Before we get started, there is a bit of disclosure that needs to happen. Namely that your editor is a Catholic. He was raised in an Irish Catholic household, and still regularly attends St Brigid’s for Sunday Mass. Now that’s out of the way, lets discuss what Il Papa said recently.
At a recent general audience, an informal gathering where the Pope addresses those present, Francis had this to say;
“There are those who systematically work to push back migrants. When this is done consciously, it is a grave sin.”
Bergoglio’s predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI issued a statement on world migrant day back in 2010. That statement pointed out that those immigrating had a duty and responsibility to integrate into their new hosts societies. And in 1990, before he was Pope, then-Cardinal Ratzinger lamented ‘the slow suicide of Europe’ because of unfettered muslim immigration.
I will admit to not being active in Church politics, nor am I much interested in them as they are frankly Byzantine and have little effect on my day-to-day life. That said, even I’m seeing rumor that the College of Cardinals are looking for a way to force the Argentinian bouncer out of the Chair. It’s my opinion that his term as Pope has caused incalculable damage to the Church.