruption were found on top of cars and roofs the next morning as far away as Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

    The eruption killed 57 people, nearly 7,000 big-game animals (deer, elk, and bear), and an estimated 12 million fish from a hatchery. It destroyed or extensively damaged more than 200 homes, 185 miles of highway, and 15 miles of railways.

    Mount St. Helens will erupt again, the question is when and how big. The current configuration of lava domes in the crater means that much more pressure will be required for the next eruption, and hence the level of destruction will be higher. Significant ashfall may spread over 40,000 square miles, disrupting transportation. A large lahar (volcanic mud) flow is likely on branches of the Toutle River, possibly causing destruction in inhabited areas along the I-5 corridor.

  • Zombie Deer

    Zombie Deer

    Whoever had zombie deer on their 2021 disaster bingo is today’s big winner.

    More than 700 Whitetail deer in several New York counties have been killed by epizootic hemorrhagic disease, a viral disease spread by midges. So far, the EHD outbreak has been confirmed in seven counties: Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Nassau, Oswego, Suffolk, and Ulster. The New York Department of Environmental Conservation also investigating suspected EHD cases in at least nine more counties, which include Albany, Jefferson, Oneida, Orange, Putnam, Rensselaer, Rockland, Sullivan, and Westchester counties.

    According to the NYSDEC, the disease is not communicable to humans, and does not spread between deer. The DEC website goes on:

    In deer, external signs of EHD include fever; small hemorrhages or bruises in the mouth and nose; and swelling of the head, neck, tongue, and lips. A deer infected with EHD may appear lame or dehydrated. Once infected with EHD, deer will begin to show signs 2 – 10 days later and usually die within 36 hours of showing signs of infection. Frequently, infected deer will seek out water sources and carcasses are often found in or near water. Deer dead from EHD infection seem to bloat and decompose rapidly. A large number of dead or sick deer may be found in a limited area.

    EHD resembles other serious but rare diseases of domestic ruminants including Blue Tongue and Foot and Mouth Disease, so it is important to confirm the diagnosis when outbreaks occur. Dead deer are examined by necropsy (animal autopsy) and tissues are tested for viral DNA to confirm the disease.


    Be warned though, EHD is not limited to New York. The virus is found all across the country. As you can see in the map below, the disease is found in nearly every state. And that map only shows data up to 2015, I could not find a complete map with more current data.

    If you are in NY and come across a deer you suspect died of EHD, the DEC has a reporting page. If you are outside of NY, contact your local game warden, fish & wildlife officer or encon cop.

  • Hunting Season Tune-up

    Hunting Season Tune-up

    Hunting season is upon us. That means its time to get your equipment ready for whatever game you hunt.

    Depending on where you reside, some seasons are already open. For this area, the month-long nonmigratory Canada goose season is open through the end of September and a few wildlife management areas have a two week special deer season.

    Let’s start with your hunting clothing. Hopefully, you washed it all at the end of last season and stored it away where it wouldn’t get moth eaten or whatever.

    First things first, dig it all out and check to make sure it all still fits and serviceable. Now is the time to figure out if the zippers all still work and you can actually get it zipped up, not at 0430 on opening day as you’re heading to your stand or blind.

    The next step is to launder it. I recommend you use a detergent with no added scents or UV brighteners. Most game animals see in the UV spectrum, and clothes washed in detergent with brighteners will stand out to them. I like Sport Wash, but there are many good detergents that don’t contain brighteners.

    While we’re on the subject of detergents, at this stage I wouldn’t worry too much about cover scents. Just be sure there isn’t any fragrance in your detergent. You can worry about scents and such later. Like when your clothes are clean and dry.

    I store my hunting gear in a dedicated tote with a sealing lid. After the preseason wash, it all goes back into that tote. I usually toss a couple of pine or spruce boughs in there with all my gear. The scent from the boughs is a good natural cover scent, though id you don’t hunt in an area with that kind of tree, it may not work for you.

    As far as cover scents and odor eliminators go, I don’t use them besides the above. Do they work? I don’t know. I have seen evidence that they don’t, but, if it’s something you have confidence in go for it. They cant hurt.

