Tag: Violent Protests

  • Biden Praised For Copying Pence’s RNC Remarks On Violent Riots

    Biden Praised For Copying Pence’s RNC Remarks On Violent Riots

    Polls have been showing that Democrats’ embrace of violent protest movements is hurting them politically. 

    The Biden campaign let Joe out of his basement and sent him off to speechify on the topic. Interestingly enough, his remarks were eerily similar what our sitting Vice President had to say on the topic. 

    Per The Federalist candidate Biden said, 

    “Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting.”

    During his speech at Ft. McHenry, on August 26, Vice President Spence said, 

    “President Trump and I will always support the right of Americans to peaceful protest, but rioting and looting is not peaceful protest; tearing down statues is not free speech. And those who do so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” 

    More interesting is Biden’s failure to, in any way shape or form, infer such behaviors were a violation of law. Nor did he speak about prosecution of such law breaking. There is a reason for not speaking to such a topic. The prosecutors, in charge of such actions, have not seen fit to refuse to prosecute any of these protesting heathens. In fact, they have released those arrested. 

    Source: Biden Praised For Copying Pence’s RNC Remarks On Violent Riots