Tag: Record

  • Four Million, Three Hundred Thousand

    Four Million, Three Hundred Thousand

    The next time you venture into your local gun shop keep the number above, and those that follow in mind. There’s a reason shelves and racks are empty, and it’s not some grand conspiracy.

    The headline number is the total of FBI NICS background checks performed in January. The 4,317,804 checks are the most since 1998 and the first time checks have exceeded 4 million.

    According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, 2 million plus were performed solely for gun purchases. That’s a 75% increase over the 1.17 million checks in January of last year. The NSSF adjusts the raw NICS numbers to exclude checks run for permitting and other non-purchase reasons. This provides a more accurate accounting of the numbers of guns purchased.

    What’s more, the year over year numbers for most of 2020 show big increases according to the NSSF.

  • Record Python Caught in Everglades

    Record Python Caught in Everglades

    Two Florida snake hunters have caught a new record Burmese python.

    Ryan Ausburn and Kevin Pavlidis captured a female Burmese python that weighed in at 104 pounds. The large reptile reportedly measures 18 feet and 9 inches long. That’s an inch longer than the previous record Burmese python caught in Florida in 2014.

    The two hunters were working with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) as python removal agents.


    Burmese pythons are not native to Florida and have established themselves in the Everglades over the last 15 years. They have no natural predators in Florida and have decimated indigenous plant and animal populations.

  • May and June gun sales break all previous records

    May and June gun sales break all previous records

    Gun sales increased 80.2% in May compared to last year

    FoxBusiness.com: Gun sales break May record amid coronavirus pandemic, riots

    Gun background checks hit record high in June, a sign of booming sales, FBI reveals

    The record numbers come at a time when the U.S. is gripped in a pandemic, an economic downturn and a racial reckoning over police brutality that has erupted at times into civil unrest

    FoxNews.com: Gun background checks hit record high in June, a sign of booming sales, FBI reveals

    Firearm-related background checks reached 3.9 million in June, the most since the tracking system was created more than two decades ago amid multiple crises in the coronavirus pandemic, an economic downfall and protests over police brutality and racial injustice.

    The lastest numbers are the most since the FBI began tracking such checks in 1998.

    “More than 19 million checks — a key barometer for gun sales — were conducted in the first half of 2020, more than all of 2012 and many years prior. Gun sales usually see an uptick in presidential election years over fears an incoming president could restrict access to firearms.”


    Two things will come from this, the argument over high capacity magazines is over for now. People have seen the news videos of multiple attackers confronting citizens and are rightfully alarmed. This is not about defending yourself from burglars or home invaders. People are alarmed that the mob may actually bring the riots and looting into the suburbs. According to FBI stats, 8.3 million guns have been purchased in the last 3 months. Those people will be voters and they are not going to let politicians strip them of their right to self defense.

    The Giffords Center and the Brady Bunch have been crying over this for a couple of months, claiming people don’t have the training, don’t know the laws etc. Nobody cares what they think anymore, when they are worried about defending the homes and families.

    My local gun store has been going non stop for weeks, they have just about stripped the shelves of any handguns and the AR15’s have been gone for a couple of weeks. Handgun and AR ammo has completely disappeared, this should be a warning, it’s isn’t the usual ammo shortages during the Obama era. It’s going to be months before the supply chain is replenished, probably September according to my sources.

    If you lose the soccer mom’s it’s over, all the feel good liberal policies go out the window when their children are threatened.


    Here’s the actual video of the event, the “protesters” broke out the back side window of her car with a crowbar.

  • New Record Paddlefish caught

    New Record Paddlefish caught

    An angler in Oklahoma caught the new record rod and reel Paddlefish Sunday while fishing at Keystone Lake.

    James Lukehart landed the 146 pounds, 11 ounces monster that measured 70.5 inches with a 45-inch girth, after quite a fight he told Tulsa World.

    The paddlefish was certified as Oklahoma’s newest rod-and-reel-state record by Paddlefish Research Center and Northeast Region Fisheries staff, the state wildlife department wrote. Since paddlefish are not considered “sport fish,” and must be snagged, the International Game Fish Association does not keep records on the catches, Tula World reported. Instead, they are kept by biologists and state departments.

    The fish was released “under the guidance of ODWC and monitored” for survival after its measurements were taken, the department shared. Only one paddlefish can be harvested a day and two per year, according to the state regulations as part of its ongoing conservation efforts for the prehistoric fish.