    I don’t use many attractant scents either. There was a time when I did a lot of bow hunting and I used a lot of different attractant scents then. However here in NY, the archery season for deer coincides with the rut generally, and the gun season, at least in the area I hunt, does not. So attractants aren’t nearly important or effective.

    If you are a bow hunter, you should have been practicing all summer. If you haven’t, shame on you, archery is a highly perishable skill that requires constant honing. Anyway, get your bow tuned up well before the season. That gives you a bit of time to shoot it before the season both to fine tune your aim and to make sure everything still works the way it should. Be sure to shoot some of the broadheads you intend to hunt with. The may fly quite a bit differently than your field points. And don’t forget to sharpen the cutting edges on your broadheads. Dull ones don’t do the job the way sharp ones do.

    Now for you gun hunters, and it doesn’t matter if you’re going after big game, small game or birds, pull out you gun and give it a good scrub and a once over for loose screws, broken parts and other deficencies. Just for reference, scope base screws should be loctited and torqued to 20-25 inch pounds and ring screws should be torqued to 18 inch pounds.

    Hopefully you have the ammo you need. It looks like its going to be another tough season for hunting ammo, although supply seems to be loosening up some.

    If you’re shotgunning, a simple function check should be all you need to do. Load up your magazine tube and let a few rounds fly just to make sure everything works as expected.

    For you riflemen out there, it’s time for a trip to the range to check your zero. With the ammo situation being what it is, do not assume the (whatever caliber or manufacturer) ammo you find on the shelf will shoot to the same point of aim/point of impact the (whatever weight or manufacturer) ammo you used last year. It likely will not.

    I can, and likely will, write an entire article on how to zero a rifle, but this isn’t the place for that.

  • Commentary From the Front Lines 2

    Commentary From the Front Lines 2

    A little while ago, I wrote about my observations on the gun and ammo issue from my perspective as someone who sells them for a living. This post is a continuation with updated information.

    Ammo supply seems to be loosening up some. And there’s some very good news on the ammo production front, but first some history.

    Last June, Big Green declared bankruptcy. This came on the heels of several months of WuFlu related closures. Just before the bankruptcy filing, the company fired all the employees at the Lonoke Arkansas ammo plant. All of Remington’s ammo had been produced there since the closure of the Bridgeport CT plant in the mid 1980’s.

    Vista Outdoors Group, the parent company of Federal, Speer, CCI and a couple of other smaller ammo producers, bought the Remington ammo name and facility during the bankruptcy auction. About 2 months ago, Vista restarted production at the Lonoke facility. They have already started shipping new production ammunition.

    Why .35 Rem? Beats me, but I’m glad to see any new Remington ammo. They produced 15% to 20% of the domestic ammo in this country.

    The new owners of the firearms part of Remington had announced they were reopening the Ilion NY factory, the historic home of Remington since Eliphalet Remington, on 1 March. That did not happen. The United Mine Workers took umbrage at the new owner’s reopening plans. I will keep an eye on that situation, seeing as Ilion is only about an hour from me.

    While we’re on the subject of the Remington bankruptcy and subsequent parting-out, Marlin had been aquired by Remington in 2017. As part of the asset sale, Sturm, Ruger inc. bought Marlin. I don’t have any word about whether they have restarted production at the Madison NC plant, but anecdotally, I haven’t seen a new Marlin of any kind since last spring.

    NICS checks havent slowed much. February was down from the 4.3 million checks in January, with 3.4 million background checks run. That is up about 600,000 from the previous year. March however set yet another new record at 4.69 million checks. That’s just shy of a million more checks than March 2020.

    We are three months into 2021 and there have been more checks run than there were in each of the first 10 years of NICS checks.

    Whats more, 8 of the top 10 days and 9 of the top ten weeks have been in the last 52 weeks.

    Before you get carried away, there isn’t a one to one correlation between checks and firearms sold. A good percentage are run for other purposes than firearms purchases like pistol permit applications and recertifications, some people change their minds, and then there are the delay/denies. The NSSF figures a bit more than half are for actual purchases. Even that half is somewhat misleading, as you can put multiple firearms on a single 4473.

