Tag: Portland

  • Sheriffs to Gov Brown: Thanks but No Thanks

    Sheriffs to Gov Brown: Thanks but No Thanks

    Oregon governor Kate Brown

    Oregon governor Kate Brown released a plan she thinks will help reduce the violence in Portland on Sunday. The plan includes the following:

    1. The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office will prosecute serious criminal offenses, including arson and physical violence.
    2. The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office will work with system partners to hold individuals booked for violent behavior, and to ensure that there is adequate jail space to hold such individuals.
    3. As done previously, Oregon State Police will detail personnel and resources to Portland to free up the Portland Police Bureau’s investigative capabilities to arrest and charge those engaging in violent acts. OSP troopers will continue their standard practice of wearing body cameras to allow for the documentation of their activities.
    4. The Governor is asking Clackamas and Washington County Sheriff’s Offices and the City of Gresham Police Department to support the Portland Police Bureau with personnel and resources to keep the peace and protect free speech.
    5. Oregon State Police have offered over two dozen body cameras and associated evidence management to the Portland Police Bureau, and the Bureau will evaluate their use. The City of Portland has agreed to indemnify Clackamas and Washington Counties and the City of Gresham for law enforcement assistance. In addition, the Mayor will seek financial resources to reimburse these jurisdictions for their support.
    6. The United States Attorney and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will commit additional resources for investigation of criminal activity.

    Sounds good right? Well, there are a few problems with that plan. First and foremost, the governor didn’t bother to contact the Sheriffs of Clackamas and Washington counties to ask about their participation.


    Here’s Clackamas county Sheriff Craig Roberts’s full statement (emphasis mine):

    Had Governor Brown discussed her plan with my office, I would have told her it’s about changing policy not adding resources. Increasing law enforcement resources in Portland will not solve the nightly violence and now, murder. The only way to make Portland safe again, is to support a policy that holds offenders accountable for their destruction and violence. That will require the DA to charge offenders appropriately and a decision by the Multnomah County Presiding Judge not to allow offenders released on their own recognizance, and instead require bail with conditions. The same offenders are arrested night after night, only to be released by the court and not charged with a crime by the DA’s Office. The next night they are back at it, endangering the lives of law enforcement and the community all over again.

    For all of us in law enforcement, keeping our community safe is our first priority. Had Governor Brown asked me, I would have told her that no amount of human resources will stop the “cycle of violence” (her term) that is making Portland unsafe. For that to occur, the criminal justice system will need do its part and hold offenders accountable.

    In a joint Statement the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police and Oregon State Sheriff’s Association weighed in as well, releasing this statement (emphasis mine):

    Over the weekend, members of our associations were approached to assist with policing in the City of Portland. Unfortunately, due to the lack of support for public safety operations, the associated liability to agencies who would be assisting in Portland and the lack of accountability for those arrested committing criminal acts, we cannot dedicate our limited resources away from the communities we serve. We know there will already be an additional burden on local law enforcement agencies as Oregon State Police Troopers are re-assigned to assist in Portland.

    We would propose the following as steps to bring an end to the criminal acts and violence in Portland beginning with a strong statement by elected leadership at all levels that criminal acts are not legitimate protest and that those who commit crimes will be held accountable. There must be support for Law Enforcement actions, through preventative detention and prosecution, when criminal violators are arrested. Finally, there must be publicly voiced support for Law Enforcement and its efforts to protect lawful protesters and hold criminal violators accountable in a very difficult environment.

    Seeing a common theme here? There have been more than 500 arrests in Portland since the riots started and most of those cases have been dropped by the Multnomah County DA. The rioters are virtually always “released quickly,” out and about to continue on with rioting. 

    Kate Brown “agrees” that people should be charged if they have committed “serious criminal offenses.” “That’s why she’s been working today with the Multnomah County District Attorney, the Multnomah County Sheriff, and the Presiding Judge of Multnomah County to ensure this happens.”

    I’m sorry, but if the worthless DA Mike Schmitt and the even more worthless Portland mayor Ted Wheeler had been doing what they were supposed to, little of this would have happened.

  • Fatal Shooting of Patriot “Send troops.”

    Fatal Shooting of Patriot “Send troops.”

    Chandler Pappas, member of Patriot Prayer that was with Jay Danielson in Portland when he was shot has a message for everyone……


    Michael Forest Reinoehl, a 48-year-old man, is believed to be the one responsible for killing Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson.




    See Also: Rittenhouse Defense Team Issues Statement

  • Civil War? AntiFa Shoots Man in Portland

    Civil War? AntiFa Shoots Man in Portland

    Last night, AntiFa/BLM shot and killed what appears to be a member of the Patriot Prayer group. The whole incident was captured on video. Graphic content warning:


    Prior to the shooting, there were competing protests, AntiFa/BLM on one side and the Proud Boys/Patriot Prayer on the other. Both sides exchanged blows and projectiles, with Patriot Prayer using paintball guns and bear spray and AntiFa throwing rocks and bricks.


    AntiFa tried to claim one of theirs was the victim.


    I hate to even suggest this, but the killings we’ve seen the past few days may be the first shots fired in a new civil war.

  • Reports: Portland Federal Buildings Evacuated

    Reports: Portland Federal Buildings Evacuated

    The Mark O Hatfield Federal Courthouse in Portland.

    There are reports that several federal facilities in Portland have been evacuated due to credible bomb threats.

    The FBI of Oregon is investigating a car bomb threat was made against federal offices in Portland. The threat, which was received Thursday, warned of the intention to use a car bomb to target federal property in Portland, according to two law enforcement officials. 

