Tag: Seattle

  • Seattle PD Down Another 34 Officers

    Seattle PD Down Another 34 Officers

    The Seattle PD has lost another 34 Officers to retirement or resignation. That brings the total to 144 for the year. That is a record high. There are rumors swirling internally that separations could hit 200 by the year’s end.

    The news comes as the Seattle City Council shrank police department funding by 18% in the just approved budget. The cuts are expected to affect overtime pay and training while leaving dozens of vacant jobs unfilled and moving 911 dispatchers and parking enforcement out of the department’s jurisdiction.

    The number of deployable officers now sits at approximately 1,200, which is lower than it was in the 1990s despite the population increasing by 44% since then.

  • Riot Roundup

    Riot Roundup

    It was a “mostly peaceful” night of rioting last night. Louisville saw fires, assaults and vandalism that ended up with two cops being shot and 127 arrested. I covered the “mostly peaceful” arrest of the man suspected of shooting two LMPD officers here.

    The rioting in Seattle saw a “mostly peaceful” bat to the back of a cop’s head. Fortunately, the officer in question was wearing a helmet. The blow was strong enough to crack the helmet, imagine what it would have done to his head. WATCH:


    In Portland there was a “mostly peaceful” Molotov cocktail thrown at a police line. How none of the cops were seriously injured I still don’t know. WATCH:



    No word on the number of arrests in Portland, but given the Multnomah county prosecutor practices catch and release with rioters, it really doesn’t matter much. Unless the Feds scooped them up.

  • A Tale of Two Cities

    A Tale of Two Cities

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. . .

    Its day 78 of the rioting in Portland and Seattle. And the reactions couldn’t be more different.

    In Portland, where the Oregon State Police recently announced they were pulling out of the city, AntiFa/BLM gathered to riot in the downtown area. The Portland PD was more than up to the task. They quickly dispersed the rioters.


    Meanwhile, in Seattle, where the police chief submitted her resignation, the rioters were allowed to run unchecked. Several businesses were damaged as AntiFa/BLM rioters rampaged through downtown.



  • Seattle Police Cuts Might Not Happen

    Seattle Police Cuts Might Not Happen

    The Seattle city council voted to cut the budget of the Police department. I covered the cuts here along with the resignation of the Chief, Carmen Best.

    Now it seems there may be more obstacles to the cuts. In 2012 the city entered into a consent decree with the Department of Justice. That decree effectively gives the feds a significant measure of control over any changes to the police force in Seattle.

    There’s more though. Whenever a city enters into a consent decree, the courts get involved. The courts are where any and all determinations about the decree are made. And the judge presiding over the Seattle decree, James Robart, has already warned the council to pump the brakes.

    Shortly after the council passed the cuts, he wrote “the court encourages the city of Seattle to remain mindful of its consent decree obligation”.

  • Seattle Police Chief Resigns

    Seattle Police Chief Resigns

    Seattle Police Chief, Carmen Best, announced her resignation from the force. She has been a member of the Seattle Police department for nearly 30 years, and was the first black woman to hold the position. Her resignation is effective 2 September.


    “I want to thank Mayor Durkan for her continuous support through good times and tough times,” Best said in a letter sent to members of the department Monday night. “I am confident the department will make it through these difficult times. You truly are the best police department in the country, and please trust me when I say, the vast majority of people in Seattle support you and appreciate you.”


    The Seattle city council had recently reduced her pay, and that of 13 other top officials in the PD. Additionally, they reduced the department’s budget by nearly $4 million. The cuts could reduce the police department by up to 100 officers through layoffs and attrition.

    It also reduces the budget for travel, public affairs, training and recruitment and makes cuts to specialized units like SWAT, harbor patrol, homeland security, mounted patrol and officers in schools. The budget also removes officers from the city’s homeless outreach team.


    Is it any wonder that she resigned? The reduction in her pay was clearly retaliatory. Among the “leadership” in Seattle, she was the only one who wasn’t gaslighting the public or appeasing the mobs. Unlike the mayor and city council, she never threw her officers under the bus over the East precinct debacle. Instead she placed the blame squarely where it belonged.

    Lest you think I have any sympathy for the people of Seattle, they voted for the dumpster fire that is the city leadership. They are about to reap what they have sown.

  • Seattle Moves to Disband Police

    Seattle Moves to Disband Police

    The Seattle City Council is moving to abolish the entire Seattle Police Department and replace it with a “civilian led Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention.” The proposed legislation includes the “Decriminalize Seattle” agenda.

    Among other things that agenda includes “culturally-relevant expertise rooted in community connections” ”Housing, food security, and other basic needs” ”Trauma-informed, gender-affirming, anti-racist praxis”. What that word salad actually means is beyond me. I know and understand all the words used, but the order in which they’re placed makes little sense to me.


    Did you notice the bit about “immediate transfer of underutilized public land for BIPOC community ownership”? It’s straight out of the Marxist/Leninist handbook. It’s also CHOP writ large and officially.

    It’s time to end this clown show if they go forward with this proposal. If it takes sending in the Military to restore some semblance of order, so be it.