Tag: Tucker Carlson

  • Censorship of the First Amendment (& You?)

    Censorship of the First Amendment (& You?)

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


    Part 2 is not available on X, yet. But, MVAP will post when Jen does. However,
    Epoch TV normally allows for one free trial on American Thought Leaders.



  • TCN – The Vladimir Putin Interview

    TCN – The Vladimir Putin Interview

    Tucker interviews Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia. February 6th, 2024.






    Putin gives a history of Russia & Ukraine


    NATO Expansion


    NATO & Bill Clinton




    What triggered this conflict?


    A peaceful solution?


    Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines?


    Re-establishing communication with the US


    How powerful is Zelensky?


    Elon Musk & AI


    Imprisoned American journalist Evan Gershkovich

  • Tucker Carlson Interviews Texas AG Ken Paxton

    Tucker Carlson Interviews Texas AG Ken Paxton

    This is really a good interview.  Texas AG Ken Paxton shares the details of how the fraudulent impeachment process was created out of thin air and then launched against him by Democrats and Karl Rove/Bush Republicans in Texas.  The process explanation is blood boiling, and yet Paxton was gagged from speaking about it throughout the impeachment effort.

    Tucker Carlson spends a lot of time asking questions about the origination of the impeachment effort, and during the interview Paxton outlines the legal challenges he was bringing against specific interests, Big Pharma, Google and Joe Biden, that led to the merge of Democrats and Texas Republicans trying to take him out.  It’s a remarkable and eye-opening interview.  WATCH:


    Posted: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/09/21/tucker-carlson-interviews-texas-ag-ken-paxton/

  • Tucker Carlson Outlines the Washington Post Intimidation Campaign…

    Tucker Carlson Outlines the Washington Post Intimidation Campaign…

    Tucker Carlson Outlines the Washington Post Intimidation Campaign Against Social Media Account, Libs of TikTok

    April 20, 2022 

    On his evening broadcast, Fox News host Tucker Carlson outlined the left-wing collective effort to target and intimidate the social media account LibsofTikTok.   WATCH:

    SIDEBAR – A few weeks ago I accidentally ended one Sunday morning at a fascinating Glenn Greenwald article giving a deep dive around the Washington Post “reporter” Taylor Lorenz, who is at the center of this story.  READ IT HERE  As an outcome of that Greenwald article, I traveled though the internets to find a fascinating YouTube expose’ on the same Taylor Lorenz.  WATCH IT HERE

    You’ll never get the time in your life back that it takes to see the fulsome picture of how 49-year-old Taylor Lorenz operates.  However, the background of her insane ideological effort is quite remarkable.   If you are ever bored, or perhaps laid up with a broken leg and looking for something to take your mind off the situation, check out the Greenwald article and complimentary video.  This Taylor Lorenz character is seriously disturbed.

    Libs of TikTok creator discusses how WaPo reporter Taylor Lorenz published her identity and how it has impacted her and her family’s lives on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

    Source: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/20/tucker-carlson-outlines-the-washington-post-intimidation-campaign-against-social-media-account-libs-of-tiktok/

  • Patriot Purge – Tucker Carlson

    Patriot Purge – Tucker Carlson

    Patriot Purge Part 1: Exclusive Preview

    The domestic war on terror is here — and it’s coming for half of the country. Tucker explores how the Biden regime is using the Capitol riots on January Sixth to paint Americans as terrorists. But what exactly happened on 1/6 and how much of what we were told was a lie?


    Patriot Purge Part 2: Exclusive Preview

    The Biden regime has launched one of the largest manhunts in history. Tucker and his team talk to patriots that kicked in the doors of terrorists that are now having their doors kicked in by the state they once served.


    Patriot Purge Part 3: Exclusive Preview

    Meet the political prisoners of the new war on terror. The accused of 1/6 have endured abuse and months of pretrial detention. And now War on Terror 2.0 has its first confirmed kill: slain protestor Ashli Babbitt. 


    Opinion/Comment: Although, I am unable to watch the Patriot Purge three part documentary, aside from the previews, as presented & narrated by Tucker Carlson; due to my geographic location. I would be very curious to know others comments and/or opinions in light of the vitriol expressed by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, The Atlantic et alia towards the documentary & the personal attacks against Tucker?

