Tag: Texas

  • Texas Gov. Abbott Discusses Crisis at The Border

    Texas Gov. Abbott Discusses Crisis at The Border

    Sunday Talks, Texas Governor Greg Abbott Discusses Crisis at The Border

    March 14, 2021 

    Texas Governor Greg Abbott has exposed a little more blue than prior to the COVID fiasco; and now he will likely face several Republican primary challengers in the next election.  That said, today Governor Abbott was on television discussing the crisis at the U.S. Southern border with Mexico.

    One of the data-points that Abbott shares comes via the Rio Grande Valley sector.  In 2020 there was a total of 90,000 illegal border crossing apprehensions.  So far this year there have been 110,000 apprehensions and over 800 of them were criminal aliens previously convicted of crimes in the U.S.

    Human trafficking is a major source of funding for Mexican cartels, and they are now storming the border in an effort to overwhelm the Border Patrol.   Additionally, various foreign nationals, from all over the globe, are also paying the cartels for transit into the United States.
    By: Sundance https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2021/03/14/sunday-talks-texas-governor-greg-abbott-discusses-crisis-at-the-border/

    Comment: The D in Democrat = Deny, Differ, Deflect (failing grade)

  • Abbot Deploys Guard to Border

    Abbot Deploys Guard to Border

    Texas governor Greg Abbot announced the deployment of National Guard troops to the border on Saturday. The troops will participate in Operation Lone Star, a Texas DPS operation designed to limit the ability of smugglers and cartels to cross the border.

    Abbott issued the deployment order following a meeting with Texas DPS Director Colonel Steve McCraw. The two discussed strategies to increase safety and security along the border. The operation will integrate the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) with the National Guard, Abbott said. He is ordering the deployment of air, ground, marine, and tactical border security assets to high threat areas.

    “The crisis at our southern border continues to escalate because of Biden Administration policies that refuse to secure the border and invite illegal immigration,” said Governor Abbott. “Texas supports legal immigration but will not be an accomplice to the open border policies that cause, rather than prevent, a humanitarian crisis in our state and endanger the lives of Texans. We will surge the resources and law enforcement personnel needed to confront this crisis.”

    The deployment comes amid a drastic surge in illegal border crossings that began soon after President Biden took office. This increase pushed the White House to reopen the detention centers used to house migrants under the Trump administration.

    Rep. Henry Cueller (D-TX) noted that Border Patrol agents detained about 10,000 migrants in the Rio Grande Valley Sector during a seven-day period. “We are weeks, maybe even days, away from a crisis on the southern border. Inaction is simply not an option,” Cueller said in a written statement “Our country is currently unprepared to handle a surge in migrants in the middle of the pandemic.”

  • Texas Gov Lifts Mask Mandate …

    Texas Gov Lifts Mask Mandate …

    Texas Gov Lifts Mask Mandate & Business Restrictions Says ‘Its Time To Open Texas 100%’

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced on Tuesday that he is lifting Covid-19 restrictions in his state.

    “COVID-19 has not disappeared”, Abbot said, “but it’s clear that state mandates are no longer needed”.

    “it is now time to open Texas 100%” he said.

    RT reports: Abbott delivered the “exciting news” during a speech to the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, informing the assembled small business and community leaders that the mask mandate – in place since July – was no more.

    “We must now do more to restore livelihoods and normalcy for Texans by opening Texas 100 percent,” Abbott said in a statement on Tuesday – Texas’ Independence Day. “Make no mistake, Covid-19 has not disappeared, but it is clear from the recoveries, vaccinations, reduced hospitalizations, and safe practices that Texans are using that state mandates are no longer needed.”

    With this executive order, we are ensuring that all businesses and families in Texas have the freedom to determine their own destiny.

    The announcement that businesses would be permitted to operate at full capacity going forward doubtless came as a relief for those establishments struggling to return to full operation in the wake of one of the worst storms in Texas’ history. The snowstorm late last month took out power, heat, and other utilities to over four million Texans, killing dozens.

    Article: https://newspunch.com/texas-gov-lifts-mask-mandate-business-restrictions-says-its-time-to-open-texas-100/ By: March 2, 2021 Niamh Harris

    Comment: Good Choice !!

    See Also: It’s A Trap!

  • Schumer mocks Texas over deadly energy crisis…

    Schumer mocks Texas over deadly energy crisis…

    Schumer mocks Texas over deadly energy crisis, blames ‘ignored climate change’: ‘Hope they learned a lesson’

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer disparaged and mocked Texas on Sunday as the Lone Star State battles the crisis triggered by record-breaking winter weather last week.

    What happened in Texas?

    When snow, ice, and blistering arctic air engulfed Texas and the deep south last week, millions of Texans were left in the dark and cold for days.

    The Electric Reliability Council of Texas — which is responsible for supplying the majority of the state’s electricity for more than 25 million Texans — has come under fire for vulnerabilities in the Texas power grid. In fact, Texas was just “seconds and minutes” away from experiencing catastrophic failure with its energy grid that would have left the state in the dark for months, the Texas Tribute reported.

