It’s been a little while since I last wrote about the unrest happening in Portland. While it’s technically 127 days of protests and rioting there, the last few weeks have been less violent than before.
Last night the ICE detention facility was the target. It didn’t go well for the rioters. ICE, DHS and the Border Patrol’s BORTAC unit responded. It seems like they had some new toys to play with. The first video shows a new type of pepper spray dispenser, it shoots a thumb thick stream of capsaicin goodness and the second is a tear gas dispersal unit/leaf blower.
And here's when DHS brought their gas gun/leaf blower/insecticide sprayer out to disperse protesters. Wait for it, it's worth it.
Portland is yet again the location of Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes. Today’s contestants thought they could stop a motorcycle cop.
The cop was dealing with a pair of vehicles that were blocking an intersection when the crowd surrounded him. The drivers of the two vehicles take advantage of the situation, and drive off. As the cop tries to pursue, two idiots decide it’s a good idea to try to block the motorcycle. One went so far as to grab the fairing and windshield in an attempt to stop the officer.
As you can see, the attempt to stop the officer from pursuing the two vehicles was a fail. The brave shieldmaiden got dragged and possibly run over. I can’t find video of it, but several of those involved were arrested, including our two contestants.
The previous editions of Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes can be found here, here, here, here, and here.
Remember the “snack van” that showed up at riots in Portland, Kenosha and DC among other places? Well it seems to have been stolen. Or towed. By the cops.
Jeremy Vajko who’s been arrested at riots both in Portland and in D.C., and let go, went on Twitter to rant about the van being stolen. Or whatever. The initial tweet has since been deleted, but it read:
“I woke up to the Van and everything I still owned stolen.”
The tweet also included a picture of the snack van. The rest of the thread is still up as of now.
It was a “mostly peaceful” night of rioting last night. Louisville saw fires, assaults and vandalism that ended up with two cops being shot and 127 arrested. I covered the “mostly peaceful” arrest of the man suspected of shooting two LMPD officers here.
The rioting in Seattle saw a “mostly peaceful” bat to the back of a cop’s head. Fortunately, the officer in question was wearing a helmet. The blow was strong enough to crack the helmet, imagine what it would have done to his head. WATCH:
In Portland there was a “mostly peaceful” Molotov cocktail thrown at a police line. How none of the cops were seriously injured I still don’t know. WATCH:
No word on the number of arrests in Portland, but given the Multnomah county prosecutor practices catch and release with rioters, it really doesn’t matter much. Unless the Feds scooped them up.
EXCLUSIVE: Democrat and Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour is Leading Rioters in Louisville Tonight Along with Members of Portland’s ‘Three Arrows’ Antifa Battalion
Yesterday we identified Robin Ash Crandal was the young communist who pointed a gun at highway goers last Friday in Louisville, KY.
Earlier today we reported that infamous Democrat anti-Semite Linda Sarsour was behind the scenes on Friday leading the rioters who were pointing guns at innocent drivers and damaging their vehicles.
Now we are able to determine that Democrat anti-Semite Linda Sarsour was back in front of the rioters tonight in Louisville. But today she was alongside members of Portland’s ‘Three Arrows’ Antifa battalion. Who is paying these creeps?
On Friday September 20, 2020, in Louisville, KY, Democrat activists were out shutting down highway traffic. Drone footage captured the communists pointing guns at drivers.
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) XRVision our friend and contributor Yaacov Apelbaum was able to identify the young communist woman who pointed the gun at innocent drivers in Louisville. The individual pointing the gun at passers by was Robin Ash Crandal.
Today we determined that radical Democrat anti-Semite Linda Sarsour was leading the rioters on Friday and now we have information that she was back at it tonight.
On Friday Sarsour was behind the scenes leading rioters. In the first two pictures below we show a car with rear panels in tact. Next to the car is Linda Sarsour coordinating the crowd around the vehicle:
Next we see that the car above has kicked and damaged as a result. The driver tried to get out of his vehicle at which point he has a gun pointed at him by Crandal. Sarsour then notices the police arrive and she leaves the scene:
As noted yesterday, Ms. Crandal is an organizer with the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. Ms. Crandal was previously convicted of burglary in the third degree and theft of less than $10,000. She served two years at the Bullitt County Detention Center. In November of 2015 she was pardoned by Governor Steve Beshear, whose Soros funded son, Andy, is the current governor. The pardon restored Crandal’s right to vote and hold public office.