    The comments range from the absurd – Tucker Carlson Is Stirring Up Hatred of America – The Atlantic. Maybe, you would like to explain that to the hundreds of Patriots who have been locked up indefinitely & their constitutional rights violated……to the ridiculous – Why Fox News won’t cut Tucker Carlson loose — even after ‘Patriot Purge’ – NBC News. Well, possibly due to the fact the First Amendment protects freedom of speech.

  • Whistleblower Told Carlson Biden Admin’s IC is Illegally Monitoring

    Whistleblower Told Carlson Biden Admin’s IC is Illegally Monitoring

    REPORT: Whistleblower Told Tucker Carlson Biden Admin’s IC is Illegally Monitoring His Electronic Communications

    In what may be an early example of the saying “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander,” Tucker Carlson reported on his show Monday night that he has received notice — AND EVIDENCE — that internal communications among the staff of his show are being monitored by the Intelligence Community of the Biden Administration.  This would be the first reported instance that I’m aware of regarding a Biden Administration official leaking information to a news media outlet calling attention to allegedly illegal/objectionable conduct taking place inside the Administration.

    These kinds of leaks were endemic during the Trump Administration, as liberal Trump-hating officials in the government bureaucracy regularly leaked information to media outlets hostile to Trump such as the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN.  Now we have a Biden Administration Official engaged in the same conduct — but this time the operations being “leaked” are targeted at a media outlet hostile to Biden.

    The segment that runs a little over two minutes is captured in the Tweet below by my new BFF Cernovich.


    While the piece is relatively short, there are a few issues covered by Carlson that need to be unpacked, starting with the claims about the NSA.

    Carlson reports that over the weekend he was in contact with a “whistleblower within the US Government.”  Later Carlson adds that the Whistleblower is “in a position” to know the information he/she was providing.

    According to Carlson, the Whistleblower told him the NSA is monitoring communications for the purpose of later leaking them to the public with the goal of taking Carlson’s show off the air. To prove that the information was legitimate, the Whistleblower described back to Carlson information about a story his staff is working on that could have only come from text messages and email communications between Carlson and members of his staff. Carlson told his audience that they filed a “Freedom of Information Act” request earlier today seeking any and all information about surveillance activities being conduct against him or members of his staff by any government agency.

    There are a few legal and technical inaccuracies in Tucker’s story — not really his fault; he’s just got a few details wrong. The NSA is not “spying” on Carlson — the NSA “spies” on everyone all the time.  The NSA gathers “signals intelligence.” Pretty much every form of communication or data transfer that takes place in electronic fashion is monitored and recorded by the NSA in massive database facilities in various locations. It is listening to everyone all the time. NSA’s technical capabilities involve simply “riding” the structural “spine” of the internet, and copying data as it passes through. It similarly intercepts electronic data in the atmosphere and downloads it.

    Accessing the contents of those databases by government officials for the purpose of pulling out and listening to/looking at the communications by specific individuals is the act of “spying.” The NSA does not have a cadre of employees/agents who engage in that activity on their own. The NSA workforce simply pulls out data at the request of other government agencies in the intelligence community and passes along the requested information to them.

    There is a legal process for doing this. But with respect to United States citizens, that process is supposed to involve an appropriate warrant issued by a federal judge based on the correct kind of showing under an appropriate statute, all justifying access to the stored communications. It is certainly possible that some agency has gone through that process to access the communications of Carlson and his staff, but it is hard to come up with any kind of plausible “legal” scenario involving a subject matter that might involve. The fact that a Whistleblower reached out to Carlson to alert him to what was happening and communicated to him that the motives behind the acts are political lends substantial credence to the idea this is an illegal enterprise being conducted for political goals.

    A second issue raised by Carlson tonight is his report that FBI “Agents” — plural — to whom he spoke over the weekend confirmed that the FBI did have “sources” or “informants” among the crowd during the protests on January 6.

    I’m not sure that is a shocking revelation as federal law enforcement often mixes in, or has sources providing information who are mixed in among protest crowds at public gatherings.  Carlson’s report on what he was told by the Agents ends with that, but Carlson added words to the effect “So the FBI knew what was going to happen.”  It is impossible to know if that is true without knowing what information the FBI sources had learned prior to the protests beginning.  Just having sources in place is oftentimes not enough — it all depends on whether the place where they have positioned themselves is such that they can acquire non-public information known only to a limited number of people.

