Tag: Police

  • Official Whitewash Of The Killing Of Duncan Lemp

    Official Whitewash Of The Killing Of Duncan Lemp

    by JAMES BOVARD for The American Conservative

    Why did a Montgomery County, Maryland SWAT team kill  21-year-old Duncan Lemp, in a no-knock predawn raid on March 12?  The county released an official report yesterday stating that a violent no-knock raid was justified “due to Lemp being ‘anti-government,’ ‘anti-police,’ currently in possession of body armor, and an active member of the Three Percenters.”  The report also noted that “police had viewed several videos showing Lemp handling and shooting firearms.”

    Distrusting the government and police and appearing in photos or videos with firearms is a catch-all that could apply to millions of Americans. But that was enough to justify a deadly assault in one of America’s most liberal jurisdictions. (I wrote about this case for TAC previously hereherehere and here).

    Montgomery County released the report on New Year’s Eve, probably hoping that it would receive scant attention. But the county’s own admissions should propel new demands for disclosures on the most under-reported police killing of 2020.   

    The report details how police attacked the Lemp home from two sides. Two members of the raid team did a “‘break and rake’ on Duncan Lemp’s first-floor bedroom window while the rest of the team entered the house by using a battering ram on the main front door … Another officer used a fireman’s pike tool to break the bedroom window closest to the bed where Lemp and [his pregnant girlfriend Kasey] Robinson were sleeping. The tool also has a hook that is used to grab a hold of and pull away the blinds so that officers would have an unobstructed view inside the bedroom. Once the window was broken and the shades pulled out of the way, one officer ducked below the window line as he was unarmed. A second officer (the shooting officer) who was armed with a rifle, then stepped up to the window and looked inside to locate Lemp as soon as possible and prevent him from having time to access any weapons that could be used against the SWAT officers.” Another team of SWAT cops used a battering ram to smash in the front door of the Lemp home. 

    The official report serves a completely different version of Lemp’s killing than the county police department provided on March 17. In its initial explanation of the Lemp killing in March, the Montgomery County Police Department stated: 

    The officers entering the residence announced themselves as police and that they were serving a search warrant. Officers gave commands for individuals inside the residence to show their hands and to get on the ground. Upon making contact with Lemp, officers identified themselves as the police and gave him multiple orders to show his hands and comply with the officer’s commands to get on the ground. Lemp refused to comply with the officer’s commands and proceeded towards the interior bedroom door where other officers were located. Upon entrance by officers into Lemp’s bedroom, Lemp was found to be in possession of a rifle and was located directly in front of the interior bedroom entrance door.

    In the new version of the report, Lemp was shot five times by a policeman standing outside his smashed-in bedroom window. Montgomery County still refuses to name the policeman who killed him. That policeman says that he shouted a warning to Lemp before opening fire, asserting that Lemp stood up holding a rifle and turned the muzzle toward the policeman. (The family always maintained that the shots that killed Duncan came in from that window.) Were the police lying in March, or are they lying now, or are they still lying?

    “Let’s go to the videotape”—except that there isn’t any. And there were no other police witnesses to the killing of Duncan Lemp. Police body cams have been one of the most significant reforms in curbing police misconduct in this century. But, as Lemp family lawyer Rene Sandler disclosed, Montgomery County signed a labor agreement with the police union which allowed the SWAT team to “opt out of the truth and transparency by not being required to wear body camera or videotaping a no knock raid.” This is par for the course for police unions across the nation utterly sabotaging police accountability. 

    Police targeted and eventually killed in part Lemp because they believed he possessed an illegal Israeli assault weapon. Late in the report, as if reciting a minor technicality, the county prosecutor states, “It should be noted that upon further review and investigation into the IWI Tavor X95 rifle, it was determined that it was not an assault rifle … It appears that Lemp’s rifle was a legal ‘copycat’ made to look exactly like the illegal version of the IWI Tavor X95.” But the non-banned weapon was close enough for government work to justify violently attacking Lemp’s home. The false predicate for the violent raid barely rates a footnote in the 17-page report. 

