A Dire Warning: Thé US Plan..

A Dire Warning: The US Plan To Make Ukraine Into Europe’s ‘Big Israel’ From: Zero Hedge In…

The Media and Ukraine War…

The Media and Ukraine War Coverage: Where Truth Takes a Holiday Connor O’Keeffe for mises.org As Ukrainian forces…

Putin’s War, Week 69. As CNN Reports the Ukrainians Have Stalled the First Breakthrough Happens

Ukrainian SF clears strongpoint of Russians. CREDIT: 73d Maritime Special Operations Group streiff | RedState This week’s big…

Putin’s War, Week 64. Patriots Score Big and the Scene Is Set for Offensive Action

T-72 Tank. CREDIT: vecstock via Freepik streiff | RedState Most of the action over the last week…

Patriot Leaves Skeptics Wordless, Russians Embarassed, and Kiev Littered With Pieces of Putin’s Wonder Weapons

Patriot Launch Units. CREDIT: Public Domain Image  streiff | RedState Monday night, the Russian armed forces launched…

Putin’s War, Week 63. Chechens Replace Wagner in Bakhmut, Storm Shadow Arrives, and Russia Says ‘Family Guy’ Is a Meany-Pants

Ukraine Commandos in action. Credit: senivpetro/Freepik  streiff |  RedState As we finish up Month Fifteen of Vladimir…

Putin’s War, Week 62. Kremlin Droned, Russia Dissed by Friends and Allies, and Ukraine’s Offensive Takes Shape

 streiff | RedState Welcome back to the Ukraine Update. Today marks the 435th day of combat operations.…

Putin’s War, Week 61. Xi Calls, Prigozhin Sounds El Degüello, and Surprise Attacks at Sevastopol, Kherson, and (Maybe) St. Petersburg

Disabled 2S19 Msta self-propelled gun, somewhere in Ukraine.  Streiff | RedState Week 61 of Putin’s War didn’t…

Putin’s War, Week 60. Leaked Documents, a Russian Troll Exposed, and More Pieces Fall Into Place

AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris streiff | RedState Last week, I said I was posting the shortest Ukraine Update…

Putin’s War, Week 59. Russia Goes ISIS and Waiting for General Mud to Take a Break

AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda streiff | RedState Welcome to Week 59 of Putin’s War in Ukraine. This is…