Tag: Tulsi Gabbard

  • Tulsi Gabbard Confirmed as DNI

    Tulsi Gabbard Confirmed as DNI

    In a nearly party line vote, Tulsi Gabbard was confirmed as President Trump’s Director of National Intelligence. The vote, which was originally scheduled for last night, was 52-48. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky was the lone Republican to vote no on her confirmation.

    Gabbard, who is a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserves, was a congressman from Hawaii from 2013 to 2021 when she ran for president.

    According to Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullin, Robert Kennedy Jr is up next, with a vote scheduled for Thursday. Kash Patel’s final vote is expected some time next week.

  • Tulsi Gabbard Delivers a Message on Russia and Ukraine Sure to Tick off Everyone

    Tulsi Gabbard Delivers a Message on Russia and Ukraine Sure to Tick off Everyone

    Tensions on the border between Russia and Ukraine remain high. Vladamir Putin has threatened to invade the neighboring country just as he did in 2014, seizing the Crimea region and embarrassing the Western powers who sat idly by. In response to that threat of aggression, Joe Biden has done what he always does — fumbled about while projecting weakness.

    And while there’s broad disapproval of Russia’s behavior as a whole within the United States, there are sharp splits within different political factions on exactly what should be done. Tulsi Gabbard added to that debate today, releasing a message that’s sure to tick off everyone. Well, almost everyone.

    Judging by the social media response, the neoconservative types absolutely hated her message. They’ve long seen Tulsi Gabbard as the embodiment of evil. Personally, I don’t go that far, and while I don’t agree with all her foreign policy takes, I think she generally means well. I certainly don’t think she’s some moral derelict in comparison to those who propagated 20 years’ worth of wars that largely led to nothing but dead bodies and wasted money.

    Honestly, a lot of the people on the right attacking her should probably look in the mirror. Good intentions only go so far, and they often leave a string of dead bodies behind. Gabbard’s disposition on foreign conflict, having served herself, is far more isolationist than most, but I don’t believe that makes her inherently bad. Every situation should be judged on its own merits. What is the national interest involving Ukraine? I could make the case there is one, but that’s the point — the case needs to be made instead of just flippantly dismissing anyone who asks for more than “Russia bad” as a justification.

    Still, Gabbard’s comments aren’t just causing waves on the right. On the left, she’s already seen as a bit of a traitor, having developed an almost libertarian bent over the last few years. That she continues to go after the Biden administration, first on vaccine mandates, and now on foreign policy, bugs them. Democrats don’t take kindly to independent thinkers and Gabbard has never been one to stay in her lane. Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign can attest to that, may it rest in peace.

    But there are two ideological factions that will fully support Gabbard’s message, and they represent an incredibly odd pairing. Libertarians and right-leaning populists normally hate each other, but on this topic, they are perfectly in sync. Tucker Carlson has already slammed the idea of going to war with Russia over Ukraine and Libertarians generally oppose foreign entanglements of all types. So Gabbard may be despised by some, but she’s also making new friends along the way.

    As to the merits of her argument, I tend to agree that going to war over Ukraine would be foolhardy. The truth is that when Biden handed Putin Nordstream 2, we lost our biggest piece of leverage to hold Russia at bay. The time to fix this situation was early in the year. I’m also skeptical Putin even really wants to invade Ukraine.

    The right move here is to wait and see. The faux tough guy act Biden is putting on, threatening yet more economic sanctions, only makes us look impotent. The president should have given an ultimatum and then shut his mouth. But I digress, that would require having a chief executive who actually knows what he’s doing. December 8, 2021 By: Bonchie https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/12/08/tulsi-gabbard-delivers-a-message-on-russia-and-ukraine-sure-to-tick-off-everyone-n488746

    Comment/Opinion: Rather than share my opinion, I thought it best to expand upon another recent comment made by Tulsi (tweet below) and with the recent commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, an analysis from Dr. Shiva.

    One aspect to give weighty consideration to – “Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.”

  • Tulsi Strikes Again

    Tulsi Strikes Again

    This editor has made no secret of his political crush on Hawaii rep Tulsi Gabbard. Today there’s more reason to crush on her. She posted a video laying out all the reasons she voted no on the so-called Covid relief bill.


    “First of all, this bill was over 5,500 pages long,” she began. “We received the text of this bill at approximately 2:30 this afternoon, and we’re told we’d have to go and vote on it just a few hours later. There is no way that anybody in Congress had the opportunity or the time to go through and read this bill to know exactly what was in it. I’ve been here long enough to see how provisions are snuck into these bills literally in the dark of night, without any announcement, without telling anyone what is in it, and then rushed through in the manner that we have just seen tonight.”

    She then goes into some of the items hidden in the text of the nearly $900 billion dollar bill. She said “the central part of this bill was supposed to be about providing direct COVID relief to the American people who are struggling and who need help the most.” But instead the bill “dished out hundreds of billions of dollars” to special interests, the military, and foreign countries while telling average Americans, “Here’s what’s left for you: You get 600 bucks.”

    It’s really a shame my favorite democrat is retiring from Congress at the end of this term. We could use more like her.