    Police stated that Lemp was prohibited from possessing any firearms due to a previous criminal conviction—a point that the family vigorously contests. According to Sandler, the affidavit used to secure the no-knock raid contained information that was “demonstrably false.” (Shades of Waco and Ruby Ridge!) A police raid occurred at the Lemp family home when Lemp was a juvenile in 2016 but no details were disclosed in the report on that raid or by anyone else.

    Montgomery County announced that the killing would be investigated by neighboring Howard County, to assure an independent credible review. But that was a sham from the start. The Howard County prosecutor requested that a Montgomery County detective “conduct interviews” with key police personnel, including the officer who signed the search warrant and the SWAT supervisor “to find out more details regarding why the decision was made to do a no-knock warrant.” Howard County made no effort to determine some of the most potentially controversial aspects of the case.

    A grand jury examined the shooting earlier this year but all of the testimony and evidence presented remains confidential—except for selections that the county attorney’s office received permission from a judge to disclose in the report. Sandler and Cary Hansel, a lawyer for Kasey Robinson, Lemp’s girlfriend, are outraged at what they consider “cherry picking” by the prosecutor. They are calling for full disclosure of all materials and evidence from the grand jury proceedings.  Was the grand jury investigation into the killing of Duncan Lemp as big a charade as the Louisville grand jury that examined the police killing of Breonna Taylor earlier this year? Sandler notes, “The family is particularly upset at the lack of any consideration of the other eye witnesses in the home at the time [of the raid].  The report simply makes it clear that none of that was seriously considered.” Instead, the new storyline on the killing was sacrosanct. 

    Nothing in the report indicates that Lemp posed a threat of imminent threat of violence to anyone, not even to stray dogs in the neighborhood. The report indicates that police were surveilling Duncan Lemp and the Lemp residence well before they launched the SWAT raid.  Sandler said police “would have seen him taking Kasey to a doctor’s appointment or going to a store. They could have detained him during a traffic stop while [other police] secured the home. That would be a much safer tactic than to accost an entire family and to raid blindly at 4:30 in the morning in the dark.”  

    Why did the SWAT team rely on massive violence instead of the type of routine police work that prevailed in most of the nation in the last century? The “break and rake” routine seems custom-made to spur residents to grab any firearm or broomstick handy. And then there were the bombs the police detonated that morning. Flash-bang grenades epitomize the current relation between police and private citizens. A 2019 federal appeals court decision noted that the grenades are “four times louder than a 12-gauge shotgun blast” with “a powerful enough concussive effect to break windows and put holes in walls.” As TechDirt noted in 2019, “As anyone other than cops seems to comprehend, startling people in their own homes with explosives and kicked-in doors tends to make everything more dangerous for everyone.” 

    The official report makes clear that Lemp was targeted in part because of his political beliefs. Lemp is identified as a supporter of the “the Three Percenters … a far-right militia movement and paramilitary group” which advocates “gun ownership rights and resistance to the federal government’s involvement in local affairs.” ( Three-percenter refers to “the belief that only 3% of colonists fought against the British in the Revolutionary War,” as the report notes.) This is close enough to heresy in antigun Maryland, though it is considered on par with motherhood and apple pie in most of America.  Lemp was outspoken politically, and his last tweet, a couple months before he was killed, declared, “The constitution is dead.” The report also gravely notes, “Lemp has a number of postings on his Instagram page showing him in possession of and shooting different types of guns.” The police targeting of Duncan Lemp was spurred by a “confidential source” whose name has not yet been disclosed. The report states that that source directed police to Lemp’s  “mymilitia.com” and “Instagram” profile pages. Was the “confidential source” trying to bring down gun activists, or was he working off a plea bargain (bringing in scalps for a reduced sentence), or was it simply someone who Lemp had told about his firearms?  

    And why has Montgomery County created a new right for police to anonymously kill citizens? As David Simon, the writer who masterminded the television series Homicide and The Wire, observed, “Without a name [of a policeman involved in a shooting], there’s no way for anyone to evaluate an officer’s performance independently, to gauge his or her effectiveness and competence, to know whether he or she has shot one person or 10.” When an FBI agent shot to death Ibragim Todashev, a Chechen guy he was interrogating in Florida in 2013, the FBI sought to keep all the details secret (despite the changing official narrative of the killing). A year after the shooting, the Boston Globe revealed that the FBI agent who killed Todashev had a stormy record as a policeman in Oakland, California, where he “took the Fifth at a police corruption trial and was the subject of two police brutality lawsuits and four internal affairs investigations” before retiring at age 31. But Montgomery County officials believe no one is entitled to know the prior record of the officer who killed Duncan Lemp. 

