Tag: Satire

  • Congress Excited To Find..

    Congress Excited To Find..

    Congress Excited To Find Out What They Just Spent $1.2 Trillion

    WASHINGTON, D.C.—After a bipartisan vote in the U.S. Senate agreed to spend over a trillion dollars of taxpayer money, politicians from both sides of the aisle began eagerly speculating about what they just spent all that money on.

    “Man, there could be anything in that bill!” said a giddy Mitt Romney. “Maybe everyone is getting a hot air balloon – or a puppy, or a giraffe! We could be making a canal right through the middle of Florida, perhaps filling the Grand Canyon with concrete, who knows? This is so exhilarating!” 

    The $1.2 trillion dollar spending bill, which comes on the heels of a $1.4 trillion dollar spending bill, which came on the heels of a $1.9 trillion spending bill, but will precede a proposed $3.5 trillion spending bill, reportedly will use about 12% of its dollars on infrastructure projects. With infrastructure now including things like daycare and Botox, it is unclear what these projects are, and no one has any clue whatsoever about the other 88%

    “Much like Biden’s opinion on court packing, we have to pass the bill to know what’s inside,” said Chuck Schumer. “I mean that much money, good grief, could be anything! Playgrounds for adults? Roller-coasters for dogs? Crossing my fingers for a bridge from Alaska to Russia. The suspense is killing me!”

    Mitch McConnell reportedly is hoping it includes money to shelter sea turtles, and maybe for some celebratory powdered sugar.

    I can tell you one thing within the 1.2 trillion.

    On Page 513, the proposal says that the; 

    “Secretary of the Treasury shall establish, on an annual basis, per-mile user fees for passenger motor vehicles, light trucks, and medium- and heavy-duty trucks.”

    They have talked about this for years and finally are imposing it.

  • Here’s What’s Offensive..

    Here’s What’s Offensive..

    Back in the fall I wrote a diatribe about football teams changing their names to avoid racism.🙄🙄🙄 The Babylonbee has pilfered my topic for MLB teams. As usual, they have done a masterful job of mocking the PC world.

    Here’s What’s Offensive About Each Of The MLB’s 30 Team Names
    July 27th, 2021 – BabylonBee.com

    Team names that you think are just fine are actually racist. Just like everything in life. This is especially true of baseball, since it’s the American pastime, and America is extra racist, unlike every other society in human history.

    We combed through every team name in Major League Baseball and came up with something to be offended by. Time to be better. You’re welcome.

    Atlanta Braves – Bravery is offensive and reckless– especially during a pandemic. Baseball isn’t brave. Do you know what’s brave? Wearing a mask. 

    Miami Marlins – As always, marlins get all the attention while squid and tuna populations remain marginalized and invisible. 

    New York Mets – The proper present-tense form is “meets.”

    Philadelphia Phillies – The Liberty Bell logo has to go. It’s the current year, for goodness’ sake.

    Washington Nationals – Nationals sounds an awful lot like “white nationalists” to us.

    Chicago Cubs – Bears are noble creatures and have NOT given their consent to be your mascot.

    Cincinnati Reds – Red is the color of MAGA hats.

    Milwaukee Brewers – Offensive to those struggling with alcohol addiction– or gluten intolerance.

    Pittsburgh Pirates – Stealing music is not OK. You wouldn’t download a car, would you?

    St. Louis Cardinals – Offensive to those oppressed by the Catholic Church.

    Arizona Diamondbacks – Snakes are triggering to many archaeology professors.

    Colorado Rockies – Rocky Balboa was an Italian-American immigrant who worked hard and became successful—which plays into right-wing tropes about “picking yourself up by your bootstraps.” Not ok. 

    Los Angeles Dodgers – Trump was a draft dodger and to think that a team would name themselves after him is frankly disgusting. 

    San Diego Padres – Gendered and Catholic. Just like in baseball, two strikes and you’re out.

    San Francisco Giants – Offensive to the differently heighted.

    Baltimore Orioles – The name’s OK but the team is pretty offensive to the idea of baseball in general.

    Boston Red Sox – No one needs yet another reason to hate the Red Sox.

    New York Yankees – No one needs yet another reason to hate the Yankees.

    Tampa Bay Rays – Florida.

    Toronto Blue Jays – Blue is a reference to the police, which should be defunded. #DefundTheBlueJays

    Chicago White Sox – White socks worn with sandals are offensive to the human race.

