Tag: Today Is

  • Today Is Chips and Dip Day

    Today Is Chips and Dip Day

    Chips and Dip Day

    No one really knows how Chips and Dip Day came to be. However, both dips and chips have long been a part of the human diet. This delicious recipe for dips has existed for thousands of years, but humans did not always have dips with chips — it was more common to consume them with bread. The earliest dip to become popular is the Greek tzatziki. The recipe for it remains true to the original — a combination of yogurt, cucumbers, garlic, salt, and olive oil. This type of dip pairs well with meats, citrus fruits, and bread. Guacamole, a dip made with avocados and olive oil, was first made by the Aztecs.

    The potato chip emerged thousands of years later. It is believed to have been invented in 1853 by a cook named George Crum. However, it was an invention of accident! A customer who kept returning his potato wedges annoyed Crum, saying that they were too thick. Eventually, Crum served the man potato slices so thin that when fried, he could see through them. He topped the fried potato slices with an excessive amount of salt. The customer, instead of sending back the food, actually loved it and that’s how potato chips were born. 

    At first, chips were a restaurant delicacy and by the 20th century, they were mass-produced for astonishingly cheap prices. But of course, potato chips are not the only chips that you can enjoy with dips. There are tortilla chips, corn chips, pretzel chips, and chips made from vegetables and fruits. Similarly, dips too can be of various flavors and are usually made with sour cream, cheeses, salsas, and seasonings. The combinations are endless and delicious.


    No one really knows how Chips and Dip Day came to be. However, both dips and chips have long been a part of the human diet. This delicious recipe for dips has existed for thousands of years, but humans did not always have dips with chips — it was more common to consume them with bread. The earliest dip to become popular is the Greek tzatziki. The recipe for it remains true to the original — a combination of yogurt, cucumbers, garlic, salt, and olive oil. This type of dip pairs well with meats, citrus fruits, and bread. Guacamole, a dip made with avocados and olive oil, was first made by the Aztecs.

    The potato chip emerged thousands of years later. It is believed to have been invented in 1853 by a cook named George Crum. However, it was an invention of accident! A customer who kept returning his potato wedges annoyed Crum, saying that they were too thick. Eventually, Crum served the man potato slices so thin that when fried, he could see through them. He topped the fried potato slices with an excessive amount of salt. The customer, instead of sending back the food, actually loved it and that’s how potato chips were born. 

    At first, chips were a restaurant delicacy and by the 20th century, they were mass-produced for astonishingly cheap prices. But of course, potato chips are not the only chips that you can enjoy with dips. There are tortilla chips, corn chips, pretzel chips, and chips made from vegetables and fruits. Similarly, dips too can be of various flavors and are usually made with sour cream, cheeses, salsas, and seasonings. The combinations are endless and delicious.


    • Make your own dip
      Make your own dip on Chips and Dip Day. You can make your favorite dip or try something totally new. Ask your grandmother for the family recipe or look up recipes online. There are so many varieties!
    • Make your own chips
      Take the celebrations of Chips and Dip Day up a notch by making your own chips. While tortilla or nacho chips are rather difficult to make, you can try your hand at potato chips.
    • Treat yourself to chips and dip
      Bring your friends together for a delicious snack of chips and dip on Chips and Dip Day. Lay out chips and a dip tasting tray with all your favorite kinds of chips and dips. What a fun way to celebrate the day!


    1. The air in the bag is nitrogen
      Nitrogen ensures that the chips stay fresh and do not break.
    2. They briefly went extinct
      This was during WWII when food supplies were difficult to secure.
    3. Americans love plain chips
      It’s the most popular flavor, followed by barbeque and sour cream and onions.
    4. Americans consume a lot of chips
      Americans consume about 1.85 billion pounds of chips annually.
    5. The world’s “Potato Chip Capital”
      Pennsylvania makes more potato chips than anywhere in the world.