In images 5 and 6 Ms. Crandal approaches a car on the highway and she points a gun at the car and driver.
Next in images 7 and 8, Ms. Crandal holsters her gun.
In images 9, 10 and 11, Ms. Crandal and another person move away from the scene and head towards a rendezvous.
Then in images 12 and 13, Ms. Crandal meets up with the other person noted previously and hands him the gun and then they separate.
A new report from AP says federal prosecutors weighed bringing charges against public officials in the wake of the rioting in Portland.
Portland officials, from the mayor to the district attorney, have repeatedly and publicly refused to crack down against the rioting.
The revelation that federal officials researched whether they could levy criminal or civil charges against the officials — exploring whether their rhetoric and actions may have helped spur the violence in Portland — underscores the larger Trump administration’s effort to spotlight and crack down on protest-related violence. The majority of the mass police reform demonstrations nationwide have been peaceful. . .
The department had done research on whether it could pursue the charges, spokesperson Kerri Kupec said. She declined to comment on the status or whether charges would be brought. But bringing criminal civil rights charges against city officials for protest-related violence would likely present an uphill court battle for federal prosecutors.
The department did not comment about whether and charges were pending or the status of any investigations in to the matter.
What they have commented on is the numbers of people charged with federal crimes in connection with the rioting in Portland. More than 100 have been arrested and charged under federal law in Portland, and 300 nationality. Compare that to the 100 arrested and 70 charged by local authorities in Portland.
Last night was the 100th night of unrest in the city of Portland. There were flyers announcing thr anniversary passed around downtown, and the crowd was larger than normal, even for a Saturday night.
The Portland police and Oregon State Troopers were prepared though, and they moved quickly to disperse the crowd and make arrests. And in a smart tactical move, they acted first and acted early to disrupt whatever “celebration” plans the rioters had in mind. The police made several pushes into the protesters, split them into two groups headed different directions, ordered them off a city street, and then declared a “riot” when they failed to disperse.
Michael Forest Reinoehl, the man suspected in the slaying of Aaron Danielson in Portland, was killed in a shootout with the US Marshal Fugitive Task force as they attempted to arrest him.
An Oregon Judge signed an arrest warrant for Reinoehl on Thursday afternoon, and the US Marshal’s Federal Fugitive Task Force in Seattle were used to serve that warrant. Reinoehl was located in Lacy, Washington. The speed with which he was located tells me that he was under surveillance for some time.
Details of how the arrest turned into gunplay are still sketchy, but early reports indicate that Reinoehl pulled a handgun when the agents confronted him. Other reports indicate he had some type of long gun. Regardless, he was threatening officers and was killed as a result.
He was arrested on July 5 for resisting arrest, interfering with police and illegal gun possession, records show. The Portland police bureau posted a photo of officers handcuffing Reinoehl with a gun splayed out on the ground.
Those aren’t the only recent charges Reinoehl faces. He was charged with DUI, illegal gun possession and reckless endangerment after being stopped going 111 mph on an Oregon highway. Local media reports indicate Reinoehl had his 11 year old daughter in the car with him at the time of the stop.
Like Cassie and Nate, Aaron Danielson would be alive if Mike Schmidt did his job. His policies have led directly to another death. I am not an Oregonian, and do not know the laws in that state, however at the very least he needs to be recalled. I wonder how many more people need to be murdered because of his policies.
Normally, I wouldn’t cover what appears to be a run of the mill murder in any city. This one, however, is a bit different.
Portland police have charged Phillip Lawrence Nelson in the double stabbing murder of Cassy Leaton, 22, and Najaf “Nate” Hobbs, 39 in Northeast Portland in June.
Now here’s the newsworthy part, the week before, Nelson had been arrested for interfering with a police officer during one of the riots. He was released the next day and charges were dropped.
Nelson was booked a little before 2 this morning. Unclear if he will be arraigned today or Monday. Previous coverage here.
Multnomah county prosecutor Mike Schmidt has blood in his hands. Plain and simple. Had he done the job he was elected to do, Cassie and Nate would still be alive. Instead, he declined to prosecute a homeless drifter who was involved in the riots.
Admittedly, IANAL, but the families of Cassie and Nate should sue.