Tag: Stupid Games

  • Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 9

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 9

    Today’s contestant on Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes is a TDS sufferer who tries to disrupt a Trump rally. Our contestant tries to steal a Trump flag from someone, and reportedly spits in his would-be victim before speeding off.


    That type of light pole isn’t all that forgiving, and I suspect the police that responded so quickly issued a reckless driving ticket at the very least.

    You can find the most recent edition of Stupid Games here.

  • Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 8

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 8

    Our contestant in today’s edition of Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes is a very nice girl from New York City.

    She was at a riot err, peaceful protest when she decided it was a good idea to get in the face of a cop. After screaming “f*ck you facist” at the cop she spits in his face.

    Bad idea. The cop immediately grabs her, throws her to the ground and arrests her.


    You can find the previous editions of Stupid Games here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

  • Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 7

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 7

    Today’s Edition of Stupid Games comes to us from Sin City.

    Our contestant beats on a Trump supporters truck during a pro Trump caravan down on the Strip in Las Vegas.



    You can see the rest of the the Stupid Games here, here, here, here, here,and here

  • Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 6

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 6

    Portland is yet again the location of Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes. Today’s contestants thought they could stop a motorcycle cop.

    The cop was dealing with a pair of vehicles that were blocking an intersection when the crowd surrounded him. The drivers of the two vehicles take advantage of the situation, and drive off. As the cop tries to pursue, two idiots decide it’s a good idea to try to block the motorcycle. One went so far as to grab the fairing and windshield in an attempt to stop the officer.



    As you can see, the attempt to stop the officer from pursuing the two vehicles was a fail. The brave shieldmaiden got dragged and possibly run over. I can’t find video of it, but several of those involved were arrested, including our two contestants.

    The previous editions of Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes can be found here, here, here, here, and here.

  • Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 5

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 5

    The latest loser, err, winner in the Stupid Games is a BLM supporter who decided it would be a good idea to jump on the hood of a cop car. The incident happened outside a Trump event in Sacramento.

    You can find the previous Stupid Games here, here, here and here.


    Of course, today’s loser, err, winner’s friends are claiming the cop ran him and his buddy over. And that it was unprovoked.

    What idiot thinks it’s acceptable to climb on a car like that? The outcome is all but preordained. In fact, what you see in the videos above, is exactly what the cops are trained to do in that situation. It prevents them from actually running over someone.

    If this had happened 30 years ago, I’d have said they were all eating paint chips, and had been for a while. Now, seeing as lead based paints have been outlawed for so long, I have to blame the parents.

    Needless to say, if you Play Stupid Games, you Win Stupid Prizes. . . .

  • Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 4

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 4

    Portland BLM/AntiFa was at it again last night. This time their target was the Portland Police Association building.

    For the record, it wasn’t tear gas, some of the rioters threw smokebombs.

    Last night’s stupid game prize winner belongs to this douche.


    I suppose some context is in order. The rioters were blocking an intersection and had gone so far as to put up some fencing. As the driver of the truck approached, they surrounded his vehicle and started beating on it. I’ve seen reports that they tried to slash the tires on the truck as well.

    What kind of idiot drops a motorcycle in front of a truck? Especially in that situation. You’re just asking for the dude to drive off with it under his bumper, just like what happened.

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes. . . .

  • Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 3

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 3

    In the latest edition of Play Stupid Games, we meet Edward Thomas Schinzing, 32. Good ole Eddie is currently facing federal arson charges for his part in attempting to burn down the Multnomah county Justice Center.

    From a DOJ press release:

    Three civilian Multnomah County employees were working inside the Corrections Records Office at the time and fled for safety as the windows were broken. Based on a preliminary review of publicly-available videos from YouTube, Twitter, surveillance cameras, and still photos posted online, about 30 individuals entered the Justice Center through the broken windows. The individuals spray-painted portions of the office; damaged computer and other office equipment, furniture, and interior windows; and started fires.

    Seems pretty standard so far, but read on.

    Among those who entered the Justice Center, Schinzing was identified by a comparison with a jail booking photo and a distinctive tattoo of his last name across his upper back. Schinzing spread a fire that started near the front of the office by lighting additional papers on fire and moving them into a drawer of a separate cubicle.

    That’s right, he was identified by his back tat. The one that spells out his last name.


    And what does Eddie win for playing his Stupid Games? Arson is punishable by up to 20 years in prison with a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years.

    Way to go dumbass, you might have gotten away with it if you wore a shirt.