    • It is delicious
      We love Chips and Dip Day because it is a delicious snack. Everyone, no matter their age, loves chips and dip. They are easy to eat, quick to make, and there are so many flavors to choose from.
    • It celebrates innovation
      Chips and Dip Day also celebrates innovation in food. Chips were an invention of accident and humans have been inventing and tweaking dip recipes since time immemorial. The day encourages us to experiment with different flavors or ways of making chips and dips.
    • A day to party
      Chips and Dip Day is a day to party. The snack is an essential food at every party and the best way to celebrate the day is by bringing together your loved ones and treating everyone to this delicious snack.
  • Today Is As Young As You Feel Day

    Today Is As Young As You Feel Day

    As Young As You Feel Day – March 22, 2025

    We celebrate As Young As You Feel Day on March 22 every year. When they said “Age is just a number,” it wasn’t a lie after all. It doesn’t matter how old you are. Feeling young is a state of mind. No matter your age, no one can stop you from feeling young and alive. You can be a senior citizen, someone who has recently turned 40, or even a kid. Every single person gets to celebrate this day and their youthfulness. It is all about believing that you are as young as you feel. Your actual age does not matter.


    Since time immemorial, there have been efforts recorded of people trying to beat aging and feel young again. Before anti-aging creams, pills, and surgeries, many other forms of remedies were invented to stop the age clock. Many scientists also believe that age has nothing to do with how young we look or feel. People age differently and their bodies go through various changes that are unique to them. Even before As Young As You Feel Day came into being, people have been trying to rewind time and feel youthful again.

    Around 69 B.C., Cleopatra used to take daily baths in donkey milk to make sure her skin remained soft and young. This skincare routine required a stable consisting of at least 700 donkeys.

    In 1513, the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon went on a voyage in search of the fountain of youth. This was a legendary fountain that apparently could bring an individual back from old age. The fountain promised eternal life and everlasting youth. The explorer was unsuccessful in his attempt to locate the fountain because instead of finding the fountain of youth, he discovered Florida instead.

    The women in the Elizabethan era also did not grow old without a fight — they placed thin slices of raw meat on their faces to reduce wrinkles. It was believed that the meat would help tighten the skin and thus keep it from sagging.

    On noticing frown lines on her daughter Alice’s face, Margaret Kroesen developed Frownies in 1889. These were adhesive patches that held the skin taut to smooth wrinkles.


    • Post a throwback picture
      Nothing like reminding yourself and your followers on social media that you’re still young at heart, by dressing up in your old college clothes and posting a picture. Caption it with the hashtag #AsYoungAsYouFeelDay and inspire others to do the same.
    • Sing your heart out
      Trying some karaoke is a great way to feel youthful. Find your favorite song and sing like the young rockstar that you are!
    • Try something new
      Feeling young is also about trying new things. If there’s something that you have always wanted to do (like bungee jumping!), now is your time to try.


    1. Aging is not influenced by your genes 
      Many factors influence aging, including external and internal.
    2. Getting wrinkles does not make you old
      Wrinkles are not the first sign of old age, worry not.
    3. Expensive does not mean effective
      You can ditch your expensive anti-aging creams, they aren’t doing much.
    4. More is not always better
      Drinking more water to look young is not a proven fact.
    5. Stay away from skin irritants 
      If it produces a burning sensation on your skin, it’s not working!


    • To appreciate life
      Feeling young means that you feel alive and energetic. This day is a great way to celebrate life.
    • To feel good about ourselves
      This day allows us to get out of our comfort zones and challenge ourselves. It makes us feel confident in our skin.
    • It reduces depression
      Celebrating youthfulness helps reduce sadness and negative thoughts. Today is all about positive vibes.
  • Today Is March Equinox

    Today Is March Equinox

    March Equinox

    Wherever you may be on Earth, the equinox brings us several seasonal effects which have been noticeable to nature lovers around the globe for years. The word ‘equinox’ originates from two Latin words: ‘aequus’ meaning equal and ‘nox’ meaning night. The literal meaning is ‘equal night.’ Our ancestors, who had far less precise timekeeping than we do, believed that night and day were equal. But today we know this is not true. 

    People have been celebrating the March Equinox for centuries and since it is associated with spring the festivals tend to celebrate fertility and agriculture. The Romans used this day to celebrate their goddess Cybele who has driven around in a chariot drawn by lions. Ancient Persia in roughly 550 B.C., celebrated the vernal equinox as Nowruz, their New Year. Modern Iranians still celebrate this time as their New Year. During the era of the Shang Dynasty, which ruled China from 1600 to 1046 B.C., it was believed that the spring equinox marked a mythic beginning, a type of ‘start of their line.’ Jews in the 12th Century believed that the spring equinox marked the day in the year in which the Biblical plague that turned Egypt’s water into blood occurred.

