Tag: smallpox

  • COVID Cooties Rant

    COVID Cooties Rant

    Vaccinated and Hospitalised Edition

    No matter how insistently pushed, truth almost always prevails over hogwash. Seeing as how the poorly constructed COVID Cooties Communism 101 Carnival tent was pitched on a foundation of miasma, it is not surprising to see such breathless illusion begin to seriously sag under reality’s inexorable force. There have been too many contradictions, there is too much anecdotal and medical evidence . . . Fauci et al do not have poles and stakes strong enough to prop the thing back upright. Since it seems like the ability to say, “I was wrong,” disappears from people’s language skillsets after a certain number of years in Washington, DC, looks like it is on We, the People, to huff and puff and blow this shyster show the rest of the way down.

    SIDE RAMBLE – Assigning whole mindsets to people with whom one disagrees, even a tiny bit, has become too commonplace when it was once the favorite utility of intolerant extremists. Though I view much of what has been going on for the past year and a half or so as an unscientific exercise in fear manipulation, I am neither a COVID denier nor anti-vaccines. Yes, COVID-19 is a real disease that can sometimes be very severe and/or fatal for people with now known risk factors. (Perhaps the extremity in illness is due to improper treatment and withheld therapeutics, time will tell.) Yes, the ability to inoculate ourselves against serious disease is an amazing tool in our healthcare arsenal, after a vaccine has been proven safe and effective. Differing opinions on those two topics is decidedly expected, that’s a good thing. Our freedom of speech is an indulgent luxury being exploited rather than respected of late; a blessing no longer recognised as such by some seeking to destroy the system that provided them both bully pulpit and microphone. Using our rights to explore differences rather than destroy has an intriguing side effect, it is how we learn. While self-segregation is a natural happenstance – we are comfortable with our own, however a person chooses to define their own – it can evolve into something deadly to growth and understanding if one never leaves the Sameness. Defining others, dismissing ideas and values not ours with a pre-glued label reading TRASH, those are excellent traits to indulge if one enjoys staying perfectly still, existing in a state of pure ignorance. (In this ‘Merican’s often other than humble opinion, of course.) – END RAMBLE

    Of all the words and phrases being twisted and bastardised from their original definitions into Idiocy-ese, vaccination sobs alongside marriage as their defining characteristics are raped and reutilised to fit Party Messaging. A quick re-introduction to the original vaccine seems respectable. The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language (1972 edition, 1987 printing) defines vaccine as:

    n. a preparation consisting of the living viruses of cowpox, used in vaccination || a preparation of microorganisms, either dead, or virulent and living, or attenuated and living, that are administered so as to produce (or increase) immunity to a particular disease.
    adj. of or pertaining to vaccinia or vaccination.

    The first formal vaccine against human disease was formulated to wipe out smallpox, a devastating global disease that had been killing off mankind for thousands of years. New vaccination against disease technology was developed using cowpox, a disease found in cattle that can be transmitted to human caretakers. British physician Edward Jenner determined there were enough similarities between cowpox and smallpox infections to suggest a person who’d recovered from a mild case of cowpox would be protected from the far more deadly disease caused by Variola virus, smallpox. He was correct. On May 14, 1796, Jenner injected a serum containing fluids the doctor had collected from a cowpox-infected woman’s skin lesion into an eight-year-old boy. After recovering from a few days of light illness with cowpox, James Phipps was successfully inoculated against potentially dying from, “the scourge of mankind.”

    While vaccine research has evolved beyond sickening a person with one disease to combat it’s cousin, we still use inoculations containing live, attenuated (which basically means greatly weakened) viruses that are designed to spark our immune systems into a protective stance without causing grave illness. Vaccines for measles, mumps, chicken pox and rubella are examples of live, attenuated virus vaccines. Yet, times and definitions, they are a-changing.

    Merriam-Webster.com (today, 13 September 2021) defines vaccine:

    1: a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: such as
    a: an antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated (see ATTENUATED sense 2) pathogenic agent (such as a bacterium or virus) or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin)
    b: a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein)
    2: a preparation or immunotherapy that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against noninfectious substances, agents, or diseases

    Huh? Certainly, the New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary definition is a bit dated since we’ve learned how to use other live viruses as immune system stimulants, still, it’s interesting to see how a simple, clear definition has evolved into hyper technical speak, suggesting the concept of vaccination is not to be entertained by uneducated minds. Merriam-Webster.com doesn’t even offer the second definition for vaccine that has popped up in this ever changing world of ours: “a software program that helps to protect against computer viruses, as by detecting them and warning the user.” Thank you, Dictionary.com, for offering up another reasonable definition for an easily grasped concept, in plain English.

