Over the past year I’ve written a series of articles highlighting the risks of terror attacks across the country. I even went as far as predicting a mass casualty attack before the election. It seems I missed the date by a couple of months.
Someone I trust with this sort of thing recently said we should expect a major increase of this kind of terror attack come January and it seems he’s right. Why you might ask. Well according to that person, it is going to be the new resistance movement. While I’m not in complete agreement with that conclusion, it cannot be ignored. The simple fact that there have been millions of unvetted illegals coming across the border in the past four years is reason enough.
So, with that in mind, what does staying frosty look like? Simple, it looks like you’re aware of your surroundings and prepared for whatever might come your way.
To find out if you’re ready, you need to ask yourself the following questions:
- DO you have a quality EDC kit?
- Have you been training like I keep telling you to?
- Is your EDC pistol reliable?
- Do you have a trauma kit in your vehicle?
- Do you carry a tourniquet with you?
- Do you know how to use the medical equipment you have?
- Are you aware of your surroundings?
- Have you developed an OODA loop?*
*I covered the OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) loop in this post.
There are other questions you need to ask yourself, but these are enough to start with.
I said those were enough to start with, but I left out the most important one: How far are you willing to go to protect yourself, your family and others. I know the answer to that question for me, but mine is not likely to be the same as yours.
So, friends keep your heads on a swivel and as our good friend Winnie the Pooh says, Stay strapped or get clapped.