Tag: Pelosi

  • American Left Declares Donald Trump Debate Winner

    American Left Declares Donald Trump Debate Winner

    Take away their Driver’s Licenses and right to vote, now. It’s not safe for society to have people too stupid to understand their own words operating motor vehicles and driving national policy. Mouthy Leftists, I mean, the usual Leftist mouthpieces are wailing ensemble about Tuesday night’s debate debacle. It’s kinda delightful, actually. Angry voices whinge forth!

    Rabid anti-Trump types are unwittingly (we’ve more than death and taxes to count on) handing Donald Trump the victor’s podium. Fervently spreading the news about how their candidate was so soundly defeated in the first Presidential debate – and barely squeaked out intact – Team Biden ought forfeit the two remaining Presidential debates. No matter what they tell themselves regarding intent, they are saying Biden should concede defeat. Even Joy Behar from The View hath brayed forth her opinion that President Trump is the victor of Tuesday night’s, Set-In-Mah-Ways SeptuagenarianFest:

    Joe Biden has nothing to gain from this [further debates]. It’s a fiasco, it gives Trump a platform to lie, to give dog whistles to his base, to sort of instruct them to be violent in this very sort of semi-subtle way.

    Sooooo . . . the President you consider boorish, rude and abrasive is capable of subtlety? Huh.

    Behar added that “Biden is too much of a gentleman to be talking on the same stage with this neanderthal.” (I’ll just bet she pronounces the ‘h’.)

    Momma said not to throw terms like “shut up” toward others, it’s rude and ugly, similar to cussing. Oh, and no name calling either, same reason. Joy Behar has not only handed the debate win to Donald Trump, she also publicly admitted she weren’t raised right. Chortle cackle cough.

    Another source of genius insight, Frank Bruni, is averring that Biden was handed a loss by the Prez, as well. Who’s Frank Bruni? He is an Opinion Columnist for the New York Times, nobody important. Following, please find an excerpt from his recent piece of shit titled, ‘For the Sake of Democracy, Cancel the Trump-Biden Debates‘. To which this ‘Merican will rebut, ‘For the Sake of the Republic, Get Sterilised, Sit Down and Shut the F*ck Up‘. (I’ve never claimed to be a gentleman, or, obedient to my mother.)

    Bruni says, “they have all the information they need to decide whether they want another four years of Trump. Giving him more time in front of a national television audience isn’t a route to clarity. It’s an expressway to autocracy, because his performance on Tuesday night proved that he will use these showcases to subvert democracy.

    Subvert this, Frankie. Why waste intellect on repartee? Expending thought on the thoughtless is an inefficient use of resources.

    See Also: The View from Here

    Oh yes, Pazza Pelosi has weighed in. I’ll give you a moment to get over the astonishment before continuing. She, too, publicly recognises how readily the President is able to spank Joey into admitting all manner of things she’d rather not have her candidate admit. Nancy is ready to confer victory upon Donald Trump via Biden forfeiting the remaining two engagements.

    I think it’s one and done,” Pelosi told Bloomberg News.

    That phrase was coined by kids who only wanted to ride their college athletic scholarship for a year before signing a contract with the pros. Users, liars and quitters who only think of themselves, short-sightedly, ta boot. Pelosi is one transient ischemic attack away from offering, “everybody has a right to be stupid, but some people abuse the privilege,” when asked about President Trump. That’s a Joseph Stalin quote, by the way.

    Not only do we have this odd admission that Donald Trump is better than is Joe Biden coming from all directions Left to enjoy, there is also the spectacle going on down at the Commission on Presidential Debates for our entertainment purposes. Formally, Commission members are pondering making some rule and/or procedure changes so as to avoid the inadvertent filming of, Grumpiest Old Men; Town Hall Turmoil. Informally, they are tossing their hands in the air and waiting for it all to be over. But . . before they, too, concede defeat to the President, I’d like to implement one tiny change, see what happens. Send me.

    Should things start getting out of hand, the inner Madea will bust out to restore SIRREOUS order. One sharp whistle and some clapping (maybe jumping up and down if I’m wearing the right bra) to get their attention, followed immediately by something like, “Shut the herl up, right now! If you can’t act right, you need to go. Act a fool again and I’ll bust yo ass back into yo momma’s womb. I don’t care if she dead, dead and buried, dead and burned and sprinkled off the side of a Carnival cruise boat . . . yo going back in. Clear? Yeah I see you laughing, Mr. Moderator Man, yo momma can be found, too, ahite? Tuck y’all selves in . . . I’m watching y’all, all y’all. Got no problems beating the manners into a senior citizen if it’s what’s needed . . . mmmm hmmmm.”

    The roomie feels confident that would work. And, I’d do it for free. As a civic duty.