Tag: Wokeness

  • A 43% Drop in White…

    A 43% Drop in White…

    A 43% Drop in White Recruits Caused the Army’s ‘Recruitment Crisis’

    The real military recruitment crisis is DEI discrimination against white people.

    January 16, 2024 by Daniel Greenfield for Frontpage Magazine 

    The military recruitment crisis that has crippled our defense capabilities has been talked to death by generals, politicians and pundits who have blamed everything from rising minimum wages to obesity to Gen Z culture for the problem. They have raised enlistment bonuses to unprecedented levels, spent fortunes on ad campaigns that feature lesbian weddings and doubled down on DEI as the answer to the crisis. And yet the crisis has grown worse.

    That’s because recruitment was a self-inflicted problem caused by a woke racist military.

    Between 2018 and 2023, white Army recruits, once the mainstay, fell from a bare majority of 56% to a minority at 44%.

    This was not an unintended effect, but policy.

    “We are an Army that wants to look like America,” Maj. Gen. Kevin Vereen, the first black head of Army Recruiting Command, had proclaimed.

    Gen. Gary Brito, the first black head of Army Training and Doctrine Command under whose purview recruiting falls, and the former deputy Army chief of staff for personnel, had boasted of Army “listening sessions” on racism, diversity and inclusion in order to maximize diversity.

    Military brass had been tasked with creating a military that “looked more like America” and as a result the number of white Army recruits declined year by year and fell 43% from 44,042 in 2018 to 25,070 in 2023.

    Black, Hispanic and other minority recruits became a majority, but there weren’t any more of them than there had been before. Minorities were joining the Army at the same rate as they had before, but with fewer white recruits they had become a majority by default.

    Pushing white men away with DEI struggle sessions, affirmative action quotas and mandatory pronoun training was supposed to open the door for minorities who were being ‘blocked’ by the ‘whiteness’ of the military from joining up and serving, but the minorities aren’t showing up.

    Equity had created a recruitment crisis with a majority-minority enlistment population that looked good on paper, but without the white recruits, the Army experienced a shortfall of 10,000 recruits. Rather than growing the Army, the emphasis on DEI had shrunk it instead.

    Army Secretary Christine Wormuth urged “strategically deploying recruiters to communities across the country based on demographics, ethnicity, race, and gender.”

    40% of military recruits come out of the South, 44% come from rural areas and the Army instead began recruiting in “underrepresented cities” like Baltimore, Minneapolis, and New York City.

    Wormuth, who got her start as a Clinton intern, complained that, “today more than 80% of recruits come from military families. There is a risk of developing a warrior caste when only 1% of the population serves in the military.” But without the “warrior caste”, no one serves.

    Woke military leaders turned their backs on the white rural men from military families who represented their recruitment base and instead began chasing minority recruits in NYC.

    A Quinnipiac poll from 2022 found that if America were invaded, 70% of men, 40% of women, 57% of white men, 61% of Hispanics and 38% of black people would stay and fight. Military recruitment has been retooled to focus on those least likely to want to fight for America.

    West Point was turning away even very well qualified white candidates while its Director of Admissions admitted that “every qualified African-American applicant were offered admission into West Point, yet the class composition goal was still lacking.” The goal was the United States Military Academy’s intensive quota system meant to cut 20% of white officers from the mix.

    The Academy has been sued by qualified white candidates, including a high school student with a 4.2 GPA, three family members currently serving in the military and a grandfather who fought in the Army on D-Day, who were kept out because their skin color was not diverse enough.

    Beyond the Army, this was a problem that was taking place across the entire military.

    The Senate recently voted to confirm Charles Q. Brown Jr. as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. While serving as Air Force Chief of Staff, Brown had endorsed a 43% quota for white male officers at a time when 86% of pilots are white men. That’s how you get recruitment shortages.

    As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Brown is in a position to deepen the military’s systemic racism.

    The recruitment crisis was a case of the woke military leadership getting almost exactly what they wanted. White men, locked out of career tracks, forced into implicit bias and pronoun training, have opted out. Military families are telling their kids not to serve and ending the “warrior caste” that Army Secretary Christine Wormuth was worried about. And with Army recruiters focusing on Baltimore and New York City, instead of the rural South, potential recruits are left behind. But the woke military is struggling and failing to find the woke recruits it wanted.

    It was always the rural white men who were going to be the likeliest to fight and die for America.

