Tag: Riots

  • LA County Sheriffs Handle Rioters

    LA County Sheriffs Handle Rioters

    AntiFa/BLM tried to flex their muscle in Los Angeles last night. Unfortunately for them, the Los Angeles County Sheriffs office wasn’t having any of it.

    The protests started in response to the killing of Dijon Kizzee and escalated to violence between protesters and cops outside the South LA Sheriff’s station. Kizzee was killed after he fled on foot from a traffic stop. Deputies spotted a gun, and opened fire, hitting Kizzee 17 times.

    First we see some rioters trying to get under the deputies skin. Warning NSFW language:


    The LASO declared an unlawful assembly and gave warning to clear out.


    And that, boys and girls, is how you disperse a riot before things get out of hand.

  • Portland Riots Night 100, a Recap

    Portland Riots Night 100, a Recap

    Last night was the 100th night of unrest in the city of Portland. There were flyers announcing thr anniversary passed around downtown, and the crowd was larger than normal, even for a Saturday night.

    The Portland police and Oregon State Troopers were prepared though, and they moved quickly to disperse the crowd and make arrests. And in a smart tactical move, they acted first and acted early to disrupt whatever “celebration” plans the rioters had in mind. The police made several pushes into the protesters, split them into two groups headed different directions, ordered them off a city street, and then declared a “riot” when they failed to disperse.


    At one point rioters threw firebombs with indifferent results. All they managed to set on fire was one of their own.


    Maybe the individual who threw the Molotov should have spent some time doing some exercise instead of studying critical race theory. . . .


    The cops had finally had enough, and they put an end to the riots for the night.


    It appears the OSP are the ones making the arrests. I covered the reasons behind that here.

  • Riots in Rochester

    Riots in Rochester

    Riots broke out in Rochester NY last night in the wake of video of the death of Daniel Prude that was released earlier this week.

    This one hits close to home for this editor, Rochester is about 60 miles to the west of me.

    Prude, who was high in PCP and having a psychotic break, died after an encounter with the police back in March. His brother, Joe, called police concerned for his brother’s safety. He said that he called authorities the previous evening and that his brother was hospitalized briefly but started acting out when he was released from a hospital after only about three hours.

    On the body camera video released Thursday, Joe Prude says he fears that his brother might hurt himself or get hit by a train on tracks near his house. Daniel Prude was taking PCP, according to his brother, and had been kicked off a train earlier that day in Buffalo.

    He was found naked and raving in the middle of a Rochester street by police who attempted to take him into custody. Prude was reportedly spitting at officers, so they placed a spit hood over his head. At some point he became non-responsive and was taken to a local hospital. He died in the hospital 7 days later.

    His family released bodycam footage of the encounter after the coroner’s report was issued last week. Monroe County Medical Examiner Nadia Granger concluded that Prude died from “complications of asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint,” according to an autopsy case summary provided by the family’s lawyer. She cited “acute phencyclidine intoxication,” or the effects of PCP, as a contributing factor.

    Since the release of the video this week there have been growing protests in Rochester. Last night was the first time they turned violent however.


    Unlike previous protests, this one moved into residential neighborhoods.


    Here they storm some restaurants, smashing things and threatening patrons.


    RPD declares an illegal assembly and attempts to disperse the crowds.


    All told, 11 people were arrested, three for felonies, and three cops sustained minor injuries.

  • Kenosha Police: 102 of 175 Arrested From Elsewhere

    Kenosha Police: 102 of 175 Arrested From Elsewhere

    A flag flies over a department of corrections building ablaze during protests, late Monday, Aug. 24, 2020, in Kenosha, Wis., sparked by the shooting of Jacob Blake by a Kenosha Police officer a day earlier. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

    The Kenosha Police are prepping for a presidential visit. So they released a statement instead of appearing at a daily press conference to discuss the riots.

    In the statement, they broke down riot related arrest numbers. A few things stood out. Primarily, 60% of those arrested listed addresses outside of Kenosha.

    Also of note, there were 20 firearms seized from the “mostly peaceful protesters”.

    It’s pretty clear that at least some of these people are professional rioters, that travel from hotspot to hotspot looking to stir up trouble. Whether it’s the “Snack Van” from Portland that has been seen in Minneapolis, Kenosha and DC, or some of the other individuals who have been identified, there is clear evidence of planning and coordination.

