• Paying Attention is a good start

    Paying Attention is a good start

    joe biden, you know him

    he’s the guy that got 5 Deferments from Vietnam

    for Asthma while bragging he was Lifeguard

    Well… joe says

    Americans Who Get Vaccinated Can Celebrate the 4th of July, ‘You’re Able to Get in the Backyard with a Group of People Because You’ve Been Vaccinated’

    I know of some people, not personally though who have been vaccinated

    they won’t be celebrating Freedom & Liberty this year

    After full vaccination, 246 Michigan residents test positive for coronavirus, 3 die

    I would liked to met this Minted American

    Next time a venture into town I’ll once again be Gawked at by Karens & Randys

    while they stare at my new patch

    you like patches?

    I like patches

    the band

    They did a song called

    Saturday in the park

    ” Where everyday is like the 4th of July ”


    I won’t be looking for your permission

  • Her name was Marcella

    Her name was Marcella

    Not long after the creation of the much beloved Raggedy Ann, Gruelle’s only child and 13 year old daughter Marcella died a painful death after receiving a routine small pox vaccination at school, which was given without parental consent.

    Reports indicate that after the initial inoculation Marcella had, “… lost her appetite, and became feverish and fatigued.” Amazingly, more inoculations were given despite her negative reaction from the first jab.  Predictably Marcella’s health continued to decline to the point where she lost all muscle control, “becoming listless and lifeless like a rag doll.”

    While all this was going on at school, her parents knew nothing about it and had never ever given their consent for any vaccinations.

    Marcella died a slow and agonizing death. The Gruelle’s were convinced beyond any doubt that the vaccination was the culprit behind the death of their only child, even though school authorities and vaccination proponents insisted Marcella had died from a preexisting heart defect.

    Whatever happened to the Smallpox Vaccine? “Routine smallpox vaccination in the United States ended in 1972. Officials are hesitant to resume the immunizations because the vaccine is the most reactive of all and has been linked to serious side effects, including death.” ~ Reuters, November 29, 2001.

    We are from the government and we come help you live your life as we see fit”


    “We are from the government and we come help you live your life as we see fit”

    I never said which Government or Cabal

    When you think of the Ten Commandments

    I know what comes to your mind as does to mine

    the Laws of God

    what follows is not God’s Laws

    Written in ancient languages scripts:

    Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs

    A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages

    Known as the Georgia guide stones

    what better way to reach a goal of 500,000,000
    then to sterilize the population world wide

    Looking at current events from

    behind enemy lines

    Marlena Pavlos-Hackney

    State police arrested her around 5:45 a.m. this AM

    don’t know how many know

    Marlena Pavlos-Hackney

    was 13 years of age when she escaped COMMUNIST POLAND

    never asking for a handout of any kind

    Marlena built a business

    providing jobs for others so thier lives could be better

    she’s now been hauled off to Lansing about a 100 mile

    where she will be used as an example her crime?

    Standing up to TYRANNY

    Ohh there is a 2-party system alright

    Good & evil

  • Sign post up ahead

    Sign post up ahead

    What they cannot achieve on their own, the steal

    Going for the steal

    words from Athens

    . The more GIs they arrested,” one vet recalled, “the more they beat up, the madder we got.”