BREAKING: Biden’s Ministry of Truth disinfo board is being SHUT DOWN
There are a ream of articles available on this topic. As this is just a ”bite”, here is very brief coverage of the topic.
Here’s the write up from Newsbusters on the breaking news:
“According to far-left creep and perpetual whiner Taylor Lorenz of The Washington Post, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) decided this week it would put a pause on the dangerous, Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) due to what they claimed were “unjustified and vile personal attacks and physical threats” to executive director Nina Jankowicz.
Lorenz wrote: “Now, just three weeks after its announcement, the Disinformation Governance Board is being ‘paused,’ according to multiple employees at DHS, capping a back-and-forth week of decisions that changed during the course of reporting of this story.”
She explained that DHS decided “[o]n Monday…to shut down the board” and, “[b]y Tuesday morning, Jankowicz had drafted a resignation letter,” but they decided hours later to keep their options open with Jankowicz being begged to stay:
But Tuesday night, Jankowicz was pulled into an urgent call with DHS officials who gave her the choice to stay on, even as the department’s work was put on hold because of the backlash it faced, according to multiple people with knowledge of the call. Working groups within DHS focused on mis-, dis- and mal-information have been suspended. The board could still be shut down pending a review from the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Jankowicz is evaluating her position within the department.”
The most amusing part, to my way of thinking, is the headline from the WasPo.

They must mean the use of her own words to show what an idiotic clown she is.