    Nobody in Montgomery County appeared to give a damn about Lemp’s killing. Sandler contacted Montgomery County executive Marc Elrich and all nine Members of the Council  on behalf of the family. “And not one person responded,” Sandler said. Mercedes Lemp, Duncan’s mother, commented, “We are so disappointed and saddened and shocked by the apparent lack of any meaningful investigation in this case. And given the county’s refusal to even acknowledge us as victims, we decided to relocate” out of the county.    

    The prosecutor’s report, explaining why it wasn’t important that Lemp didn’t actually own an illegal assault weapon, tutted, “Very minute changes such as the overall length of the weapon can mean the difference between an illegal assault rifle and a legal one.” Unfortunately, there are no such “very minute changes” in Montgomery County police procedures that could justify violently attacking a peaceful home and killing a young man. The brazen report released yesterday confirm that Montgomery County politicians and police officials believe they can continue covering up the killing of Duncan Lemp. Trust us, it was a good killing. Will they get away with it?

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    See Also: The Coffee Table


    Don’t be surprised if you’ve not been aware of this fatal police shooting case, Duncan Lemp was a white conservative, his life does not seem to have mattered. Neither did the life of Gary J. Willis, the 61 year old Anne Arundel County, MD man who was shot and killed by police in 2018 as they attempted to serve him with an Extreme Risk Protective Order (ERPO), commonly referred to as a Red Flag law, to secure the guns of a law abiding person legally in possession of same because one person decided he was too dangerous to own firearms. Mr. Willis lived and died the molon labe credo, unfortunately and unnecessarily.

    Law enforcement catches a bad rep these days, undeservedly in most cases. In some others, such as the incredible misuse of local police SWAT teams and over exuberant Red Flag service, they are given a complete pass for their unConstitutional conduct. Just as with Roger Stone, there was no excuse to raid Duncan Lemp’s home in an early morning no-knock raid, a home shared with his sleeping family, including his pregnant girlfriend.

    As the article states, it would have been more safe for everybody involved – citizens and police personnel – if Lemp had been pulled over when he left the house. Particularly in light of the fact that his home was under police surveillance and authorities knew the entry door to Lemp’s bedroom was boobytrapped. If an ounce of sense had been exercised, the scary 3 Percenter would probably still be alive and the police department would be a few dollars heavier because they’d not be embroiled in legal battles for the next 20 years.

    Door to Duncan Lemp’s bedroom

    Anybody want to go riot and loot in Potomac or Fernwood, Maryland? Both towns can say they had innocent citizens murdered in their homes by police officers. And the police officers are still, police officers. Lemp’s shooter was officially acquitted of any wrong doing the last day of 2020. The shooting may have been justified, creating the circumstance where shooting an innocent civilian in his own home became supposedly necessary, is not.

    What are your thoughts on no-knock raids by SWAT teams in instances like the Lemp and Stone situations? Are they justified, or an excuse to use equipment and training on people government has decided won’t raise too much of a stink when their rights have been violated?


  • Seattle PD Down Another 34 Officers

    Seattle PD Down Another 34 Officers

    The Seattle PD has lost another 34 Officers to retirement or resignation. That brings the total to 144 for the year. That is a record high. There are rumors swirling internally that separations could hit 200 by the year’s end.

    The news comes as the Seattle City Council shrank police department funding by 18% in the just approved budget. The cuts are expected to affect overtime pay and training while leaving dozens of vacant jobs unfilled and moving 911 dispatchers and parking enforcement out of the department’s jurisdiction.

    The number of deployable officers now sits at approximately 1,200, which is lower than it was in the 1990s despite the population increasing by 44% since then.

  • Celebrate Communication – Non-Verbal is Fine

    Celebrate Communication – Non-Verbal is Fine

    There are people who are unable to articulate their thoughts using the spoken word. Not deaf or ‘mute’ or at all intellectually challenged, some are trapped by a neurological disorder that seeks to isolate them in a world of confusion. A basic ability most of us who function on a somewhat “normal” level take for granted was not part of the standard factory-installed kit in these frustrated beings, verbal language skills.