    But, more important in my view is the contact reported by Carlson confirms something that I have long tried to convince readers about — that there are “anti-Biden” and “anti-Democrat” people employed across the federal workforce — including in the Intelligence Community and the FBI — and these people will be a source of information to the outside world in the same way that “anti-Trumpers” inside the Trump Administration were sources of information to the outside world.  These people exist, in large numbers, and they hate what the Democrats and the Biden Administration are starting to do to the institutions where they work and to the country as a whole.

    The next task is uncovering the operation that has targeted Carlson and exposing the Biden Administration Officials involved.
    By: Shipwreckedcrew – June 28, 2021 https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2021/06/28/report-nsa-spying-on-tucker-carlson-fox-news-show-staff-with-intent-to-leak-and-force-show-off-the-air-n404090

    Comment: Now here’s where Shipwreckedcrew and I differ in our opinions: The “leaks” which appeared in CNN, WaPo, NYT and CNN were in fact footnoted extensively in the final Mueller Russian collusion and Pres. Trump impeachment hoax; approximately 200+ times and presented by Weissmann & company as irrefutable proof of collusion. So to infer this is simply a tit for tat situation….I would beg to disagree .

    However, as for the NSA, I am in complete agreement – they are data collectors and spy on everyone.

    ….as liberal Trump-hating officials in the government bureaucracy regularly leaked information to media outlets hostile to Trump such as the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN. ….

  • U.S. Space Command Sr. … Posts Second Video

    U.S. Space Command Sr. … Posts Second Video

    U.S. Space Command Sr. Enlisted Leader Who Previously Attacked Tucker Posts Second Video

    We’ve been writing about how Tucker Carlson questioned whether Joe Biden’s focus should be on maternity flight suits and updated requirements for hairstyles, as Biden in fact said, or whether it would really should be on the real threats that we face from countries like China, that perhaps their focus was on the wrong things.

    Then members of the Defense Department proved his point by showing indeed their focus wasn’t on the right things as official military Twitter accounts, even the DOD website itself, attacked him, a Fox host, and misrepresented what he said, suggesting that he was saying that women shouldn’t be serving in the military.

    These were perhaps the three worst responses.


    It’s extremely concerning when you have actual official military accounts and military in uniform attacking a private citizen in an unprecedented political attack, not to mention misrepresenting what was said. The military is not supposed to take a side, it’s supposed to be apolitical, this shows how problematic it has become that this has happened now under Joe Biden, that this was clearly allowed as a response if even the official DOD website and official accounts were engaging in this.

    As we wrote, the Official U.S. Marine Corps Twitter for the II MEF Information Group may have learned at least something after getting a huge backlash from former and presently serving military as to how improper this was.


    But the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of U.S. Space Command, Master Gunnery Sergeant Stalker, U.S.M.C., posted another video. This time, at least he was out of uniform, although still posting from his official account. He still showed that he clearly was missing the point, stop proving Tucker right already.


    He tried to defend his statement clearly not thinking it wrong in any way and thought it was only about trying to silence dissent. No, Master Gunnery Sergeant, it’s also about your focus. Why are you responding at all, not to mention misleading about what Tucker said suggesting he was attacking pregnant women? You still show your focus is in the wrong place when you post videos like this. And yes, we can comment (at least at the moment) about problematic statements like Joe Biden’s and yours, even if we have zero time in the military because we are Americans.

    These statements from the military show a real and significant problem in the military that needs to be addressed when they are so politically corrupted. Because if it isn’t, it places all of us in danger.
    By: Nick Arama https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/03/14/u-s-space-command-sr-enlisted-leader-who-previously-attacked-tucker-posts-second-video-n343195

    Comment: All of this in 280 characters postings at one time from the Twitterverse.

  • What’s in a name?

    What’s in a name?

    So. There seems to be a new tool in the Marxist Shame Shed . . . mispronouncing names.

