Tag: Pejoratives

  • Malarkey – Groomer

    Malarkey – Groomer

    In case you have not heard, lessons have finally been learned. Rather then roll over and take the leftist ‘name calling’, conservatives are turning the tables. The leftists are shocked, simply shocked. For myself, my laughter at their upset has been great and frequent.

    A Taste Of Their Own Toxicity

    Dems Were For Name-Calling Before They Were Against It
    Christina Pushaw ‘threadline’: “The new DNC talking points went out yesterday.” 

    Blair White: “The people who spent 6 years calling anyone slightly right of center a nazi are offended that you’re accurately calling groomers, groomers.”

    Wokal Distance: “For YEARS everyone who wasn’t woke was smeared with labels like: racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, white supremacist, fascist, nazis, bigots. And now the very same woke people who smeared people with those labels are complaining about the term ‘groomer’”

    Sarcastic Cupcake: “Wait till you see the garbage the Left called the Right these last 6 years that you were perfectly fine with: ‘Nazi’, ‘White Supremacist’, ‘Fascist,’ etc. but ‘groomer’ to people who lied and said it was a ‘don’t say gay’ bill is too much for you.”

    Bonchie: “The same people who spent the last half-decade calling their political opposition literal nazis now want to cry because someone called them groomers for opposing a law that bans the teaching of sexuality to kindergarteners. Spare all of us.

    Fusilli Spock: “The over the top freakout by the Left/media for being called ‘groomers’ given the frequency and approval of calling the Right ‘Nazi,’ ‘white supremacist,’ ‘homophobe,’ and worse is just a coordinated effort to distract from their destructive policies and numerous current crises”

    The Foo: “‘How DARE you call us groomers!?’ shriek the same people who have spent over a decade calling us racists, white supremacists, homophobes, fascists, insurrectionists, islamophobes, traitors, TERFS, deplorables, Nazis, Republikkkans, MAGAts, and domestic terrorists.”

    Penguin: “We’ve been called racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, bigoted, nazi deplorables for years, so don’t expect me to lose sleep over you not liking to be called pro pedophile or groomer.”

    The H2: “You know, after having been baselessly called a racist for the last few decades, I don’t give a flying fuck whether ‘groomer’ might go a little too far.”

    Virginia Project FTW: “We told the pedos and groomers to stop calling everyone bigots and racists and white supremacists but they didn’t … so now they are groomers and pedos … enjoy, you motherfuckers … your worst and most well-earned nightmare has begun”

    Learned It From Watching YOU
    Allie Beth Stuckey ‘threadlight’: “It’s not enough to be not a groomer. One must be actively anti-grooming. Those who defend themselves against accusations of grooming are simply expressing Groomer Fragility. They harbor secret groomer traits & must be shown the ways they’ve benefited from a systemic grooming.”

    Neil Shenvi ‘threadlight’: “A lot of progressives think there is a category of ‘not groomer.’ But one is either ‘groomer’ or ‘anti-groomer.’ Being ‘not groomer’ is just a way to perpetuate systemic grooming.”

    Found The Pressure Point
    Critical Misinformation: “We finally found the golden spear to fight ‘racist’ with lmao. Watching libs melt down when you call them groomer or a pedophile as if they haven’t literally invented ways to dehumanize their enemies for years is just fantastic.”

    Jesse Kelly: “I don’t remember another time in my life when I’ve seen the American communist whine so much about a label put on them by the Right. The ‘groomer’ thing really bothers them. A lot. It hurts them. So keep doing it.

    “Do not moderate. Do not back off. Do not slow down. They are off balance and they are afraid. When your opponent is down, you attack and finish him.”

    Virginia Project: “This is what ‘over the target’ looks like”​

    In Other News
    Abigail Marone: “Today Senate Democrats blocked Senator Hawley’s bill to get tougher on child porn offenders. Senator Durbin even asked, ‘why now?’
    ‘Because it’s a crisis now. Because there are 85 million images of children being exploited on the internet now,’ says @HawleyMO”