    More from the New York Post:

    Texas is the only state in the continental US to run its own stand-alone electricity grid and had not been forced to weatherize because it is not subject to federal oversight.

    The exact number of people who died from the extreme cold is not yet known.

    What did Schumer say?

    The New York Democrat said he hopes Texas “learned a lesson,” attributing the significant energy issues to officials who have “ignored climate change.

    “The bottom line is, Texas thought it could go it alone and built a system that ignored climate change,” Schumer said while speaking in Manhattan, the New York Post reported.

    “It was not what’s called resilient, and now Texas is paying the price,” he mocked. “I hope they learned a lesson.”

    Schumer went on to bash Texas officials for allegedly not considering the effects of climate change when constructing their energy systems.

    “When we build power, when we build anything now, we have to take into account that climate change is real, or people will have to be caught the way the people in Texas were,” Schumer said.

    “When I wrote the [Hurricane] Sandy bill, $60 billion for New York, we made sure everything was resilient,” he added. “When they built back the subways, built back this, built back that, they were going to be resistant to climate changes, and we have to do that.”
    https://www.theblaze.com/news/chuck-schumer-mocks-texas-energy-crisis By: Chris Enloe – February 21, 2021

    Comment: Schumer lack of compassion is rather jaw dropping – 69 deaths, $18 billion in damages and counting

  • Texas Doctor Charged for Giving Out Vaccine

    Texas Doctor Charged for Giving Out Vaccine

    Dr. Hasan Gokal at home in Sugar Land, Tex. 

    A doctor in Harris county Texas physician has been charged with stealing a vial of the Moderna covid vaccine. However not is all as it seems.

    Hasan Gokal was supervising a public vaccination event in the Houston suburb of Humble. The event was sparsely attended, as it was the first public vaccination event held in Harris county. Near dark, a nurse punctured a vial of vaccine to inject a final patient. Each vial contains 10-11 doses of vaccine and need to be used within 6 hours or it needs to be disposed of. After asking the first responders still at the event, Gokal called his supervisors and was told he could go ahead and use the remaining doses as he could.

    Finding no takers in the vaccination facility, Gokal took the vial and went home, and administered the remaining vaccine to

    • a man in his late 60s with health issues;
    • the man’s bed-bound mother, in her 90s;
    • his mother-in-law, in her mid-80s and with severe dementia;
    • his wife, her mother’s caregiver;
    • a housebound woman in her late 70s;
    • a distant acquaintance in her mid-50s who works at a health clinic’s front desk;
    • a 40-ish woman he had never met whose child relies on a ventilator.

    Several days later, the doctor said, the supervisor he had called and the human resources director summoned him to ask whether he had administered 10 doses outside of the scheduled event on Dec. 29. He said he had, in keeping with guidelines not to waste the vaccine — and was promptly fired. The officials maintained that he had violated protocol and should have returned the remaining doses to the office or thrown them away, the doctor recalled. He also said that one of the officials startled him by questioning the lack of “equity” among those he had vaccinated.

    That’s when Harris County’s district attorney, Kim Ogg, stepped in and charged Gokal with stealing the vial of vaccine. “He abused his position to place his friends and family in line in front of people who had gone through the lawful process to be there,” Ms. Ogg said.

     Franklin Bynum, the criminal court judge assigned to this case, dismissed the charges citing lack of evidence. “In the number of words usually taken to describe an allegation of retail shoplifting, the State attempts, for the first time, to criminalize a doctor’s documented administration of vaccine doses during a public health emergency,” he wrote. “The Court emphatically rejects this attempted imposition of the criminal law on the professional decisions of a physician.”

    Ogg isn’t taking the dressing down from the court lying down. She has announced plans to bring the charges to a grand jury.

     The Texas Medical Association and the Harris County Medical Society recently issued a joint statement of support for physicians like Dr. Gokal who find themselves scrambling “to avoid wasting the vaccine in a punctured vial.”

    “It is difficult to understand any justification for charging any well-intentioned physician in this situation with a criminal offense,” the statement said.

    Doctor Gokal is paying the price for not wasting a precious resource. He’s lost his job, is facing a criminal charge from a spiteful prosecutor and doent know when his ordeal is going to end.

  • Alamo Under Attack

    Alamo Under Attack

    Walter Buenger is the Texas State Historical Association’s chief historian. The TSHA is not a state agency, it is a nonprofit, but it plays a key role in history education in Texas schools, and of being an authoritative repository of the state’s history through its online Handbook of Texas.

    Buenger has recently made some assertions about the Alamo and it’s historical significance that bear some closer scrutiny. He claimed in a recent paper that the battle was “tactically insignificant” and that the historical importance is over blown. He also says the memory of the event and that of Goliad are steeped in “whiteness”and that it wasn’t recognized as important until decades after the battle, and then only as a “backlash to African Americans gaining more political power.”