    The threat came after the 84th night of violent riots in Portland.

    The Portland office of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court was closed as was the Mark O. Hatfield Federal courthouse, which was the site of weeks of violent protests last month. Additionally, two child care facilities in Portland have been advised to close through Friday because they’re located inside federal buildings.

    I thought the violence was supposed to stop when the feds left Portland.

  • A Tale of Two Cities

    A Tale of Two Cities

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. . .

    Its day 78 of the rioting in Portland and Seattle. And the reactions couldn’t be more different.

    In Portland, where the Oregon State Police recently announced they were pulling out of the city, AntiFa/BLM gathered to riot in the downtown area. The Portland PD was more than up to the task. They quickly dispersed the rioters.


    Meanwhile, in Seattle, where the police chief submitted her resignation, the rioters were allowed to run unchecked. Several businesses were damaged as AntiFa/BLM rioters rampaged through downtown.



  • Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 4

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 4

    Portland BLM/AntiFa was at it again last night. This time their target was the Portland Police Association building.


    For the record, it wasn’t tear gas, some of the rioters threw smokebombs.

    Last night’s stupid game prize winner belongs to this douche.


    I suppose some context is in order. The rioters were blocking an intersection and had gone so far as to put up some fencing. As the driver of the truck approached, they surrounded his vehicle and started beating on it. I’ve seen reports that they tried to slash the tires on the truck as well.


    What kind of idiot drops a motorcycle in front of a truck? Especially in that situation. You’re just asking for the dude to drive off with it under his bumper, just like what happened.

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes. . . .

  • Portland Man Charged For Injuring US Marshall

    Portland Man Charged For Injuring US Marshall

    Isaiah Jason Maza Jr., 18 of Portland was charged with assaulting a federal officer with a dangerous weapon and willfully damaging government property during the riots at the federal Courthouse in Portland July 22, 2020 according to a press release from the Department of Justice.


    From the DOJ:

    According to court documents, in the early morning hours of July 22, 2020, a group of individuals gathered in an exterior entryway of the Hatfield Federal Courthouse. Several members of the group, including Maza, began removing plywood attached to the front of the building to protect its damaged glass façade. After the group successfully removed the plywood sheeting, Maza made multiple attempts to kick in the window, struck it with a metal object, and repeatedly pounded on it with what appeared to be a hammer.

    Shortly thereafter, a number of people successfully removed the entire wooden structure protecting the courthouse entryway and an unknown individual broke one of the windows. After this breach, Maza walked toward the building carrying a cylindrical object. Maza then appeared to light a fuse connected to the object and place it inside the broken window. A short time later, the object exploded in close proximity to law enforcement officers exiting the building through the broken window. A deputy U.S. Marshal sustained injuries to both his legs as a result of the blast.

    Maza faces up to 20 years on the assault charge and 10 on the damaging property charge. Each charge carries a maximum fine of $250,000.

    I hope he likes buggery, he’s gonna get a lot of it . . . .

  • Portland Charging Feds For Fence

    Portland Charging Feds For Fence

    The commissioner of the Portland Bureau of Transportation says the city of Portland is charging the federal government $500 for every 15 minutes the fence surrounding the Hatfield Federal Courthouse remains up.

    Commissioner Chloe Eudaly described the deployment of federal officers to protect the courthouse as an “occupation,” and was concerned for city workers’ safety if they tried to remove the fence.

    According to Eudaly, the federal government owes the city of Portland over $192,000 as of last week, “We intend to collect.”


    The fence was installed to put distance between rioters and the courthouse. Despite the fencing, rioters continued to launch projectiles and fireworks at the courthouse and federal security officers, along with starting fires within the perimeter.

  • Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 3

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 3

    In the latest edition of Play Stupid Games, we meet Edward Thomas Schinzing, 32. Good ole Eddie is currently facing federal arson charges for his part in attempting to burn down the Multnomah county Justice Center.

    From a DOJ press release:

    Three civilian Multnomah County employees were working inside the Corrections Records Office at the time and fled for safety as the windows were broken. Based on a preliminary review of publicly-available videos from YouTube, Twitter, surveillance cameras, and still photos posted online, about 30 individuals entered the Justice Center through the broken windows. The individuals spray-painted portions of the office; damaged computer and other office equipment, furniture, and interior windows; and started fires.

    Seems pretty standard so far, but read on.

    Among those who entered the Justice Center, Schinzing was identified by a comparison with a jail booking photo and a distinctive tattoo of his last name across his upper back. Schinzing spread a fire that started near the front of the office by lighting additional papers on fire and moving them into a drawer of a separate cubicle.

    That’s right, he was identified by his back tat. The one that spells out his last name.


    And what does Eddie win for playing his Stupid Games? Arson is punishable by up to 20 years in prison with a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years.

    Way to go dumbass, you might have gotten away with it if you wore a shirt.

  • Police Clear Portland Park

    Police Clear Portland Park

    As part of the deal Oregon governor Kate Brown made with Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, local law enforcement had to prove they were capable of protecting the Federal Courthouse in Portland.

    As part of that assignment, police have started to clear out Lonsdale park, the area that has been used as a staging area for the nightly assaults on the courthouse. While not a declared autonomous zone, the park has been occupied for months and looks like it.


    Early this morning, police and clean-up crews entered the park to begin reclaiming it.



    Too bad this didn’t happen sooner. Had the governor and mayor acted like the adults in the room, instead of frightened children, little of this would have happened. No riots, no attacks on the courthouse, no Federal presence.