    In case ya missed the news, this past July 28 there was a rather tense House Judiciary Committee hearing about the “protests” destroying our nations cities, and the use of federal law enforcement agencies to control same. During the hearing, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) interrupted Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) after Lesko asked AG Barr, “Mr. Attorney General, is that your understanding of what happened here? Do you agree with Ms. Jayapal that there was no takeover, it was jus . . . “

    BUZZ!!! Bad, bad White Supremacist Lesko!

    Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the first American of Indian descent to serve in the House of Representatives, interrupted Lesko mid-sentence to forcefully state, “JYE-ah-paul. If you’re going to say my name, please say it right. It’s JYE-ah-paul.” Jayapal has been serving citizens of the State of Washington since 2017. Her congressional district, the 7th, includes Seattle.

    Lesko acknowledged the rude interruption, carefully articulating “JYE-ah-paul,” before getting back to the business that was at hand – interviewing the invited witness, Attorney General William Barr.

    Which now brings us to last night and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA.) Harris was born in the US of A out of an Indian mother, by a Jamaican father (if a Stanford University professor can be called a man, that is) and was announced as Joe Biden’s pick for Vice President. Her first name ain’t standard ‘Merican. So, it gets mispronounced by standard ‘Mericans.

    SIDENOTE: I embrace ‘Merican as apostrophes designate a missing letter, not a misspelled rest of the word
    . . . no offense to my fellow ‘Muricans and ‘Murikans out there.

    A Democratic political consultant what goes by the name, Richard Goodstein, appeared on the Tucker Carlson show last night. As the two chit chatted about Joe Biden’s new VP pick, Tucker continually mispronounced Ms. Harris’ name the way most of us mispronounce her name – kah-MAH-lah. The way her mother actually intended the name to be pronounced is, KAH-mah-lah.

    Goodstein felt as though Carlson needed to be schooled in public, apparently. “Tucker, can I just say one thing?”

    Carlson, “Of course.”

    Goodstein, “Because this will serve you and your fellow hosts on Fox. Her name is pronounced ‘comma’ — like the pronunciation mark — ‘la.’ Comma-la.”

    “I think out of respect for someone who’s going to be on the national ticket, pronouncing her name right is kind of a bare minimum,” Goodstein replied when Tucker tossed out a jaunty, “So what?” in response to the tacky, public correction. (Currently resisting the urge to now refer to her as, “ComeOnY’all” just to cheeze the Left.)

    I awoke today wondering how Kamala Harris is feeling about a white man defending her name virtue. I’ve not ever seen her, personally, correct somebody who mispronounced her name. Lack of eyewitness testimony on my part does not mean it hasn’t happened, of course. Does Kamala Harris not care how people say her name or does she have the decency to correct those who misspeak unintentionally in more private environs than a television broadcast? Or . . . is Mispronunciation Shaming a new method of Ivory Tower judgement dispensation being adopted by the “woke” members of our increasingly fascist society?

    The answer is a toss up, considering how tolerance for others and basic manners seem to run counter to the Progressive/Social Justice Democrat/Marxist mien. Gently correcting an error in private seems de passe in today’s, “ME! ME! ME!” world. As I pondered our degrading civilisation, wondering how Jayapal may have found disrupting a public hearing to try and embarrass Rep. Lesko in any way appropriate behaviour (particularly when presenting her supposed belief in propriety and respect,) NBC News enlightened me:

    “Experts said mispronouncing a name can be a form of racial microaggression.

    Rita Kohli, a race and ethnicity scholar at the University of California, Riverside, said last month that mispronouncing names is part of moving through a diverse, multilingual world. Pronouncing a name correctly the first time can be difficult without the proper tools, but mispronunciations and Anglicization of names can suggest that the dominant culture is superior and that assimilation is the best option, she said.

    Catherine Ceniza Choy, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of California, Berkeley, said last month that names are crucial to a person’s individual, family and ethnic identity. She said the simple act of learning people’s names acknowledges their history and presence.”


    Oh. OK, then. Mispronouncing the name of a person who is not of the same cultural or ethnic descent as one’s self is now an act of open disregard for others and supremacism. White U.S. of Americans are so racist, they don’t even give a hoot about trying to properly pronounce names that originally contained characters not found in the modern English alphabet. The proper pronunciation burden lays on the majority . . . to KNOW . . . to be SENSITIVE enough to seek out a lofty height from which to toss our unworthy selves when we mispronounce somebody’s name. There seems to be no onus at all on people who know their name is other than mainstream to politely correct a person if they’ve been called, “Jake” instead of “Jay-Kay,” as Mom meant for it to be pronounced. (I missed the lil accent on the ‘E’ as well, because it’s not there, don’t feel bad.)