    Cleveland Guardians – Appropriates the culture of the Guardians of the Galaxy, an oppressed group of illegal aliens.

    Detroit Tigers – “Tiger” is the catchphrase of Sagat, an oppressed Thai MMA fighter.

    Kansas City Royals – Not offensive, just reminds us of that annoying Lorde song.

    Minnesota Twins – Twins evokes the number “two,” a painful reminder of the gender binary.

    Houston Astros – We don’t need to be honoring space travel when there are plenty of problems on earth to worry about. 

    Los Angeles Angels – Offensive to atheists.

    Oakland Athletics – Offensive to couch potatoes.

    Seattle Mariners – Offensive to old sailors ranting to random wedding guests about their wild sea voyages.

    Texas Rangers – Texas? REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    Now go jeer at your local baseball team while you eat a $12 hot dog! That’ll show ’em!

  • Xiden, Psaki To Go Door…

    Xiden, Psaki To Go Door…

    Yesterday there was news about the Xiden administration sending out apparatchiks door to door to threaten citizens about vaccinations. No, they did not use the word threaten; however, government agents showing up at your door over vaccinations seems intimidating. As usual the Babylonbee is on top of the story.

    Biden, Psaki To Go Door To Door On Bikes Asking If You Have A Moment To Talk About Getting Vaccinated
    July 6th, 2021 – BabylonBee.com

    U.S.—After falling short of his vaccination goals this month, the Biden Administration has announced a new effort to encourage people to get vaccinated. President Biden and Press Secretary Jen Psaki are now riding across the country on bicycles, going door-to-door to spread the good news.

    “Excuse me, sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Dr. Fauci, and the salvation of Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson?” said Psaki as a local homeowner opened his door. “We want you to know how you can be happy and secure forever. Would you like to talk a little more about this?”

    According to sources, the elderly homeowner slammed the door in their faces– causing Biden to angrily ring the doorbell over and over. 

    “Hey! You listen here, Jack! You think I’m just gonna walk away and let you not get vaccinated?” he said. “Why, I’ll break this door down and beat you up! You think you can take me, chump?”

    Psaki then quickly calmed the disgruntled Biden with a choco-choco chip ice cream cone and led him down the sidewalk to knock on the next door. 

    The pair will be touring the entire United States until everyone is either vaccinated or added to a secret FBI list as a possible insurrectionist.

    Truthfully, the last sentence could be less than satirical.

  • Surefire Ways To Win An…

    Surefire Ways To Win An…

    Weekends are a time couples are together for extended lengths of time. Those times can create situations where an argument may occur. Being a kindly person, I thought some advice for husbands would provide assistance. **smirking and snickering**

    Surefire Ways To Win An Argument With Your Wife

    Here at the Babylon Bee, we enjoy perfect marriages with our smokin’ hot wives. We understand not everyone is perfect though– sometimes you get into arguments with your wife. (Haha! Noob!) 

    To help you navigate these difficult talks, be sure to follow these expert arguing tips from the marriage experts at The Bee. 

    1. As soon as you start arguing, take off your shirt to distract her with your greek god body: She will immediately be overcome with desire and completely forget that she’s mad at you.

    2. Use cold, hard reason meticulously explained and re-explained: Using logic and reason in an argument with your wife will help her immediately understand how ridiculous she’s being. Problem solved! 

    3. Ask her if she’s on her period: Then just tell her lovingly that you know this is just because of the lady hormones and won’t hold it against her.

    4. Helpfully suggest she calm down: Sometimes, wives forget to calm down. One helpful reminder and all tempers will dissipate! You’re a genius! 

    5. Make an excel spreadsheet so you can follow the argument better: Sometimes, arguments with your wife will branch off into multiple unexpected paths at once. Keep track so you can address each issue, and check it off your list as you do! 

    6. Remind her that the thing she just said sounds like something her mother would say: Also remind her that your mother never talks to you like this. 

    7. Threaten to boycott mowing the lawn: She might try to mow the lawn herself, but she won’t be able to pull that crank start thingy. She’ll realize just how essential you are! 

    8. Bring in all the kids and ask them to vote on who is right: This will also help you figure out which kids are on your side and which ones you need to keep an eye on. 

    There you have it! Enjoy many decades of a happy marriage!

    For those who follow the advice, be aware I have provided your wives with helpful gardening advice. 😎😂😎😂😎😂

  • Kim Jong Un Attends Ivy….

