Tag: Riots

  • Beware France – Macron Moves…

    Beware France – Macron Moves…

    Beware France – Macron Moves to Shut Down Internet Communication to Block Rebellious Uprisings

    July 3, 2023 

    I added a NOTE about Musk’s nonsense justification.

    If the lessons of COVID-19 have taught us anything, it should be that each step the totalitarian dictatorships take -under the guise of protecting new democratic norms- must be viewed through the prism of future targeting.

    We should pay attention, lest we find ourselves on the alternate side of populist uprisings under state targeting.

    I sent the prior warning message around the collaboration between private industry and western government surrounding financial restrictions placed on Russia. When VISA, Mastercard and other payment mechanisms willingly and willfully supported the intentions of the Western Government coalition, few people thought about the Rubicon this new merge and partnership was establishing. {SEE HERE} In essence, private industry determining the lifestyle of Russian citizens in an effort to target their political leadership. Few people were paying attention, fewer still think long term.

    With France now pledging to shut down internet communication in an effort to control organizing through social media, there is a bigger picture that must be considered.

    [SOURCE – Translated from French]

    Let me take you back to 2010 and 2011 when the U.S. State Department, Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, CIA Director Leon Panetta and French President Nicholas Sarkozy wanted to support the Islamist Spring uprisings in Tunis, Libya, Egypt and Yemen.

    What happened then is very much related to what we are seeing right now in Europe, specifically France; only this time we are seeing the inverse of the government interests regarding social media on display.

    The bad dictators were targeted for removal following the now famous Barack Obama Cairo, Egypt speech. President Barack Obama triggered the removal of the Zookeepers and released the big cats to become apex predators; the downstream consequences eventually showed up with ISIS burning people in cages.

    When the leaders of Tunis, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Sudan and a multitude of other unapproved dictatorships, reacted to the collective effort of the CIA and U.S. state Dept by shutting down cell phone communication, the CIA and DoS responded by enlisting Twitter and Facebook as the messaging platforms for the rebels in each country.

    Twitter became the main conduit through which the people on the ground could organize against their regimes. This was the initial merge of the U.S. government using social media to effect political change. [Side Note: this is the atom splitting moment which eventually led to the government’s ability to control, filter and ultimately censor U.S. social media content.]

    Twitter, and to a lesser extent Facebook, served the interests of western government by helping the people on the ground to organize protests, violent uprisings, against the dictators in the Arab Spring. As we eventually saw in Libya and Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt, AQIM) and al-Qaeda (Libya, AQAP) were supported by the State Dept/CIA during that effort.

    The key takeaway is: the uprisings were supported by the western governments, and the social media platforms served the interests of the western government leadership.

    Now fast forward to today…

    We have the inverse issue for the interests of western government, specifically France and broad parts of the EU as well as the United States.

    General uprisings, riots and assorted mayhem created by mostly Islamic immigrants and the subsequent cultural clash, are against the interests of France and the EU. The ability of the cultural insurgents to organize on social media is now against the interests of western government. How are they reacting? They are shutting down the utility of the platforms and shutting down the internet.

    The initial takeaway from this might be perceived as good. The rioters are creating social unrest, looting, arson and crisis; they must be stopped and controlled. It seems like the government action will be a good thing.

    However, as with the example of private corporations joining in alignment with WEF government to target Russia, what do you think will happen when a populist revolt of yellow vests, or anti-vaxxers, or freedom rebels take to the streets? Precedents are being set.

    You might cheer France using control over communication to target the violent brown people now; but what happens when those same EU entities decide to target the communication of a different type of uprising. This is me, sending warning flares to those who might not care about this ‘beta-test’.

    Oh, and don’t forget the Senate Intelligence Committee recent effort with the Restrict Act, total internet and domestic social media control pushed under the auspices of controlling TikTok data collection.

    ♦ Let me also point out that it does not seem in the least bit coincidental these French uprisings happen at the same time that Elon Musk and Twitter start limiting the ability of users to engage with the social media platform.

    Musk claims that changing and restricting user access is all part of some necessary plan to stop scrapers from scouring the data of Twitter users and creating an AI system for censorship and control.

    That’s nonsense.

    Scraping and Spider Crawling happen on just about every site and platform where public comments take place. Reddit and YouTube comment systems are one example. Truth Social is another example.

    Google AI has been scraping content from the entire internet for years. It is silly to say that a new censorship system using AI to scrape user information is a valid reason to shut down user engagement with the platform.

