Tag: Rioters

  • I Don’t Need Invitations

    I Don’t Need Invitations

    ‘I don’t need invitations’

    The governor of Oregon has stated she did not invite Federal law enforcement. The ACLU is suing. The mayor of Chicago has said Federal officers will create more chaos, though one wonders how, after the mass shooting at a funeral. 

    To the wailing and gnashing of blue elected officials, the Acting Secretary of Homeland Security stated; 

     “I don’t need invitations by the state, state mayors, or state governors to do our job.”

    “We’re going to do that, whether they like us there or not,” Wolf said. “That’s our responsibility.”

    In point of fact, DHS does not need an invitation. The U.S. Code provides:

    40 U.S. Code § 1315. Law enforcement authority of Secretary of Homeland Security for protection of public property

    (b) Officers and Agents.—(2) Powers.—While engaged in the performance of official duties, an officer or agent designated under this subsection may—

    (A) enforce Federal laws and regulations for the protection of persons and property;

    (B) carry firearms;

    (C) make arrests without a warrant for any offense against the United States committed in the presence of the officer or agent or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if the officer or agent has reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing a felony;…

    These ongoing riots, and make no mistake, they are riots not protests, need to be quelled. This is nothing but a test of the will of government to govern. Obviously, some governments are unwilling to do so. 

    If these anarchist had their way, the Federal Portland Courthouse would be a pile of ashes. It is time to make it clear such will not be allowed and those attempting to destroy it be arrested, charged and taken to court. 

    As to sending these “officers and agents” to other locales, I am somewhat ambivalent. If those in Chicago wish to continue killing each other, so be it. The same is applicable for many other jurisdictions. 

    If Federal facilities are not involved, let the heathens do as they will as the elected officials have no will to stop it. 

    As a final observation, and putting on my tinfoil chapeau, the purpose of these riots, is to frighten citizens away from re-electing Trump. This will continue in some way or shape through the election. It has never been about George Floyd. Had it not been the incident with him, it would have been someone else. They need this chaos to stir fear. In your fear, Trump supporters are to turn away from supporting him to gain peace.  

    Please, do not be like the people in the following cartoon. 

  • The Portland Problem

    The Portland Problem

    For the past 50 nights, there have been riots, err, peaceful protests in the city of Portland. At least that’s what the media and Democratic politicians would have you believe.

    The facts on the ground are a bit different. AntiFa and BLM have assaulted police, assaulted bystanders, set fire to buildings, toppled statues and graffitied any and everything they could. Here are some of the disturbing images and video that have been taken in the Rose City since the unrest started.

    Related: Justice

    By Walt Mow

    I wrote about the Feds response in yesterday’s View from Here. It seems they have a list, and they’re not bothering with checking it twice. They are reportedly snatching people right off the streets, hustling them into unmarked vans, and transporting them directly to the federal courthouse. Some have been charged, some haven’t and some, well, we just don’t know. My take is if the authorities in Portland won’t or can’t take care of the problem, then the feds need to step up and do so.

    This has gone way beyond peaceful protesting and well into rioting and insurrection. Its past time for these riots to be put down.

  • Rocky Balboa Statue Goes 15 Rounds Against Rioters

    Rocky Balboa Statue Goes 15 Rounds Against Rioters

    PHILADELPHIA, PA—First, the rioters came for Andrew Jackson. Then, they came for Ulysses S. Grant. Then, they came for the Fonz for some reason. But finally, they came for the ultimate racist statue: the famous monument to Rocky Balboa in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It’s not clear why they thought it was racist, but the guy in the statue seemed to be happy, so he was probably a conservative of some kind whenever he existed, they reasoned.

    But the statue survives to fight another day, as it went a full 15 rounds against rioters and was still standing after the bout.

    The weak, sissy rioters charged the statue and started punching it, hurting their little man-baby hands and running away to cry to their parents, whom they probably still live with. A second wave came in, but Rocky stood strong. Things got a little dicey in the seventh round, when one rioter threw a rope around the statue and suggested everyone start rocking it back and forth, but then their soft, buttery smooth hands got chafed by the rope and they had to call it quits to nurse their wounds with coconut oil.

    “Balboa was a real champion out there,” said one witness. “It was incredible.”

    Finally, after 15 waves of angry rioters charged the statue, the dust settled, and Balboa won again, having gone for a full 15 rounds without breaking a sweat. Balboa was declared the winner in a unanimous decision as the judges were appalled at the rioters’ lack of form, indicating they had never punched anything before, except maybe customers’ buy-six-get-one-free cards at Jamba Juice.

    Original Here: babylonbee.com-Rocky Balboa Statue Goes 15 Rounds Against Rioters