Tag: Portland

  • Feds to Leave Portland

    Feds to Leave Portland

    According to reports, an agreement has been reached between the federal government and the state of Oregon for federal officers to leave Portland. Under the agreement, the Oregon State Police will take over external security at the Federal Court house in Portland. US Marshalls and the Federal Protective Service will continue to secure the interior of the building.

    Despite what Oregon governor Kate Brown says, the additional agents will not be leaving Portland immediately. Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf issued a statement saying the additional agents would stay in place until the attacks stop.

    So this is putting the state folks on the front line, and saying, “It’s on you.” And if they are not up to the task, it’s on them and the federal agents are still there, ready to take over.

    If the unrest continues, and why wouldn’t it, it takes apart the narrative that the riots in Portland were due to the feds.

  • Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 2

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 2

    A rioter, err, peaceful protester, found out the hard way that trying to disrupt an arrest is a bad idea. At least this time nobody got dead.

    The feds in Portland were arresting Noelle Mandolfo, from Denver, who ended up being charged with assaulting a federal officer, when a second woman approached.


    The nice girl from Wisconsin can be seen kicking the officers while trying to de-arrest the first woman.

    I wonder how many other nice girls and boys are from outside the area? My bet is a bunch.

  • It’s Just A Figment Of Your Imagination

    It’s Just A Figment Of Your Imagination

    60 Days of rioting in Portland with 14 Federal Officers and 32 Portland police officers injured to date. However, when Journalist Austen Fletcher caught up with Congressman Jerrold “Jerry” Nadler and asked him about the riots. Congressman, Nadler assured Fletcher “that it was a DC myth”


    The Hatfield Federal Courthouse has been a nightly target of the protests.

    Editor’s Note: Where is that Jerry Nadler clown meme when you really need it? The Klingon look shown above just really doesn’t nail it — RU

  • “Quit Doing That” Judge to Feds

    “Quit Doing That” Judge to Feds

    Late yesterday a federal district court judge, Michael Simon, issued a restraining order to the federal agencies involved in protecting the Federal Court house in Portland.

    The order prohibits federal law enforcement agents with those entities from targeting either members of the press or attorney observers from organizations such as the ACLU. Those individuals claimed federal agents intentionally targeted them with pepper spray balls, tear gas canisters, and non-lethal impact munitions even though they had identified themselves as being with the press, were engaged in taking pictures, and had physically separated themselves from protesters to demonstrate they were not participants in the rioting.

    So, the Judge’s order boils down to stop doing that. His order does not cover crowd control measures, nor does it address the law enforcement response to rioters.  It simply specifies that where the law enforcement agents are able to distinguish the press and observers from the rioters, they should not purposely target the press and observers.  His order expressly allows that it is not a violation if the press or observers are inadvertently caught up in crowd control measures aimed at rioters, so the rioters are not going to be able to use the press as shields.

    Here are some videos of the Feds following the Judge’s order:

  • Kayleigh McEnany Schools Media on Federal Response…

    Kayleigh McEnany Schools Media on Federal Response…

    Kayleigh McEnany Schools Media on Federal Response in Portland and Jonathan Turley Finishes Them Off

    Quite simply, I chose to repost this article in its entirety for the following reasons:
    > I think it succinctly provides a clear and concise understanding of the role of DHS & CBP in the protection of Federal buildings. And I’m tired of seeing Governor’s, Mayor’s and members of the Democrat Party misleading the public.

    > Secondly, we have watched a continual parade of press releases from many Senators & Representatives and former executives saying without question that President Trump colluded with Russia. Many of these people have legal backgrounds and it wasn’t until they had to provide their testimonies under Oath, in the Bunker, that they denied having any proof of collusion. Once again, we saw a pattern of misleading the public and the media’s complicity and as of recent a resurrection of the Russia narrative.

    July 21, 2020 by Nick Arama

    The ignorance and/or spin by the Democrats and the media in regard to what has been going on in Portland has been something else.

    ABC’s Jonathan Karl thought he was going to trap Kayleigh McEnany with questions about the federal response in Portland.

    But Harvard Law School educated McEnany who is hyper-organized with tabbed briefing books showed him what it’s like to be informed, unlike much of the media.


    But the law also says this: “While engaged in the performance of official duties, an officer or agent designated under this subsection may…carry out such other activities for the promotion of homeland security as the Secretary may prescribe.”

    — John Fritze (@jfritze) July 21, 2020

    In other words, there’s absolutely no question they are completely within the law, none of this stormtrooper nonsense. Yes, they have the right to detain people who they believe may have violated federal law and/or attacked federal property.

    You know, those laws that the Democrats are pretending don’t exist and are gaslighting the public about.


    Then Georgetown Law professor Jonathan Turley finished Karl off with a little lesson in the Constitution.


    It doesn’t matter whether they have “local permission” or local Democrats’ permission. It’s not an “occupation force,” it’s federal law enforcement agents enforcing federal law which they have every right to do.

    See Also: Oh Joe…

    Think of it this way when you’re dealing with anyone who has fallen for this crazy conspiracy. Can the FBI investigate a federal crime anywhere in the country? Can ICE go anywhere in the country to arrest an illegal alien? The answer is of course they can. Are they federal troops? Of course not. As a matter of fact, these folks aren’t going to be roaming all over, but just protecting federal property. But they can arrest people/detain suspects for probable cause obviously who are off federal property if the agents think the people have broken federal law.

    As we previously have observed, the agents had DHS and CPB shoulder badges and badge numbers on them so no, they weren’t unidentified.

    Just a legal lesson for those who may not know this, because television continuously misleads people on this. You do not have to read a suspect their Miranda rights when you arrest them. You only have to read them to a suspect when questioning him in custody. So, for example, if you’re picking up someone on the street and detaining them because you have probable cause to think that person has committed a crime, for example, dressed in Antifa riot gear coming from the riot across the street at the federal courthouse, then you don’t have to read them anything unless and until you question the person. So yes, you can do a quick arrest/detention, grabbing the person off the street to prevent his buddies from de-arresting him and attacking you.

    Original here: www.redstate.com

  • The Portland Problem

    The Portland Problem

    For the past 50 nights, there have been riots, err, peaceful protests in the city of Portland. At least that’s what the media and Democratic politicians would have you believe.

    The facts on the ground are a bit different. AntiFa and BLM have assaulted police, assaulted bystanders, set fire to buildings, toppled statues and graffitied any and everything they could. Here are some of the disturbing images and video that have been taken in the Rose City since the unrest started.


    Related: Justice

    By Walt Mow


    I wrote about the Feds response in yesterday’s View from Here. It seems they have a list, and they’re not bothering with checking it twice. They are reportedly snatching people right off the streets, hustling them into unmarked vans, and transporting them directly to the federal courthouse. Some have been charged, some haven’t and some, well, we just don’t know. My take is if the authorities in Portland won’t or can’t take care of the problem, then the feds need to step up and do so.

    This has gone way beyond peaceful protesting and well into rioting and insurrection. Its past time for these riots to be put down.