    “We’ve never offered $50,000 to join the Army,”  Maj. Gen. Kevin Vereen, head of U.S. Army Recruiting Command, had said. You can’t pay anyone enough to hold the line on the battlefield.

    The Army turned away those who would serve for love of their country and can’t seem to find enough of those diverse Gen Z’ers with multiple pronouns who will serve for money.

    The leaders who have made these decisions have blamed the crisis on everything except their policies. They claim that obesity, the job market, opioids and even an “underfunded public school system” are the reasons that recruits aren’t showing up. The real reason is racism.

    Their racism.

    The recruitment crisis consists of the missing white men who aren’t showing up for duty.

    The military doesn’t have a recruitment crisis: it has a systemic racism crisis. Reversing the recruitment crisis requires getting rid of DEI. Woke military leaders have claimed that they need DEI to prepare for the diverse recruits of tomorrow, but the diverse recruits aren’t coming.

    The U.S. Army signed a $4 billion marketing contract with Omnicom, one of whose subsidiaries worked on the Biden campaign, to market the military. It could tear up that contract, save the money and restore the traditions of honor, colorblind service and integrity that made it strong.

    Ending woke systemic racism in the military will also end the recruitment crisis.

  • Revisiting The Racialist…

    Revisiting The Racialist…

    Revisiting The Racialist Nonsense Espoused By Biden’s Pick For Joint Chiefs Of Staff Chair

    Shawn Fleetwood for  The Federalist.com

    The Senate Armed Services Committee is expected to hold a confirmation hearing in the coming weeks for Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, who was tapped by President Joe Biden last month to become the next chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 

    While legacy media’s coverage has largely focused on the “history-making” nature of Brown’s nomination, such coverage has ignored the Air Force general’s previously disclosed support for the same DEI ideology currently wreaking havoc on the U.S. military. For context, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives (often abbreviated to DEI) employ a divisive and poisonous ideology dismissive of merit to discriminate based on characteristics such as skin color and sexual orientation. Individuals who qualify for a certain position due to their merits but don’t meet the discriminating entity’s goal of being more “diverse” are passed over in favor of those who meet the preferred identitarian standards.

    Following the May 2020 death of George Floyd, Brown issued a video statement expressing his thoughts on the situation and his personal experience as a black American in the Air Force. In the video, Brown questioned whether non-black airmen viewed racism as a problem, saying“I’m thinking about how these airmen view racism, whether they don’t see it as a problem since it doesn’t happen to them or whether they’re empathetic.” At the end of the video, Brown also expressed his desire to acquire “the wisdom and knowledge to lead, participate in, and listen to necessary conversations on racism, diversity, and inclusion.”

    While participating in a virtual discussion hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs later that year, Brown indicated that“[a]t the higher level of the Air Force, diversity ha[d] moved to the forefront of personnel decisions such as promotions and hiring.” During the same event, Brown also admitted to using his post to increase opportunities for so-called “diverse candidates” in the Air Force, saying he “hire[d] for diversity” when building his staff.

    Brown has also pushed back against sentiments from congressional Republicans who have expressed concerns about the Biden administration’s attempt to spread DEI instruction throughout the military, saying in a February 2022 interview, “[Y]ou’ve got to look at the demographics of our country, how it’s changing. If you have that approach [of opposing inclusivity efforts] you’re gonna have very few people that come serve.”

    In addition to espousing racialist rhetoric, Brown has also seemingly taken several actions as Air Force chief of staff to expand so-called “diversity” and “inclusion” efforts throughout the branch. During a January 2021 interview with The Washington Post, Brown — in response to being asked about a PBS report alleging a lack of diversity among Air Force personnel — claimed the Air Force was taking several actions to address such purported issues. 

    “We broke up our promotion boards to actually do developmental categories, so it wasn’t kind of about a big one-size-fits-all by and large, and that gives us a better little better chance to work some of the talent management aspects,” Brown said. “The other things that we have to do is ensure that we have diversity on the boards, but also diversity on the candidate list. And that’s something we have been doing, but I don’t know that we’ve been doing as purposeful as we probably could and as purposeful as we plan to do.”

    Additional examples of Brown’s attempts to woke-ify the Air Force can found here.

    The progressives are determined to use our military as social experiment. It started with Obama and continues (much more openly and actively) under the puppeteer’s administration. None of our enemies need to take any direct action to attack us. They need merely to sit back and laughingly watch the destruction of our military.

