Tag: Spying

  • China & Cuba Reach ..

    China & Cuba Reach ..

    Via thé WSJ

    China and Cuba have reached a secret agreement for China to establish an electronic eavesdropping facility on the island, in a brash new geopolitical challenge by Beijing to the U.S., according to U.S. officials familiar with highly classified intelligence.

    An eavesdropping facility in Cuba, roughly 100 miles from Florida, would allow Chinese intelligence services to scoop up electronic communications throughout the southeastern U.S., where many military bases are located, and monitor U.S. ship traffic.

    Officials familiar with the matter said that China has agreed to pay cash-strapped Cuba several billion dollars to allow it to build the eavesdropping station, and that the two countries had reached an agreement in principle.

    The revelation about the planned site has sparked alarm within the Biden administration because of Cuba’s proximity to the U.S. mainland. Washington regards Beijing as its most significant economic and military rival. A Chinese base with advanced military and intelligence capabilities in the U.S.’s backyard could be an unprecedented new threat.

    U.S. officials described the intelligence on the planned Cuba site, apparently gathered in recent weeks, as convincing. They said the base would enable China to conduct signals intelligence, known in the espionage world as sigint, which could include the monitoring of a range of communications, including emails, phone calls and satellite transmissions.

    I have zero idea if our military has developed strong enough “jamming” equipment to block the Chinese listening in on military communications.

    It is obvious to China they have nothing to fear from Biden. He is already bought and paid for.

  • Pentagon Discloses ….

    Pentagon Discloses ….

    Pentagon Discloses Chinese Spy Balloon over U.S.: Reports

    Jimmy Quinn for National Review

    Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brigadier General Patrick S. Ryder holds a press briefing at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., January 17, 2023.(Lisa Ferdinando/Department of Defense)none

    A Chinese spy balloon was spotted over the U.S. by civilians on an airplane this week, the Defense Department revealed today, with President Biden initially ordering that it be shot down, according to news reports.

    The U.S. “has detected and is tracking a high altitude surveillance balloon that is over the continental U.S. right now,” Brigadier General Pat Ryder, the Pentagon spokesman, said today, the Wall Street Journalreported. Ryder added, “Once the balloon was detected the U.S. government acted immediately to protect against the collection of sensitive information.”

    According to the Journal, President Biden had initially ordered that the reconnaissance device be shot down but was rebuffed by the Pentagon, which worried that such a move could cause civilian casualties. The balloon first was spotted by passengers onboard a civilian aircraft, the paper also reported.

    A senior defense official, in comments reported by NBC, downplayed the balloon’s intelligence value because the Chinese government has other surveillance options. That official also said the U.S. could have taken it down during a period in which it flew over Montana and that it entered the U.S. over Alaska, then flew over Canada. This person also said the U.S. has confidently attributed the balloon, which is still over the U.S., to China and that Washington has raised the issue with Chinese officials “through multiple channels.”

    The balloon was spotted at one point above Malmstrom Air Force Base, which is home to nuclear-missile silos, the Associated Press reported. Ryder also reportedly said it doesn’t pose a threat to air traffic nor civilians on the ground.

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken is slated to travel to China later this week, where he will meet senior officials. The Financial Times reported today that Blinken is expected to meet General Secretary Xi Jinping.

    There are several things that are incomprehensible.
    We can start with; ““Once the balloon was detected the U.S. government acted immediately to protect against the collection of sensitive information.” Based on that statement, apparently they only protect sensitive information when a spy balloon is overhead. Frankly, such would not be a surprise. DoD is noted for being reactive not proactive.

    Next is: “President Biden had initially ordered that the reconnaissance device be shot down but was rebuffed by the Pentagon, which worried that such a move could cause civilian casualties.The Pentagon “rebuffed” the CINC. Really? As to “civilian casualties, it traversed areas where there are minimal civilians. Montana is not the most heavily populated state.

    Last but not least is the mention of Blinken’s upcoming trip to China. The chances he raises the topic of a spy balloon entering our air space is zero to none! Such conversation would take a spine.

    Since creating the topic, there has been some additional activity. The Chinese are saying this is a civilian airship blown off course. Secretary of State Blinken’s Chinese trip has been postponed.

  • Excuse Me? You Said What?

    Excuse Me? You Said What?

    There are a couple of news items out of the District that will make you say: Excuse me?

    First up is a story that should be headlining every “news network”, yet it isn’t. As you know, Nancy Pelosi’s personal Stasi, the Capitol police, seem to think they’re above the law. They refuse to respond to FOIA requests, lie under oath during Congressional oversight hearings, claim sovereign immunity and other such nonsense. The latest outrage is one that should put those involved in jail. The USCP intelligence division got caught running an op against representative Troy Nehls, R; TX. I’ll let the congressman tell the story himself.


    The stated reason for the op is that a USCP officer found a door to Nehls office unsecured and checked inside to make sure nothing was amiss. While inside, that officer took photos of a whiteboard that was used for legislative planning. On that whiteboard was a reference to “body armor”, and that was supposedly the reason the officer took the photos and forwarded them to the intelligence division. What the officer and the intelligence division failed to note was that the reference was related to specific legislation banning the procurement of chinese made body armor.

    If you wonder why this story is just coming out now, two and a half months after the incident, it came out in congressional testimony a few weeks ago that the chief of the USCP, J. Thomas Manger, asked the USCP Inspector General to look into the matter.

    This comes on the heels of another USCP intelligence division scandal, where they were caught running background checks and social media checks on congressional staffers and visitors.

    The second WTF story out of DC will just make you shake your head. The Hologram’s Health department is rolling out a new grant program. This one is designed to “support community-based overdose prevention programs, syringe services programs, and other harm reduction services.” According to the grant rules, the funds can be used to purchase the following:

    Harm reduction vending machine(s), including stock for machines;

    Infectious diseases testing kits (HIV, HBV, HCV, etc.);

    Medication lock boxes;

    FDA-approved overdose reversal medication (as well as higher dosages now approved by FDA);

    Safe sex kits, including PrEP resources and condoms;

    Safe smoking kits/supplies;

    Screening for infectious diseases (HIV, sexually transmitted infections, viral hepatitis);

    Sharps disposal and medication disposal kits;

    Substance test kits, including test strips for fentanyl and other synthetic drugs;

    Syringes to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases;

    Vaccination services (hepatitis A, hepatitis B vaccination); and

    Wound care management supplies.

    Most of what is on that list seems pretty OK to me. Addicts are gonna addict, and if we can mitigate some of the harm, well that’s alright by me. However I have issues with a few of the items on that list. Beginning with harm reduction vending machines. I mean what the actual F are they? And why should we be paying for them? I also have issues with syringe replacement. I understand they help prevent the spread of disease, but again, why are we paying for them. The thing that bothers me most though are safe smoking kits. Let’s call them what they really are: Crack and meth pipes.

    My favorite Louisiana Senator, John Kennedy, just about captures my thoughts on this.


    And finally, there’s this, it seems that every one of the free covid tests the Hologram has sent out was made in China.


    If that doesn’t sum up the effectiveness of this administration. . .

  • QUIZ: Spies & Spying

    QUIZ: Spies & Spying

    Spies have been around since Alexander the Great. Here’s some cloak and dagger trivia you might enjoy!

    Source: Funtrivia.com


    The subject of today’s quiz was inspired by the movie Three Days of the Condor, which was based a great book (Six days of the Condor) and subsequently turned into a great film (which we watched last night)

    So y’all just better hope I am not reading a science tome the night before the next Quiz!

    Remember, we will post a new one every M-W-F