    The festival of ‘Holi’ is the March equinox festival in India. This is celebrated in honor of various Hindu deities and legends. It signals the triumph of Good vs Evil, the most notable being the legend of Krishna and Rhada. Ancient cultures had great awareness of nature, the seasons, and the movement of the celestial bodies. Many built sites that had a glaringly obvious use: that of a calendar. These were often aligned to display shafts of sunlight during solstices and equinoxes. Examples of these are Chichen Itza in Mexico, Mnajdra Temples in Malta, and Stonehenge in England.


    • Spring Clean
      The March equinox is the perfect time to give your house an overhaul. Start by decluttering your house.
    • Do some gardening
      Growth symbolizes triumph over death and being reborn therefore it has become a tradition to plant seeds at this time of the year. Add some colorful flowers to your garden to celebrate spring.
    • Visit ancient sites
      Various ancient sites are linked to March equinox celebrations and traditions. Pack a bag, call a friend or two and set out on an adventure.


    1. The sun rises and sets the fastest
      The fastest sunsets and sunrises occur during this time of the year.
    2. Spring occurs on two different days
      There are two different calendars: the astronomical and the meteorological calendar. If we go by the astronomical calendar, spring will fall on March 20 but if we go by the other, spring will occur on March 1.
    3. It’s Mother’s day
      In Arab countries, Mother’s Day is often observed on the March equinox.
    4. It marks the middle of Spring
      In East Asian countries the March equinox marks the halfway point of spring.
    5. It signals the start of a festival
      Boatyard employees and sailboat owners in the U.S hold the Burning of the Socks festival where socks are burnt to celebrate the warmer weather.


    • It is celebrated around the world
      The March equinox is celebrated by many cultures around the world. We love that it has a unifying factor.
    • It signals new beginnings
      The March equinox symbolizes growth and new beginnings. It is a clear marker of the change from winter to spring.
    • Days are longer
      Along with longer days, the weather starts to warm up as well. Nature reflects this change with the blooming of new flowers and plants.

    There is occasional debate as to whether flannel sheets and down comforters/wool blankets are changed to cotton sheets and blankets on the Equinox or the Monday after Easter.

  • Today Is National Chocolate Carmel Day

    Today Is National Chocolate Carmel Day

    National Chocolate Caramel Day

    Chocolate has a long history and was used widely across pre-Columbian America since the ancient Central Americans established a thriving culture and grew different crops. Through contact with the European explorers, chocolate found its way to Europe and eventually to the rest of the world. The early European settlers began making candies in their homes in the latter decades of the 17th century. The earlier forms of these candies were made simply with water and sugar derived from beetroot juice. Later, fat and milk were added to produce the rich and creamy texture of caramel. Thus, the invention of chocolate caramel seems to have been an event just waiting for the two civilizations on different sides of the Atlantic to come together.

    It was only a matter of time before some genius mind would come up with the idea of combining the two. That lucky person was Milton Hershey. Today, the name ‘Hershey’s’ is synonymous with quality chocolate products, but few know the brain behind this company who singlehandedly made chocolate caramel famous throughout the United States.

    During the 1800s, when all major candy manufacturers in America were making traditional hard candies, Milton Hershey’s Lancaster Caramel Company was one of the few companies that focused on making chocolate-covered caramels instead of hard candies. But it was in 1893 when these chocolate-covered caramels really became popular. Hershey was so greatly influenced by the machines used by the Germans for making chocolate bars that he adapted the same technology and started mass producing caramel-covered chocolates.


    Chocolate has a long history and was used widely across pre-Columbian America since the ancient Central Americans established a thriving culture and grew different crops. Through contact with the European explorers, chocolate found its way to Europe and eventually to the rest of the world. The early European settlers began making candies in their homes in the latter decades of the 17th century. The earlier forms of these candies were made simply with water and sugar derived from beetroot juice. Later, fat and milk were added to produce the rich and creamy texture of caramel. Thus, the invention of chocolate caramel seems to have been an event just waiting for the two civilizations on different sides of the Atlantic to come together.

    It was only a matter of time before some genius mind would come up with the idea of combining the two. That lucky person was Milton Hershey. Today, the name ‘Hershey’s’ is synonymous with quality chocolate products, but few know the brain behind this company who psinglehandedly made chocolate caramel famous throughout the United States.