  • The Narcissism Of …

    The Narcissism Of …

    The Narcissism Of Woke Totalitarianism

    “Anyone who thinks the terrifying trend of posthumous censure will end with Roald Dahl is dreaming”

    Michael Shellenberger

    The publisher of the late British children’s author, Roald Dahl, has changed hundreds of words and passages in his books to make them politically correct. “Language related to weight, mental health, violence, gender, and race has been cut and rewritten,” reported The Telegraph, whose journalists compared 10 of Dahl’s books from 2022 to their 2001 versions. “Remember the Cloud-Men in James and the Giant Peach? They are now the Cloud-People. The Small Foxes in Fantastic Mr. Fox are now female. In Matilda, a mention of Rudyard Kipling has been cut, and Jane Austen added.”

    The racially sensitive censors even removed the word “black” as a descriptor of inanimate objects. “In Fantastic Mr. Fox, a description of tractors, saying that ‘the machines were both black,’ has been cut. In the new Dahl world, it seems, neither machines nor animals can be described with a colour.”

    The censorship by Puffin, which Penguin Publishing Group owns, drew a sharply critical response from journalists and authors. “Roald Dahl was no angel,” tweeted Salman Rushdie, “but this is absurd censorship. Puffin Books and the Dahl estate should be ashamed.” Seethed Brendan O’Neill in The Spectator, “If you weren’t worried about cancel culture before, surely this egregious assault on some of the best-known children’s books of the modern era, this posthumous purging of an author’s output, will change your mind.”

    Many on Twitter posted a quote from George Orwell’s 1984, his famous novel about a future totalitarian dystopia. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified,” the novel’s main character says, “every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered.”

    Totalitarianism is a strong word for the censorship of children’s books. The changing of “The old hag” to “the old crow,” “Chambermaid” to “cleaner,” and “You must be mad, woman!” to “You must be out of your mind!” in some kiddie books is hardly on par with the censorship of totalitarian regimes. And Dahl himself made his books less offensive, re-writing the Oompa-Loompa characters in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory so they were no longer African.

    But Dahl would have been horrified by the hundreds of changes made by Puffin. “His relationships with his editors included marked fractiousness on Dahl’s part,” said his biographer. “He resisted interference.” Re-writing an author’s books without his consent, whether for legal reasons or because he is dead, violates the trust between authors and publishers everywhere. That such censorship is coming from within media, educational, and research institutions, in addition to governmental ones, doesn’t make it less dangerous, and may make it more so.

    The Dahl censorship is occurring against the backdrop of an increasingly censorious Wokeism. Over the last few weeks, we have seen a witch huntagainst psychologist Jordan Peterson, an open letter from 1,000 writers, authors, and journalists demanding that The New York Times not report on problems with prescribing gender dysphoric children puberty blockers, and a State Department-funded “Disinformation Index,” which slanderedThe New York Post, Reason, and other reputable publications as fonts of disinformation, and urged corporations to redirect their advertising spending to publications including Huffington Post.

    Two years ago, when activists were tearing down statutes of historical figures, people quoted from Orwell, above (“every statue and street and building has been renamed”). Since then, Woke activists have, with Dahl, started down the road of realizing another clause in that sentence: “every book has been rewritten.” Warns O’Neill, “Anyone who thinks the terrifying trend of posthumous censure will end with Dahl is dreaming.”

    Totalitarianism is characterized by efforts to completely remake every aspect of society, including cultural life, and Wokeism today is re-writing texts, de-certifying disfavored individuals, cutting off funding, getting people fired, and pressuring social media platforms to deny access or secretly censor. Woke totalitarians are plainly seeking the total reorganization of society along the lines of a racist “hierarchy of oppression” that puts black and indigenous people above other “people of color,” (i.e., Latinos and Asians) as a single “BIPOC” ruling class. This is ostensibly to create the reverse of past hierarchies and is thus transparently vengeful and racist.

    It is worth reminding ourselves that freedom of speech is not just “another issue;” it is the foundation of democracy. Without it, we can’t address any other problem, particularly sensitive ones concerning race and sex. And without it, we cannot truly live as free, dignified, and civilized humans.

    We are not doomed to a dystopian 1984 future. But the 20th Century proves that we are not guaranteed a free and democratic one. What can be done to stop creeping Woke totalitarianism? To answer that question, we must first understand what’s driving it.