    When Lisa Reyes welcomed her bouncing baby boy into the world, she did not know the bouncing would morph into stimming as young Philip grew up into an intelligent teenager, a self-advocate with his own blog – Faith, Hope, and Love…With Autism. Philip Reyes, a non-verbal autistic, found his “path from silence to communication” using letterboards and computers. Thanks to modern technology, he is able to express himself and share his perspective on the autistic life through his blog posts and other internet publishers.

    According to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition), ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, including deficits in social reciprocity, nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction, and skills in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships.’ (APA, 2013)

    Autism is called a spectrum disorder due to the variety of symptoms and levels of impairment that will manifest in people diagnosed with the disorder. A ASD diagnosis is not an auto-indicator of substandard individual intellect. It is folly to believe a person struggling to convey their thoughts and/or control physical behaviours is unable to process information, or, is somehow less intelligent than those who verbally speak while sitting still. Albert Einstein has been diagnosed from afar with a form of autism called Aspberger Syndrome, or Aspberger’s – it is considered a higher functioning manifestation of ASD as the disorder is accompanied by relatively low levels of physical and intellectual impairment.

    Approximately 40% of people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder are affected by a form known as Non-Verbal Autism. The ability to carry on a conversation with another person, or even to speak at all, is greatly impaired in this form. Some people with non-verbal autism do not speak because they’ve been deprived of proper instruction in verbal language skills; caretakers decide there’s no point teaching what cannot, supposedly, be learned. In other situations, apraxia of speech – the inability to make the mouth form words – is the cause of the speech disorder. Non-verbal autistics often know exactly what they wish to say, they are simply unable to form the utterance.

    On April 2, 2015, World Autism Awareness Day, then 12-year old Philip Reyes published a short essay in his blog, describing what it was like to be autistic. The blog is full of insight on what he perceives to be inadequate or inappropriate educational practice norms used when teaching autistic children, as well as honestly expressed feelings, hopes, dreams and worries. Here are some excerpts from Philip’s 2015 post:

    “Let’s pretend you are like me. You can’t talk; but having a thinking mind, you can understand. Imagine you are each day answering back what you mean to say. But only you can hear it. People hear your voice saying things you don’t necessarily mean. They think that’s all you are capable of thinking. People see you stimming by your repetitive flapping or tapping. They think there is no purpose. They don’t understand the minute you stop, the moment is flooded with lights that hum, loud sounds that echo, kids moving too fast for me to keep up with, and people trying to engage me.

    … People see your hyper movement. They prefer you to sit quietly. It’s hard to feel my body in space. I prefer to move because I can feel my body better

    … No person should be without a voice.

    … Meaningful communication means being able to say what I really want to say.

    … Love is felt when you are accepted. Love is felt peacefully when you are no longer seen by your momentary deficits but by your attributes that make you a complete person.

    … Each life is special in its own way.”

    Philip Reyes – 2015

    Philip is blessed with access to devices that make it possible for him to interact with others on a real time basis. Not all who carry the Non-Verbal Autistic diagnosis are so fortunate. There are so many without the power to control their own vocal chords and mouths – unable to verbally express a need, a worry, a query or a warning – the words stay trapped in their head. A few weeks ago, one such silent stoic was discovered by a passerby in California.

    September 14, 2020, Stockton Police were notified by a citizen that a “scared and confused” child had been seen wandering near the downtown area. Officers on patrol were notified to keep an eye out for a lost boy and get him to safety. In short time, one of Stockton’s finest bike cops radioed that he had located the lad – everybody exhaled with relief.

    The child, thankfully, was found unharmed but there was a problem. Scared and disoriented, he was not speaking. The police officer tried in vain to glean the boys name, his mother’s name, a phone number or an address. Something was quite clearly amiss. Was the boy shutting down due to trauma? Was there a language barrier? Did he not trust the white police officer who was trying to help him find his way home? Officer Bike Cop had the option to call Social Services and have one of their employees come collect the child, let them figure out what the problem may be, where the boy belonged. Instead, he patiently embarked on a journey of discovery.

