Tag: Sanctuary City

  • More upstate NY counties declare a migrant state of emergency

    More upstate NY counties declare a migrant state of emergency

    AP Photo/Seth Wenig

    JAZZ SHAW | HotAir

    We recently learned that New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ plan to ship busloads of illegal migrants to rural upstate counties resulted in the leaders of Orange and Rockland Counties declaring states of emergency to stop the plan. On Thursday, three more counties (Dutchess, Sullivan, and Greene) followed suit. County executives once again blamed the emergency on failed federal immigration policies and New York City’s mismanagement of the migrant situation. They declared that their smaller counties do not have sufficient empty rooms to suddenly begin housing that many people, nor are there adequate resources to feed them and provide other types of care. In short, New York City declared itself a sanctuary city so this is their problem, not that of the suburbs and rural areas. (Hudson Valley Post)

    A State of Emergency has been declared in a number of more counties in the Hudson Valley…

    On Thursday, Dutchess, Sullivan and Greene counties all declared a State of Emergency as asylum seekers continue to arrive in New York City.

    “We do not have the physical rooms or supporting capacity to house an influx of asylum seekers,” Greene County officials said.

    Greene County officials also equated the transfer of New York City’s responsibilities as a sanctuary city to rural counties to “human trafficking.” That’s technically a very accurate description.

    In addition to not having enough free rooms, county officials pointed out that they don’t have police forces the size of the NYPD. They simply don’t have the sort of law enforcement manpower needed to keep tabs on that many illegal migrants and respond to the increased levels of crime that inevitably follow their arrival.

    But what else is there to be done? The Governor has recently been suggesting that she might start putting up migrants on State University of New York campuses. But how is that supposed to work? The schools use those campuses year-round and they’re packed with students. Are you seriously going to start dumping hundreds of unvetted illegal border crossers in their midst? And who will pay to feed them on campus? Oh, wait. Nevermind. Forget I asked. We already know the answer. It will be the taxpayers.

    Kathy Hochul and Eric Adams keep talking about this situation as if it’s “temporary.” But guess what. These migrants believe it’s permanent, thanks to all of Joe Biden’s policies and proclamations. They don’t have any intention of leaving. So perhaps we can offer an alternative suggestion. These people are in the country illegally because most of them never took the legal steps required to enter. If you’re able to round them up and load them onto buses and planes so easily, how about you start sending all of those buses and planes back to Mexico? When did it become the “new normal” to just stare at hundreds of illegal aliens and look for hotel rooms for them rather than calling ICE?

    Adams and other New York Democrats are creating multiple states of emergency this month, but they’re probably creating something else as well. Fox News has been conducting some very interesting interviews in New York lately with registered Democrats and lefty independents. And a lot of them have long since grown sick of all of this and are talking about voting for Republicans, many for the first time in their lives. Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

    Original Here

    Your editor lives in upstate NY, Onondaga county to be more exact, north of Syracuse. Onondaga county and several others in the area have all declared states-of-emergency over this. The Onondaga county exec banned hotel, motels and other places of temporary accommodation from housing illegals shipped north from NYC. Unfortunately, the issue is not just confined to illegals from the southern border, there are hundreds crossing the NY/Ontario border in northern NY.

  • ‘Humanitarian Crisis’

    ‘Humanitarian Crisis’

    According to the Mayor of The District of Columbia, she has a humanitarian crisis on her hands. You ask, what is it? She has 4000 illegal immigrants overwhelming her and wants the assistance of the National Guard. Enjoy the responses to her crisis.



    I am particularly fond of the following.


    One has to wonder how this is an issue. After all, The District is a sanctuary city. 🤔🤓😎😂