    This should not be surprising. If they could find Dr. Seuss offensive, they will find all prior literature offensive. One wonders why they have not rewritten “Dick and Jane” books.

  • The Establishment Is…

    The Establishment Is…

    The Establishment Is Running Out of Cannon Fodder for Its Woke Military

    By Kurt Schlichter for Townhall

    Jump out of a perfectly good airplane, charge a machine gun nest, be stationed at Ft. Irwin – these are just three of the myriad miseries American patriots are willing to endure to defend our country. But today’s military is asking too much of our young people, as evidenced by the crashing recruitment rates that threaten to deplete a military already running short of soldiers. Have our young people suddenly turned from heroes to zeros, ne’er-do-well heirs of the brave warriors who confronted the forces of tyrannical gun control at Lexington and Concord? 

    No. The kids are alright. The problems lie echelons above. 

    Here’s a little leadership secret that’s actually not a secret at all to competent commissioned and non-commissioned officers. There are no bad cohorts of soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and whatever the hell Space Force people are called. There are only bad leaders, and we have the worst military leadership in American history, starting right at the top with a commander-in-chief who is less like Ike than Beavis. 

    In fact – and this rips me up to say because I would not trade my about 27 years in the Army for anything – the reluctance to enlist of the traditional, normal Americans who are most likely to serve and who are the most desirable for service, is entirely rational. You do have an obligation to serve your country in some way, the military being the highest and best way for those who are able. But you do not have an obligation to do so if your life is going to be squandered by a leadership whose strategies are a disaster, whose priorities are not the defense of this country but some sort of bizarre pan-global progressive ideology, and who will use you as a guinea pig in freakish and morally bankrupt social experiments, all while failing to fulfill even the most basic obligations of the leaders to the led. Our military today is failing to meet its recruiting goals because it has failed to earn the trust of normal Americans who would otherwise be inclined to raise their hands. 

    As I discuss in my new non-fiction book from Regnery, “We’ll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America,” our military was once great: 

    “I was there at America’s pinnacle, present temporally and physically, right at the very peak of American power. But I did not know it then. In fact, it would not become clear to me until decades later. On February 24, 1991, I was a few miles west of Hafar al Batin in the Saudi Arabian desert along Tapline Road, at the main command post of the mighty VII Corps with my chemical decontamination platoon ….  When President Bush declared the ground war over on February 27, 1991, after about one hundred hours, I did not understand what it meant except in terms of my approximately 20-man unit. We knew we had won—the vaunted Republican Guard, with its Soviet gear, had been swept away by the unstoppable power of the VII Corps’s American tanks and the attached Brit armored division. Not just swept away—annihilated, defeated utterly and completely, so decisively that our potential opponents around the world watched in stunned horror as it dawned on them what America could do. It could do any damn thing it wanted. 

    I was micro-focused on the platoon’s mission, so when the final victory was announced, I did not realize what was truly happening in the macro. I understood that I was an insignificant cog in a vast machine that had delivered our countrymen a remarkable triumph, but I would not fully appreciate the significance of the moment until 30 years later when, watching an unrecognizable U.S. military humiliated in the debacle at Kabul Airport, I saw America at its postwar nadir.” 

    If we want enough quality recruits, we need to make our military great again.

    I was present at the last great American military victory, and while I personally contributed nothing significant to it, I still highly recommend the experience over the grotesque betrayal of our warriors we saw when Biden abandoned Afghanistan. Thirteen dead, and for what? It was an operation that, to the extent that it was planned at all, was so poorly planned that it is hard to believe that no one was fired. But then, that’s not really so hard to believe at all. Accountability is for an E3 who leaves his M4 in the crapper, but promotions are for the bigwigs who had months of warning but still failed to ensure adequate infrastructure was in place at an airport so that a bomber could walk within 15 meters of our troops and blow himself and them up. 

    On the tactical side – at the battalion level – our troops executed as well as could be expected in the horrible situation their senior leaders had led them into. But if you are a young American thinking of serving their country and you see that fiasco, are you going to rush out to sign on the line that is dotted? 

    Our leadership is painfully frivolous regarding the most serious business of our government. What’s the bigger deal, China or the weather? The weather. Ridiculous. Hey, if our greatest strategic challenge is really climate change, maybe you might want to spend four years of your life enjoying yourself instead of sloshing through mud. Let them go enlist some Gaia worshippers from Santa Monica or Manhattan. 

