Tag: Peace deal

  • Depravity



    By: Judd Garrett

    In the 2014 movie, Lone Survivor, based on real events, Navy Seal Marcus Luttrell was leading a team of four Navy SEALs on a reconnaissance mission in the mountains of Afghanistan overlooking a camp where they believed Ahmad Shah, a leader of an Anti-Coalition Militia, was operating out of. As they were hiding beneath the trees and foliage on the mountainside, an old Afghanistan man tending a herd of goats with his grandson, stumbled across them, exposing their cover. Marcus and his team had a choice to make. Let the old man and his son go, in which case, the boy would most likely run down to the valley and alert the terrorists that a US SEAL team was on the mountain, or they could protect themselves, and kill the two unarmed civilians which would have violated one of the SEALs major rules of engagement. Compare that story to what we witnessed Hamas do in Israel on Saturday. If you want to see the difference between the Judeo-Christian worldview and the Islamic worldview, you do not have to look any further than how each side treats innocent civilians. Last week in Israel, Hamas didn’t just inadvertently kill innocent civilians, they targeted them; they decapitated babies; they raped women; they killed grandmothers; they paraded their dead bodies in the streets. And at the same time Hamas was targeting and killing civilians, they were using Palestinian citizens as human shields. They have even set up their headquarters beneath a civilian hospital. Think about the mentality needed to use human shields. They are using the morality of their avowed enemies to protect themselves. They know that Jewish fighters will go to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties, so the terrorists are able to safeguard themselves by using the civilians as shields, as they are targeting Jewish civilians.

    In the West, we know that it is wrong, that it is evil to target and kill civilians in war, even if not doing so puts your own life at risk. So, Marcus and his team made the decision to let the old man and his grandson live and took their chances scrambling up the mountainside to the top where they attempted to rendezvous with a helicopter to fly them out of harm’s way before the terrorists could find them. The young boy made it down the mountain faster than the SEAL team made it to the top. Shah immediately unleashed a group of terrorists up the mountain after the SEAL team. Three other SEAL team members were killed in the siege, but miraculously, Marcus Luttrell survived. 

    Compare that story to what we witnessed Hamas do in Israel on Saturday. If you want to see the difference between the Judeo-Christian worldview and the Islamic worldview, you do not have to look any further than how each side treats innocent civilians. Last week in Israel, Hamas didn’t just inadvertently kill innocent civilians, they targeted them; they decapitated babies; they raped women; they killed grandmothers; they paraded their dead bodies in the streets. And at the same time Hamas was targeting and killing civilians, they were using Palestinian citizens as human shields. They have even set up their headquarters beneath a civilian hospital. Think about the mentality needed to use human shields. They are using the morality of their avowed enemies to protect themselves. They know that Jewish fighters will go to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties, so the terrorists are able to safeguard themselves by using the civilians as shields, as they are targeting Jewish civilians. 

    But it is not the innocent Palestinian citizen being used as a human shield that protects them, their enemy’s desire to protect innocent human life is what protects them. If you are unsure of which side is right and which side is wrong in this conflict, you do not have to look any further than – which side is willing to lay down their lives to protect the innocent and which side is willing to lay down the lives of the innocent to protect themselves. Think about that. These people are so morally depraved, that even when they see the moral superiority of their enemy, instead of gravitating to or embracing that moral superiority, they use their enemy’s morality against them.

    It is a rare individual who can be rightfully characterized as both evil and a coward, but that is what Hamas is, evil cowards. And everyone in our country, from Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib to model Mia Khalifa to Black Lives Matterto the Democrat Socialists of America to all the students on America’s college campuses, and anyone else who is standing with the Palestinians, are also evil cowards. Remember, the Palestinians elected Hamas to be their leaders. They collectively chose to be led by a group whose charter is the elimination of the state of Israel and have openly stated that they are willing to commit the most-evil atrocities known to man to achieve that aim. They have lost any claim to the moral high ground the moment they made that deal with the devil. 

    And once Israel hits them back and starts dismantling Hamas in the Gaza Strip, these people who used civilians as human shields and cheered as they decapitated babies, will try to claim the victim status, and try to turn Israel into the bad guys because that is what they always do. The Muslims will start speaking out against civilians being killed, even though they didn’t care about the civilians being killed when it was Jewish civilians they were killing. Just remember, these people, if given the opportunity, would murder every single non-Muslim American without a thought, just as they would to kill every Jewish person. That is their endgame. That is what their caliphate looks like.

    They do not want to co-exist with the Jewish people in Israel. They want the total destruction of the state of Israel. They do not want to co-exist with any non-Islamic people in the world. They want the total destruction of every non-Islamic person on the planet. That’s why the Islamic world has been eerily silent on this recent attack. Very few Muslim celebrities have come out and condemned the attack. White America is prompted on a regular basis to condemn the slavery in America which ended 160 years ago, and we do again and again and again without hesitation because we know it was wrong and it was evil, but how many Islamic-Americans have been asked to condemn the terrorist attack in Israel that occurred 5 days ago? And how many have been judged when they haven’t? 

    We must stop projecting our values on these people. Simply because we want to co-existence with races and religions different from our own, does not mean that they do. And they will use every concession we make to them as a weapon against us. Every time that Israel has traded land for peace, that land has been used as a launching pad for another attack into Israel. We must stop cutting deals with people who are plotting our demise. Every deal or so-called peace treaty we make with them brings us one step closer to our destruction.

  • Another Trump Victory

    Another Trump Victory

    In the wake of two historic diplomatic victories, President Trump is poised to make history again.

    Bahrain is expected to sign a normalization agreement with Israel next week.


    Just three weeks ago, Trump brokered a deal between Israel and the UAE that normalized relations between the two countries.

    And last week, the administration announced a deal between Kosovo and Serbia that restored diplomatic and economic ties between those nations.