    Kim Jong Un Attends Ivy….

    Kim Jong Un Attends Ivy League University To Learn New Brainwashing Techniques

    June 15th, 2021

    NEW YORK, NY—According to sources, beloved North Korean tyrant and lover of doughnuts Kim Jong Un is now attending Columbia University, a prestigious Ivy League school, to learn new brainwashing techniques for his regime.

    “I thought I knew all there was to know about communist indoctrination, but I was wrong,” said the ruthless dictator to reporters after sitting through a 2-hour lecture on why fidget spinners are a remnant of Western patriarchal oppression. “Your American college professors have this down to an art!” 

    Kim Jong Un then waddled over to the food court for all-you-can-eat frozen yogurt, whistling a merry tune as he went. 

    According to experts, Ivy League schools in America boast the world’s finest anti-Western propaganda and brainwashing techniques. The North Korean dictator expressed hope that his newfound knowledge would help him make his citizens more robotically obedient. 

    “We still have our troublemakers, but with these Ivy League techniques, I’ll have them eating out of my hand in no time!” he said. 

    The murderous leader of North Korea plans to go back to his home country and start his own Ivy League school: Kim Jong UNiversity. 

    This may be written as satire, yet again, the “Bee” is, right on target. Multiple “ism” leaders have said they would take over the United States from within through indoctrination in the education system. Their predictions are perilously close to becoming reality.

  • The Bee Strikes Again

    The Bee Strikes Again

    The Babylon Bee published a story earlier this week that the scolds over at USA Today felt compelled to fact check.


    Then the actual US Navy weighed in.

  • Pope Francis Economics

    Pope Francis Economics

    Last weekend, Pope Francis published his third third encyclical, Fratelli Tutti (“Brothers All”). We are urged to consider a universal fraternity among all people. By so doing, we will conquer hatred and “empty individualism,”  to be able to, “dream as a single human family.”

    His “Popeness” spent an inordinate number of words on economics. One wonders where his degree in economics was derived. 

    He, bitterly, complained about the usual economic bugaboos; “limitless consumption,” “profit-based economic models,” “a liberalism that serves the economic interests of the powerful,” “radical individualism,” the “efficiency-driven paradigm of technocracy,” He lambasts against those who  “have had us believe that freedom of the market was sufficient to keep everything secure

    In its inimitable style, The BabylonBee had an answer for how the Pope and the church could lead the way on new economic practices. Mayhaps the Pope will consider it..not very likely!

    Pope Francis Declares That The Catholic Church Will No Longer Accept Donations Earned Via Capitalism

    October 6th, 2020

    VATICAN CITY—The Pope has declared that the Catholic Church will no longer accept any donations its members give out of their wealth earned by capitalism.

    The declaration takes effect immediately. Catholic parishes are asked to monitor donations given during the offertory. Parishioners are to fill out a form stating where they got the money. If it did not come from the government, but rather, from an evil, capitalist job, the money is to be given back to the church member.

    “We don’t want your dirty capitalist pig dollars,” said Pope Francis. “Keep your money earned by oppressing workers and minorities. Only money earned via equitable redistribution of wealth, in model Christian countries like China and North Korea, will be acceptable to the Lord’s Church.”

    The Pope frantically backtracked on his comments after donations fell to zero dollars.

  • Man Who Has Been…

    Man Who Has Been…

    The Babylonbee, as posted below, has another of their excellent satire pieces. 

    Man Who Has Been In Government For Nearly 50 Years Promises To Fix Government

    August 20, 2020

    U.S.—According to sources at the DNC, Joe Biden, a man who has been part of government since before Jaws, Star Wars, the Walkman, the NES, and the publishing of The Silmarillion, is just the man for the difficult task of fixing the government.

    “This man who has been part of the broken system since 1972 is our last hope to fix the broken system,” said a DNC spokesperson. “See, since he’s been part of the problem for so long, only he knows how bad the problem is. So only he can fix it. If you got some outsider with, like, morals and stuff, they would be too horrified to even go to Washington in the first place.”

    “No, we need someone who’s been part of the swamp and has participated in much injustice, oppression, and bloodshed to fix the whole thing from the ground up.”

    He also has a cop helping him out, sources confirmed at publishing time.