    Yeah, that’ll happen. The fact is, the kind of middle American patriots who make up our military are the very same people the ruling class our military serves calls “deplorables.” 

    Oh, and who needs to earn GI Bill benefits when our Crusty-In-Chief and his party want to dump the tuition debts of students who fought the Battle of the Bong at Gumbo State on to suckers who paid their own way?

    Serving our country is great – but the key component of that is the “our country” part. Right now, our country is being invaded over our Southern border, but if you were to enlist, you would not be going there to protect your home. It seems, from the giddy excitement of the bipartisan fusion party (H/T to Michael Walsh) about this new opportunity to spill other people’s kids’ blood, that you might get the chance to defend Ukraine’s borders. You will not be joined by anyone with a Ukrainian flag emoji in their Twitter bio, and you will go into battle knowing the discos of Kyiv are packed as we defend their country. 

    These are not selling points to the kind of smart young people we need filling our ranks. 

    Now, there is an off-chance that you might be engaged in a necessary war where American interests are truly at issue, but you will also realize that despite a nearly trillion dollar a year budget, our equipment is still aging and falling apart, and while there’s always money to celebrate Pride Month, there’s never enough training ammo. 

    That social justice nonsense is another reason we can’t recruit. Would you want to waive your civil rights and sleep in the dirt to be part of an institution that hates you? Would you feel like joining an organization whose leadership is very, very focused on mythical “white privilege” and those scary “insurrectionists?” Remember, if you are conservative, you are an official extremist threat. If you are a believer, you run afoul of the official morality of CRT. If you think men can’t become women because they feel like it, you are a horrible bigot and you will be ordered to lie and use the pronoun du jour or else. 

    Oh, and if you won’t submit to a vaccine that has not done much of what was promised, out you go with no pension. What a disastrous betrayal by our leadership. 

    Maybe the people who think we ought to fight all their ridiculous wars should go do it themselves. Let’s see some nametapes with “Cheney,” or “Bush,” or “Obama” on them. Of course, credit is due to Biden – 50% of his sons served honorably and were not tossed out day one for drugs. Hey, if this was baseball, at .500 President Gumby would be the greatest batter of all time! 

    Maybe the people who presume to lead our troops should stop trying to convert steely-eyed killers into neurotic Wellesley sophomores, complete with a long roster of microaggressions to focus on instead of training to win wars – something we have not done decisively in 30 years. 

    And maybe our leaders need to stop tossing out fine troopers because of a flu shot. 

    But they won’t do that as long as our president is this half-wit dust puppet. As “We’ll Be Back” points out, the key to revitalizing our military is electing a president who will confront the Pentagon with a whip and a chair. The joint chiefs? Fired. The heads of the military schools and war colleges? Fired. Everyone in a slot with a title that includes the word “diversity,” “inclusion,” or “equity?” Fired if a civilian, transferred to a real job if not. 

    Until then, it’s sad that so many of the great potential warriors our country produces will take a hard pass on the military. But then, in the face of the total failure of the military’s leadership starting right at the top, it’s understandable if regrettable. We need a serious president who will spend serious political capital and, more importantly, serious time fixing what is broken. It can be done, but until it gets done, don’t expect enough of the kind of troops you would actually want to enlist to flock down to the recruiting offices. 

    One of the several mistakes President Trump made was in appointing General MIliie as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. No, that is not a typographical error. Millie is so focused on wokeness and gender issues one wonders if he is having a gender identity issues.
    Having said that, with Obama’s record of ridding the hierarchy of ”readiness” focused officers and elevating ’social justice’ focused officers, it is likely President Trump’s selections were severely limited.

  • Malarkey – Body Politic…

    Malarkey – Body Politic…

    Disney continues to lose public support…as they should!!

    Body Politic Rejects Woke Organ Transplant

    Downstream Disney Disruption
    Carrie Sheffield headline: “The market has spoken: Disney should stick to entertainment instead of politics in order to stop its nosedive.” 

    “Disney’s now facing the wrath of Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, who wants to strip Disney of another special government carveout. Congress initially voted to set the length of a copyright to last 14 years. Over time, however, businesses with crony capitalist lobby shops, like Disney, convinced lawmakers to extend copyright protections up to 120 years.