    Arrogant, dismissive and bigoted people drowning in oceans full of White Privilege are not interested in properly enunciating unfamiliar monikers. Mispronunciation errors are a manifestation of disrespectful racial supremacy, nothing else. At all. That logic helps to explain why my friend Augustine from Nigeria still pronounces my name with long vowels instead of short. Huh. There must be loopholes.

  • The Duckworth conundrum

    The Duckworth conundrum

    Over the weekend, Senator Tammy Duckworth; D-IL, was on CNN with Dana Bash. During the course of the appearance, Bash asked about the current trend of tearing down statues of those the left finds problematic. Duckworth voiced her support for that:

    President Trump gave a speech at Mount Rushmore Friday night. He talked about the importance of preserving historical monuments. Take a listen.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

    TRUMP: Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children.


    BASH: Senator, I know that you support change in the name of military bases named after Confederate leaders. But there are leaders like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson who were slave owners, and some people are demanding that their monuments come down, too. So, in your view, where does it end? Should statues, for example, of George Washington come down?

    SEN. TAMMY DUCKWORTH (D-IL): Well, let me just say that we should start off by having a national dialogue on it at some point. But, right now, we’re in the middle of a global pandemic. And our — one of our ally — one of our — countries that are opposed to us, Russia, has put a bounty on American troops’ head. What really struck me about this speech that the president gave at Mount Rushmore was that he spent more time worried about honoring dead Confederates than he did talking about the lives of our American — 130,000 Americans who lost their lives to COVID-19, or by warning Russia off of the bounty they’re putting on Americans’ heads [09:45:03]

    I mean, his priorities are all wrong here. He should be talking about what we’re going to do to overcome this pandemic. What are we going to do to push Russia back? And, instead, he had no time for that. He spent all his time talking about dead traitors.

    BASH: So, that might be — be true, but George Washington, I don’t think anybody would call him a traitor. And there are…


    BASH: … moves by some to remove statues of him. Is that a good idea?

    DUCKWORTH: I think we should listen to everybody. I think we should listen to the argument there. But remember that the president at Mount Rushmore was standing on ground that was stolen from Native Americans who had actually been given that land during a treaty.

    And, again, let’s talk about the greater context of where we are in our country right now. We should be talking about the fact that COVID- 19 is experiencing a resurgence, and both this president and the man he put in charge of the pandemic response team, the vice president, have both failed miserably at their jobs. I’m more worried about the 130,000 who have lost their lives recently and the thousands and thousands more Americans who are currently sick than I am about the — our historical past. We need to talk about what we’re doing now to bring this country off of the brink of chaos that it’s in.


    Ok, so she’s voicing her opinion, and that, while I strenuously disagree, is fine. What’s not fine is her reaction when Tucker Carlson called her out for being unpatriotic. She immediately hopped on Twitter with this gem:


    Then Captain Duckworth lost both legs after getting her Blackhawk shot down by an RPG while in Iraq. She also suffered debilitating injuries to her right arm. She was awarded the I forgot to duck medal for her injuries and was promoted to major while in Walter Reed.

    The implications of that tweet are astonishing to me, as a combat vet and an American Patriot. The good senator seems to think that she’s above any criticism because of her injuries. That she can hold up her Purple Heart and combat service as a shield.

    Tucker, and I by extension, aren’t questioning her service. What’s being questioned is her current state of mind and the lack of patriotism and historical perspective. Service, and honorable service especially, is not and never has been something to hide from criticism behind.

    As everyone who ever wore the uniform knows, the military is a microcosm of the United States. Admittedly, while there is a higher proportion of Patriots in the military than in the general population, my point still stands. You find all sorts in the military.

    Senator Duckworth, while she may not have started this way, is an unpatriotic, uneducated fool. I knew a couple of individuals like that during my term of service.

    That when given an opportunity to confront Tucker directly, he has a standing offer for her to appear on his show, she declined says a lot about her.