    The two-dose vaccinations for COVID-19 are not akin to Dr. Jenner’s concoction that ultimately ended smallpox. Rather than using the whole virus, mRNA vaccination formulas utilise messenger RNA to introduce our immune system to the spike proteins on the SARS-CoV-2 molecule so our body will recognise same as hostile and go into protective/kill mode. Like with attenuated virus vaccines, the mRNA formula sparks our immune system, using a sightline different from the usual angle. Some professionals say mRNA vaccines are not true vaccines as they do not stop the spread of illness. At all.

    A bug or two have shown up seven months or so into the COVID-19 vaccination push, as is often the way with new, unproven technology. (Downsides, a common “uh oh” issue readily avoided when products are properly tested before finding a shelf in the retail marketplace.) One bug – it stops working. Six or seven months post-injection, some vaccines lose 60% of their original efficacy.

    Another bug – there is good reason to believe the irresponsible vaccination rush has actually made SARS-CoV-2 more aggressive. We are now wrestling with an animal previously rumoured to exist in this Cooties “Crisis” – the asymptomatic carrier. Before the vaccine there were no real asymptomatic carriers, only carriers experiencing mild symptoms or not yet displaying any at the time of testing. Now, they are everywhere.

    The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the disease COVID-19 is able to take up residence in a vaccinated body without causing the host any illness, replicating with the greatest of ease. It is undeniable, scientifically, that vaccinated people are carrying heavy loads of virus and exhaling it all over the place, causing more manmade problems. If unvaccinated, people infected with SARS-CoV-2 will display symptoms, helping them self-diagnose, providing a warning system for others, and allowing the infected person to enjoy the freedom of naturally derived antibody immunity once recovered. People do recover from COVID-19, approximately 98.2% of diagnosed patients in the USA live to tell their tale.

    Because of this poor public protection effect that helps the virus flourish, hurriedly packaged and mandated boosters will be rolling out every six months until people realise that a living organism must be accurately identified and successfully killed, not wounded, if one wishes to claim the title, Conqueror. Waning protection, breakthrough cases at a rate higher than expected and declared . . . more and more evidence makes it clear that, even if you’ve been vaccinated with one of the mRNA formulas, you can still make others sick and are able to fall ill, yourself. Even die. Who is it in all of those hospital beds that are sick with COVID-19 these days, anyway?

    Alarming, headlines screaming things like, “99% of hospitalised COVID patients are unvaccinated.” Is that true? Following are excerpts from a piece broadcast and published 7 September 2021 by WBAL, a Baltimore news outlet:

    Data shows increase of vaccinated people among hospitalized Marylanders
    Infections, illness and hospitalizations are increasing rapidly among fully vaccinated people, according to data from the Maryland Department of Health and new research.

    “It’s scary, very scary. You think you’re safe, but you’re not,” said Deborah Hernandez, of Baltimore County.

    Hernandez got her second dose of the Moderna vaccine in the beginning of February. Seven months later, she got COVID-19. Hernandez was at the Baltimore Convention Center Field Hospital on Tuesday for a two-hour infusion with monoclonal antibodies.

    Over the past three months in Anne Arundel County, about 30% of the people hospitalized with COVID-19 are fully vaccinated.

    There’s a similar timeframe and trend in neighboring Howard County, where health officials said roughly 30% to 40% of people hospitalized with COVID-19 are fully vaccinated.

    “In that group, we’re finding that it tends to skew older and that it tends to be people with other conditions as well,” [Anne Arundel County Health Officer Dr. Nilesh] Kalyanaraman said.

    For those wondering what’s the point of getting the vaccine if they can still get COVID-19 and get sick enough to need an infusion treatment, the experts weighed in.

    “It’s critical to get your vaccine to decrease your chance of getting hospitalized, and also it turns out, long-COVID, those lingering symptoms, are much less likely to happen in the vaccinated as well, so there are a lot of good reasons to get vaccinated,” Kalyanaraman said.”