    “‘While extending copyrights has been beneficial to established businesses, it has been detrimental to startups and small businesses,’ Devin Miller, founder of Miller IP Law, told me. ‘While Josh Hawley’s motivation may be prompted by the current political atmosphere with Disney, the reduction of length of copyrights would assist startups and small businesses to better compete with established businesses, spur innovation, and increase economic development.’”

    “Disney’s left-wing activism is part of a broader ecosystem of corporate executives bending to a vocal, angry and progressive mob—sometimes within their own firms and sometimes on Twitter. These corporations are backing leftist causes, thinly veiled under a label called Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG).”

    “But there’s good news. Investor Vivek Ramaswamy, backed by tech founder Peter Thiel, just launched Strive Asset Management, a new fund to push backagainst ESG trends, promising investors they’d buy ‘excellent products and services,’ and not support ‘divisive political issues that fragment them as both customers and shareholders of these companies.’”

    When Chasing Popularity Becomes Unpopular
    Sheffield: “Disney’s turmoil comes amid findings about out-of-touch executives in a study conducted by the Brunswick Group, a management firm. Brunswick reported 63% of corporate executives ‘agree unequivocally that companies should speak out on social issues,’ but just 36% of voters agree. Brunswick said corporate execs have ‘a highlyinflated sense of how effective corporate communication has been on social issues compared to voters.’”

    Daily Caller: “Majority Of Americans Want Corporations To Stop Meddling In Politics”

    “Almost 90% of Americans have said they are likely to stop using a company’s product or service if it openly advocates for a political agenda they disagree with, according to a poll conducted by The Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action.

    “‘The progressive left’s insistence that everybody and everything adhere to their agenda and politics is now coming home to roost,’ said Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States Action, in an email received by The Daily Caller.

    “‘When an overwhelming majority of Americans, from all political backgrounds say they are now likely to boycott companies they disagree with, it’s an indicator that regardless of what side they choose to take, this is a losing battle for the companies. Unless they want to be continuously in the middle of a culture war, it’s time for companies to leave politics and activism behind, and return to simply providing products and services to their customers.’”

    Senate Opportunity Fund mused in reaction to late March polling: “Canary In The Boardroom?” 

    As with media, and sports figures, their sense of importance is extremely overinflated! The poll, referenced in the article, is clear on that topic. ”63% of corporate executives ‘agree unequivocally that companies should speak out on social issues,’ but just 36% of voters agree. Brunswick said corporate execs have ‘a highlyinflated sense of how effective corporate communication has been on social issues compared to voters.’” Hollyweird, media and sports figures percentage on their sense of relevance is likely higher.

  • Malarkey – So Woke

    Malarkey – So Woke

    This is such good news for us. Certainly there are still attacks; however, they are losing their power. They have so distorted language even the least educated can see it.

    So Woke They Can’t See Straight

    Outkick’s Bobby Burack: “At this point, the far Left may completely self-destruct because when ideology becomes a religion, its adherents never know when to stop.” 

    “Though they looked mighty in stature, the woke Left never quite captured the support of the country. Most Americans never liked them. It only seemed that way because they had so successfully taken over our most influential institutions — the media, tech, Hollywood, sports, and academia — and thereby controlled public messaging. Today, we see that the rest of the country is finally fighting back.

    Radicalized institutions have become a net negative for progressives. The Left is losing influence over the consensus conversation because even moderates have begun to resent their abuse of power.

    “Americans have notably revolted against the corporate press, the most effective source of messaging. Journalists and anchors can no longer turn Americans against one another because Americans, by and large, have turnedon them.

    “This is the state of the cultural divide: character assassins who have set out to expose their enemies have ultimately exposed themselves.”

    “So the advantage in the culture war is shifting quickly. Previously dispirited Americans now see how fragile these paper tigers have always been. 

    “It’s unfortunate that it took years of online smear campaigns, the installment of CRT training programs across the country, and social media companies interfering with the 2020 presidential election for the pendulum to swing. The weak can only win when you willingly play by their rules, and we willingly played by their rules for far too long.”

    “This entire campaign has always had an expiration date. Its existence was never to create a more equal society but to advance the social status of corporate and political leaders and to defeat the opposition. Wokeism has never bettered anyone. In fact, it has fractured families, communities, companies, and institutions across this country. Some of which will not recover.

    “But neither will the woke Left. Their stranglehold on public messaging has weakened. It is now a losing strategy.”