    NOTE: Have you ever encountered a “Captcha Challenge”?  ie. check all images with mountains, trains, cars, crosswalks, etc.  If Musk was concerned about bot or AI scraping, he could insert a captcha challenge every 500 post reads (or pick number).   What he’s doing has nothing to do with trying to stop AI scraping or defending free speech; it’s the opposite.

    When it comes to censorship, Elon Musk would have you believe he is not in control. Again, nonsense.  As if there is some higher power over him telling Twitter they must remove or censor content.  Please stop and think about it… it’s silly.

    All censorship starts with the actuated decision of the platform to allow or remove the content. Despite Musk claiming there is some entity, some omnipotent system that can force him to censor Twitter content, there is not.

    Scrape away, create the AI censorship parameters (which already exist via Google) and even then, if Elon Musk does not want to censor content he doesn’t censor content. These are his decisions.

    Keep this next part in mind.  Twitter and various social media platforms, but specifically Twitter, are at much heavier levels of user engagement outside the United States. It makes sense because in oppressive regimes where information from state-controlled media is tightly restricted, social media plays a larger role in the transmission and absorption of unfiltered information.

    The level of user engagement, likes, retweets etc. is much higher for Twitter users outside the United States. Those users are also far less likely to pay for the service.

    When Elon Musk is limiting the ability of non-paid users to engage in his platform (view information), he is essentially assisting dictators in oppressive nations by limiting access to information and the sharing of it.

    Twitter’s current rules on user engagement restrict non-USA users at a much more significant level. As a result, Twitter’s rules are limiting information on a global scale. Elon Musk is well aware of this; he is not stupid.  The decisions by Twitter, restrict information and help the oppressors.

    On Friday June 16th Elon Musk met with French President Emmanuel Macron. [France Erupts] On Thursday June 29th Musk limits Twitter access.

    When your world of enterprise is financially enmeshed with government to pay for it, you end up doing what those government offices tell you to do.

    Is the timing of the Twitter decision related to geopolitical events like France? You decide. However, for me personally, and knowing the true operations of Twitter as a public opinion control platform (see Twitter files), I am fairly confident there is a connection of interest.

    Is Elon Musk running a Twitter version of the RESTRICT ACT … again, where user data must be protected. 

    Posted: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/07/03/beware-france-macron-moves-to-shut-down-internet-communication-to-block-rebellious-uprisings/#more-248395


  • Capitol Hill Riots: The Aftermath

    Capitol Hill Riots: The Aftermath

    Mr Wizard covered the riots at the Capitol here yesterday. Today we’re going to take a look at the fallout from that event.

    Let’s start with the rioters hoped to forestall when they stormed the Capitol building. The certification of the Electoral College went on. The Joint Session reconvened late last night, and despite several objections to certification of some states electors, the electoral votes were counted and Joe Biden was named as president elect.

    We all know about Ashli Babbitt, the Air Force Vet who was shot inside the Capitol building yesterday. However, she wasn’t the only death yesterday. 3 other people died during the protests and subsequent rioting. Details are thin about them, I can’t find any information about who they are, what the cause of death was or even their gender. The DC police chief, Robert Contee III held a presser and only said 3 other had died and 10 were injured. He also said that 57 people had been arrested, most for curfew violations.


    Several members of President Trump’s staff have resigned in the wake of the riots. So far, White House Chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Matthews, East Wing Chief of Staff Stephanie Grisham, Social Secretary Rickie Niceta, Ryan Tully, the senior director for European and Russian Affairs at the U.S. National Security Council, Deputy National Security Adviser Matt Pottinger, and Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao have all submitted their resignations. Expect more to come. Mulvaney had the following to say in an interview on CNBC “I can’t stay here, not after yesterday, You can’t look at that yesterday and say I want to be a part of that in any way, shape or form.”

    Now on to some analysis. Yesterday’s events caused irreparable harm to the MAGA movement. It couldn’t have caused more damage had the establishment Republicans scripted it. Had it remained a peaceful protest, it would have shown solidarity across the spectrum on the right. But because it devolved into a riot, it has chased away a large portion of those who were on the fence about Trumpism. What’s more, it’s given big tech all the excuse they needed to crack down on any speech they don’t agree with.

  • Philly Riots Night Two

    Philly Riots Night Two

    Riots and looting continued for a second night in Philadelphia after the death of Walter Wallace Jr. Wallace was shot by police after advancing on them with a knife.

    The Pennsylvania National Guard was called up last night, but even with that support, the police in Philly couldn’t prevent or contain the widespread riots and looting.