    Huh. Up to 40% of the COVID Cooties patients taking up space in Howard County, MD hospitals are fully vaccinated. Fully. That means it has been at least two weeks since their second shot. That’s a lot of very sick, fully vaccinated people.

    Oh oh yes, Long COVID . . . buzz buzz. Sensationalism must be a job requirement for public health officials. First, it was death numbers monopolising all MSM COVID coverage. When those most at risk of dying from COVID-19 had either already perished or were protecting themselves, the breathless death watch turned to outrage over case numbers. The case numbers begin to drop, so, here comes Delta and her aggressive, socially transferred ways. This mutant kills kids, the MSM folks are telling us. An age demographic least likely to suffer from a severe or fatal case of COVID-19, until now. If we embrace the idea that Delta is more lethal to children than other COVID variants, that would be testimony that we ought to have let the little buggers get sick last year. Antibodies generated in a child who recovered from a COVID-19 infection early in the outbreak would make him or her far less likely to fall to Delta or any other anthropomorphic virus change, naturally.

    COVID-19 is a real disease, sometimes deadly. Vaccines are excellent tools for humanity to use in the battle against potentially lethal diseases. When proven to be safe and effective.

    The Variola virus responsible for infecting humankind with the disease smallpox is prehistoric in age. Lesions have been found on Egyptian mummies dated 1570 to 1085 BC/BCE. Asian cultures identified the disease circa 1100 BC/BCE before it finally made its way to Europe, the West Indies, Africa, and the Americas. Western European records of outbreaks show a 30-35% mortality rate. Smallpox is a horrific disease we are blessed to have contained.

    Though there is evidence that ancient healers treated their new smallpox patients using the biological product of recovered smallpox patients – scabs and other bits of previously stricken patient were used as therapeutics to heal newly infected smallpox patients (treating infection with antibodies, before they were “discovered”,) a safe, effective vaccine was not to be found until the late 18th century. In the USA, a serious smallpox outbreak throughout New England spurred Boston to issue the first vaccine mandate for American citizens in 1902 – over a century after James Phipps had been inoculated by Dr. Jennings. Twenty years after this local mandate, a U.S. Supreme Court’s 1922 decision upheld mandatory vaccination against smallpox for schoolchildren requirements. Nearly 200 years after vaccine discovery, in May 1980, the World Health Organisation formally declared smallpox eradicated from all of the world’s populations.

    COVID-19 vaccine formulas are less than a year old, most utilise technology that is less than 30 years old (the mRNA transfer system was patented in 1993,) none have gone through the usual rigorous and detailed testing processes determined necessary to ensure the safety and efficacy of pharmaceuticals, and, as is legally required by the U.S. Federal government to receive approval for general distribution. Yet, this same government is now insisting, mandating, that a brand new and barely tested drug be injected into U.S. citizens. A drug designed to thwart the spread of a disease with a 1.8% mortality rate, if infected. And, these folks who are unable to admit that maybe this vaccine is not what so many had hoped for, expect to kick COVID to the curb in a manner of months. We’re told it can happen, if all of us “volunteer” to be part of a long term study. More lies, more irresponsible medicine.

    Ponders beyond virus origin that can keep me up at night, because they deserve reasonable answers . . .

    If mRNA vaccines are so easily developed to fight a coronavirus, why wasn’t one developed to stop the first SARS (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome) outbreak in 2002-2004? It was known technology, then. Why wasn’t a mRNA vaccine developed to stop the MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic when first identified in 2012? Why did SARS-CoV-2 shoot around the world so fast when SARS and MERS were pretty well contained? How about ebola? That mess can kill you DAYS after being infected, yet, no vaccine. One can live a good, long life if infected with HIV, though. Is this blatant elitism, Westerners and their interests matter while the rest of the world does not? Or, is COVID danger hype a huge con the fearful willingly fell for because they are afraid of being sick and dying? You decide, and share why and how you came to that conclusion, if you’d like. Let’s be people of motion, share our Life lessons and stop paying attention to those too afraid of death to actually have lived and learned a few.

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. – Edmund Burke, 1770

    Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. – John Stuart Mill, 1867

    It has been said that for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing. – Rev. Charles F. Aked, 1916