  • Malarkey – Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

    Malarkey – Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

    I continue to find the corporate lack of understanding of how their woke stances can adversely impact their bottom line beyond incomprehensible.
    For those who may not remember, or have known, ’Can You Feel The Love Tonight’ is one of the songs from Disney’s movie ’The Lion King’.

    Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

    Hakuna Matata
    WSJ Ed Board: “Revolt in Disney’s Florida Kingdom”

    “Its alienating push into Florida politics is a warning for other CEOs.”

    “One answer is that previous corporate political signaling came with little cost and media hosannas. Recall when Major League Baseball pulled its All-Star Game out of Atlanta, as a punishment for Georgia’s new voting law.

    “Perhaps he thought this would be a free way to mollify his staff, but Mr. Chapek misjudged the political moment. Republican voters who have watched companies side with the progressive agenda and silence employees who disagree are fed up.

    “There’s a warning here to other companies, especially Big Tech and Wall Street, which are mainly based in liberal states but conduct business everywhere. If they try to impose their cultural values, they risk losing Republican allies on the policy issues that matter most to their bottom lines, such as regulation, trade, taxation, antitrust and labor law.”

    “The Disney lesson for CEOs is to stay out of these divisive cultural fights. The lesson for political partisans in the workplace is that their bosses run the office, but they don’t run the country.

    Be Prepared
    Examiner: “Disney chose war with the GOP on behalf of a party that hates it”

    “Whether it is good that Republicans are essentially exacting revenge by revoking Disney’s special status or not, it is the inevitable result of Disney making itself a cultural arm of the Democratic Party. And this is not unique to Disney: Major corporations of all stripes have completely bought in to the Democratic Party’s cultural battles, whether they believe in the causes or are simply afraid of mean tweets from activists or unfavorable media coverage.

    “Corporations like Disney have declared cultural war against the GOP, the pro-business party that generally favors fewer regulations, on behalf of Democrats who would rather crush them.”

    “Conservatives and Republicans are not going to be running to the defense of Disney over its special status being revoked, and they won’t be standing in between woke corporations and the Democratic Party’s antitrust warriors either. Disney and other corporations chose to become talking point parrots for a party that hates their very existence. They will now have to lie in the bed they made for themselves.”

    The Lion Sleeps Tonight
    Federalist: “Gov. DeSantis Is Right To Attack Disney. Republicans Everywhere Should Follow His Lead

    “This is how you deal with big corporations that try to throw around their weight and force woke policies on voters and families. You punish them, not just because they deserve it …”

    “Indeed, at any other time and place, with almost any other Republican governor and legislature, Disney would almost certainly not have faced any consequences for wading into the debate over the parental rights bill. After all, since when do Republicans actually wield power against the enemies of their voters and defend ordinary families from powerful woke corporations? Almost never.

    “By breaking that mold, DeSantis has set a clear example that other GOP governors and state lawmakers should follow. If a corporation like Disney wants to insert itself in a political battle that has nothing to do with its business — in this case, a fight over whether to prohibit classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity to children in kindergarten through the third grade — then it should be prepared to pay a heavy cost.”

    “This isn’t about the economic arguments, not anymore. Whatever merit there was to the notion that Disney ‘serves the public interest’ before the fight over parental rights has completely vanished. Now that Disney has taken a stand against families and parents, there can be no doubt: Disney does not serve the public interest in Florida, and Floridians owe it nothing.

    “For many years now, only one sidein this war has been crying ‘no quarter’ before every battle. The other side has pretended not to believe it and surrendered time and again, with predictable results. Finally, DeSantis and Florida Republicans have taken the enemy at their word, and responded in kind. Republicans everywhere should go and do likewise.”

    Circle Of Life
    RedState: “Funny how the gamebook of the left becomes offensive when those on the right start running the same plays.

    “The Disney-DeSantis Dust-up Leaves the Left Outraged Their Tactics Were Used Against Them

    “It also places leftists and members of the media in the awkward position – for them – of defending a version of corporate welfare. But in reality, they also ignore that the First Amendment, while allowing freedom of expression, does not mean you are free from experiencing the ramifications of your words. Disney is not being forced into silence, nor compelled to change its practices. The company chose to enter a political fight; it is in no way protected from being hit.