    Most of you know this editor is a history type guy, with actual degrees and study to back it up. I have only one response to this dimwits assertions. Quoting the memorable Colonel Potter: Horse hockey.

    I don’t have the time today to do a proper fisking of “professor” Buenger’s paper today. Fortunately one has already been done by Bryan Preston over at PJMedia. He does an excellent job at showing where Buenger’s thesis fails when it runs into the historical record. I highly recommend reading it if you’re even remotely interested.

    It’s painful to me as a historian to see objective truth run through the processes of social justice, critical race theory and revisionism. In this case, it wasn’t just Anglos rebelling against Santa Anna, there was a very large contingent of Tejanos fighting against the dictator. In fact, one of the Tejano survivors of that massacre was Mayor of San Antonio for several years after Texas won it’s independence from Mexico.

  • Texas AG Files Mega Suit Against…

    Texas AG Files Mega Suit Against…

    Texas AG Files Mega Suit Against Fraud-Heavy Swing States

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in the United States Supreme Court.

    According to Paxton’s December 8th press release:

    The four states exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General Election. The battleground states flooded their people with unlawful ballot applications and ballots while ignoring statutory requirements as to how they were received, evaluated and counted.

    “Trust in the integrity of our election processes is sacrosanct and binds our citizenry and the States in this Union together. Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin destroyed that trust and compromised the security and integrity of the 2020 election. The states violated statutes enacted by their duly elected legislatures, thereby violating the Constitution. By ignoring both state and federal law, these states have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but of Texas and every other state that held lawful elections,” said Attorney General Paxton.

    “Their failure to abide by the rule of law casts a dark shadow of doubt over the outcome of the entire election. We now ask that the Supreme Court step in to correct this egregious error,” he added.

    Paxton also noted that the aforementioned rushed decisions “were not approved by the state legislatures, thereby circumventing the Constitution”:

    Elections for federal office must comport with federal constitutional standards. For presidential elections, each state must appoint its electors to the electoral college in a manner that complies with the Constitution. The Electors Clause requirement that only state legislatures may set the rules governing the appointment of electors and elections and cannot be delegated to local officials. The majority of the rushed decisions, made by local officials, were not approved by the state legislatures, thereby circumventing the Constitution.

    https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/texas-fraud-suit/ Natalie Winter – December 8, 2020

    Comment: God Bless, Texas

  • TX Supremes to Harris County: Hold Up

    TX Supremes to Harris County: Hold Up

    Texas Supreme Court Justices

    The Texas Supreme Court has issued an injunction preventing Harris County Clerk Christopher Hollins from going forward with his plan to send out mail in ballots to all 2.4 million voters in that county. I covered the initial suit by Texas AG Ken Paxton here.

    Hollins responded to the Texas Supreme Court’s temporary halt. The plan to send out applications is still in the works.

    “What the Supreme Court did here was to simply put a stamp on something Harris County has already agreed to do,” Hollins told ABC-13. “We made it clear that we are happy to have our day in court, and that we would be able to send out these applications on our chosen schedule while having our day in court — either this week or early next week. The Supreme Court’s stay merely rubberstamps what we already agreed to do.”

    In response to Paxton’s lawsuit, Hollins stated Monday that he was prepared to meet with the Secretary of State about Harris County’s plan.

    “If the Secretary of State would take the time to meet with us instead of jumping into court, they would see that the information we plan to share with voters provides clarity about voters’ rights and eligibility to vote by mail,” Hollins said in the statement.

    Governor Abbott, who is not in favor of universal mail-in voting due to the likelihood of fraud and ballot harvesting, tweeted his reaction to the court’s action.

    Hollins has made one concession, after Paxton’s lawsuit was filed, saying he’ll just send mail-in applications to eligible voters over the age of 65. That’s around 295,000 voters. Texas Election law states mail in voting is restricted to those 65 and older.

  • Texas AG Sues Harris County Clerk

    Texas AG Sues Harris County Clerk

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing Harris County Clerk Christopher Hollins to halt the county clerk’s plan to send a mail-in ballot application to every registered voter in Harris County.

    The suit alleges Hollins exceeded his authority in planning to send ballots to all of Harris county’s 2.4 million registered voters.

    “Election officials have a duty to reject mail-in ballot applications from voters who are not eligible to vote by mail,” Paxton said in a statement. “Unfortunately, instead of protecting the integrity of our democratic process, the Harris County clerk decided to knowingly violate election laws by preparing to send over two million ballot applications to many Texans who do not qualify and have not requested to vote by mail.”

    Texas Election Code permits county clerks and election administrators to send mail ballot applications to any voter who requests one, but does not provide explicit permission to send applications to those who made no such request.

    Most voters are ineligible for mail ballots, the attorney general asserts, therefore Hollins’s plan to send applications to millions of voters is irresponsible.

  • Aftermath: Hurricane Laura

    Aftermath: Hurricane Laura

    Hurricane Laura has now been downgraded to a tropical storm, but it left a path of devastation across eastern Texas and western Louisiana.