    Senior citizens and people with disabilities in the Los Angeles area who qualify for reduced public transit fares carry a TAP (Transit Access Pass) bus pass/card. Though he was not carrying any type of formal identification, the lost boy did have a TAP bus pass tucked into one of his pockets. (It is unclear whether the boy offered the pass or if Officer Bike Cop happened across same while gently searching for a clue.) The symbol on the pass which denotes reason for/type of disability was the letter ‘N’ for Autism. The frightened youngster was a non-verbal autistic, unable to ask for help when he found himself lost, or to answer the questions now being presented.

    The police officer realised what was going on and provided the disoriented boy with pen and paper, opening a channel of communication between cop and child. The information began to flow. A relative of the boy was soon located and he was delivered into their care, safe and sound.

    While police officers receive regular training on how to deal with all kinds of different people in all manner of situations, Officer Bike Cop utilised tools the Stockton Police Department had neither instilled nor issued to resolve the lost autistic child problem. Paraphrasing Philip Reyes’ beautiful expressions, the officer lost sight of a momentary deficit and found the special, complete person seeking acceptance and an avenue of meaningful communication. Qualities like human kindness cannot be taught, only emulated.

    No person should be without a voice. Patience, human kindness and determination seem the ideal tools to wield in a battle to find meaningful communication. Kindly ask a non-verbal autistic if he or she might agree. If you do ask, be patient. It might take a minute to find a meaningful communication channel that works for the both of you.

    Lisa and Philip Reyes

    Philip Reyes is a nonspeaking autistic self-advocate and aspiring writer. He uses the Rapid Prompting Method and types to communicate. He is a high school student in Buffalo, NY, and writes the blog, Faith, Hope, and Love with Autism.

  • Opinion David Clark?

    Opinion David Clark?

    A Milwaukee man has reportedly been arrested after pulling a gun on a mob of Black Lives Matter supporters who were surrounding his home for several hours.

    “They went specifically to his house to protest him for ‘being a racist.’ The homeowner was arrested, and the crowd remains outside. They seem to have gone on his property. WTF Milwaukee?” Kitty Shackleford, a Twitter user that archives riot footage, tweeted along with videos.

    After the mob was outside his home for more than two hours, police arrived. As they entered the man’s property, the rioters cheered for police and called for the man’s arrest, yelling about how he had a weapon. When the man was taken outside, seemingly in cuffs, the crowd went wild.

    The militant leftists were threatening the man saying that he was going to have big problems if he dared to step outside.

    As they threatened him, shined lights into his home, and pranced all over his property, he pointed a shotgun out the window.

    It does not appear that any members of the mob have been arrested.

    Arrested for defending one’s self and property

    a possibility is he was Safely removed for his protection?

    that’s the question I’d ask David Clark with Respect of course

    with a follow up comment

    it’s getting hard to defend the Thin Blue Line when actions such as the lAWLESSNESS is ignored

    Shadows of 1937/38

  • Texas to Cap Property Tax in Cities that Defund Police

    Texas to Cap Property Tax in Cities that Defund Police

    Texas governor Greg Abbott has said he plans on capping property tax increases in cities that move to defund their police departments.

    Abbot made the announcement in a joint press conference with LT. Governor Dan Patrick and Speaker of the Texas legislature Dennis Bonnen. The proposal states that any city that defunds its police department will have its property tax revenue frozen at the current level. From the official release:

    “Part of our job as state leaders is to ensure the safety and security of all Texans, and we will not allow this core function to be undermined by cities that seek to defund and dismantle law enforcement agencies that have a sworn duty to protect our communities,” said Governor Abbott. “Defunding the police puts Texans in danger and invites lawlessness into our cities, and cities that endanger their residents should not be able to turn around and raise more taxes from those same Texans. I strongly urge the Texas Legislature to take up this important issue next session to protect their constituents and ensure law enforcement have the resources and support they need to protect their communities.”

    It’s too bad other states can’t or won’t do this. It would seem to be the perfect way to prevent more cities from bowing to the mob.

  • BREAKING: Multiple Cops Shot in Texas

    BREAKING: Multiple Cops Shot in Texas

    The Cedar Park police say three officers have been shot. The officers were responding to a call at a home on Natalie cove. They are currently being treated at a local hospital and are in stable condition.

    The suspected shooter has barricaded himself inside the home and is still at large. Multiple agencies are reported to be on the scene.