    “What has the left and the media in a furor is a governor resorting to the methods they have supported for the better part of the decade. It was fine for them to target businesses into forced compliance with an agenda, so now the blueprint is in place for dealing with woke corporations that are attempting to leverage their own agendas. The method used may be uncomfortable, but the design that has been accepted requires such reactions.”

    Just Can’t Wait To Be King
    James Freeman: “What Happened to Disney’s Florida ‘Stakeholders’? Businesses that claim to have a greater purpose than serving shareholders often end up serving a lesser political agenda.”

    “Disney’s intervention into Florida politics highlights again the problems that arise when businesses stray from their central purpose of creating long-term value for shareholders.” 

    “Also, how do Disney shareholders benefit from Mr. Chapek’s foray into cultural politics? Some may want to sell their stakes and instead buy shares in a business where the CEO demonstrates corporate responsibility—to the owners.”

    Vivek Ramaswamy: “Disney’s CEO took a toxic political position that hurt Disney’s business. Normal capitalism: his top 3 shareholders would tell him to knock it off. Capitalism today: BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard tell him to keep at it in the name of ‘ESG’ & ‘DEI.’ That’s the problem.”

  • Malarkey – Entertainment

    Malarkey – Entertainment

    In case you missed it, NetFlix stock cratered last week. It is not just NetFlix having issues. A great majority of the entertainment industry is encountering issues. They fail to understand their wokeness is not accepted by many.

    There is a ’malarkey’ for that.

    Wokeness Infecting 
    Entertainment, Economy 

    Wokeness Weakens Netflix
    FOX on Netflix: “Critics agree with @elonmusk’s assessment that ‘woke mind virus’ is hurting streaming service”

    “‘Until the company breaks out of its left-wing bubble, it will continue to alienate countless potential customers in the U.S. and around the world,’ [Media Research Center contributor Elise] Ehrhard wrote.”

    “‘Americans don’t want woke nonsense, which is what this is, they want to be entertained.’”

    Wokeness Weakens HBO
    FOX: “HBO’s ‘Game Theory with Bomani Jones’ has failed to resonate with Americans after being billed as a program that ‘discusses timely issues that transcend the world of sports,’ as critics feel the host’s habit of making so many issues about race is a major turn-off. 

    “‘It’s one of the least shocking things right now that so few people are interested in woke sports talk and venom being hurled at them, all on the basis of pitting Black and White people against each other,’ NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck told Fox News Digital.”

    Wokeness Weakens Disney/ESPN
    Daily Wire: “Jason Whitlock Takes Aim At Disney, ESPN: ‘Feminizing And Wokefying Sports’” 

    Wokeness Weakens CNN
    Spud Stud Brian Stelter: “Breaking: CNN+, the streaming service that was hyped as one of the most significant developments in the history of CNN, will shut down on April 30, just one month after it launched.” 

    Wokeness Weakens Apple
    Breitbart: “EPIC HUMILIATION: Rich Democrat Party activist Jon Stewart’s new show is a humiliating flop with only 40,000 viewers.” 

    “Jon Stewarts are everywhere now. You have Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, that English asshole on HBO, not to mention two cable news outlets — CNN and MSNBC — who have ended their days as journalists to own the Trumptards 24/7.”

    “America is drowning in smugly dishonest left-wingers trashing the GOP.”

    Wokeness Weakens CBS
    FOX: “@joerogan roasts Stephen Colbert for being chummy with top Democrats: He enjoys being in the ‘in-crowd’”

    “[JRE guest Jake] Shields later continued, ‘It’s sad seeing like Stephen Colbert because I used to think that he was funny. And seeing him now is cringe.’”

    “‘Like, where’s the joke? I’d be like, ‘Where’s the joke? People are gonna watch this?’”

    Wokeness Weakens Economy
    FOX: “Former McDonald’s CEO to fight woke corporate politics”

    “‘It is not the providence of board members or executives that take shareholder money profit and spend it on social matters,’ said [Ed] Rensi. ‘Corporations should not get involved in social engineering.’”

    Surely This Self-Defeating Woke Mandate Reflects A Public Consensus, Right?
    Outkick’s Bobby Burack: “A study found that Americans who align with the ‘woke’ account for only 8% of the electorate. They barely exist.

    “Yet they are to whom media & entertainment executives cater. The brands most responsive to ‘political correctness’ are cratering. All of them.”

    The simple unadulterated truth is people are seeking entertainment and not entertainment imbued with ’social justice woke’ propaganda!!