  • Spring Means Fishing

    Spring Means Fishing

    In your editor’s home state, spring means fishing. Sure, you can ice fish in the winter months. But let’s be honest, only the clinically insane want to go out on a frozen lake, drill holes through the ice and sit there hoping something bites.

    Unfortunately, this April 1st is going to be the last traditional trout opening day here in New York. The NYS Department of Conservation has issued new regulations that, going forward, will allow year round trout fishing in all the state’s creeks, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. It has been heading in this direction for a while. There has been year round catch and release trout fishing on a limited number of streams and lakes for several years, with more bodies of water added periodically.

    There are several species of trout available here. Brook trout, the official state fish, is native to the state. While brown trout (European imports) and rainbows (natives of the west coast) are introduced species. Lake Trout (mackinaw) are found in lake Ontario, the Finger lakes and some of the Adirondack lakes. Splake, a brook trout-lake trout hybrid, are found in some lakes in the adirondacks

    Tackle for trout fishing can be as simple or complex as you choose. I have personally caught trout on everything from a cane pole to a spey rod and everything inbetween.

    Early in the season, when the streams and creeks are high and muddy from snowmelt, I’ll typically reach for one of two spinning combos both spooled with 8lb Powerpro braid with an 8 foot long 4lb test flourocarbon leader. The length of the rod varies depending on where I’m fishing. If there’s a lot of brush and overhanging trees, I typically use an ultralight 5’6″ rod, if there’s more room, it’s a 7′ light action rod.

    Unlike a lot of people around here, I almost exclusively use artificials. Soft plastics have come a long way from the pre-rigged Creme worms of my youth. I rely a lot on offerings from Berkely Powerbait. That said, there are times when you can’t beat a garden worm or a salted minnow. Whichever way you go, keep your hooks small and use just enough weight to keep your offering near the bottom. Slip floats can also be useful. They allow you to keep your bait in the zone without hanging up and act as a strike indicator.

    During the high water period I also use the three S’s a lot. Spinners, Spoons and Stickbaits. I usually have an assortment of Mepps, Blue Fox, Panther Martin and Roostertail spinners, a selection of small, eighth ounce or so, chrome and gold spoons and a couple of gold and black and silver and black Rapalas in my tackle selection

    Once the water levels start to drop I pick up the fly rods. An 8 1/2 foot 5-6 weight fly rod will suit for most trout streams.

    I always carry an assortment of sizes of Adams, Elk-Hair Caddis, Royal Coachman, Black Gnat, Gold Ribbed Hares’s Ear, Prince Nymph, Muddler Minnow, Wooly Bugger, San Juan worm, black ant and hopper patterns in my fly box.

    Got any trout tips? Take issue with anything of the things I’ve mentioned? Any good fish stories? Let us know in the comments below.

  • Massive Bluefin Tuna Caught Off North Carolina

    Massive Bluefin Tuna Caught Off North Carolina

    Father and son duo from virginia were fishing out of Oregon inlet in North Carolina when they hooked the fish of a lifetime, a 1000 pound bluefin tuna.

    Josiah Van Fleet was fishing with his 9-year-old son Zeke when they caught the monster tuna from their 22 foot Grady-White.  The tuna measured in at 114.5 inches long and was estimated at 1,000-pounds which would make it a record in North Carolina, besting the previous fishing record of 877 pounds caught back in 2017.

    “When we were reeling the fish in, about three-quarters of the way through, our reel actually broke, and it would no longer turn,” Van Fleet told WAVY.com. “And so we had this 1,000-pound fish on the line. And we actually had to take another reel, tear off a ton of line real quick, and re-crimp both those lines together—all while the fish was on there. It was insane.”

