Tag: Pennsylvania

  • White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia

    White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia

    White House Occupant Delivers Angry Speech in Philadelphia Demanding All Resources Must Activate to Defend His Legitimacy

    The speech Joe Biden delivered Tuesday in Philadelphia was not the rant of a righteous or confident man.  [READ IT HERE]  Instead the speech was a bitter, angry and divisive plea for help from those extreme leftists who supported his installation.

    The need for control is a reaction to fear.  That fear was what Biden displayed above all other attributes.  A fear that more American people will begin to see the false construct of his installation.  A fear that those who perpetrated the fraud of his election will be exposed because the scale of their manipulation is far too great to continue hiding.

    The fear that a small amount of actual investigation, with more audits looming, will reveal how a few key corrupt counties coordinated a massive election fraud.  Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, the location of Tuesday’s sanctimonious diatribe -delivered by a naked emperor- was the location of the largest fraud.  Other locations include: Clark County (NV), Fulton County (GA), Maricopa County (AZ), Wayne County (Mich) and Milwaukee County (Wisc).

    The angry speech was full of projection, denial and extreme defensiveness.

    Yup, the need for control is a reaction to fear, and it was very obvious Joe Biden feels the control is slipping away.  The White House has never been more defensive than they were Tuesday.  Biden demanded the DOJ, FBI, DHS and every agency of the executive branch must initiate a full defense of his regime.  It was not a good look… it reeked of FEAR.  [Full Speech Here] Link: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/07/13/remarks-by-president-biden-on-protecting-the-sacred-constitutional-right-to-vote/

    “The assault on free and fair elections is just such a threat, literally. I’ve said it before: We’re are facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. That’s not hyperbole. Since the Civil War. … I’m not saying this to alarm you; I’m saying this because you should be alarmed.”  ~ Joe Biden
    July 14, 2021 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/07/14/white-house-occupant-delivers-angry-speech-in-philadelphia-demanding-all-resources-must-activate-to-defend-his-legitimacy/

    Comment: So, is this an admission & command for the Federal agencies to weaponize against the states? “Biden demanded the DOJ, FBI, DHS and every agency of the executive branch must initiate a full defense of his regime

  • PA Senate Demands Delay Of Electoral College Certification

    PA Senate Demands Delay Of Electoral College Certification

    BREAK – Letter From PA Senate Demands Delay Of Electoral College Certification

    A letter from several members of the Pennsylvania Senate asked the U.S. House and Senate to “delay certification of the Electoral College,” citing a host of unconstitutional measures that allowed voter fraud to occur in the swing state.

    In a two-page memo directed at Republican members of the House of Representatives and Senate, Pennsylvania officials outlined the abundance of electoral fraud and irregularities that require more time to investigate.

    “Due to numerous unlawful violations taken by Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Wolf; Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar; and the rogue State Supreme Court, the balance of power was taken from the State Legislature, who by the U.S. and PA Constitutions, set the time, place and manner of holding elections,” the January 4th request noted.

    The memo points to unconstitutional actions taken by the state’s Supreme Court, specifically how it axed the requirement for signature verification and postmarks on ballots along with extending deadlines for when mail-in ballots could be counted. The Secretary of State is also accused of enabling the partisan “curing” of ballots and “proliferating unsecured ballot drop boxes in key Democratic areas.”

    “Members, we ask for more time given the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court is to hear Trump vs. Boockvar in the coming days. We ask that you delay certification of the Electoral College to allow due process as we pursue election integrity in our Commonwealth,” the letter concludes.


    https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/pa-senate-letter/ By: Natalie Winters January 5, 2020

    Comment: I think that Pennsylvania will hold the keystone resolution to the election fraud.

  • Election Voting Systems by County – PA, MI, WI

    Election Voting Systems by County – PA, MI, WI

    The main post image showing the entire United States displays election methods used by counties in 1980.
    The three state maps in the post show what election voting technology and hardware companies service the counties of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, currently.

    Just some maps that show what voting systems are used in counties of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Still working on other states, and other numbers, and will put those up when they’re ready. This is black and white data, no opinion or shading – sources noted.

    As you will see, not every county within a state or commonwealth uses the same voting system. Even within counties, townships and cities can use different election technologies and systems. Examining a voting system’s integrity cannot be done by looking at a state or commonwealth, in totum. For example, the Pennsylvania counties most in dispute regarding vote “glitches”, Allegheny and Philadelphia, use Election Systems and Software (ES&S) which is not, Dominion Voting Systems, technically. Sydney Powell stresses this is a software issue and that machines coming from vendors other than Dominion are also running dirty software.

    – Clear Ballot Group Inc
    – Dominion Voting Systems
    – Election Systems and Software
    – Hart InterCivic Inc
    – Premier Election Solutions **
    – Sequoia Voting Systems *
    – Unisyn Voting Solutions
    – Vote-PAD

    * SEQUOIA VOTING SYSTEMS: Sequoia is based out of California and was owned by Smartmatic (please see NOTE below) until 2010 when they went bankrupt. Dominion Voting Systems acquired Sequoia in 2010.

    ** PREMIER ELECTION SOLUTIONS: Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold Election Systems, Inc or DESI) was a subsidiary of Diebold until 2009 when Premier was purchased by Election Systems and Software (ES&S). Dominion Voting Systems purchased all of Premier’s primary assets from ES&S in 2010.

    NOTE: Smartmatic, aka Smartatic Corp or Smartmatic International, is a company created in 1997 by three Venezuelans, Antonio Mugica, Alfredo Jose Anzola and Roger Pinate while working for Panagroup Corp – claims have been made that Smartmatic elections system technology was created to rig elections, period. The system has been used all over the world. Until 2018, when Smartmatic ceased doing business with Venezuala (they are privately funded, incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in Florida,) their election system was the major vendor for fourteen Venezuelan general elections. They do not have a sterling reputation when it comes to honesty and integrity. Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell have said a Madrid, Spain-based company, Indra Sistemas, is a subsidiary of Smartmatic and the actual owner of Dominion Voting Systems. They also say Smartmatic software is running in Dominion and other company’s election systems machines; Dominion claims their machines use their proprietary software, only.

    Color Coded County Maps of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin:

    Map above created by: University of Pittsburgh – Institue for Cyber, Law, Policy and Security

    Map above created by Michigan Office of the Secretary of State – Please ignore the red lettering

    Map above created by Yours Truly using data from: Wisconsin Approved Voting Systems
  • How to Handle a Riot

    How to Handle a Riot

    I covered the rioting in Lancaster PA here. Today we’re learning about how they were handled there.

    The police and district attorney in Lancaster have been extremely proactive. The police have been making targeted arrests while the DA is levying heavy charges and requesting high bail.

    Clearly the reaction in Lancaster is very different to the reactions in Portland and Seattle. No catch and release here.

  • BLM Riots Move to Lancaster PA

    BLM Riots Move to Lancaster PA

    BLM rioting broke out in Lancaster PA in the wake of a fatal officer involved shooting yesterday.

    The Lancaster DA released bodycam footage of the incident. The decedent was clearly attacking the officer with a knife before he was fatally shot. WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES.

    The riots started before all the details were known, but continued after the footage was released. The decedent had a criminal history of stabbing people. In 2019, he was arrested after stabbing four people multiple times, including a 16-year-old boy.