    Recommended: Quiz: General History

    Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has called for an FBI investigation and Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) has called for an investigation into the funding of the riots. Attorney General Bill Barr has already said there are federal terrorism task forces looking into some radical left actions 

  • Kenosha Riots Turn Deadly

    Kenosha Riots Turn Deadly

    The third night of violent rioting in the city of Kenosha Wisconsin turned deadly, with a pair of apparently unrelated shootings.

    One shooting, that left one dead and one severely injured, seems to have involved an armed citizen protecting a business.


    According to the reports I’ve seen, but have been unable to independently verify, the shooter in the video above was protecting a business. What happened to cause the shooting is unclear, but according to reports, the rioters went after the citizen just prior to the shooting. The shooter apparently turned himself in to police, though there’s no record of an arrest.


    The second shooting is a even more murky. All we know for sure is there is one dead and several injured. A witness describes several SUVs with no plates driving by shooting into a crowd.

    Wisconsin governor Tony Evers refused additional help according to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.

    “I got a call today from congressman who represents that district, and from Senator Johnson as well, really just pleading for help, saying that the local sheriff and the mayor and police chief need some additional assistance,” White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said. “I got on the phone right away and offered assistance in the form of additional National Guard help.”

    Meadows added, “The president was on the phone with the governor today … we have National Guard standing by, and if the general for the National Guard [in Kenosha] needs additional help, we’re there to do it, but today, that request was denied by the governor.”

    These incidents were unavoidable, given the circumstances. The thing that surprises me is that it hasn’t happened already.

  • Kenosha Burns

    Kenosha Burns

    Danish Brotherhood Lodge at 2206 63rd St. Kenosha, set on fire by rioters shortly before 11 p.m. Monday night.

    In the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake, the city of Kenosha Wisconsin has turned into a warzone. This is the second night of rioting in the city of about 100,000. Looters and rioters have burned down large sections of the downtown area, including a majority black business district.


    If it takes armed security to make sure these animals don’t destroy everything, I’m good with that. I’d rather not have to do so, but when there’s no alternative. . . .



    So we’re clear, this is the fault of the Democrats. They’ve permitted this to happen without repercussions elsewhere, and that only emboldens the ne’er-do-wells.

    This, and the shite in Portland, Seattle, Denver and Austin all need to be hung directly on the Democrats.

  • A Tale of Two Cities

    A Tale of Two Cities

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. . .

    Its day 78 of the rioting in Portland and Seattle. And the reactions couldn’t be more different.

    In Portland, where the Oregon State Police recently announced they were pulling out of the city, AntiFa/BLM gathered to riot in the downtown area. The Portland PD was more than up to the task. They quickly dispersed the rioters.


    Meanwhile, in Seattle, where the police chief submitted her resignation, the rioters were allowed to run unchecked. Several businesses were damaged as AntiFa/BLM rioters rampaged through downtown.



  • Police Clear Portland Park

    Police Clear Portland Park

    As part of the deal Oregon governor Kate Brown made with Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, local law enforcement had to prove they were capable of protecting the Federal Courthouse in Portland.

    As part of that assignment, police have started to clear out Lonsdale park, the area that has been used as a staging area for the nightly assaults on the courthouse. While not a declared autonomous zone, the park has been occupied for months and looks like it.


    Early this morning, police and clean-up crews entered the park to begin reclaiming it.



    Too bad this didn’t happen sooner. Had the governor and mayor acted like the adults in the room, instead of frightened children, little of this would have happened. No riots, no attacks on the courthouse, no Federal presence.

  • Feds to Leave Portland

    Feds to Leave Portland

    According to reports, an agreement has been reached between the federal government and the state of Oregon for federal officers to leave Portland. Under the agreement, the Oregon State Police will take over external security at the Federal Court house in Portland. US Marshalls and the Federal Protective Service will continue to secure the interior of the building.


    Despite what Oregon governor Kate Brown says, the additional agents will not be leaving Portland immediately. Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf issued a statement saying the additional agents would stay in place until the attacks stop.


    So this is putting the state folks on the front line, and saying, “It’s on you.” And if they are not up to the task, it’s on them and the federal agents are still there, ready to take over.

    If the unrest continues, and why wouldn’t it, it takes apart the narrative that the riots in Portland were due to the feds.

  • Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 2

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 2

    A rioter, err, peaceful protester, found out the hard way that trying to disrupt an arrest is a bad idea. At least this time nobody got dead.

    The feds in Portland were arresting Noelle Mandolfo, from Denver, who ended up being charged with assaulting a federal officer, when a second woman approached.


    The nice girl from Wisconsin can be seen kicking the officers while trying to de-arrest the first woman.

    I wonder how many other nice girls and boys are from outside the area? My bet is a bunch.