    The Babylon Bee

    Related: Liars gonna lie

    In their usual inimitable fashion, they have found a way for the DNC to justify selecting a candidate, to fix all the problems, who has been part and parcel of creating many of said problems. Why would someone, who helped create a bloated system of over regulation, want to change the system? In fact, they want to add ever more regulation and bureaucracy. The agency heads have no intention of giving up their fiefdoms. The serfs enjoy higher pay and benefits, plus guaranteed job security. Do you believe they want improvements? Rhetorical question! Federal employment is the largest welfare program in the country. 30% of the serfs do the work. The remainder fiddle while the country deals with their mess of regulations. 

    Do we truly need a 77 year old with 40 plus years as a bureaucrat, as our next President? 

  • Resolving USPS Hysteria

    Resolving USPS Hysteria

    A good afternoon to all. This Wednesday AM, I wrote about mail-in voting. My position is to follow the old USPS slogan of, “through rain, sleet and snow..”voters must go vote in-person. All of this is caused by the Democrat hysteria ver potential changes within the USPS. In their inimitable fashion, the BabylonBee has resolved the issue. Please enjoy as much as I did. 

    Brilliant Trump Puts Himself On All Postage Stamps, 

    Forcing Democrats To Push For Abolishing USPS

    August 17th, 2020

    WASHINGTON, D.C.—Sources are reporting that Trump has dealt a killer blow in his ongoing war against his sworn enemy, the U.S. Post Office. In a move of sheer, mind-blowing brilliance, Trump directed the Post Office to put his face on every single stamp, forcing the Democrats to reverse course and abolish the institution once and for all. 

    The new stamp, dubbed “The Trump-Stamp,” to be used on all pieces of mail features a smiling Donald Trump, with the caption “GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER.”

    Don Lemon broke the news in a tearful address to the nation last night. “Our democracy is over,” he said. “It doesn’t exist anymore. I will never send another piece of mail ever again, and neither should you or else you’re a racist.”  

    Antifa and BLM responded by marching on local post offices and burning them down. Enthusiastic Trump supporters quickly bought up all the stamps. They are now selling for $3,000 apiece online.  

  • Not Satisfied With Just Having Summers Off…

    Not Satisfied With Just Having Summers Off…

    This article may, supposedly, be satire; however, teacher’s unions are making outrageous demands before agreeing to return to work. As a caveat, not all teachers agree with all of the politics of teacher’s unions. Those teachers seem to have no impact. Either they are not vocal or just go along

    Not Satisfied With Just Having Summers Off, Teachers Push For Fall, Winter, Spring

    July 20th, 2020

    U.S.—Studies have shown teachers are the laziest people on the planet, only working nine months and doing absolutely nothing for three months of the year. What’s more, when they do work, teachers wander into school at 7 and go home at 2, having done nothing all day but press play on Bill Nye the Science Guy VHS tapes.

    But having summers off isn’t enough for the ungrateful public “servants”: teachers are looking to leverage the pandemic into getting the other three seasons off too.

    “I am just way overworked having to go in nine months out of the year,” said Mrs. Mosley, a third-grade teacher from Seattle. “Can’t we get the fall off? And when winter rolls around, I mean, it’s cold. Who wants to go to work in the winter? This is the problem with capitalism: you have to work for food and money.”

    “And don’t get me started on spring: it’s so nice outside. Forcing teachers to work in spring is tyranny of the highest order. It’s like, um… hang on, let me think of a literary reference.”

    She pulled out her phone and googled “fictional villains.”

    “It’s like Voldemort in Harry Potter!” she said finally.

    Teachers’ unions are, of course, still demanding that the teachers be paid for their 12 months off.

    See also: Then and Now

    The facts are teachers do not work a full nine months. They have 7-10 days for Christmas Break otherwise now known as Winter Break. They receive five days for Spring Break. Add in the monthly “teacher work day” where they often just chit chat about the difficulties of their students. We must not leave out the declared Federal and State/Commonwealth (there are four) days off. Next we have parent conference dayswhere very few parents show up. As with other employers, they receive personal days and sick days. Adding all those days together, teachers only work eight months, or less, per year.  Yes, evenings often see them performing work for their jobs; however, many people who work twelve months per year, do the same.

    The point is these individuals chose to be teachers. No sentient individual, who chose this profession, is unaware of the demands. Every single one of them goes through “student teaching”, giving them an up close, on the job, view of what they will be dealing with. It is past time for push back against an organization who cares less about students and more about themselves and a political agenda.