    Cedar park is about 25 miles northwest of Austin.

    This is a developing story and will be updated as new information becomes available.


    2nd Update:

    Cedar Park police gave the following update:

    According to Chief Mike Harmon, The suspect’s mother called police saying her son was “acting aggressive” and had kicked in the door. Cedar Park police officers were “met with gunfire” when they went inside. There are three hostages in the house with the suspect. The suspect’s mother, a juvenile family member, and an unidentified individual.

    The Chief says the Cedar Park police have responded to this house before, but did not say when or for what reasons. He also said the suspect is in his mid 20s and has “mental health issues.” Police officers and negotiators are “trying to bring this to a peaceful resolution.”

    The three officers that were shot are all in stable condition. Two have been released from the hospital and one will remain overnight for observation.

  • Hold Up: Minneapolis Can’t Put Abolish PD on Ballot

    Hold Up: Minneapolis Can’t Put Abolish PD on Ballot

    Minneapolis City Council

    The proposed ballot referendum to abolish the Minneapolis police department has been put on hold. The Minneapolis Charter commission, in a 10-5 vote said they needed time to review the ballot initiative.

    “We have an obligation to make sure that what is going on the ballot gives the voters an informed choice, that they can make a decision in a thoughtful way,” said Charter Commissioner Andrew Kozak, adding that he didn’t think the proposal accomplished that.

    The move prevents the Minneapolis city council from putting the referendum on the ballot for at least a year. However, the initiative can’t be kept on hold permanently.

    If the city council persists, and if they can override Mayor Jacob Frey’s pledged veto, they can put their abolish-the-police plan on next year’s ballot. 

  • Seattle Moves to Disband Police

    Seattle Moves to Disband Police

    The Seattle City Council is moving to abolish the entire Seattle Police Department and replace it with a “civilian led Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention.” The proposed legislation includes the “Decriminalize Seattle” agenda.

    Among other things that agenda includes “culturally-relevant expertise rooted in community connections” ”Housing, food security, and other basic needs” ”Trauma-informed, gender-affirming, anti-racist praxis”. What that word salad actually means is beyond me. I know and understand all the words used, but the order in which they’re placed makes little sense to me.


    Did you notice the bit about “immediate transfer of underutilized public land for BIPOC community ownership”? It’s straight out of the Marxist/Leninist handbook. It’s also CHOP writ large and officially.

    It’s time to end this clown show if they go forward with this proposal. If it takes sending in the Military to restore some semblance of order, so be it.

  • Morale


    Definition: The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks. n. Moral or mental condition as regards courage, zeal, hope, confidence, and the like: used especially of a body of Men and Women engaged in a hazardous enterprise as Marines or Sailors and Police

    it’s like getting a letter from when far away

    The spirit is lifted just by lookin at the letter. One can smell the support. Well this letter was delivered in person 2 days back

    HOUGHTON, Mich. – A police support march drew a significant crowd on the evening of July 24th. The march began in Houghton at 5:30 and ended in front of the Hancock Police Department. The line of people stretched from one end of the bridge to the other as they crossed, making an impressively unexpected display of support.

    “Our planning on this started about a week, week and a half ago. Hasn’t really taken too much time to put it together, so I’m very surprised with our turnout,” said Keith Sever, one of the event’s organizers. “I would say, actually, originally, I thought we maybe had about 120 people, but I would say, overall to be able to make a line like we had we probably have closer to 200 here.”

    Among the 200 was state representative Gregory Markkanen, who showed up to display his support to the marchers and local police.

    “Law enforcement is highly respected up in the UP,” he said, “and we just wanna show our support for them.”


    it’s something that could spread across the country

    there’s a lot of angst toward Law Enforcement

    it’s not to hard to figure why

    that is, while reading the Left’s short term goals and long term objectives

    if this support, on the other hand, should spread

    not only will the Police morale be lifted, the Left will see there are more of US than them

    No one likes a cop in the rear view mirror

    however, another way of seeing Police

    without them you leave your place an belongings with the fear of knowing bad people want everything you have, even your family

    with Police you get a certain amount of freedom to go do things you like to do

    takin your girl out fishing is one such example

    knowing there is a group of people keeping the bad people at bay