  • Riots in Philadelphia

    Riots in Philadelphia

    Riots broke out in Philly last night after cops shot and killed an armed man. Philadelphia police officers were responding to a domestic call involving Walter Wallace Jr., when he refused to surrender his knife to law enforcement.


    More than 30 police officers were injured during the overnight rioting, and several stores were looted.

  • Portland Again

    Portland Again

    It’s been a little while since I last wrote about the unrest happening in Portland. While it’s technically 127 days of protests and rioting there, the last few weeks have been less violent than before.

    Last night the ICE detention facility was the target. It didn’t go well for the rioters. ICE, DHS and the Border Patrol’s BORTAC unit responded. It seems like they had some new toys to play with. The first video shows a new type of pepper spray dispenser, it shoots a thumb thick stream of capsaicin goodness and the second is a tear gas dispersal unit/leaf blower.

    As far as I can tell, there was only a single arrest effected last night.

  • It Finally Happened

    It Finally Happened

    After almost four months of near constant riots, Oregon governor Kate Brown has finally declared a state of emergency. Attacks on cops, arson, vandalism and even killings, and Kate Brown still refused to call a state of emergency.

    Why now? The Proud Boys decided they wanted to hold a rally in Portland.

    “The First Amendment does not give anyone license to hurt or kill someone because of opposing political views,” Brown said. “And when free expression is fueled by hate and coupled with an intent to incite violence, then I need to do everything I can as governor to ensure the safety of Oregonians.”

    Funny, that. Governor Brown somehow misses that is exactly what’s been going on in Portland for the last 120 days, without a big Proud Boys presence.

    The emergency order transfers control of any response to the Oregon State Police, and bypasses Portland mayor Ted Wheeler’s prohibition of the use of tear gas and riot control munitions.

  • Riot Roundup

    Riot Roundup

    It was a “mostly peaceful” night of rioting last night. Louisville saw fires, assaults and vandalism that ended up with two cops being shot and 127 arrested. I covered the “mostly peaceful” arrest of the man suspected of shooting two LMPD officers here.

    The rioting in Seattle saw a “mostly peaceful” bat to the back of a cop’s head. Fortunately, the officer in question was wearing a helmet. The blow was strong enough to crack the helmet, imagine what it would have done to his head. WATCH:

    In Portland there was a “mostly peaceful” Molotov cocktail thrown at a police line. How none of the cops were seriously injured I still don’t know. WATCH:

    No word on the number of arrests in Portland, but given the Multnomah county prosecutor practices catch and release with rioters, it really doesn’t matter much. Unless the Feds scooped them up.

  • Feds Explored Charges for Officials in Oregon

    Feds Explored Charges for Officials in Oregon

    A new report from AP says federal prosecutors weighed bringing charges against public officials in the wake of the rioting in Portland.

    Portland officials, from the mayor to the district attorney, have repeatedly and publicly refused to crack down against the rioting.

    The revelation that federal officials researched whether they could levy criminal or civil charges against the officials — exploring whether their rhetoric and actions may have helped spur the violence in Portland — underscores the larger Trump administration’s effort to spotlight and crack down on protest-related violence. The majority of the mass police reform demonstrations nationwide have been peaceful. . .

    The department had done research on whether it could pursue the charges, spokesperson Kerri Kupec said. She declined to comment on the status or whether charges would be brought. But bringing criminal civil rights charges against city officials for protest-related violence would likely present an uphill court battle for federal prosecutors.

    The department did not comment about whether and charges were pending or the status of any investigations in to the matter.

    Recommended: The View from Here

    What they have commented on is the numbers of people charged with federal crimes in connection with the rioting in Portland. More than 100 have been arrested and charged under federal law in Portland, and 300 nationality. Compare that to the 100 arrested and 70 charged by local authorities in Portland.

  • How to Handle a Riot

    How to Handle a Riot

    I covered the rioting in Lancaster PA here. Today we’re learning about how they were handled there.

    The police and district attorney in Lancaster have been extremely proactive. The police have been making targeted arrests while the DA is levying heavy charges and requesting high bail.

    Clearly the reaction in Lancaster is very different to the reactions in Portland and Seattle. No catch and release here.

  • BLM Riots Move to Lancaster PA

    BLM Riots Move to Lancaster PA

    BLM rioting broke out in Lancaster PA in the wake of a fatal officer involved shooting yesterday.

    The Lancaster DA released bodycam footage of the incident. The decedent was clearly attacking the officer with a knife before he was fatally shot. WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES.

    The riots started before all the details were known, but continued after the footage was released. The decedent had a criminal history of stabbing people. In 2019, he was arrested after stabbing four people multiple times, including a 16-year-old boy.