    Van Fleet said they never thought about giving up during the struggle. “No, not once,” he said. “No, we were gonna fight that thing until the end. Even if it took us into the nighttime. I mean, there’s no way.” The fight lasted two and a half hours, but it took another two hours to get the fish in the boat. “I think we are still in shock about this whole story,” Van Fleet wrote on Facebook. “I honestly think it was just a divine moment at just the right time. I definitely believe in prayer. And just when you least expect it this happens.” (via F&S)

  • NoDak Hunter Bags Potential Record Bighorn

    NoDak Hunter Bags Potential Record Bighorn

    David Suda of Grafton, N.D., with the North Dakota record bighorn ram he shot Friday, Oct. 30, the opening day of North Dakota’s bighorn sheep season. Suda was one of five North Dakota hunters to draw one of the sought-after tags. (Photo courtesy of David Suda)

    David Suda was one of five hunters to draw a tag to hunt bighorn sheep in North Dakota and he made the best of the opportunity.

    North Dakota has a lottery system for Bighorn sheep tags, and Suda was lucky enough to win the coveted tag. “I couldn’t believe it,” he explained, “I was in shock, the night before I had been talking about it with my hunting buddy on what we would do if we got drawn and I told him I wouldn’t believe it because it’ll never happen.”

    Bighorn sheep are the rarest big game species in North Dakota. The total population in North Dakota is approximately 330 animals. Bighorn sheep were first recorded for science by the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1805 along the Yellowstone River in what is now North Dakota. 

    For Suda, the trophy was the culmination of weeks spent scouting and thousands of miles driving between Grafton and western North Dakota. Hunting buddies Jens Johnson and Ryan Seil, who both live in Williston, helped him scout.

    “I was very lucky,” he said. “I’d go out for about four-day weekends and scout the weekends and then come home. Within a six-week timeframe, I was out there probably four or five days every week. I spent a lot of time out there before the season.”

    On Friday morning, Oct. 30, about half an hour into the opening day of North Dakota’s bighorn sheep season, Suda made the most of his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity by shooting a trophy bighorn that will be North Dakota’s new state record ram.

    “It happened fast,” he said. “I was looking at a ram in the crosshairs right away and went, ‘It’s not him,’ and we kept moving. I went to one side (of a butte) and my buddy went to the other, and he started yelling my name. He asked me if that was him and I said, ‘I don’t’ know what you’re talking about, I can’t see him.’ He said, ‘Look down.’“I looked down, and he was right there at 250 yards, and I shot him.”

    The 7-year-old ram Suda shot was even bigger than Brett Wiedmann, big game biologist for the North Dakota Game and Fish Department expected it to be when he’d seen it on the landscape. “That’s a mega-ram there,” Wiedmann said. “That ram is nice anywhere in North America. It’s the real deal.”

    As if Suda’s hunting season couldn’t get any better, he also drew a mule deer buck tag for the Badlands after eight years of trying. A week after shooting his record-setting ram, Suda shot a 170-inch-class mule deer buck in the Badlands.

    David Suda of Grafton, N.D., also drew a mule deer buck tag for western North Dakota after several years of trying and harvested this 170-class buck during the deer gun season. (Photo courtesy of David Suda)

    The most recent record ND Bighorn sheep I can find is a 175 7/8″” specimen taken in 2014. Another hunter took a record beating ram this year as well. Sawyer Burchill of Hunter, N.D., shot a ram that also topped the previous state record, with a green score of 185 inches. 

    The current world record (B&C) Bighorn sheep measured 216 4/8″ and was found on Wild Horse Island. Located in northwestern Montana, Wild Horse Island sits just off the western shore of Flathead Lake. Both Suda’s and Burchill’s rams will be entered into the Boone and Crockett’s all-time record book for bighorn sheep, a distinction reserved for rams of 180 inches or better.

  • Gator Spotted in Naples

    Gator Spotted in Naples

    This giant gator, and from what I can find it’s not a photoshop, was spotted at Valencia Golf and Country Club in Naples Florida.

    I even found some video of the monster.


    These photos and video were taken as hurricane Eta was lashing the west coast of Florida.

  • Defense Against the Jack-o’-lantern Menace

    Defense Against the Jack-o’-lantern Menace

    One of my favorite gun-tubers, Paul Harrell, just released his Hallowe’en video. In it, he discusses the best firearms for personal defence against the “Orange menace”.