    During the 1800s, when all major candy manufacturers in America were making traditional hard candies, Milton Hershey’s Lancaster Caramel Company was one of the few companies that focused on making chocolate-covered caramels instead of hard candies. But it was in 1893 when these chocolate-covered caramels really became popular. Hershey was so greatly influenced by the machines used by the Germans for making chocolate bars that he adapted the same technology and started mass producing caramel-covered chocolates.


    • Make a customized chocolate bouquet
      No one can resist a good old caramel-filled chocolate bar with nuts and gooey nougat. You can send a nice chocolate bouquet to cheer up your loved ones. Just go to your local grocery shop, pick up some caramel-filled chocolate bars, drop some caramel cookies in the mix and wrap them in see-through cellophane using a fancy ribbon or glitter tape.
    • Whip up some instant homemade ice cream
      There is no better way to welcome the summer than a bowl of homemade chocolate and caramel ice cream. All you need to do is blend some heavy whipping cream with chocolate chips, caramel sauce, and powdered sugar together in a blender. Pour the mix into an air-tight box and freeze it overnight. Drizzle some more chocolate chips with caramel sauce on top and enjoy!
    • Give a choco-caramel twist to your morning coffee
      This is probably one of the simplest ways to celebrate National Chocolate Caramel Day. All you need to do is grab a coffee mug and stir in your favorite instant coffee mix with half a teaspoon of warm water, caramel, and chocolate sauce. Boil a cup of full cream milk and pour it over your coffee mix. To take that perfect coffee picture for Instagram, you can top it with a dollop of whipping cream.


    1. Americans are obsessed with it
      More than 20,000 Kisses are made every single minute at Hershey’s plant in Pennsylvania.
    2. It gives you an instant dose of energy
      There are more than 25 calories in a single Hershey Kiss.
    3. It is available in various flavors
      Earlier, Hershey Miniatures was not sold as a separate product but was used for sampling the flavors of its upcoming chocolate bars.
    4. Chocolate for the wealthy
      Early Hershey’s chocolate bars were so expensive that only very wealthy people could afford them.
    5. Hershey’s makes millions of chocolate Kisses every day
      These chocolates are so popular that Hershey’s makes nearly 80 million of them alone every day.


    • It is a versatile and lovable flavor
      You can make many types of desserts with chocolate caramel. It is known to enhance the taste of even the blandest foods. From pancakes and brownies to coffee and cookies, chocolate and caramel go well with all types of hot and cold desserts. You can also use it as a topping on your drinks or mix it inside your cookie or cake batter.
    • Bakers and chocolatiers love to experiment with caramel sauce
      Making dessert art can be a fun way to celebrate this holiday. Caramel sauce can be spread on a baking sheet and baked until it hardens. Then it can be used to decorate cakes and brownies. It sets very easily and can be molded into artistic shapes. Working in a cool environment delivers the best results.
    • You can make other alternatives for sweeteners
      There are many ways to prepare chocolate caramel in your home. You can make homemade chocolate and caramel sauce with various types of sweeteners. Instead of using refined sugar, you can make it with honey, condensed milk, brown sugar, and sugarcane juice. These products contain fewer calories and add a unique taste to the finished product.

  • National K9 Veterans Day

    National K9 Veterans Day

    National K9 Veterans Day


    • They’re here to protect us
      Dogs already bring us such joy by being lovable and loyal. However, they bring us even more joy when they’re working toward justice. From the first sentry dogs in Dogs of Defense to dogs that are trained to sniff out contraband or follow criminals, K9 dogs can do it all. And they have. Historically, K9 dogs have comprised Search and Rescue teams at Ground Zero, served as Security Dogs, and more. We thank them for their service!
    • They’re adorable as anything
      You know the expression “there’s nothing cuter than a man in uniform?” We’d like to adapt that, because whoever coined it was clearly talking about dogs. We have two points to back up this argument. Firstly, there’s something so precious about how serious K9 dogs gets when they’re doing their jobs. Secondly, they get tiny little police vests. Case closed.
    • They’re incredibly well-trained
      In a time where some parents can’t even get their own children to regularly take out the trash, K9 dogs are impeccably trained. Don’t believe us? Some K9s are trained to bite down on the arms of criminals to keep them in place upon command. However, the dogs are not allowed to draw blood. So they know exactly how hard to bite down to hold without being violent. That’s incredible! K9 dogs, we salute you.